// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include #include #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.h" #include "absl/strings/escaping.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/strings/substitute.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.hpp" #include "upb/reflection/def.hpp" #include "upb/util/def_to_proto.h" #include "upb_generator/common.h" #include "upb_generator/common/names.h" #include "upb_generator/file_layout.h" #include "upb_generator/minitable/names.h" #include "upb_generator/plugin.h" #include "upb_generator/reflection/names.h" namespace upb { namespace generator { namespace { struct Options { std::string dllexport_decl; }; std::string DefInitSymbol(upb::FileDefPtr file) { return ReflectionFileSymbol(file.name()); } static std::string DefHeaderFilename(upb::FileDefPtr file) { return StripExtension(file.name()) + ".upbdefs.h"; } static std::string DefSourceFilename(upb::FileDefPtr file) { return StripExtension(file.name()) + ".upbdefs.c"; } void GenerateMessageDefAccessor(upb::MessageDefPtr d, Output& output) { output("UPB_INLINE const upb_MessageDef *$0(upb_DefPool *s) {\n", ReflectionGetMessageSymbol(d.full_name())); output(" _upb_DefPool_LoadDefInit(s, &$0);\n", DefInitSymbol(d.file())); output(" return upb_DefPool_FindMessageByName(s, \"$0\");\n", d.full_name()); output("}\n"); output("\n"); } void WriteDefHeader(upb::FileDefPtr file, const Options& options, Output& output) { output(FileWarning(file.name())); output( "#ifndef $0_UPBDEFS_H_\n" "#define $0_UPBDEFS_H_\n\n" "#include \"upb/reflection/def.h\"\n" "#include \"upb/reflection/internal/def_pool.h\"\n" "\n" "#include \"upb/port/def.inc\" // Must be last.\n" "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern \"C\" {\n" "#endif\n\n", IncludeGuard(file.name())); output("extern$1 _upb_DefPool_Init $0;\n", DefInitSymbol(file), PadPrefix(options.dllexport_decl)); output("\n"); for (auto msg : SortedMessages(file)) { GenerateMessageDefAccessor(msg, output); } output( "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "} /* extern \"C\" */\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#include \"upb/port/undef.inc\"\n" "\n" "#endif /* $0_UPBDEFS_H_ */\n", IncludeGuard(file.name())); } void WriteDefSource(upb::FileDefPtr file, const Options& options, Output& output) { output(FileWarning(file.name())); output("#include \"upb/reflection/def.h\"\n"); output("#include \"$0\"\n", DefHeaderFilename(file)); output("#include \"$0\"\n", MiniTableHeaderFilename(file.name())); output("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < file.dependency_count(); i++) { output("extern$1 _upb_DefPool_Init $0;\n", DefInitSymbol(file.dependency(i)), PadPrefix(options.dllexport_decl)); } upb::Arena arena; google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto* file_proto = upb_FileDef_ToProto(file.ptr(), arena.ptr()); size_t serialized_size; const char* serialized = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_serialize( file_proto, arena.ptr(), &serialized_size); absl::string_view file_data(serialized, serialized_size); output("static const char descriptor[$0] = {", serialized_size); // C90 only guarantees that strings can be up to 509 characters, and some // implementations have limits here (for example, MSVC only allows 64k: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/error-messages/compiler-errors-1/fatal-error-c1091. // So we always emit an array instead of a string. for (size_t i = 0; i < serialized_size;) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 25 && i < serialized_size; ++i, ++j) { output("'$0', ", absl::CEscape(file_data.substr(i, 1))); } output("\n"); } output("};\n\n"); output("static _upb_DefPool_Init *deps[$0] = {\n", file.dependency_count() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < file.dependency_count(); i++) { output(" &$0,\n", DefInitSymbol(file.dependency(i))); } output(" NULL\n"); output("};\n"); output("\n"); output("_upb_DefPool_Init $0 = {\n", DefInitSymbol(file)); output(" deps,\n"); output(" &$0,\n", MiniTableFileVarName(file.name())); output(" \"$0\",\n", file.name()); output(" UPB_STRINGVIEW_INIT(descriptor, $0)\n", file_data.size()); output("};\n"); } void GenerateFile(upb::FileDefPtr file, const Options& options, Plugin* plugin) { Output h_def_output; WriteDefHeader(file, options, h_def_output); plugin->AddOutputFile(DefHeaderFilename(file), h_def_output.output()); Output c_def_output; WriteDefSource(file, options, c_def_output); plugin->AddOutputFile(DefSourceFilename(file), c_def_output.output()); } bool ParseOptions(Plugin* plugin, Options* options) { for (const auto& pair : ParseGeneratorParameter(plugin->parameter())) { if (pair.first == "dllexport_decl") { options->dllexport_decl = pair.second; } else { plugin->SetError(absl::Substitute("Unknown parameter: $0", pair.first)); return false; } } return true; } } // namespace } // namespace generator } // namespace upb int main(int argc, char** argv) { upb::generator::Plugin plugin; upb::generator::Options options; if (!ParseOptions(&plugin, &options)) return 0; plugin.GenerateFiles([&](upb::FileDefPtr file) { upb::generator::GenerateFile(file, options, &plugin); }); return 0; }