# Copyright (c) 2024 Google LLC # All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd """Public rules for using hpb: - hpb_proto_library() """ load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "use_cpp_toolchain") load("//bazel:upb_proto_library.bzl", "GeneratedSrcsInfo", "UpbWrappedCcInfo", "upb_proto_library_aspect") load("//bazel/common:proto_common.bzl", "proto_common") load("//bazel/private:upb_proto_library_internal/cc_library_func.bzl", "cc_library_func") # buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility def upb_use_cpp_toolchain(): return use_cpp_toolchain() def _filter_none(elems): return [e for e in elems if e] # Dummy rule to expose select() copts to aspects ############################## HpbProtoLibraryCoptsInfo = provider( "Provides copts for hpb proto targets", fields = { "copts": "copts for hpb_proto_library()", }, ) def hpb_proto_library_copts_impl(ctx): return HpbProtoLibraryCoptsInfo(copts = ctx.attr.copts) hpb_proto_library_copts = rule( implementation = hpb_proto_library_copts_impl, attrs = {"copts": attr.string_list(default = [])}, ) _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo = provider("Provider for cc_info for hpb", fields = ["cc_info"]) _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo = provider("Provider for generated sources", fields = ["srcs"]) def _get_lang_toolchain(ctx): return ctx.attr._hpb_lang_toolchain[proto_common.ProtoLangToolchainInfo] def _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, proto_info, proto_sources): if len(proto_sources) == 0: return GeneratedSrcsInfo(srcs = [], hdrs = []) srcs = [] srcs += proto_common.declare_generated_files( ctx.actions, extension = ".upb.proto.cc", proto_info = proto_info, ) hdrs = [] hdrs += proto_common.declare_generated_files( ctx.actions, extension = ".upb.proto.h", proto_info = proto_info, ) hdrs += proto_common.declare_generated_files( ctx.actions, extension = ".upb.fwd.h", proto_info = proto_info, ) proto_common.compile( actions = ctx.actions, proto_info = proto_info, proto_lang_toolchain_info = _get_lang_toolchain(ctx), generated_files = srcs + hdrs, experimental_exec_group = "proto_compiler", ) return GeneratedSrcsInfo(srcs = srcs, hdrs = hdrs) def _upb_cc_proto_rule_impl(ctx): if len(ctx.attr.deps) != 1: fail("only one deps dependency allowed.") dep = ctx.attr.deps[0] if _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo in dep: srcs = dep[_WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo].srcs else: fail("proto_library rule must generate _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo (aspect should have " + "handled this).") if _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo in dep: cc_info = dep[_UpbCcWrappedCcInfo].cc_info elif UpbWrappedCcInfo in dep: cc_info = dep[UpbWrappedCcInfo].cc_info else: fail("proto_library rule must generate UpbWrappedCcInfo or " + "_UpbCcWrappedCcInfo (aspect should have handled this).") lib = cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()[0].libraries[0] files = _filter_none([ lib.static_library, lib.pic_static_library, lib.dynamic_library, ]) return [ DefaultInfo(files = depset(files + srcs.hdrs + srcs.srcs)), srcs, cc_info, ] def _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, cc_provider, file_provider): deps = ctx.rule.attr.deps + ctx.attr._upbprotos dep_ccinfos = [dep[CcInfo] for dep in deps if CcInfo in dep] dep_ccinfos += [dep[UpbWrappedCcInfo].cc_info for dep in deps if UpbWrappedCcInfo in dep] dep_ccinfos += [dep[_UpbCcWrappedCcInfo].cc_info for dep in deps if _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo in dep] if UpbWrappedCcInfo not in target: fail("Target should have UpbWrappedCcInfo provider") dep_ccinfos.append(target[UpbWrappedCcInfo].cc_info) proto_info = target[ProtoInfo] if not getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs", []): # This target doesn't declare any sources, reexport all its deps instead. # This is known as an "alias library": # https://bazel.build/versions/6.4.0/reference/be/protocol-buffer#proto_library.srcs return [cc_provider( cc_info = cc_common.merge_cc_infos(direct_cc_infos = dep_ccinfos), ), file_provider(srcs = GeneratedSrcsInfo(srcs = [], hdrs = []))] else: files = _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, proto_info, proto_info.direct_sources) cc_info = cc_library_func( ctx = ctx, name = ctx.rule.attr.name + ".upbprotos", hdrs = files.hdrs, srcs = files.srcs, copts = ctx.attr._ccopts[HpbProtoLibraryCoptsInfo].copts, dep_ccinfos = dep_ccinfos, ) return [cc_provider(cc_info = cc_info), file_provider(srcs = files)] def _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect_impl(target, ctx): return _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo, _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo) _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect = aspect( attrs = { "_ccopts": attr.label( default = "//hpb:hpb_proto_library_copts", ), "_hpb_lang_toolchain": attr.label( default = "//src/google/protobuf/compiler/hpb:toolchain", ), "_cc_toolchain": attr.label( default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain", ), "_upbprotos": attr.label_list( default = [ # TODO: Add dependencies for cc runtime (absl/string etc..) "//upb:generated_cpp_support__only_for_generated_code_do_not_use__i_give_permission_to_break_me", "//hpb:generated_hpb_support", "@com_google_absl//absl/log:absl_check", "@com_google_absl//absl/strings", "@com_google_absl//absl/status:statusor", "//hpb:repeated_field", ], ), }, exec_groups = { "proto_compiler": exec_group(), }, implementation = _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect_impl, provides = [ _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo, _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo, ], required_aspect_providers = [ UpbWrappedCcInfo, ], attr_aspects = ["deps"], fragments = ["cpp"], toolchains = upb_use_cpp_toolchain(), ) upb_cc_proto_library = rule( implementation = _upb_cc_proto_rule_impl, attrs = { "deps": attr.label_list( aspects = [ upb_proto_library_aspect, _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect, ], allow_rules = ["proto_library"], providers = [ProtoInfo], ), "_ccopts": attr.label( default = "//hpb:hpb_proto_library_copts", ), }, ) hpb_proto_library = upb_cc_proto_library