#include "upb/def.h" #include #include #include #include #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.h" #include "upb/port_def.inc" typedef struct { size_t len; char str[1]; /* Null-terminated string data follows. */ } str_t; static str_t *newstr(upb_alloc *alloc, const char *data, size_t len) { str_t *ret = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*ret) + len); if (!ret) return NULL; ret->len = len; if (len) memcpy(ret->str, data, len); ret->str[len] = '\0'; return ret; } struct upb_fielddef { const upb_filedef *file; const upb_msgdef *msgdef; const char *full_name; const char *json_name; union { int64_t sint; uint64_t uint; double dbl; float flt; bool boolean; str_t *str; } defaultval; const upb_oneofdef *oneof; union { const upb_msgdef *msgdef; const upb_enumdef *enumdef; const google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *unresolved; } sub; uint32_t number_; uint16_t index_; uint16_t layout_index; uint32_t selector_base; /* Used to index into a upb::Handlers table. */ bool is_extension_; bool lazy_; bool packed_; bool proto3_optional_; upb_descriptortype_t type_; upb_label_t label_; }; struct upb_msgdef { const upb_msglayout *layout; const upb_filedef *file; const char *full_name; uint32_t selector_count; uint32_t submsg_field_count; /* Tables for looking up fields by number and name. */ upb_inttable itof; upb_strtable ntof; const upb_fielddef *fields; const upb_oneofdef *oneofs; int field_count; int oneof_count; int real_oneof_count; /* Is this a map-entry message? */ bool map_entry; upb_wellknowntype_t well_known_type; /* TODO(haberman): proper extension ranges (there can be multiple). */ }; struct upb_enumdef { const upb_filedef *file; const char *full_name; upb_strtable ntoi; upb_inttable iton; int32_t defaultval; }; struct upb_oneofdef { const upb_msgdef *parent; const char *full_name; uint32_t index; upb_strtable ntof; upb_inttable itof; }; struct upb_filedef { const char *name; const char *package; const char *phpprefix; const char *phpnamespace; upb_syntax_t syntax; const upb_filedef **deps; const upb_msgdef *msgs; const upb_enumdef *enums; const upb_fielddef *exts; int dep_count; int msg_count; int enum_count; int ext_count; }; struct upb_symtab { upb_arena *arena; upb_strtable syms; /* full_name -> packed def ptr */ upb_strtable files; /* file_name -> upb_filedef* */ }; /* Inside a symtab we store tagged pointers to specific def types. */ typedef enum { UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD = 0, /* Only inside symtab table. */ UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG = 1, UPB_DEFTYPE_ENUM = 2, /* Only inside message table. */ UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF = 1, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD_JSONNAME = 2 } upb_deftype_t; static const void *unpack_def(upb_value v, upb_deftype_t type) { uintptr_t num = (uintptr_t)upb_value_getconstptr(v); return (num & 3) == type ? (const void*)(num & ~3) : NULL; } static upb_value pack_def(const void *ptr, upb_deftype_t type) { uintptr_t num = (uintptr_t)ptr | type; return upb_value_constptr((const void*)num); } /* isalpha() etc. from are locale-dependent, which we don't want. */ static bool upb_isbetween(char c, char low, char high) { return c >= low && c <= high; } static bool upb_isletter(char c) { return upb_isbetween(c, 'A', 'Z') || upb_isbetween(c, 'a', 'z') || c == '_'; } static bool upb_isalphanum(char c) { return upb_isletter(c) || upb_isbetween(c, '0', '9'); } static bool upb_isident(upb_strview name, bool full, upb_status *s) { const char *str = name.data; size_t len = name.size; bool start = true; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = str[i]; if (c == '.') { if (start || !full) { upb_status_seterrf(s, "invalid name: unexpected '.' (%s)", str); return false; } start = true; } else if (start) { if (!upb_isletter(c)) { upb_status_seterrf( s, "invalid name: path components must start with a letter (%s)", str); return false; } start = false; } else { if (!upb_isalphanum(c)) { upb_status_seterrf(s, "invalid name: non-alphanumeric character (%s)", str); return false; } } } return !start; } static const char *shortdefname(const char *fullname) { const char *p; if (fullname == NULL) { return NULL; } else if ((p = strrchr(fullname, '.')) == NULL) { /* No '.' in the name, return the full string. */ return fullname; } else { /* Return one past the last '.'. */ return p + 1; } } /* All submessage fields are lower than all other fields. * Secondly, fields are increasing in order. */ uint32_t field_rank(const upb_fielddef *f) { uint32_t ret = upb_fielddef_number(f); const uint32_t high_bit = 1 << 30; UPB_ASSERT(ret < high_bit); if (!upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) ret |= high_bit; return ret; } int cmp_fields(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const upb_fielddef *f1 = *(upb_fielddef*const*)p1; const upb_fielddef *f2 = *(upb_fielddef*const*)p2; return field_rank(f1) - field_rank(f2); } /* A few implementation details of handlers. We put these here to avoid * a def -> handlers dependency. */ #define UPB_STATIC_SELECTOR_COUNT 3 /* Warning: also in upb/handlers.h. */ static uint32_t upb_handlers_selectorbaseoffset(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? 2 : 0; } static uint32_t upb_handlers_selectorcount(const upb_fielddef *f) { uint32_t ret = 1; if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) ret += 2; /* STARTSEQ/ENDSEQ */ if (upb_fielddef_isstring(f)) ret += 2; /* [STRING]/STARTSTR/ENDSTR */ if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { /* ENDSUBMSG (STARTSUBMSG is at table beginning) */ ret += 0; if (upb_fielddef_lazy(f)) { /* STARTSTR/ENDSTR/STRING (for lazy) */ ret += 3; } } return ret; } static void upb_status_setoom(upb_status *status) { upb_status_seterrmsg(status, "out of memory"); } static bool assign_msg_indices(upb_msgdef *m, upb_status *s) { /* Sort fields. upb internally relies on UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE fields having the * lowest indexes, but we do not publicly guarantee this. */ upb_msg_field_iter j; int i; uint32_t selector; int n = upb_msgdef_numfields(m); upb_fielddef **fields; if (n == 0) { m->selector_count = UPB_STATIC_SELECTOR_COUNT; m->submsg_field_count = 0; return true; } fields = upb_gmalloc(n * sizeof(*fields)); if (!fields) { upb_status_setoom(s); return false; } m->submsg_field_count = 0; for(i = 0, upb_msg_field_begin(&j, m); !upb_msg_field_done(&j); upb_msg_field_next(&j), i++) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&j); UPB_ASSERT(f->msgdef == m); if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { m->submsg_field_count++; } fields[i] = f; } qsort(fields, n, sizeof(*fields), cmp_fields); selector = UPB_STATIC_SELECTOR_COUNT + m->submsg_field_count; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { upb_fielddef *f = fields[i]; f->index_ = i; f->selector_base = selector + upb_handlers_selectorbaseoffset(f); selector += upb_handlers_selectorcount(f); } m->selector_count = selector; upb_gfree(fields); return true; } static bool check_oneofs(upb_msgdef *m, upb_status *s) { int i; int first_synthetic = -1; upb_oneofdef *mutable_oneofs = (upb_oneofdef*)m->oneofs; for (i = 0; i < m->oneof_count; i++) { mutable_oneofs[i].index = i; if (upb_oneofdef_issynthetic(&mutable_oneofs[i])) { if (first_synthetic == -1) { first_synthetic = i; } } else { if (first_synthetic != -1) { upb_status_seterrf( s, "Synthetic oneofs must be after all other oneofs: %s", upb_oneofdef_name(&mutable_oneofs[i])); return false; } } } if (first_synthetic == -1) { m->real_oneof_count = m->oneof_count; } else { m->real_oneof_count = first_synthetic; } return true; } static void assign_msg_wellknowntype(upb_msgdef *m) { const char *name = upb_msgdef_fullname(m); if (name == NULL) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_UNSPECIFIED; return; } if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Any")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_ANY; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.FieldMask")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_FIELDMASK; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Duration")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_DURATION; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Timestamp")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_TIMESTAMP; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.DoubleValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_DOUBLEVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.FloatValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_FLOATVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Int64Value")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_INT64VALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.UInt64Value")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_UINT64VALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Int32Value")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_INT32VALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.UInt32Value")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_UINT32VALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.BoolValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_BOOLVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.StringValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_STRINGVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.BytesValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_BYTESVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Value")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_VALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.ListValue")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_LISTVALUE; } else if (!strcmp(name, "google.protobuf.Struct")) { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_STRUCT; } else { m->well_known_type = UPB_WELLKNOWN_UNSPECIFIED; } } /* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/ const char *upb_enumdef_fullname(const upb_enumdef *e) { return e->full_name; } const char *upb_enumdef_name(const upb_enumdef *e) { return shortdefname(e->full_name); } const upb_filedef *upb_enumdef_file(const upb_enumdef *e) { return e->file; } int32_t upb_enumdef_default(const upb_enumdef *e) { UPB_ASSERT(upb_enumdef_iton(e, e->defaultval)); return e->defaultval; } int upb_enumdef_numvals(const upb_enumdef *e) { return (int)upb_strtable_count(&e->ntoi); } void upb_enum_begin(upb_enum_iter *i, const upb_enumdef *e) { /* We iterate over the ntoi table, to account for duplicate numbers. */ upb_strtable_begin(i, &e->ntoi); } void upb_enum_next(upb_enum_iter *iter) { upb_strtable_next(iter); } bool upb_enum_done(upb_enum_iter *iter) { return upb_strtable_done(iter); } bool upb_enumdef_ntoi(const upb_enumdef *def, const char *name, size_t len, int32_t *num) { upb_value v; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&def->ntoi, name, len, &v)) { return false; } if (num) *num = upb_value_getint32(v); return true; } const char *upb_enumdef_iton(const upb_enumdef *def, int32_t num) { upb_value v; return upb_inttable_lookup32(&def->iton, num, &v) ? upb_value_getcstr(v) : NULL; } const char *upb_enum_iter_name(upb_enum_iter *iter) { return upb_strtable_iter_key(iter).data; } int32_t upb_enum_iter_number(upb_enum_iter *iter) { return upb_value_getint32(upb_strtable_iter_value(iter)); } /* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/ const char *upb_fielddef_fullname(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->full_name; } upb_fieldtype_t upb_fielddef_type(const upb_fielddef *f) { switch (f->type_) { case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DOUBLE: return UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_FLOAT: return UPB_TYPE_FLOAT; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INT64: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SINT64: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SFIXED64: return UPB_TYPE_INT64; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INT32: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SFIXED32: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SINT32: return UPB_TYPE_INT32; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UINT64: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_FIXED64: return UPB_TYPE_UINT64; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UINT32: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_FIXED32: return UPB_TYPE_UINT32; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENUM: return UPB_TYPE_ENUM; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BOOL: return UPB_TYPE_BOOL; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING: return UPB_TYPE_STRING; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_BYTES: return UPB_TYPE_BYTES; case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_GROUP: case UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_MESSAGE: return UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE; } UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } upb_descriptortype_t upb_fielddef_descriptortype(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->type_; } uint32_t upb_fielddef_index(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->index_; } upb_label_t upb_fielddef_label(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->label_; } uint32_t upb_fielddef_number(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->number_; } bool upb_fielddef_isextension(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->is_extension_; } bool upb_fielddef_lazy(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->lazy_; } bool upb_fielddef_packed(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->packed_; } const char *upb_fielddef_name(const upb_fielddef *f) { return shortdefname(f->full_name); } const char *upb_fielddef_jsonname(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->json_name; } uint32_t upb_fielddef_selectorbase(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->selector_base; } const upb_filedef *upb_fielddef_file(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->file; } const upb_msgdef *upb_fielddef_containingtype(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->msgdef; } const upb_oneofdef *upb_fielddef_containingoneof(const upb_fielddef *f) { return f->oneof; } const upb_oneofdef *upb_fielddef_realcontainingoneof(const upb_fielddef *f) { if (!f->oneof || upb_oneofdef_issynthetic(f->oneof)) return NULL; return f->oneof; } static void chkdefaulttype(const upb_fielddef *f, int ctype) { UPB_UNUSED(f); UPB_UNUSED(ctype); } int64_t upb_fielddef_defaultint64(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_INT64); return f->defaultval.sint; } int32_t upb_fielddef_defaultint32(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_INT32); return (int32_t)f->defaultval.sint; } uint64_t upb_fielddef_defaultuint64(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_UINT64); return f->defaultval.uint; } uint32_t upb_fielddef_defaultuint32(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_UINT32); return (uint32_t)f->defaultval.uint; } bool upb_fielddef_defaultbool(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_BOOL); return f->defaultval.boolean; } float upb_fielddef_defaultfloat(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_FLOAT); return f->defaultval.flt; } double upb_fielddef_defaultdouble(const upb_fielddef *f) { chkdefaulttype(f, UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE); return f->defaultval.dbl; } const char *upb_fielddef_defaultstr(const upb_fielddef *f, size_t *len) { str_t *str = f->defaultval.str; UPB_ASSERT(upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_STRING || upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_BYTES || upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_ENUM); if (str) { if (len) *len = str->len; return str->str; } else { if (len) *len = 0; return NULL; } } const upb_msgdef *upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE ? f->sub.msgdef : NULL; } const upb_enumdef *upb_fielddef_enumsubdef(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_ENUM ? f->sub.enumdef : NULL; } const upb_msglayout_field *upb_fielddef_layout(const upb_fielddef *f) { return &f->msgdef->layout->fields[f->layout_index]; } bool upb_fielddef_issubmsg(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE; } bool upb_fielddef_isstring(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_STRING || upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_BYTES; } bool upb_fielddef_isseq(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_label(f) == UPB_LABEL_REPEATED; } bool upb_fielddef_isprimitive(const upb_fielddef *f) { return !upb_fielddef_isstring(f) && !upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f); } bool upb_fielddef_ismap(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_isseq(f) && upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f) && upb_msgdef_mapentry(upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f)); } bool upb_fielddef_hassubdef(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f) || upb_fielddef_type(f) == UPB_TYPE_ENUM; } bool upb_fielddef_haspresence(const upb_fielddef *f) { if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) return false; return upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f) || upb_fielddef_containingoneof(f) || f->file->syntax == UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO2; } static bool between(int32_t x, int32_t low, int32_t high) { return x >= low && x <= high; } bool upb_fielddef_checklabel(int32_t label) { return between(label, 1, 3); } bool upb_fielddef_checktype(int32_t type) { return between(type, 1, 11); } bool upb_fielddef_checkintfmt(int32_t fmt) { return between(fmt, 1, 3); } bool upb_fielddef_checkdescriptortype(int32_t type) { return between(type, 1, 18); } /* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/ const char *upb_msgdef_fullname(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->full_name; } const upb_filedef *upb_msgdef_file(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->file; } const char *upb_msgdef_name(const upb_msgdef *m) { return shortdefname(m->full_name); } upb_syntax_t upb_msgdef_syntax(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->file->syntax; } size_t upb_msgdef_selectorcount(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->selector_count; } uint32_t upb_msgdef_submsgfieldcount(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->submsg_field_count; } const upb_fielddef *upb_msgdef_itof(const upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t i) { upb_value val; return upb_inttable_lookup32(&m->itof, i, &val) ? upb_value_getconstptr(val) : NULL; } const upb_fielddef *upb_msgdef_ntof(const upb_msgdef *m, const char *name, size_t len) { upb_value val; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&m->ntof, name, len, &val)) { return NULL; } return unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD); } const upb_oneofdef *upb_msgdef_ntoo(const upb_msgdef *m, const char *name, size_t len) { upb_value val; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&m->ntof, name, len, &val)) { return NULL; } return unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF); } bool upb_msgdef_lookupname(const upb_msgdef *m, const char *name, size_t len, const upb_fielddef **f, const upb_oneofdef **o) { upb_value val; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&m->ntof, name, len, &val)) { return false; } *o = unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF); *f = unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD); return *o || *f; /* False if this was a JSON name. */ } const upb_fielddef *upb_msgdef_lookupjsonname(const upb_msgdef *m, const char *name, size_t len) { upb_value val; const upb_fielddef* f; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&m->ntof, name, len, &val)) { return NULL; } f = unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD); if (!f) f = unpack_def(val, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD_JSONNAME); return f; } int upb_msgdef_numfields(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->field_count; } int upb_msgdef_numoneofs(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->oneof_count; } int upb_msgdef_numrealoneofs(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->real_oneof_count; } const upb_msglayout *upb_msgdef_layout(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->layout; } const upb_fielddef *_upb_msgdef_field(const upb_msgdef *m, int i) { if (i >= m->field_count) return NULL; return &m->fields[i]; } bool upb_msgdef_mapentry(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->map_entry; } upb_wellknowntype_t upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(const upb_msgdef *m) { return m->well_known_type; } bool upb_msgdef_isnumberwrapper(const upb_msgdef *m) { upb_wellknowntype_t type = upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(m); return type >= UPB_WELLKNOWN_DOUBLEVALUE && type <= UPB_WELLKNOWN_UINT32VALUE; } bool upb_msgdef_iswrapper(const upb_msgdef *m) { upb_wellknowntype_t type = upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(m); return type >= UPB_WELLKNOWN_DOUBLEVALUE && type <= UPB_WELLKNOWN_BOOLVALUE; } void upb_msg_field_begin(upb_msg_field_iter *iter, const upb_msgdef *m) { upb_inttable_begin(iter, &m->itof); } void upb_msg_field_next(upb_msg_field_iter *iter) { upb_inttable_next(iter); } bool upb_msg_field_done(const upb_msg_field_iter *iter) { return upb_inttable_done(iter); } upb_fielddef *upb_msg_iter_field(const upb_msg_field_iter *iter) { return (upb_fielddef *)upb_value_getconstptr(upb_inttable_iter_value(iter)); } void upb_msg_field_iter_setdone(upb_msg_field_iter *iter) { upb_inttable_iter_setdone(iter); } bool upb_msg_field_iter_isequal(const upb_msg_field_iter * iter1, const upb_msg_field_iter * iter2) { return upb_inttable_iter_isequal(iter1, iter2); } void upb_msg_oneof_begin(upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter, const upb_msgdef *m) { upb_strtable_begin(iter, &m->ntof); /* We need to skip past any initial fields. */ while (!upb_strtable_done(iter) && !unpack_def(upb_strtable_iter_value(iter), UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF)) { upb_strtable_next(iter); } } void upb_msg_oneof_next(upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter) { /* We need to skip past fields to return only oneofs. */ do { upb_strtable_next(iter); } while (!upb_strtable_done(iter) && !unpack_def(upb_strtable_iter_value(iter), UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF)); } bool upb_msg_oneof_done(const upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter) { return upb_strtable_done(iter); } const upb_oneofdef *upb_msg_iter_oneof(const upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter) { return unpack_def(upb_strtable_iter_value(iter), UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF); } void upb_msg_oneof_iter_setdone(upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter) { upb_strtable_iter_setdone(iter); } bool upb_msg_oneof_iter_isequal(const upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter1, const upb_msg_oneof_iter *iter2) { return upb_strtable_iter_isequal(iter1, iter2); } /* upb_oneofdef ***************************************************************/ const char *upb_oneofdef_name(const upb_oneofdef *o) { return shortdefname(o->full_name); } const upb_msgdef *upb_oneofdef_containingtype(const upb_oneofdef *o) { return o->parent; } int upb_oneofdef_numfields(const upb_oneofdef *o) { return (int)upb_strtable_count(&o->ntof); } uint32_t upb_oneofdef_index(const upb_oneofdef *o) { return o->index; } bool upb_oneofdef_issynthetic(const upb_oneofdef *o) { upb_inttable_iter iter; const upb_fielddef *f; upb_inttable_begin(&iter, &o->itof); if (upb_oneofdef_numfields(o) != 1) return false; f = upb_value_getptr(upb_inttable_iter_value(&iter)); UPB_ASSERT(f); return f->proto3_optional_; } const upb_fielddef *upb_oneofdef_ntof(const upb_oneofdef *o, const char *name, size_t length) { upb_value val; return upb_strtable_lookup2(&o->ntof, name, length, &val) ? upb_value_getptr(val) : NULL; } const upb_fielddef *upb_oneofdef_itof(const upb_oneofdef *o, uint32_t num) { upb_value val; return upb_inttable_lookup32(&o->itof, num, &val) ? upb_value_getptr(val) : NULL; } void upb_oneof_begin(upb_oneof_iter *iter, const upb_oneofdef *o) { upb_inttable_begin(iter, &o->itof); } void upb_oneof_next(upb_oneof_iter *iter) { upb_inttable_next(iter); } bool upb_oneof_done(upb_oneof_iter *iter) { return upb_inttable_done(iter); } upb_fielddef *upb_oneof_iter_field(const upb_oneof_iter *iter) { return (upb_fielddef *)upb_value_getconstptr(upb_inttable_iter_value(iter)); } void upb_oneof_iter_setdone(upb_oneof_iter *iter) { upb_inttable_iter_setdone(iter); } /* Dynamic Layout Generation. *************************************************/ static size_t div_round_up(size_t n, size_t d) { return (n + d - 1) / d; } static size_t upb_msgval_sizeof(upb_fieldtype_t type) { switch (type) { case UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE: case UPB_TYPE_INT64: case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: return 8; case UPB_TYPE_ENUM: case UPB_TYPE_INT32: case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: case UPB_TYPE_FLOAT: return 4; case UPB_TYPE_BOOL: return 1; case UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE: return sizeof(void*); case UPB_TYPE_BYTES: case UPB_TYPE_STRING: return sizeof(upb_strview); } UPB_UNREACHABLE(); } static uint8_t upb_msg_fielddefsize(const upb_fielddef *f) { if (upb_msgdef_mapentry(upb_fielddef_containingtype(f))) { upb_map_entry ent; UPB_ASSERT(sizeof(ent.k) == sizeof(ent.v)); return sizeof(ent.k); } else if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) { return sizeof(void*); } else { return upb_msgval_sizeof(upb_fielddef_type(f)); } } static uint32_t upb_msglayout_place(upb_msglayout *l, size_t size) { uint32_t ret; l->size = UPB_ALIGN_UP(l->size, size); ret = l->size; l->size += size; return ret; } static int field_number_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const upb_msglayout_field *f1 = p1; const upb_msglayout_field *f2 = p2; return f1->number - f2->number; } static void assign_layout_indices(const upb_msgdef *m, upb_msglayout_field *fields) { int i; int n = upb_msgdef_numfields(m); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { upb_fielddef *f = (upb_fielddef*)upb_msgdef_itof(m, fields[i].number); UPB_ASSERT(f); f->layout_index = i; } } /* This function is the dynamic equivalent of message_layout.{cc,h} in upbc. * It computes a dynamic layout for all of the fields in |m|. */ static bool make_layout(const upb_symtab *symtab, const upb_msgdef *m) { upb_msglayout *l = (upb_msglayout*)m->layout; upb_msg_field_iter it; upb_msg_oneof_iter oit; size_t hasbit; size_t submsg_count = m->submsg_field_count; const upb_msglayout **submsgs; upb_msglayout_field *fields; upb_alloc *alloc = upb_arena_alloc(symtab->arena); memset(l, 0, sizeof(*l)); fields = upb_malloc(alloc, upb_msgdef_numfields(m) * sizeof(*fields)); submsgs = upb_malloc(alloc, submsg_count * sizeof(*submsgs)); if ((!fields && upb_msgdef_numfields(m)) || (!submsgs && submsg_count)) { /* OOM. */ return false; } l->field_count = upb_msgdef_numfields(m); l->fields = fields; l->submsgs = submsgs; if (upb_msgdef_mapentry(m)) { /* TODO(haberman): refactor this method so this special case is more * elegant. */ const upb_fielddef *key = upb_msgdef_itof(m, 1); const upb_fielddef *val = upb_msgdef_itof(m, 2); fields[0].number = 1; fields[1].number = 2; fields[0].label = UPB_LABEL_OPTIONAL; fields[1].label = UPB_LABEL_OPTIONAL; fields[0].presence = 0; fields[1].presence = 0; fields[0].descriptortype = upb_fielddef_descriptortype(key); fields[1].descriptortype = upb_fielddef_descriptortype(val); fields[0].offset = 0; fields[1].offset = sizeof(upb_strview); fields[1].submsg_index = 0; if (upb_fielddef_type(val) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { submsgs[0] = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(val)->layout; } l->field_count = 2; l->size = 2 * sizeof(upb_strview); l->size = UPB_ALIGN_UP(l->size, 8); return true; } /* Allocate data offsets in three stages: * * 1. hasbits. * 2. regular fields. * 3. oneof fields. * * OPT: There is a lot of room for optimization here to minimize the size. */ /* Allocate hasbits and set basic field attributes. */ submsg_count = 0; for (upb_msg_field_begin(&it, m), hasbit = 0; !upb_msg_field_done(&it); upb_msg_field_next(&it)) { upb_fielddef* f = upb_msg_iter_field(&it); upb_msglayout_field *field = &fields[upb_fielddef_index(f)]; field->number = upb_fielddef_number(f); field->descriptortype = upb_fielddef_descriptortype(f); field->label = upb_fielddef_label(f); if (field->descriptortype == UPB_DTYPE_STRING && f->file->syntax == UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO2) { /* See TableDescriptorType() in upbc/generator.cc for details and * rationale. */ field->descriptortype = UPB_DTYPE_BYTES; } if (upb_fielddef_ismap(f)) { field->label = _UPB_LABEL_MAP; } else if (upb_fielddef_packed(f)) { field->label = _UPB_LABEL_PACKED; } if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { const upb_msgdef *subm = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f); field->submsg_index = submsg_count++; submsgs[field->submsg_index] = subm->layout; } if (upb_fielddef_haspresence(f) && !upb_fielddef_realcontainingoneof(f)) { /* We don't use hasbit 0, so that 0 can indicate "no presence" in the * table. This wastes one hasbit, but we don't worry about it for now. */ field->presence = ++hasbit; } else { field->presence = 0; } } /* Account for space used by hasbits. */ l->size = div_round_up(hasbit, 8); /* Allocate non-oneof fields. */ for (upb_msg_field_begin(&it, m); !upb_msg_field_done(&it); upb_msg_field_next(&it)) { const upb_fielddef* f = upb_msg_iter_field(&it); size_t field_size = upb_msg_fielddefsize(f); size_t index = upb_fielddef_index(f); if (upb_fielddef_realcontainingoneof(f)) { /* Oneofs are handled separately below. */ continue; } fields[index].offset = upb_msglayout_place(l, field_size); } /* Allocate oneof fields. Each oneof field consists of a uint32 for the case * and space for the actual data. */ for (upb_msg_oneof_begin(&oit, m); !upb_msg_oneof_done(&oit); upb_msg_oneof_next(&oit)) { const upb_oneofdef* o = upb_msg_iter_oneof(&oit); upb_oneof_iter fit; size_t case_size = sizeof(uint32_t); /* Could potentially optimize this. */ size_t field_size = 0; uint32_t case_offset; uint32_t data_offset; if (upb_oneofdef_issynthetic(o)) continue; /* Calculate field size: the max of all field sizes. */ for (upb_oneof_begin(&fit, o); !upb_oneof_done(&fit); upb_oneof_next(&fit)) { const upb_fielddef* f = upb_oneof_iter_field(&fit); field_size = UPB_MAX(field_size, upb_msg_fielddefsize(f)); } /* Align and allocate case offset. */ case_offset = upb_msglayout_place(l, case_size); data_offset = upb_msglayout_place(l, field_size); for (upb_oneof_begin(&fit, o); !upb_oneof_done(&fit); upb_oneof_next(&fit)) { const upb_fielddef* f = upb_oneof_iter_field(&fit); fields[upb_fielddef_index(f)].offset = data_offset; fields[upb_fielddef_index(f)].presence = ~case_offset; } } /* Size of the entire structure should be a multiple of its greatest * alignment. TODO: track overall alignment for real? */ l->size = UPB_ALIGN_UP(l->size, 8); /* Sort fields by number. */ qsort(fields, upb_msgdef_numfields(m), sizeof(*fields), field_number_cmp); assign_layout_indices(m, fields); return true; } /* Code to build defs from descriptor protos. *********************************/ /* There is a question of how much validation to do here. It will be difficult * to perfectly match the amount of validation performed by proto2. But since * this code is used to directly build defs from Ruby (for example) we do need * to validate important constraints like uniqueness of names and numbers. */ #define CHK(x) if (!(x)) { return false; } #define CHK_OOM(x) if (!(x)) { upb_status_setoom(ctx->status); return false; } typedef struct { const upb_symtab *symtab; upb_filedef *file; /* File we are building. */ upb_alloc *alloc; /* Allocate defs here. */ upb_alloc *tmp; /* Alloc for addtab and any other tmp data. */ upb_strtable *addtab; /* full_name -> packed def ptr for new defs */ const upb_msglayout **layouts; /* NULL if we should build layouts. */ upb_status *status; /* Record errors here. */ } symtab_addctx; static char* strviewdup(const symtab_addctx *ctx, upb_strview view) { return upb_strdup2(view.data, view.size, ctx->alloc); } static bool streql2(const char *a, size_t n, const char *b) { return n == strlen(b) && memcmp(a, b, n) == 0; } static bool streql_view(upb_strview view, const char *b) { return streql2(view.data, view.size, b); } static const char *makefullname(const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *prefix, upb_strview name) { if (prefix) { /* ret = prefix + '.' + name; */ size_t n = strlen(prefix); char *ret = upb_malloc(ctx->alloc, n + name.size + 2); CHK_OOM(ret); strcpy(ret, prefix); ret[n] = '.'; memcpy(&ret[n + 1], name.data, name.size); ret[n + 1 + name.size] = '\0'; return ret; } else { return strviewdup(ctx, name); } } size_t getjsonname(const char *name, char *buf, size_t len) { size_t src, dst = 0; bool ucase_next = false; #define WRITE(byte) \ ++dst; \ if (dst < len) buf[dst - 1] = byte; \ else if (dst == len) buf[dst - 1] = '\0' if (!name) { WRITE('\0'); return 0; } /* Implement the transformation as described in the spec: * 1. upper case all letters after an underscore. * 2. remove all underscores. */ for (src = 0; name[src]; src++) { if (name[src] == '_') { ucase_next = true; continue; } if (ucase_next) { WRITE(toupper(name[src])); ucase_next = false; } else { WRITE(name[src]); } } WRITE('\0'); return dst; #undef WRITE } static char* makejsonname(const char* name, upb_alloc *alloc) { size_t size = getjsonname(name, NULL, 0); char* json_name = upb_malloc(alloc, size); getjsonname(name, json_name, size); return json_name; } static bool symtab_add(const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *name, upb_value v) { upb_value tmp; if (upb_strtable_lookup(ctx->addtab, name, &tmp) || upb_strtable_lookup(&ctx->symtab->syms, name, &tmp)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "duplicate symbol '%s'", name); return false; } CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_insert3(ctx->addtab, name, strlen(name), v, ctx->tmp)); return true; } /* Given a symbol and the base symbol inside which it is defined, find the * symbol's definition in t. */ static bool resolvename(const upb_strtable *t, const upb_fielddef *f, const char *base, upb_strview sym, upb_deftype_t type, upb_status *status, const void **def) { if(sym.size == 0) return false; if(sym.data[0] == '.') { /* Symbols starting with '.' are absolute, so we do a single lookup. * Slice to omit the leading '.' */ upb_value v; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(t, sym.data + 1, sym.size - 1, &v)) { return false; } *def = unpack_def(v, type); if (!*def) { upb_status_seterrf(status, "type mismatch when resolving field %s, name %s", f->full_name, sym.data); return false; } return true; } else { /* Remove components from base until we find an entry or run out. * TODO: This branch is totally broken, but currently not used. */ (void)base; UPB_ASSERT(false); return false; } } const void *symtab_resolve(const symtab_addctx *ctx, const upb_fielddef *f, const char *base, upb_strview sym, upb_deftype_t type) { const void *ret; if (!resolvename(ctx->addtab, f, base, sym, type, ctx->status, &ret) && !resolvename(&ctx->symtab->syms, f, base, sym, type, ctx->status, &ret)) { if (upb_ok(ctx->status)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "couldn't resolve name '%s'", sym.data); } return false; } return ret; } static bool create_oneofdef( const symtab_addctx *ctx, upb_msgdef *m, const google_protobuf_OneofDescriptorProto *oneof_proto) { upb_oneofdef *o; upb_strview name = google_protobuf_OneofDescriptorProto_name(oneof_proto); upb_value v; o = (upb_oneofdef*)&m->oneofs[m->oneof_count++]; o->parent = m; o->full_name = makefullname(ctx, m->full_name, name); v = pack_def(o, UPB_DEFTYPE_ONEOF); CHK_OOM(symtab_add(ctx, o->full_name, v)); CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_insert3(&m->ntof, name.data, name.size, v, ctx->alloc)); CHK_OOM(upb_inttable_init2(&o->itof, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, ctx->alloc)); CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_init2(&o->ntof, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, ctx->alloc)); return true; } static bool parse_default(const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *str, size_t len, upb_fielddef *f) { char *end; char nullz[64]; errno = 0; switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { case UPB_TYPE_INT32: case UPB_TYPE_INT64: case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: case UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE: case UPB_TYPE_FLOAT: /* Standard C number parsing functions expect null-terminated strings. */ if (len >= sizeof(nullz) - 1) { return false; } memcpy(nullz, str, len); nullz[len] = '\0'; str = nullz; break; default: break; } switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { case UPB_TYPE_INT32: { long val = strtol(str, &end, 0); CHK(val <= INT32_MAX && val >= INT32_MIN && errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.sint = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_ENUM: { const upb_enumdef *e = f->sub.enumdef; int32_t val; CHK(upb_enumdef_ntoi(e, str, len, &val)); f->defaultval.sint = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_INT64: { /* XXX: Need to write our own strtoll, since it's not available in c89. */ int64_t val = strtol(str, &end, 0); CHK(val <= INT64_MAX && val >= INT64_MIN && errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.sint = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: { unsigned long val = strtoul(str, &end, 0); CHK(val <= UINT32_MAX && errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.uint = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: { /* XXX: Need to write our own strtoull, since it's not available in c89. */ uint64_t val = strtoul(str, &end, 0); CHK(val <= UINT64_MAX && errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.uint = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE: { double val = strtod(str, &end); CHK(errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.dbl = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_FLOAT: { /* XXX: Need to write our own strtof, since it's not available in c89. */ float val = strtod(str, &end); CHK(errno != ERANGE && !*end); f->defaultval.flt = val; break; } case UPB_TYPE_BOOL: { if (streql2(str, len, "false")) { f->defaultval.boolean = false; } else if (streql2(str, len, "true")) { f->defaultval.boolean = true; } else { return false; } break; } case UPB_TYPE_STRING: f->defaultval.str = newstr(ctx->alloc, str, len); break; case UPB_TYPE_BYTES: /* XXX: need to interpret the C-escaped value. */ f->defaultval.str = newstr(ctx->alloc, str, len); break; case UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE: /* Should not have a default value. */ return false; } return true; } static void set_default_default(const symtab_addctx *ctx, upb_fielddef *f) { switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { case UPB_TYPE_INT32: case UPB_TYPE_INT64: case UPB_TYPE_ENUM: f->defaultval.sint = 0; break; case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: f->defaultval.uint = 0; break; case UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE: case UPB_TYPE_FLOAT: f->defaultval.dbl = 0; break; case UPB_TYPE_STRING: case UPB_TYPE_BYTES: f->defaultval.str = newstr(ctx->alloc, NULL, 0); break; case UPB_TYPE_BOOL: f->defaultval.boolean = false; break; case UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE: break; } } static bool create_fielddef( const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *prefix, upb_msgdef *m, const google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *field_proto) { upb_alloc *alloc = ctx->alloc; upb_fielddef *f; const google_protobuf_FieldOptions *options; upb_strview name; const char *full_name; const char *json_name; const char *shortname; uint32_t field_number; if (!google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_name(field_proto)) { upb_status_seterrmsg(ctx->status, "field has no name"); return false; } name = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_name(field_proto); CHK(upb_isident(name, false, ctx->status)); full_name = makefullname(ctx, prefix, name); shortname = shortdefname(full_name); if (google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_json_name(field_proto)) { json_name = strviewdup( ctx, google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_json_name(field_proto)); } else { json_name = makejsonname(shortname, ctx->alloc); } field_number = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_number(field_proto); if (field_number == 0 || field_number > UPB_MAX_FIELDNUMBER) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "invalid field number (%u)", field_number); return false; } if (m) { /* direct message field. */ upb_value v, field_v, json_v; size_t json_size; f = (upb_fielddef*)&m->fields[m->field_count++]; f->msgdef = m; f->is_extension_ = false; if (upb_strtable_lookup(&m->ntof, shortname, NULL)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "duplicate field name (%s)", shortname); return false; } if (upb_strtable_lookup(&m->ntof, json_name, NULL)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "duplicate json_name (%s)", json_name); return false; } if (upb_inttable_lookup(&m->itof, field_number, NULL)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "duplicate field number (%u)", field_number); return false; } field_v = pack_def(f, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD); json_v = pack_def(f, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD_JSONNAME); v = upb_value_constptr(f); json_size = strlen(json_name); CHK_OOM( upb_strtable_insert3(&m->ntof, name.data, name.size, field_v, alloc)); CHK_OOM(upb_inttable_insert2(&m->itof, field_number, v, alloc)); if (strcmp(shortname, json_name) != 0) { upb_strtable_insert3(&m->ntof, json_name, json_size, json_v, alloc); } if (ctx->layouts) { const upb_msglayout_field *fields = m->layout->fields; int count = m->layout->field_count; bool found = false; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (fields[i].number == field_number) { f->layout_index = i; found = true; break; } } UPB_ASSERT(found); } } else { /* extension field. */ f = (upb_fielddef*)&ctx->file->exts[ctx->file->ext_count++]; f->is_extension_ = true; CHK_OOM(symtab_add(ctx, full_name, pack_def(f, UPB_DEFTYPE_FIELD))); } f->full_name = full_name; f->json_name = json_name; f->file = ctx->file; f->type_ = (int)google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_type(field_proto); f->label_ = (int)google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_label(field_proto); f->number_ = field_number; f->oneof = NULL; f->proto3_optional_ = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_proto3_optional(field_proto); /* We can't resolve the subdef or (in the case of extensions) the containing * message yet, because it may not have been defined yet. We stash a pointer * to the field_proto until later when we can properly resolve it. */ f->sub.unresolved = field_proto; if (f->label_ == UPB_LABEL_REQUIRED && f->file->syntax == UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO3) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "proto3 fields cannot be required (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } if (google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_oneof_index(field_proto)) { int oneof_index = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_oneof_index(field_proto); upb_oneofdef *oneof; upb_value v = upb_value_constptr(f); if (upb_fielddef_label(f) != UPB_LABEL_OPTIONAL) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "fields in oneof must have OPTIONAL label (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } if (!m) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "oneof_index provided for extension field (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } if (oneof_index >= m->oneof_count) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "oneof_index out of range (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } oneof = (upb_oneofdef*)&m->oneofs[oneof_index]; f->oneof = oneof; CHK(upb_inttable_insert2(&oneof->itof, f->number_, v, alloc)); CHK(upb_strtable_insert3(&oneof->ntof, name.data, name.size, v, alloc)); } else { f->oneof = NULL; } if (google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_options(field_proto)) { options = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_options(field_proto); f->lazy_ = google_protobuf_FieldOptions_lazy(options); f->packed_ = google_protobuf_FieldOptions_packed(options); } else { f->lazy_ = false; f->packed_ = false; } return true; } static bool create_enumdef( const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *prefix, const google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto *enum_proto) { upb_enumdef *e; const google_protobuf_EnumValueDescriptorProto *const *values; upb_strview name; size_t i, n; name = google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto_name(enum_proto); CHK(upb_isident(name, false, ctx->status)); e = (upb_enumdef*)&ctx->file->enums[ctx->file->enum_count++]; e->full_name = makefullname(ctx, prefix, name); CHK_OOM(symtab_add(ctx, e->full_name, pack_def(e, UPB_DEFTYPE_ENUM))); CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_init2(&e->ntoi, UPB_CTYPE_INT32, ctx->alloc)); CHK_OOM(upb_inttable_init2(&e->iton, UPB_CTYPE_CSTR, ctx->alloc)); e->file = ctx->file; e->defaultval = 0; values = google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto_value(enum_proto, &n); if (n == 0) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "enums must contain at least one value (%s)", e->full_name); return false; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const google_protobuf_EnumValueDescriptorProto *value = values[i]; upb_strview name = google_protobuf_EnumValueDescriptorProto_name(value); char *name2 = strviewdup(ctx, name); int32_t num = google_protobuf_EnumValueDescriptorProto_number(value); upb_value v = upb_value_int32(num); if (i == 0 && e->file->syntax == UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO3 && num != 0) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "for proto3, the first enum value must be zero (%s)", e->full_name); return false; } if (upb_strtable_lookup(&e->ntoi, name2, NULL)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "duplicate enum label '%s'", name2); return false; } CHK_OOM(name2) CHK_OOM( upb_strtable_insert3(&e->ntoi, name2, strlen(name2), v, ctx->alloc)); if (!upb_inttable_lookup(&e->iton, num, NULL)) { upb_value v = upb_value_cstr(name2); CHK_OOM(upb_inttable_insert2(&e->iton, num, v, ctx->alloc)); } } upb_inttable_compact2(&e->iton, ctx->alloc); return true; } static bool create_msgdef(symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *prefix, const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *msg_proto) { upb_msgdef *m; const google_protobuf_MessageOptions *options; const google_protobuf_OneofDescriptorProto *const *oneofs; const google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *const *fields; const google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto *const *enums; const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *const *msgs; size_t i, n; upb_strview name; name = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_name(msg_proto); CHK(upb_isident(name, false, ctx->status)); m = (upb_msgdef*)&ctx->file->msgs[ctx->file->msg_count++]; m->full_name = makefullname(ctx, prefix, name); CHK_OOM(symtab_add(ctx, m->full_name, pack_def(m, UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG))); CHK_OOM(upb_inttable_init2(&m->itof, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, ctx->alloc)); CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_init2(&m->ntof, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, ctx->alloc)); m->file = ctx->file; m->map_entry = false; options = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_options(msg_proto); if (options) { m->map_entry = google_protobuf_MessageOptions_map_entry(options); } if (ctx->layouts) { m->layout = *ctx->layouts; ctx->layouts++; } else { /* Allocate now (to allow cross-linking), populate later. */ m->layout = upb_malloc(ctx->alloc, sizeof(*m->layout)); } oneofs = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_oneof_decl(msg_proto, &n); m->oneof_count = 0; m->oneofs = upb_malloc(ctx->alloc, sizeof(*m->oneofs) * n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_oneofdef(ctx, m, oneofs[i])); } fields = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_field(msg_proto, &n); m->field_count = 0; m->fields = upb_malloc(ctx->alloc, sizeof(*m->fields) * n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_fielddef(ctx, m->full_name, m, fields[i])); } CHK(assign_msg_indices(m, ctx->status)); CHK(check_oneofs(m, ctx->status)); assign_msg_wellknowntype(m); upb_inttable_compact2(&m->itof, ctx->alloc); /* This message is built. Now build nested messages and enums. */ enums = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_enum_type(msg_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_enumdef(ctx, m->full_name, enums[i])); } msgs = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_nested_type(msg_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_msgdef(ctx, m->full_name, msgs[i])); } return true; } typedef struct { int msg_count; int enum_count; int ext_count; } decl_counts; static void count_types_in_msg(const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *msg_proto, decl_counts *counts) { const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *const *msgs; size_t i, n; counts->msg_count++; msgs = google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_nested_type(msg_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { count_types_in_msg(msgs[i], counts); } google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_enum_type(msg_proto, &n); counts->enum_count += n; google_protobuf_DescriptorProto_extension(msg_proto, &n); counts->ext_count += n; } static void count_types_in_file( const google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *file_proto, decl_counts *counts) { const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *const *msgs; size_t i, n; msgs = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_message_type(file_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { count_types_in_msg(msgs[i], counts); } google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_enum_type(file_proto, &n); counts->enum_count += n; google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_extension(file_proto, &n); counts->ext_count += n; } static bool resolve_fielddef(const symtab_addctx *ctx, const char *prefix, upb_fielddef *f) { upb_strview name; const google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *field_proto = f->sub.unresolved; if (f->is_extension_) { if (!google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_extendee(field_proto)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "extension for field '%s' had no extendee", f->full_name); return false; } name = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_extendee(field_proto); f->msgdef = symtab_resolve(ctx, f, prefix, name, UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG); CHK(f->msgdef); } if ((upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f) || f->type_ == UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENUM) && !google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_type_name(field_proto)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "field '%s' is missing type name", f->full_name); return false; } name = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_type_name(field_proto); if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { f->sub.msgdef = symtab_resolve(ctx, f, prefix, name, UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG); CHK(f->sub.msgdef); } else if (f->type_ == UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENUM) { f->sub.enumdef = symtab_resolve(ctx, f, prefix, name, UPB_DEFTYPE_ENUM); CHK(f->sub.enumdef); } /* Have to delay resolving of the default value until now because of the enum * case, since enum defaults are specified with a label. */ if (google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_has_default_value(field_proto)) { upb_strview defaultval = google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_default_value(field_proto); if (f->file->syntax == UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO3) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "proto3 fields cannot have explicit defaults (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "message fields cannot have explicit defaults (%s)", f->full_name); return false; } if (!parse_default(ctx, defaultval.data, defaultval.size, f)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "couldn't parse default '" UPB_STRVIEW_FORMAT "' for field (%s)", UPB_STRVIEW_ARGS(defaultval), f->full_name); return false; } } else { set_default_default(ctx, f); } return true; } static bool build_filedef( symtab_addctx *ctx, upb_filedef *file, const google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *file_proto) { upb_alloc *alloc = ctx->alloc; const google_protobuf_FileOptions *file_options_proto; const google_protobuf_DescriptorProto *const *msgs; const google_protobuf_EnumDescriptorProto *const *enums; const google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto *const *exts; const upb_strview* strs; size_t i, n; decl_counts counts = {0, 0, 0}; count_types_in_file(file_proto, &counts); file->msgs = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file->msgs) * counts.msg_count); file->enums = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file->enums) * counts.enum_count); file->exts = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file->exts) * counts.ext_count); CHK_OOM(counts.msg_count == 0 || file->msgs); CHK_OOM(counts.enum_count == 0 || file->enums); CHK_OOM(counts.ext_count == 0 || file->exts); /* We increment these as defs are added. */ file->msg_count = 0; file->enum_count = 0; file->ext_count = 0; if (!google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_has_name(file_proto)) { upb_status_seterrmsg(ctx->status, "File has no name"); return false; } file->name = strviewdup(ctx, google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_name(file_proto)); file->phpprefix = NULL; file->phpnamespace = NULL; if (google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_has_package(file_proto)) { upb_strview package = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_package(file_proto); CHK(upb_isident(package, true, ctx->status)); file->package = strviewdup(ctx, package); } else { file->package = NULL; } if (google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_has_syntax(file_proto)) { upb_strview syntax = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_syntax(file_proto); if (streql_view(syntax, "proto2")) { file->syntax = UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO2; } else if (streql_view(syntax, "proto3")) { file->syntax = UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO3; } else { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "Invalid syntax '" UPB_STRVIEW_FORMAT "'", UPB_STRVIEW_ARGS(syntax)); return false; } } else { file->syntax = UPB_SYNTAX_PROTO2; } /* Read options. */ file_options_proto = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_options(file_proto); if (file_options_proto) { if (google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(file_options_proto)) { file->phpprefix = strviewdup( ctx, google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(file_options_proto)); } if (google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(file_options_proto)) { file->phpnamespace = strviewdup( ctx, google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(file_options_proto)); } } /* Verify dependencies. */ strs = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_dependency(file_proto, &n); file->deps = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file->deps) * n) ; CHK_OOM(n == 0 || file->deps); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { upb_strview dep_name = strs[i]; upb_value v; if (!upb_strtable_lookup2(&ctx->symtab->files, dep_name.data, dep_name.size, &v)) { upb_status_seterrf(ctx->status, "Depends on file '" UPB_STRVIEW_FORMAT "', but it has not been loaded", UPB_STRVIEW_ARGS(dep_name)); return false; } file->deps[i] = upb_value_getconstptr(v); } /* Create messages. */ msgs = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_message_type(file_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_msgdef(ctx, file->package, msgs[i])); } /* Create enums. */ enums = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_enum_type(file_proto, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_enumdef(ctx, file->package, enums[i])); } /* Create extensions. */ exts = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_extension(file_proto, &n); file->exts = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file->exts) * n); CHK_OOM(n == 0 || file->exts); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CHK(create_fielddef(ctx, file->package, NULL, exts[i])); } /* Now that all names are in the table, build layouts and resolve refs. */ for (i = 0; i < (size_t)file->ext_count; i++) { CHK(resolve_fielddef(ctx, file->package, (upb_fielddef*)&file->exts[i])); } for (i = 0; i < (size_t)file->msg_count; i++) { const upb_msgdef *m = &file->msgs[i]; int j; for (j = 0; j < m->field_count; j++) { CHK(resolve_fielddef(ctx, m->full_name, (upb_fielddef*)&m->fields[j])); } } if (!ctx->layouts) { for (i = 0; i < (size_t)file->msg_count; i++) { const upb_msgdef *m = &file->msgs[i]; make_layout(ctx->symtab, m); } } return true; } static bool upb_symtab_addtotabs(upb_symtab *s, symtab_addctx *ctx) { const upb_filedef *file = ctx->file; upb_alloc *alloc = upb_arena_alloc(s->arena); upb_strtable_iter iter; CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_insert3(&s->files, file->name, strlen(file->name), upb_value_constptr(file), alloc)); upb_strtable_begin(&iter, ctx->addtab); for (; !upb_strtable_done(&iter); upb_strtable_next(&iter)) { upb_strview key = upb_strtable_iter_key(&iter); upb_value value = upb_strtable_iter_value(&iter); CHK_OOM(upb_strtable_insert3(&s->syms, key.data, key.size, value, alloc)); } return true; } /* upb_filedef ****************************************************************/ const char *upb_filedef_name(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->name; } const char *upb_filedef_package(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->package; } const char *upb_filedef_phpprefix(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->phpprefix; } const char *upb_filedef_phpnamespace(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->phpnamespace; } upb_syntax_t upb_filedef_syntax(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->syntax; } int upb_filedef_msgcount(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->msg_count; } int upb_filedef_depcount(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->dep_count; } int upb_filedef_enumcount(const upb_filedef *f) { return f->enum_count; } const upb_filedef *upb_filedef_dep(const upb_filedef *f, int i) { return i < 0 || i >= f->dep_count ? NULL : f->deps[i]; } const upb_msgdef *upb_filedef_msg(const upb_filedef *f, int i) { return i < 0 || i >= f->msg_count ? NULL : &f->msgs[i]; } const upb_enumdef *upb_filedef_enum(const upb_filedef *f, int i) { return i < 0 || i >= f->enum_count ? NULL : &f->enums[i]; } void upb_symtab_free(upb_symtab *s) { upb_arena_free(s->arena); upb_gfree(s); } upb_symtab *upb_symtab_new(void) { upb_symtab *s = upb_gmalloc(sizeof(*s)); upb_alloc *alloc; if (!s) { return NULL; } s->arena = upb_arena_new(); alloc = upb_arena_alloc(s->arena); if (!upb_strtable_init2(&s->syms, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, alloc) || !upb_strtable_init2(&s->files, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, alloc)) { upb_arena_free(s->arena); upb_gfree(s); s = NULL; } return s; } const upb_msgdef *upb_symtab_lookupmsg(const upb_symtab *s, const char *sym) { upb_value v; return upb_strtable_lookup(&s->syms, sym, &v) ? unpack_def(v, UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG) : NULL; } const upb_msgdef *upb_symtab_lookupmsg2(const upb_symtab *s, const char *sym, size_t len) { upb_value v; return upb_strtable_lookup2(&s->syms, sym, len, &v) ? unpack_def(v, UPB_DEFTYPE_MSG) : NULL; } const upb_enumdef *upb_symtab_lookupenum(const upb_symtab *s, const char *sym) { upb_value v; return upb_strtable_lookup(&s->syms, sym, &v) ? unpack_def(v, UPB_DEFTYPE_ENUM) : NULL; } const upb_filedef *upb_symtab_lookupfile(const upb_symtab *s, const char *name) { upb_value v; return upb_strtable_lookup(&s->files, name, &v) ? upb_value_getconstptr(v) : NULL; } const upb_filedef *upb_symtab_lookupfile2( const upb_symtab *s, const char *name, size_t len) { upb_value v; return upb_strtable_lookup2(&s->files, name, len, &v) ? upb_value_getconstptr(v) : NULL; } int upb_symtab_filecount(const upb_symtab *s) { return (int)upb_strtable_count(&s->files); } static const upb_filedef *_upb_symtab_addfile( upb_symtab *s, const google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *file_proto, const upb_msglayout **layouts, upb_status *status) { upb_arena *tmparena = upb_arena_new(); upb_strtable addtab; upb_alloc *alloc = upb_arena_alloc(s->arena); upb_filedef *file = upb_malloc(alloc, sizeof(*file)); bool ok; symtab_addctx ctx; ctx.file = file; ctx.symtab = s; ctx.alloc = alloc; ctx.tmp = upb_arena_alloc(tmparena); ctx.addtab = &addtab; ctx.layouts = layouts; ctx.status = status; ok = file && upb_strtable_init2(&addtab, UPB_CTYPE_CONSTPTR, ctx.tmp) && build_filedef(&ctx, file, file_proto) && upb_symtab_addtotabs(s, &ctx); upb_arena_free(tmparena); return ok ? file : NULL; } const upb_filedef *upb_symtab_addfile( upb_symtab *s, const google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *file_proto, upb_status *status) { return _upb_symtab_addfile(s, file_proto, NULL, status); } /* Include here since we want most of this file to be stdio-free. */ #include bool _upb_symtab_loaddefinit(upb_symtab *s, const upb_def_init *init) { /* Since this function should never fail (it would indicate a bug in upb) we * print errors to stderr instead of returning error status to the user. */ upb_def_init **deps = init->deps; google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto *file; upb_arena *arena; upb_status status; upb_status_clear(&status); if (upb_strtable_lookup(&s->files, init->filename, NULL)) { return true; } arena = upb_arena_new(); for (; *deps; deps++) { if (!_upb_symtab_loaddefinit(s, *deps)) goto err; } file = google_protobuf_FileDescriptorProto_parse( init->descriptor.data, init->descriptor.size, arena); if (!file) { upb_status_seterrf( &status, "Failed to parse compiled-in descriptor for file '%s'. This should " "never happen.", init->filename); goto err; } if (!_upb_symtab_addfile(s, file, init->layouts, &status)) goto err; upb_arena_free(arena); return true; err: fprintf(stderr, "Error loading compiled-in descriptor: %s\n", upb_status_errmsg(&status)); upb_arena_free(arena); return false; } #undef CHK #undef CHK_OOM