// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "conformance_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "google/protobuf/util/field_comparator.h" #include "google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h" #include "absl/container/btree_map.h" #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h" #include "absl/log/absl_check.h" #include "absl/log/absl_log.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "conformance/conformance.pb.h" #include "failure_list_trie_node.h" #include "google/protobuf/descriptor_legacy.h" #include "google/protobuf/endian.h" #include "google/protobuf/message.h" #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h" using conformance::ConformanceRequest; using conformance::ConformanceResponse; using conformance::TestStatus; using conformance::WireFormat; using google::protobuf::util::DefaultFieldComparator; using google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer; using std::string; namespace { static void ReplaceAll(std::string& input, std::string replace_word, std::string replace_by) { size_t pos = input.find(replace_word); while (pos != std::string::npos) { input.replace(pos, replace_word.length(), replace_by); pos = input.find(replace_word, pos + replace_by.length()); } } static std::string ToOctString(const std::string& binary_string) { std::string oct_string; for (size_t i = 0; i < binary_string.size(); i++) { uint8_t c = binary_string.at(i); uint8_t high = c / 64; uint8_t mid = (c % 64) / 8; uint8_t low = c % 8; oct_string.push_back('\\'); oct_string.push_back('0' + high); oct_string.push_back('0' + mid); oct_string.push_back('0' + low); } return oct_string; } // Returns full filename path of written .txt file if successful static std::string ProduceOctalSerialized(const std::string& request, uint32_t len) { char* len_split_bytes = static_cast(static_cast(&len)); std::string out; std::string hex_repr; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { auto conversion = (unsigned int)static_cast(len_split_bytes[i]); std::string hex = absl::StrFormat("\\x%x", conversion); absl::StrAppend(&hex_repr, hex); } absl::StrAppend(&out, hex_repr); absl::StrAppend(&out, ToOctString(request)); return out; } static std::string WriteToFile(const std::string& octal_serialized, const std::string& output_dir, const std::string& test_name) { std::string test_name_txt = test_name; ReplaceAll(test_name_txt, ".", "_"); absl::StrAppend(&test_name_txt, ".txt"); std::string full_filename; if (!output_dir.empty()) { full_filename = output_dir; if (*output_dir.rbegin() != '/') { full_filename.push_back('/'); } absl::StrAppend(&full_filename, test_name_txt); } std::ofstream os{std::string(full_filename)}; if (os) { os << octal_serialized; return full_filename; } else { ABSL_LOG(INFO) << "Failed to open file for debugging: " << full_filename << "\n"; return ""; } } // Removes all newlines. static void Normalize(std::string& input) { input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(), input.end(), '\n'), input.end()); } // Sets up a failure message properly for our failure lists. static TestStatus FormatFailureMessage(const TestStatus& input) { // Make copy just this once, as we need to modify it for our failure lists. std::string formatted_failure_message = input.failure_message(); // Remove newlines Normalize(formatted_failure_message); // Truncate failure message if needed if (formatted_failure_message.length() > 128) { formatted_failure_message = formatted_failure_message.substr(0, 128); } TestStatus properly_formatted; properly_formatted.set_name(input.name()); properly_formatted.set_failure_message(formatted_failure_message); return properly_formatted; } bool CheckSetEmpty(const absl::btree_map& set_to_check, absl::string_view write_to_file, absl::string_view msg, absl::string_view output_dir, std::string* output) { if (set_to_check.empty()) return true; absl::StrAppendFormat(output, "\n"); absl::StrAppendFormat(output, "%s\n\n", msg); for (const auto& pair : set_to_check) { absl::StrAppendFormat(output, " %s # %s\n", pair.first, pair.second.failure_message()); } absl::StrAppendFormat(output, "\n"); if (!write_to_file.empty()) { std::string full_filename; absl::string_view filename = write_to_file; if (!output_dir.empty()) { full_filename = std::string(output_dir); absl::StrAppend(&full_filename, write_to_file); filename = full_filename; } std::ofstream os{std::string(filename)}; if (os) { for (const auto& pair : set_to_check) { // Additions will not have a 'matched_name' while removals will. string potential_add_or_removal = pair.second.matched_name().empty() ? pair.first : pair.second.matched_name(); os << potential_add_or_removal << " # " << pair.second.failure_message() << "\n"; } } else { absl::StrAppendFormat(output, "Failed to open file: %s\n", filename); } } return false; } } // namespace namespace google { namespace protobuf { constexpr int kMaximumWildcardExpansions = 10; ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::ConformanceRequestSetting( ConformanceLevel level, conformance::WireFormat input_format, conformance::WireFormat output_format, conformance::TestCategory test_category, const Message& prototype_message, const std::string& test_name, const std::string& input) : level_(level), input_format_(input_format), output_format_(output_format), prototype_message_(prototype_message), prototype_message_for_compare_(prototype_message.New()), test_name_(test_name) { switch (input_format) { case conformance::PROTOBUF: { request_.set_protobuf_payload(input); break; } case conformance::JSON: { request_.set_json_payload(input); break; } case conformance::JSPB: { request_.set_jspb_payload(input); break; } case conformance::TEXT_FORMAT: { request_.set_text_payload(input); break; } default: ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Unspecified input format"; } request_.set_test_category(test_category); request_.set_message_type(prototype_message.GetDescriptor()->full_name()); request_.set_requested_output_format(output_format); } std::unique_ptr ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::NewTestMessage() const { return std::unique_ptr(prototype_message_for_compare_->New()); } std::string ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::GetSyntaxIdentifier() const { switch (FileDescriptorLegacy(prototype_message_.GetDescriptor()->file()) .edition()) { case Edition::EDITION_PROTO3: return "Proto3"; case Edition::EDITION_PROTO2: return "Proto2"; default: { std::string id = "Editions"; if (prototype_message_.GetDescriptor()->name() == "TestAllTypesProto2") { absl::StrAppend(&id, "_Proto2"); } else if (prototype_message_.GetDescriptor()->name() == "TestAllTypesProto3") { absl::StrAppend(&id, "_Proto3"); } return id; } } } string ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::GetTestName() const { return absl::StrCat(ConformanceLevelToString(level_), ".", GetSyntaxIdentifier(), ".", InputFormatString(input_format_), ".", test_name_, ".", OutputFormatString(output_format_)); } std::string ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::ConformanceLevelToString( ConformanceLevel level) const { switch (level) { case REQUIRED: return "Required"; case RECOMMENDED: return "Recommended"; } ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown value: " << level; return ""; } std::string ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::InputFormatString( conformance::WireFormat format) const { switch (format) { case conformance::PROTOBUF: return "ProtobufInput"; case conformance::JSON: return "JsonInput"; case conformance::TEXT_FORMAT: return "TextFormatInput"; default: ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Unspecified output format"; } return ""; } std::string ConformanceTestSuite::ConformanceRequestSetting::OutputFormatString( conformance::WireFormat format) const { switch (format) { case conformance::PROTOBUF: return "ProtobufOutput"; case conformance::JSON: return "JsonOutput"; case conformance::TEXT_FORMAT: return "TextFormatOutput"; default: ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Unspecified output format"; } return ""; } void ConformanceTestSuite::TruncateDebugPayload(string* payload) { if (payload != nullptr && payload->size() > 200) { payload->resize(200); payload->append("...(truncated)"); } } ConformanceRequest ConformanceTestSuite::TruncateRequest( const ConformanceRequest& request) { ConformanceRequest debug_request(request); switch (debug_request.payload_case()) { case ConformanceRequest::kProtobufPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_request.mutable_protobuf_payload()); break; case ConformanceRequest::kJsonPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_request.mutable_json_payload()); break; case ConformanceRequest::kTextPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_request.mutable_text_payload()); break; case ConformanceRequest::kJspbPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_request.mutable_jspb_payload()); break; default: // Do nothing. break; } return debug_request; } ConformanceResponse ConformanceTestSuite::TruncateResponse( const ConformanceResponse& response) { ConformanceResponse debug_response(response); switch (debug_response.result_case()) { case ConformanceResponse::kProtobufPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_response.mutable_protobuf_payload()); break; case ConformanceResponse::kJsonPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_response.mutable_json_payload()); break; case ConformanceResponse::kTextPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_response.mutable_text_payload()); break; case ConformanceResponse::kJspbPayload: TruncateDebugPayload(debug_response.mutable_jspb_payload()); break; default: // Do nothing. break; } return debug_response; } void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSuccess(const TestStatus& test) { if (expected_to_fail_.contains(test.name())) { absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "ERROR: test %s (matched to %s) is in the failure " "list, but test succeeded. " "Remove its match from the failure list.\n", test.name(), expected_to_fail_[test.name()].matched_name()); unexpected_succeeding_tests_[test.name()] = expected_to_fail_[test.name()]; } expected_to_fail_.erase(test.name()); successes_++; } void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportFailure(TestStatus& test, ConformanceLevel level, const ConformanceRequest& request, const ConformanceResponse& response) { if (expected_to_fail_.contains(test.name())) { // Make copy just this once, as we need to modify them for comparison. // Failure message from the failure list. string expected_failure_message = expected_to_fail_[test.name()].failure_message(); // Actual failure message from the test run. std::string actual_failure_message = test.failure_message(); Normalize(actual_failure_message); if (actual_failure_message.rfind(expected_failure_message, 0) == 0) { // Our failure messages match. expected_failures_++; } else { // We want to add the test to the failure list with its correct failure // message. unexpected_failure_messages_[test.name()] = FormatFailureMessage(test); // We want to remove the test from the failure list. That means passing // to it the same failure message that was in the list. TestStatus incorrect_failure_message; incorrect_failure_message.set_name(test.name()); incorrect_failure_message.set_failure_message(expected_failure_message); incorrect_failure_message.set_matched_name( expected_to_fail_[test.name()].matched_name()); expected_failure_messages_[test.name()] = incorrect_failure_message; } expected_to_fail_.erase(test.name()); if (!verbose_) return; } else if (level == RECOMMENDED && !enforce_recommended_) { absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "WARNING, test=%s: ", test.name()); } else { absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "ERROR, test=%s: ", test.name()); unexpected_failing_tests_[test.name()] = FormatFailureMessage(test); } absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "%s, request=%s, response=%s\n", test.failure_message(), TruncateRequest(request).ShortDebugString(), TruncateResponse(response).ShortDebugString()); } void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSkip(const TestStatus& test, const ConformanceRequest& request, const ConformanceResponse& response) { if (verbose_) { absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, "SKIPPED, test=%s request=%s, response=%s\n", test.name(), request.ShortDebugString(), response.ShortDebugString()); } skipped_[test.name()] = test; } void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidInputTest( const ConformanceRequestSetting& setting, const std::string& equivalent_text_format) { std::unique_ptr reference_message(setting.NewTestMessage()); ABSL_CHECK(TextFormat::ParseFromString(equivalent_text_format, reference_message.get())) << "Failed to parse data for test case: " << setting.GetTestName() << ", data: " << equivalent_text_format; const std::string equivalent_wire_format = reference_message->SerializeAsString(); RunValidBinaryInputTest(setting, equivalent_wire_format); } void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidBinaryInputTest( const ConformanceRequestSetting& setting, const std::string& equivalent_wire_format, bool require_same_wire_format) { const ConformanceRequest& request = setting.GetRequest(); ConformanceResponse response; if (!RunTest(setting.GetTestName(), request, &response)) { return; } VerifyResponse(setting, equivalent_wire_format, response, true, require_same_wire_format); } void ConformanceTestSuite::VerifyResponse( const ConformanceRequestSetting& setting, const std::string& equivalent_wire_format, const ConformanceResponse& response, bool need_report_success, bool require_same_wire_format) { std::unique_ptr test_message(setting.NewTestMessage()); const ConformanceRequest& request = setting.GetRequest(); const std::string& test_name = setting.GetTestName(); ConformanceLevel level = setting.GetLevel(); std::unique_ptr reference_message = setting.NewTestMessage(); ABSL_CHECK(reference_message->ParseFromString(equivalent_wire_format)) << "Failed to parse wire data for test case: " << test_name; TestStatus test; test.set_name(test_name); switch (response.result_case()) { case ConformanceResponse::RESULT_NOT_SET: test.set_failure_message( "Response didn't have any field in the Response."); ReportFailure(test, level, request, response); return; case ConformanceResponse::kParseError: case ConformanceResponse::kTimeoutError: case ConformanceResponse::kRuntimeError: case ConformanceResponse::kSerializeError: test.set_failure_message("Failed to parse input or produce output."); ReportFailure(test, level, request, response); return; case ConformanceResponse::kSkipped: ReportSkip(test, request, response); return; default: if (!ParseResponse(response, setting, test_message.get())) return; } MessageDifferencer differencer; DefaultFieldComparator field_comparator; field_comparator.set_treat_nan_as_equal(true); differencer.set_field_comparator(&field_comparator); std::string differences; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&differences); bool check = false; if (require_same_wire_format) { ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(response.result_case(), ConformanceResponse::kProtobufPayload); const std::string& protobuf_payload = response.protobuf_payload(); check = equivalent_wire_format == protobuf_payload; differences = absl::StrCat("Expect: ", ToOctString(equivalent_wire_format), ", but got: ", ToOctString(protobuf_payload)); } else { check = differencer.Compare(*reference_message, *test_message); } if (check) { if (need_report_success) { ReportSuccess(test); } } else { test.set_failure_message(absl::StrCat( "Output was not equivalent to reference message: ", differences)); ReportFailure(test, level, request, response); } } bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunTest(const std::string& test_name, const ConformanceRequest& request, ConformanceResponse* response) { if (test_names_ran_.insert(test_name).second == false) { ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Duplicated test name: " << test_name; } // In essence, find what wildcarded test names expand to or direct matches // (without wildcards). auto result = failure_list_root_.WalkDownMatch(test_name); if (result.has_value()) { string matched_equivalent = result.value(); unmatched_.erase(matched_equivalent); TestStatus expansion; expansion.set_name(test_name); expansion.set_matched_name(matched_equivalent); expansion.set_failure_message(saved_failure_messages_[matched_equivalent]); expected_to_fail_[test_name] = expansion; if (number_of_matches_.contains(matched_equivalent)) { if (number_of_matches_[matched_equivalent] > kMaximumWildcardExpansions && !exceeded_max_matches_.contains(matched_equivalent)) { exceeded_max_matches_[matched_equivalent] = expansion; } number_of_matches_[matched_equivalent]++; } else { number_of_matches_[matched_equivalent] = 1; } } std::string serialized_request; std::string serialized_response; request.SerializeToString(&serialized_request); uint32_t len = internal::little_endian::FromHost( static_cast(serialized_request.size())); if (isolated_) { if (names_to_test_.erase(test_name) == 0) { // Tests were asked to be run in isolated mode, but this test was // not asked to be run. expected_to_fail_.erase(test_name); return false; } if (debug_) { std::string octal = ProduceOctalSerialized(serialized_request, len); std::string full_filename = WriteToFile(octal, output_dir_, test_name); if (!full_filename.empty()) { absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, "Produced octal serialized request file for test %s\n", test_name); absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, " To pipe the " "serialized request directly to " "the " "testee run from the root of your workspace:\n printf $(" "<\"%s\") | %s\n\n", full_filename, testee_); absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, " To inspect the wire format of the serialized request with " "protoscope run " "(Disclaimer: This may not work properly on non-Linux " "platforms):\n " " " "contents=$(<\"%s\"); sub=$(cut -d \\\\ -f 6- <<< " "$contents) ; printf \"\\\\${sub}\" | protoscope \n\n\n", full_filename); } } } response->set_protobuf_payload(serialized_request); runner_->RunTest(test_name, len, serialized_request, &serialized_response); if (!response->ParseFromString(serialized_response)) { response->Clear(); response->set_runtime_error("response proto could not be parsed."); } if (verbose_) { absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, "conformance test: name=%s, request=%s, response=%s\n", test_name, TruncateRequest(request).ShortDebugString(), TruncateResponse(*response).ShortDebugString()); } return true; } std::string ConformanceTestSuite::WireFormatToString(WireFormat wire_format) { switch (wire_format) { case conformance::PROTOBUF: return "PROTOBUF"; case conformance::JSON: return "JSON"; case conformance::JSPB: return "JSPB"; case conformance::TEXT_FORMAT: return "TEXT_FORMAT"; case conformance::UNSPECIFIED: return "UNSPECIFIED"; default: ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "unknown wire type: " << wire_format; } return ""; } bool ConformanceTestSuite::AddExpectedFailedTest( const TestStatus& expected_failure) { absl::Status attempt = failure_list_root_.Insert(expected_failure.name()); if (!attempt.ok()) { absl::StrAppend(&output_, attempt.message(), "\n\n"); return false; } unmatched_[expected_failure.name()] = expected_failure; saved_failure_messages_[expected_failure.name()] = expected_failure.failure_message(); return true; } bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunSuite(ConformanceTestRunner* runner, std::string* output, const std::string& filename, conformance::FailureSet* failure_list) { runner_ = runner; failure_list_root_ = FailureListTrieNode("root"); successes_ = 0; expected_failures_ = 0; skipped_.clear(); test_names_ran_.clear(); unexpected_failing_tests_.clear(); unexpected_succeeding_tests_.clear(); std::string mode = debug_ ? "DEBUG" : "TEST"; absl::StrAppendFormat( &output_, "CONFORMANCE %s BEGIN ====================================\n\n", mode); failure_list_filename_ = filename; expected_to_fail_.clear(); for (const TestStatus& expected_failure : failure_list->test()) { if (!AddExpectedFailedTest(expected_failure)) { output->assign(output_); return false; } } RunSuiteImpl(); if (*output_dir_.rbegin() != '/') { output_dir_.push_back('/'); } bool ok = true; if (!CheckSetEmpty( unmatched_, "unmatched.txt", absl::StrCat( "These test names were listed in the failure list, but they " "didn't match any actual test name. Remove them from the " "failure list by running from the root of your workspace:\n" " bazel run " "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- ", failure_list_filename_, " --remove ", output_dir_, "unmatched.txt"), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (!CheckSetEmpty( expected_failure_messages_, "expected_failure_messages.txt", absl::StrCat( "These tests (either expanded from wildcard(s) or direct " "matches) were listed in the failure list, but their " "failure messages do not match. Remove their match from the " "failure list by running from the root of your workspace:\n" " bazel run ", "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- ", failure_list_filename_, " --remove ", output_dir_, "expected_failure_messages.txt"), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (!CheckSetEmpty( unexpected_succeeding_tests_, "succeeding_tests.txt", absl::StrCat( "These tests succeeded, even though they were listed in " "the failure list (expanded from wildcard(s) or direct matches). " " Remove their match from the failure list by " "running from the root of your workspace:\n" " bazel run " "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- ", failure_list_filename_, " --remove ", output_dir_, "succeeding_tests.txt"), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (!CheckSetEmpty( exceeded_max_matches_, "exceeded_max_matches.txt", absl::StrFormat( "These failure list entries served as matches to too many test " "names exceeding the max amount of %d. " "Remove them from the failure list by running from the root of " "your workspace:\n" " bazel run " "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- %s " "--remove %sexceeded_max_matches.txt", kMaximumWildcardExpansions, failure_list_filename_, output_dir_), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (!CheckSetEmpty( unexpected_failure_messages_, "unexpected_failure_messages.txt", absl::StrCat( "These tests (expanded from wildcard(s) or direct matches from " "the failure list) failed because their failure messages did " "not match. If they can't be fixed right now, " "you can add them to the failure list so the overall " "suite can succeed. Add them to the failure list by " "running from the root of your workspace:\n" " bazel run " "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- ", failure_list_filename_, " --add ", output_dir_, "unexpected_failure_messages.txt"), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (!CheckSetEmpty( unexpected_failing_tests_, "failing_tests.txt", absl::StrCat( "These tests failed. If they can't be fixed right now, " "you can add them to the failure list so the overall " "suite can succeed. Add them to the failure list by " "running from the root of your workspace:\n" " bazel run " "//google/protobuf/conformance:update_failure_list -- ", failure_list_filename_, " --add ", output_dir_, "failing_tests.txt"), output_dir_, &output_)) { ok = false; } if (verbose_) { CheckSetEmpty(skipped_, "", "These tests were skipped (probably because support for some " "features is not implemented)", output_dir_, &output_); } absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "CONFORMANCE SUITE %s: %d successes, %zu skipped, " "%d expected failures, %zu unexpected failures.\n", ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED", successes_, skipped_.size(), expected_failures_, unexpected_failing_tests_.size()); absl::StrAppendFormat(&output_, "\n"); output->assign(output_); return ok; } } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google