# Copyright (c) 2009-2024, Google LLC # All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd """The implementation of the `java_proto_library` rule and its aspect.""" load("@rules_java//java/common:java_info.bzl", "JavaInfo") load("//bazel/common:proto_common.bzl", "proto_common") load("//bazel/common:proto_info.bzl", "ProtoInfo") load("//bazel/private:java_proto_support.bzl", "JavaProtoAspectInfo", "java_compile_for_protos", "java_info_merge_for_protos") load("//bazel/private:toolchain_helpers.bzl", "toolchains") _JAVA_PROTO_TOOLCHAIN = "//bazel/private:java_toolchain_type" def _filter_provider(provider, *attrs): return [dep[provider] for attr in attrs for dep in attr if provider in dep] def _bazel_java_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx): """Generates and compiles Java code for a proto_library. The function runs protobuf compiler on the `proto_library` target using `proto_lang_toolchain` specified by `--proto_toolchain_for_java` flag. This generates a source jar. After that the source jar is compiled, respecting `deps` and `exports` of the `proto_library`. Args: target: (Target) The `proto_library` target (any target providing `ProtoInfo`. ctx: (RuleContext) The rule context. Returns: ([JavaInfo, JavaProtoAspectInfo]) A JavaInfo describing compiled Java version of`proto_library` and `JavaProtoAspectInfo` with all source and runtime jars. """ proto_toolchain_info = toolchains.find_toolchain(ctx, "_aspect_java_proto_toolchain", _JAVA_PROTO_TOOLCHAIN) source_jar = None if proto_common.experimental_should_generate_code(target[ProtoInfo], proto_toolchain_info, "java_proto_library", target.label): # Generate source jar using proto compiler. source_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "-speed-src.jar") proto_common.compile( ctx.actions, target[ProtoInfo], proto_toolchain_info, [source_jar], experimental_output_files = "single", ) # Compile Java sources (or just merge if there aren't any) deps = _filter_provider(JavaInfo, ctx.rule.attr.deps) exports = _filter_provider(JavaInfo, ctx.rule.attr.exports) if source_jar and proto_toolchain_info.runtime: deps.append(proto_toolchain_info.runtime[JavaInfo]) java_info, jars = java_compile_for_protos( ctx, "-speed.jar", source_jar, deps, exports, ) transitive_jars = [dep[JavaProtoAspectInfo].jars for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps if JavaProtoAspectInfo in dep] return [ java_info, JavaProtoAspectInfo(jars = depset(jars, transitive = transitive_jars)), ] bazel_java_proto_aspect = aspect( implementation = _bazel_java_proto_aspect_impl, attrs = toolchains.if_legacy_toolchain({ "_aspect_java_proto_toolchain": attr.label( default = configuration_field(fragment = "proto", name = "proto_toolchain_for_java"), ), }), toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_type"] + toolchains.use_toolchain(_JAVA_PROTO_TOOLCHAIN), attr_aspects = ["deps", "exports"], required_providers = [ProtoInfo], provides = [JavaInfo, JavaProtoAspectInfo], fragments = ["java"], ) def bazel_java_proto_library_rule(ctx): """Merges results of `java_proto_aspect` in `deps`. Args: ctx: (RuleContext) The rule context. Returns: ([JavaInfo, DefaultInfo, OutputGroupInfo]) """ proto_toolchain = toolchains.find_toolchain(ctx, "_aspect_java_proto_toolchain", _JAVA_PROTO_TOOLCHAIN) for dep in ctx.attr.deps: proto_common.check_collocated(ctx.label, dep[ProtoInfo], proto_toolchain) java_info = java_info_merge_for_protos([dep[JavaInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.deps], merge_java_outputs = False) transitive_src_and_runtime_jars = depset(transitive = [dep[JavaProtoAspectInfo].jars for dep in ctx.attr.deps]) transitive_runtime_jars = depset(transitive = [java_info.transitive_runtime_jars]) return [ java_info, DefaultInfo( files = transitive_src_and_runtime_jars, runfiles = ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = transitive_runtime_jars), ), OutputGroupInfo(default = depset()), ] java_proto_library = rule( implementation = bazel_java_proto_library_rule, doc = """

java_proto_library generates Java code from .proto files.

deps must point to proto_library rules.


    name = "lib",
    runtime_deps = [":foo_java_proto"],

    name = "foo_java_proto",
    deps = [":foo_proto"],

    name = "foo_proto",

""", attrs = { "deps": attr.label_list( providers = [ProtoInfo], aspects = [bazel_java_proto_aspect], doc = """ The list of proto_library rules to generate Java code for. """, ), # buildifier: disable=attr-license (calling attr.license()) "licenses": attr.license() if hasattr(attr, "license") else attr.string_list(), "distribs": attr.string_list(), } | toolchains.if_legacy_toolchain({ "_aspect_java_proto_toolchain": attr.label( default = configuration_field(fragment = "proto", name = "proto_toolchain_for_java"), ), }), # buildifier: disable=attr-licenses (attribute called licenses) provides = [JavaInfo], toolchains = toolchains.use_toolchain(_JAVA_PROTO_TOOLCHAIN), )