"""proto_lang_toolchain rule""" load("@proto_bazel_features//:features.bzl", "bazel_features") load("//bazel/common:proto_common.bzl", "proto_common") load("//bazel/private:proto_lang_toolchain_rule.bzl", _proto_lang_toolchain_rule = "proto_lang_toolchain") def proto_lang_toolchain(*, name, toolchain_type = None, exec_compatible_with = [], target_compatible_with = [], **attrs): """Creates a proto_lang_toolchain and corresponding toolchain target. Toolchain target is only created when toolchain_type is set. https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/protocol-buffer.html#proto_lang_toolchain Args: name: name of the toolchain toolchain_type: The toolchain type exec_compatible_with: ([constraints]) List of constraints the prebuild binaries is compatible with. target_compatible_with: ([constraints]) List of constraints the target libraries are compatible with. **attrs: Rule attributes """ if getattr(proto_common, "INCOMPATIBLE_PASS_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE", False): attrs["toolchain_type"] = toolchain_type # This condition causes Starlark rules to be used only on Bazel >=7.0.0 if bazel_features.proto.starlark_proto_info: _proto_lang_toolchain_rule(name = name, **attrs) else: # On older Bazel versions keep using native rules, so that mismatch in ProtoInfo doesn't happen native.proto_lang_toolchain(name = name, **attrs) if toolchain_type: native.toolchain( name = name + "_toolchain", toolchain_type = toolchain_type, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with, toolchain = name, )