// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd // EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE IS INTERNAL - DO NOT USE ///////////////////////// #ifndef UPB_COLLECTIONS_INTERNAL_MAP_SORTER_H_ #define UPB_COLLECTIONS_INTERNAL_MAP_SORTER_H_ #include #include "upb/message/internal/extension.h" #include "upb/message/internal/map.h" #include "upb/message/internal/map_entry.h" // Must be last. #include "upb/port/def.inc" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // _upb_mapsorter sorts maps and provides ordered iteration over the entries. // Since maps can be recursive (map values can be messages which contain other // maps), _upb_mapsorter can contain a stack of maps. typedef struct { void const** entries; int size; int cap; } _upb_mapsorter; typedef struct { int start; int pos; int end; } _upb_sortedmap; UPB_INLINE void _upb_mapsorter_init(_upb_mapsorter* s) { s->entries = NULL; s->size = 0; s->cap = 0; } UPB_INLINE void _upb_mapsorter_destroy(_upb_mapsorter* s) { if (s->entries) free(s->entries); } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_sortedmap_next(_upb_mapsorter* s, const upb_Map* map, _upb_sortedmap* sorted, upb_MapEntry* ent) { if (sorted->pos == sorted->end) return false; const upb_tabent* tabent = (const upb_tabent*)s->entries[sorted->pos++]; upb_StringView key = upb_tabstrview(tabent->key); _upb_map_fromkey(key, &ent->data.k, map->key_size); upb_value val = {tabent->val.val}; _upb_map_fromvalue(val, &ent->data.v, map->val_size); return true; } UPB_INLINE bool _upb_sortedmap_nextext(_upb_mapsorter* s, _upb_sortedmap* sorted, const upb_Message_Extension** ext) { if (sorted->pos == sorted->end) return false; *ext = (const upb_Message_Extension*)s->entries[sorted->pos++]; return true; } UPB_INLINE void _upb_mapsorter_popmap(_upb_mapsorter* s, _upb_sortedmap* sorted) { s->size = sorted->start; } bool _upb_mapsorter_pushmap(_upb_mapsorter* s, upb_FieldType key_type, const upb_Map* map, _upb_sortedmap* sorted); bool _upb_mapsorter_pushexts(_upb_mapsorter* s, const upb_Message_Extension* exts, size_t count, _upb_sortedmap* sorted); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #include "upb/port/undef.inc" #endif /* UPB_COLLECTIONS_INTERNAL_MAP_SORTER_H_ */