// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2024 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include #include #include #include "absl/log/absl_log.h" #include "upb/base/string_view.h" #include "upb/base/upcast.h" #include "upb/mem/arena.h" #include "upb/message/message.h" #include "upb/mini_table/message.h" #include "upb/test/test.upb.h" #include "upb/test/test.upb_minitable.h" #include "upb/text/debug_string.h" TEST(TextNoReflection, Extensions) { const upb_MiniTable* mt_main = upb_0test__ModelWithExtensions_msg_init_ptr; upb_Arena* arena = upb_Arena_New(); upb_test_ModelExtension1* extension1 = upb_test_ModelExtension1_new(arena); upb_test_ModelExtension1_set_str(extension1, upb_StringView_FromString("Hello")); upb_test_ModelExtension2* extension2 = upb_test_ModelExtension2_new(arena); upb_test_ModelExtension2_set_i(extension2, 5); upb_test_ModelWithExtensions* msg = upb_test_ModelWithExtensions_new(arena); upb_test_ModelExtension1_set_model_ext(msg, extension1, arena); upb_test_ModelExtension2_set_model_ext(msg, extension2, arena); // Convert to a type of upb_Message* upb_Message* input = UPB_UPCAST(msg); // Resizing/reallocation of the buffer is not necessary since we're only // testing that we get the expected debug string. char* buf = new char[100]; int options = UPB_TXTENC_NOSORT; // Does not matter, but maps will not be sorted. size_t size = 100; size_t real_size = upb_DebugString(input, mt_main, options, buf, size); ABSL_LOG(INFO) << "Buffer: \n" << buf << "\n" << "Size:" << real_size << "\n"; std::string golden = R"([4135] { 9: 5 } [1547] { 25: "Hello" } )"; ASSERT_EQ(buf[real_size], '\0'); std::string str(buf); ASSERT_EQ(buf, golden); delete[] buf; upb_Arena_Free(arena); }