# This package contains tests exercising C++/Rust interop in the cpp kernel. load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_test") cc_library( name = "test_utils", srcs = ["test_utils.cc"], deps = [ "//rust/cpp_kernel:cpp_api", "//rust/test:unittest_cc_proto", ], ) rust_test( name = "interop_test", srcs = ["main.rs"], tags = [ # TODO(b/270274576): Enable testing on arm once we have a Rust Arm toolchain. "not_build:arm", # TODO(b/243126140): Enable tsan once we support sanitizers with Rust. "notsan", # TODO(b/243126140): Enable msan once we support sanitizers with Rust. "nomsan", ], deps = [ ":test_utils", "//rust:protobuf_cpp", "//rust/test:unittest_cc_rust_proto", ], )