"""Macros that implement bootstrapping for the upb code generator.""" # begin:github_only load( "//bazel:upb_minitable_proto_library.bzl", "upb_minitable_proto_library", ) # end:github_only load( "//bazel:upb_proto_library.bzl", "upb_proto_library", ) load( "//upb/cmake:build_defs.bzl", "staleness_test", ) _stages = ["_stage0", "_stage1", ""] _protoc = "//:protoc" # begin:google_only # _is_google3 = True # _extra_proto_path = "" # end:google_only # begin:github_only _is_google3 = False _extra_proto_path = "-I$$(dirname $(location @com_google_protobuf//:descriptor_proto_srcs))/../.. " # end:github_only # This visibility is used automatically for anything used by the bootstrapping process. _bootstrap_visibility = [ "//upb_generator:__subpackages__", "//upb/reflection:__pkg__", # begin:github_only "//upb:__pkg__", # For the amalgamations. "//python/dist:__pkg__", # For the Python source package. # end:github_only ] def _stage_visibility(stage, visibility): return visibility if stage == "" else _bootstrap_visibility def _upbc(generator, stage): if generator == "upb": return "//upb_generator/c:protoc-gen-upb" + _stages[stage] else: return "//upb_generator/minitable:protoc-gen-upb_minitable" + _stages[stage] def bootstrap_cc_library(name, visibility = [], deps = [], bootstrap_deps = [], **kwargs): """A version of cc_library() that is augmented to allow for bootstrapping the compiler. In addition to the normal cc_library() target, this rule will also generate _stage0 and _stage1 targets that are used internally for bootstrapping, and will automatically have bootstrap visibility. However the final target will use the normal visibility, and will behave like a normal cc_library() target. Args: name: Name of this rule. This name will resolve to a upb_proto_library(). deps: Normal cc_library() deps. bootstrap_deps: Special bootstrap_upb_proto_library() or bootstrap_cc_library() deps. visibility: Visibility of the final target. **kwargs: Other arguments that will be passed through to cc_library(). upb_proto_library(). """ for stage in _stages: native.cc_library( name = name + stage, deps = deps + [dep + stage for dep in bootstrap_deps], visibility = _stage_visibility(stage, visibility), **kwargs ) def bootstrap_cc_binary(name, visibility = [], deps = [], bootstrap_deps = [], **kwargs): """A version of cc_binary() that is augmented to allow for bootstrapping the compiler. In addition to the normal cc_binary() target, this rule will also generate _stage0 and _stage1 targets that are used internally for bootstrapping, and will automatically have bootstrap visibility. However the final target will use the normal visibility, and will behave like a normal cc_binary() target. Args: name: Name of this rule. This name will resolve to a upb_proto_library(). deps: Normal cc_library() deps. bootstrap_deps: Special bootstrap_upb_proto_library() or bootstrap_cc_library() deps. visibility: Visibility of the final target. **kwargs: Other arguments that will be passed through to cc_binary(). upb_proto_library(). """ for stage in _stages: native.cc_binary( name = name + stage, deps = deps + [dep + stage for dep in bootstrap_deps], visibility = _stage_visibility(stage, visibility), **kwargs ) def _generated_file(proto, stage, generator, suffix): stripped = proto[:-len(".proto")] return "{}/{}.{}.{}".format(stage, stripped, generator, suffix) def _generated_files(protos, stage, generator, suffix): return [_generated_file(proto, stage, generator, suffix) for proto in protos] def _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(protos, stage, generator): ret = _generated_files(protos, stage, generator, "h") if generator != "upb" or stage == "stage0": ret += _generated_files(protos, stage, generator, "c") return ret def _stage0_proto_staleness_test(name, src_files, src_rules, strip_prefix): native.genrule( name = name + "_generate_bootstrap", srcs = src_rules, outs = ["bootstrap_generated_sources/" + f for f in _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(src_files, "stage0", "upb")], tools = [_protoc, _upbc("upb", 0)], cmd = "$(location " + _protoc + ") " + "-I$(GENDIR)/" + strip_prefix + " " + _extra_proto_path + "--plugin=protoc-gen-upb=$(location " + _upbc("upb", 0) + ") " + "--upb_out=bootstrap_stage=0:$(@D)/bootstrap_generated_sources/stage0 " + " ".join(src_files), ) staleness_test( name = name + "_stage0_staleness_test", outs = _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(src_files, "stage0", "upb"), generated_pattern = "bootstrap_generated_sources/%s", target_files = native.glob(["stage0/**"]), # To avoid skew problems for descriptor.proto/pluging.proto between # GitHub repos. It's not critical that the checked-in protos are up to # date for every change, they just needs to be complete enough to have # everything needed by the code generator itself. tags = ["manual"], ) def _generate_stage1_proto(name, src_files, src_rules, generator, kwargs): native.genrule( name = "gen_{}_{}_stage1".format(name, generator), srcs = src_rules, outs = _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(src_files, "stage1", generator), cmd = "$(location " + _protoc + ") " + "--plugin=protoc-gen-" + generator + "=$(location " + _upbc(generator, 0) + ") " + _extra_proto_path + "--" + generator + "_out=bootstrap_stage=1:$(RULEDIR)/stage1 " + " ".join(src_files), visibility = _bootstrap_visibility, tools = [ _protoc, _upbc(generator, 0), ], **kwargs ) # begin:github_only def _cmake_staleness_test(name, src_files, proto_lib_deps, **kwargs): upb_minitable_proto_library( name = name + "_minitable", deps = proto_lib_deps, **kwargs ) # Copy the final gencode for staleness comparison files = _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(src_files, "cmake", "upb") + \ _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(src_files, "cmake", "upb_minitable") genrule = 0 for src in files: genrule += 1 native.genrule( name = name + "_copy_gencode_%d" % genrule, outs = ["generated_sources/" + src], srcs = [name + "_upb_proto", name + "_minitable"], cmd = """ mkdir -p $(@D) for src in $(SRCS); do if [[ $$src == *%s ]]; then cp -f $$src $(@D) || echo 'copy failed!' fi done """ % src[src.rfind("/"):], ) # Keep bazel gencode in sync with our checked-in sources needed for cmake builds. staleness_test( name = name + "_staleness_test", outs = files, generated_pattern = "generated_sources/%s", tags = ["manual"], ) # end:github_only def bootstrap_upb_proto_library( name, bootstrap_hdr, google3_src_files, google3_src_rules, oss_src_files, oss_src_rules, oss_strip_prefix, proto_lib_deps, deps = [], **kwargs): """A version of upb_proto_library() that is augmented to allow for bootstrapping the compiler. Note that this rule is only intended to be used by bootstrap_cc_library() targets. End users should use the normal upb_proto_library() targets. As a result, we don't have a visibility parameter: all targets will automatically have bootstrap visibility. Args: name: Name of this rule. This name will resolve to a upb_proto_library(). bootstrap_hdr: The forwarding header that exposes the generated code, taking into account the current stage. google3_src_files: Google3 filenames of .proto files that should be built by this rule. The names should be relative to the depot base. google3_src_rules: Target names of the Blaze rules that will provide these filenames. oss_src_files: OSS filenames of .proto files that should be built by this rule. oss_src_rules: Target names of the Bazel rules that will provide these filenames. oss_strip_prefix: Prefix that should be stripped from OSS file names. proto_lib_deps: proto_library() rules that we will use to build the protos when we are not bootstrapping. deps: other bootstrap_upb_proto_library() rules that this one depends on. **kwargs: Other arguments that will be passed through to cc_library(), genrule(), and upb_proto_library(). """ _stage0_proto_staleness_test(name, oss_src_files, oss_src_rules, oss_strip_prefix) # stage0 uses checked-in protos, and has no MiniTable. native.cc_library( name = name + "_stage0", srcs = _generated_hdrs_and_srcs(oss_src_files, "stage0", "upb"), hdrs = [bootstrap_hdr], visibility = _bootstrap_visibility, defines = ["UPB_BOOTSTRAP_STAGE=0"], deps = [ "//upb:generated_code_support__only_for_generated_code_do_not_use__i_give_permission_to_break_me", "//upb:mini_table", ] + [dep + "_stage0" for dep in deps], **kwargs ) src_files = google3_src_files if _is_google3 else oss_src_files src_rules = google3_src_rules if _is_google3 else oss_src_rules # Generate stage1 protos (C API and MiniTables) using stage0 compiler. _generate_stage1_proto(name, src_files, src_rules, "upb", kwargs) _generate_stage1_proto(name, src_files, src_rules, "upb_minitable", kwargs) native.cc_library( name = name + "_minitable_stage1", srcs = _generated_files(src_files, "stage1", "upb_minitable", "c"), hdrs = _generated_files(src_files, "stage1", "upb_minitable", "h"), visibility = _bootstrap_visibility, defines = ["UPB_BOOTSTRAP_STAGE=1"], deps = [ "//upb:generated_code_support__only_for_generated_code_do_not_use__i_give_permission_to_break_me", ] + [dep + "_minitable_stage1" for dep in deps], **kwargs ) native.cc_library( name = name + "_stage1", srcs = _generated_files(src_files, "stage1", "upb", "h"), hdrs = [bootstrap_hdr], visibility = _bootstrap_visibility, defines = ["UPB_BOOTSTRAP_STAGE=1"], deps = [ "//upb:generated_code_support__only_for_generated_code_do_not_use__i_give_permission_to_break_me", ":" + name + "_minitable_stage1", ] + [dep + "_minitable_stage1" for dep in deps], **kwargs ) # The final protos are generated via normal upb_proto_library(). upb_proto_library( name = name + "_upb_proto", deps = proto_lib_deps, **kwargs ) native.cc_library( name = name, hdrs = [bootstrap_hdr], deps = [name + "_upb_proto"], visibility = _bootstrap_visibility, **kwargs ) # begin:github_only _cmake_staleness_test(name, src_files, proto_lib_deps, **kwargs) # end:github_only