# Setup our dependency on Abseil. if(protobuf_BUILD_TESTS) # Tell Abseil to build test-only helpers. set(ABSL_BUILD_TEST_HELPERS ON) # We depend on googletest too, so just tell Abseil to use the same one we've # already setup. set(ABSL_USE_EXTERNAL_GOOGLETEST ON) set(ABSL_FIND_GOOGLETEST OFF) endif() if(TARGET absl::strings) # If Abseil is included already, skip including it. # (https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/10435) elseif (protobuf_FETCH_DEPENDENCIES AND protobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER STREQUAL "fetch") include(${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/dependencies.cmake) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( absl GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp.git" GIT_TAG "${abseil-cpp-version}" ) if(protobuf_INSTALL) # When protobuf_INSTALL is enabled and Abseil will be built as a module, # Abseil will be installed along with protobuf for convenience. set(ABSL_ENABLE_INSTALL ON) endif() FetchContent_MakeAvailable(absl) else () # Use "CONFIG" as there is no built-in cmake module for absl. find_package(absl REQUIRED CONFIG) endif() set(_protobuf_FIND_ABSL "if(NOT TARGET absl::strings)\n find_package(absl CONFIG)\nendif()") if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND MSVC) # On MSVC Abseil is bundled into a single DLL. # This condition is necessary as of abseil 20230125.3 when abseil is consumed # via add_subdirectory, the abseil_dll target is named abseil_dll, while if # abseil is consumed via find_package, the target is called absl::abseil_dll # Once https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/pull/1466 is merged and released # in the minimum version of abseil required by protobuf, it is possible to # always link absl::abseil_dll and absl::abseil_test_dll and remove the if if(protobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER STREQUAL "package") set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TARGETS absl::abseil_dll) set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TEST_TARGETS absl::abseil_test_dll) else() set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TARGETS abseil_dll) set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TEST_TARGETS abseil_test_dll) endif() else() set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TARGETS absl::absl_check absl::absl_log absl::algorithm absl::base absl::bind_front absl::bits absl::btree absl::cleanup absl::cord absl::core_headers absl::debugging absl::die_if_null absl::dynamic_annotations absl::flags absl::flat_hash_map absl::flat_hash_set absl::function_ref absl::hash absl::if_constexpr absl::layout absl::log_initialize absl::log_globals absl::log_severity absl::memory absl::node_hash_map absl::node_hash_set absl::optional absl::random_distributions absl::random_random absl::span absl::status absl::statusor absl::strings absl::synchronization absl::time absl::type_traits absl::utility absl::variant ) set(protobuf_ABSL_USED_TEST_TARGETS absl::scoped_mock_log ) endif ()