/* ** TODO(haberman): it's unclear whether a lot of the consistency checks should ** UPB_ASSERT() or return false. */ #include "upb/handlers.h" #include #include "upb/sink.h" static void *upb_calloc(upb_arena *arena, size_t size) { void *mem = upb_malloc(upb_arena_alloc(arena), size); if (mem) { memset(mem, 0, size); } return mem; } /* Defined for the sole purpose of having a unique pointer value for * UPB_NO_CLOSURE. */ char _upb_noclosure; /* Given a selector for a STARTSUBMSG handler, resolves to a pointer to the * subhandlers for this submessage field. */ #define SUBH(h, selector) (h->sub[selector]) /* The selector for a submessage field is the field index. */ #define SUBH_F(h, f) SUBH(h, upb_fielddef_index(f)) static int32_t trygetsel(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type) { upb_selector_t sel; bool ok; ok = upb_handlers_getselector(f, type, &sel); UPB_ASSERT(upb_handlers_msgdef(h) == upb_fielddef_containingtype(f)); UPB_ASSERT(ok); return sel; } static upb_selector_t handlers_getsel(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type) { int32_t sel = trygetsel(h, f, type); UPB_ASSERT(sel >= 0); return sel; } static const void **returntype(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type) { return &h->table[handlers_getsel(h, f, type)].attr.return_closure_type_; } static bool doset(upb_handlers *h, int32_t sel, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type, upb_func *func, upb_handlerattr *attr) { upb_handlerattr set_attr = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER; const void *closure_type; const void **context_closure_type; UPB_ASSERT(!h->table[sel].func); if (attr) { set_attr = *attr; } /* Check that the given closure type matches the closure type that has been * established for this context (if any). */ closure_type = upb_handlerattr_closuretype(&set_attr); if (type == UPB_HANDLER_STRING) { context_closure_type = returntype(h, f, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSTR); } else if (f && upb_fielddef_isseq(f) && type != UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ && type != UPB_HANDLER_ENDSEQ) { context_closure_type = returntype(h, f, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ); } else { context_closure_type = &h->top_closure_type; } if (closure_type && *context_closure_type && closure_type != *context_closure_type) { UPB_ASSERT(false); } if (closure_type) *context_closure_type = closure_type; /* If this is a STARTSEQ or STARTSTR handler, check that the returned pointer * matches any pre-existing expectations about what type is expected. */ if (type == UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ || type == UPB_HANDLER_STARTSTR) { const void *return_type = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(&set_attr); const void *table_return_type = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(&h->table[sel].attr); if (return_type && table_return_type && return_type != table_return_type) { UPB_ASSERT(false); } if (table_return_type && !return_type) upb_handlerattr_setreturnclosuretype(&set_attr, table_return_type); } h->table[sel].func = (upb_func*)func; h->table[sel].attr = set_attr; return true; } /* Returns the effective closure type for this handler (which will propagate * from outer frames if this frame has no START* handler). Not implemented for * UPB_HANDLER_STRING at the moment since this is not needed. Returns NULL is * the effective closure type is unspecified (either no handler was registered * to specify it or the handler that was registered did not specify the closure * type). */ const void *effective_closure_type(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type) { const void *ret; upb_selector_t sel; UPB_ASSERT(type != UPB_HANDLER_STRING); ret = h->top_closure_type; if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f) && type != UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ && type != UPB_HANDLER_ENDSEQ && h->table[sel = handlers_getsel(h, f, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ)].func) { ret = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(&h->table[sel].attr); } if (type == UPB_HANDLER_STRING && h->table[sel = handlers_getsel(h, f, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSTR)].func) { ret = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(&h->table[sel].attr); } /* The effective type of the submessage; not used yet. * if (type == SUBMESSAGE && * h->table[sel = handlers_getsel(h, f, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSUBMSG)].func) { * ret = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(&h->table[sel].attr); * } */ return ret; } /* Checks whether the START* handler specified by f & type is missing even * though it is required to convert the established type of an outer frame * ("closure_type") into the established type of an inner frame (represented in * the return closure type of this handler's attr. */ bool checkstart(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type, upb_status *status) { const void *closure_type; const upb_handlerattr *attr; const void *return_closure_type; upb_selector_t sel = handlers_getsel(h, f, type); if (h->table[sel].func) return true; closure_type = effective_closure_type(h, f, type); attr = &h->table[sel].attr; return_closure_type = upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(attr); if (closure_type && return_closure_type && closure_type != return_closure_type) { UPB_ASSERT(false); } return true; } static upb_handlers *upb_handlers_new(const upb_msgdef *md, upb_handlercache *cache) { int extra; upb_handlers *h; extra = sizeof(upb_handlers_tabent) * (upb_msgdef_selectorcount(md) - 1); h = upb_calloc(&cache->arena, sizeof(*h) + extra); if (!h) return NULL; h->cache = cache; h->msg = md; if (upb_msgdef_submsgfieldcount(md) > 0) { size_t bytes = upb_msgdef_submsgfieldcount(md) * sizeof(*h->sub); h->sub = upb_calloc(&cache->arena, bytes); if (!h->sub) return NULL; } else { h->sub = 0; } /* calloc() above initialized all handlers to NULL. */ return h; } /* Public interface ***********************************************************/ #define SETTER(name, handlerctype, handlertype) \ bool upb_handlers_set ## name(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, \ handlerctype func, upb_handlerattr *attr) { \ int32_t sel = trygetsel(h, f, handlertype); \ return doset(h, sel, f, handlertype, (upb_func*)func, attr); \ } SETTER(int32, upb_int32_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_INT32) SETTER(int64, upb_int64_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_INT64) SETTER(uint32, upb_uint32_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_UINT32) SETTER(uint64, upb_uint64_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_UINT64) SETTER(float, upb_float_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_FLOAT) SETTER(double, upb_double_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_DOUBLE) SETTER(bool, upb_bool_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_BOOL) SETTER(startstr, upb_startstr_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSTR) SETTER(string, upb_string_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_STRING) SETTER(endstr, upb_endfield_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_ENDSTR) SETTER(startseq, upb_startfield_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ) SETTER(startsubmsg, upb_startfield_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_STARTSUBMSG) SETTER(endsubmsg, upb_endfield_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_ENDSUBMSG) SETTER(endseq, upb_endfield_handlerfunc*, UPB_HANDLER_ENDSEQ) #undef SETTER bool upb_handlers_setunknown(upb_handlers *h, upb_unknown_handlerfunc *func, upb_handlerattr *attr) { return doset(h, UPB_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR, NULL, UPB_HANDLER_INT32, (upb_func *)func, attr); } bool upb_handlers_setstartmsg(upb_handlers *h, upb_startmsg_handlerfunc *func, upb_handlerattr *attr) { return doset(h, UPB_STARTMSG_SELECTOR, NULL, UPB_HANDLER_INT32, (upb_func *)func, attr); } bool upb_handlers_setendmsg(upb_handlers *h, upb_endmsg_handlerfunc *func, upb_handlerattr *attr) { return doset(h, UPB_ENDMSG_SELECTOR, NULL, UPB_HANDLER_INT32, (upb_func *)func, attr); } bool upb_handlers_setsubhandlers(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, const upb_handlers *sub) { UPB_ASSERT(sub); UPB_ASSERT(upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)); if (SUBH_F(h, f)) return false; /* Can't reset. */ if (upb_handlers_msgdef(sub) != upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f)) { return false; } SUBH_F(h, f) = sub; return true; } const upb_handlers *upb_handlers_getsubhandlers(const upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f) { UPB_ASSERT(upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)); return SUBH_F(h, f); } bool upb_handlers_getattr(const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t sel, upb_handlerattr *attr) { if (!upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel)) return false; *attr = h->table[sel].attr; return true; } const upb_handlers *upb_handlers_getsubhandlers_sel(const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t sel) { /* STARTSUBMSG selector in sel is the field's selector base. */ return SUBH(h, sel - UPB_STATIC_SELECTOR_COUNT); } const upb_msgdef *upb_handlers_msgdef(const upb_handlers *h) { return h->msg; } bool upb_handlers_addcleanup(upb_handlers *h, void *p, upb_handlerfree *func) { bool ok; if (upb_inttable_lookupptr(&h->cache->cleanup_, p, NULL)) { return false; } ok = upb_inttable_insertptr(&h->cache->cleanup_, p, upb_value_fptr(func)); UPB_ASSERT(ok); return true; } upb_handlertype_t upb_handlers_getprimitivehandlertype(const upb_fielddef *f) { switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { case UPB_TYPE_INT32: case UPB_TYPE_ENUM: return UPB_HANDLER_INT32; case UPB_TYPE_INT64: return UPB_HANDLER_INT64; case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: return UPB_HANDLER_UINT32; case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: return UPB_HANDLER_UINT64; case UPB_TYPE_FLOAT: return UPB_HANDLER_FLOAT; case UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE: return UPB_HANDLER_DOUBLE; case UPB_TYPE_BOOL: return UPB_HANDLER_BOOL; default: UPB_ASSERT(false); return -1; /* Invalid input. */ } } bool upb_handlers_getselector(const upb_fielddef *f, upb_handlertype_t type, upb_selector_t *s) { uint32_t selector_base = upb_fielddef_selectorbase(f); switch (type) { case UPB_HANDLER_INT32: case UPB_HANDLER_INT64: case UPB_HANDLER_UINT32: case UPB_HANDLER_UINT64: case UPB_HANDLER_FLOAT: case UPB_HANDLER_DOUBLE: case UPB_HANDLER_BOOL: if (!upb_fielddef_isprimitive(f) || upb_handlers_getprimitivehandlertype(f) != type) return false; *s = selector_base; break; case UPB_HANDLER_STRING: if (upb_fielddef_isstring(f)) { *s = selector_base; } else if (upb_fielddef_lazy(f)) { *s = selector_base + 3; } else { return false; } break; case UPB_HANDLER_STARTSTR: if (upb_fielddef_isstring(f) || upb_fielddef_lazy(f)) { *s = selector_base + 1; } else { return false; } break; case UPB_HANDLER_ENDSTR: if (upb_fielddef_isstring(f) || upb_fielddef_lazy(f)) { *s = selector_base + 2; } else { return false; } break; case UPB_HANDLER_STARTSEQ: if (!upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) return false; *s = selector_base - 2; break; case UPB_HANDLER_ENDSEQ: if (!upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) return false; *s = selector_base - 1; break; case UPB_HANDLER_STARTSUBMSG: if (!upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) return false; /* Selectors for STARTSUBMSG are at the beginning of the table so that the * selector can also be used as an index into the "sub" array of * subhandlers. The indexes for the two into these two tables are the * same, except that in the handler table the static selectors come first. */ *s = upb_fielddef_index(f) + UPB_STATIC_SELECTOR_COUNT; break; case UPB_HANDLER_ENDSUBMSG: if (!upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) return false; *s = selector_base; break; } UPB_ASSERT((size_t)*s < upb_msgdef_selectorcount(upb_fielddef_containingtype(f))); return true; } uint32_t upb_handlers_selectorbaseoffset(const upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_fielddef_isseq(f) ? 2 : 0; } uint32_t upb_handlers_selectorcount(const upb_fielddef *f) { uint32_t ret = 1; if (upb_fielddef_isseq(f)) ret += 2; /* STARTSEQ/ENDSEQ */ if (upb_fielddef_isstring(f)) ret += 2; /* [STRING]/STARTSTR/ENDSTR */ if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { /* ENDSUBMSG (STARTSUBMSG is at table beginning) */ ret += 0; if (upb_fielddef_lazy(f)) { /* STARTSTR/ENDSTR/STRING (for lazy) */ ret += 3; } } return ret; } /* upb_handlercache ***********************************************************/ const upb_handlers *upb_handlercache_get(upb_handlercache *c, const upb_msgdef *md) { upb_msg_field_iter i; upb_value v; upb_handlers *h; if (upb_inttable_lookupptr(&c->tab, md, &v)) { return upb_value_getptr(v); } h = upb_handlers_new(md, c); v = upb_value_ptr(h); if (!h) return NULL; if (!upb_inttable_insertptr(&c->tab, md, v)) return NULL; c->callback(c->closure, h); /* For each submessage field, get or create a handlers object and set it as * the subhandlers. */ for(upb_msg_field_begin(&i, md); !upb_msg_field_done(&i); upb_msg_field_next(&i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&i); if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(f)) { const upb_msgdef *subdef = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(f); const upb_handlers *sub_mh = upb_handlercache_get(c, subdef); if (!sub_mh) return NULL; upb_handlers_setsubhandlers(h, f, sub_mh); } } return h; } upb_handlercache *upb_handlercache_new(upb_handlers_callback *callback, const void *closure) { upb_handlercache *cache = upb_gmalloc(sizeof(*cache)); if (!cache) return NULL; upb_arena_init(&cache->arena); cache->callback = callback; cache->closure = closure; if (!upb_inttable_init(&cache->tab, UPB_CTYPE_PTR)) goto oom; if (!upb_inttable_init(&cache->cleanup_, UPB_CTYPE_FPTR)) goto oom; return cache; oom: upb_gfree(cache); return NULL; } void upb_handlercache_free(upb_handlercache *cache) { upb_inttable_iter i; upb_inttable_begin(&i, &cache->cleanup_); for(; !upb_inttable_done(&i); upb_inttable_next(&i)) { void *val = (void*)upb_inttable_iter_key(&i); upb_value func_val = upb_inttable_iter_value(&i); upb_handlerfree *func = upb_value_getfptr(func_val); func(val); } upb_inttable_uninit(&cache->tab); upb_inttable_uninit(&cache->cleanup_); upb_arena_uninit(&cache->arena); upb_gfree(cache); } /* upb_handlerattr ************************************************************/ void upb_handlerattr_init(upb_handlerattr *attr) { upb_handlerattr from = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER; memcpy(attr, &from, sizeof(*attr)); } void upb_handlerattr_uninit(upb_handlerattr *attr) { UPB_UNUSED(attr); } bool upb_handlerattr_sethandlerdata(upb_handlerattr *attr, const void *hd) { attr->handler_data_ = hd; return true; } bool upb_handlerattr_setclosuretype(upb_handlerattr *attr, const void *type) { attr->closure_type_ = type; return true; } const void *upb_handlerattr_closuretype(const upb_handlerattr *attr) { return attr->closure_type_; } bool upb_handlerattr_setreturnclosuretype(upb_handlerattr *attr, const void *type) { attr->return_closure_type_ = type; return true; } const void *upb_handlerattr_returnclosuretype(const upb_handlerattr *attr) { return attr->return_closure_type_; } bool upb_handlerattr_setalwaysok(upb_handlerattr *attr, bool alwaysok) { attr->alwaysok_ = alwaysok; return true; } bool upb_handlerattr_alwaysok(const upb_handlerattr *attr) { return attr->alwaysok_; } /* upb_bufhandle **************************************************************/ size_t upb_bufhandle_objofs(const upb_bufhandle *h) { return h->objofs_; } /* upb_byteshandler ***********************************************************/ void upb_byteshandler_init(upb_byteshandler* h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof(*h)); } /* For when we support handlerfree callbacks. */ void upb_byteshandler_uninit(upb_byteshandler* h) { UPB_UNUSED(h); } bool upb_byteshandler_setstartstr(upb_byteshandler *h, upb_startstr_handlerfunc *func, void *d) { h->table[UPB_STARTSTR_SELECTOR].func = (upb_func*)func; h->table[UPB_STARTSTR_SELECTOR].attr.handler_data_ = d; return true; } bool upb_byteshandler_setstring(upb_byteshandler *h, upb_string_handlerfunc *func, void *d) { h->table[UPB_STRING_SELECTOR].func = (upb_func*)func; h->table[UPB_STRING_SELECTOR].attr.handler_data_ = d; return true; } bool upb_byteshandler_setendstr(upb_byteshandler *h, upb_endfield_handlerfunc *func, void *d) { h->table[UPB_ENDSTR_SELECTOR].func = (upb_func*)func; h->table[UPB_ENDSTR_SELECTOR].attr.handler_data_ = d; return true; } /** Handlers for upb_msg ******************************************************/ typedef struct { size_t offset; int32_t hasbit; } upb_msg_handlerdata; /* Fallback implementation if the handler is not specialized by the producer. */ #define MSG_WRITER(type, ctype) \ bool upb_msg_set ## type (void *c, const void *hd, ctype val) { \ uint8_t *m = c; \ const upb_msg_handlerdata *d = hd; \ if (d->hasbit > 0) \ *(uint8_t*)&m[d->hasbit / 8] |= 1 << (d->hasbit % 8); \ *(ctype*)&m[d->offset] = val; \ return true; \ } \ MSG_WRITER(double, double) MSG_WRITER(float, float) MSG_WRITER(int32, int32_t) MSG_WRITER(int64, int64_t) MSG_WRITER(uint32, uint32_t) MSG_WRITER(uint64, uint64_t) MSG_WRITER(bool, bool) bool upb_msg_setscalarhandler(upb_handlers *h, const upb_fielddef *f, size_t offset, int32_t hasbit) { upb_handlerattr attr = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER; bool ok; upb_msg_handlerdata *d = upb_gmalloc(sizeof(*d)); if (!d) return false; d->offset = offset; d->hasbit = hasbit; upb_handlerattr_sethandlerdata(&attr, d); upb_handlerattr_setalwaysok(&attr, true); upb_handlers_addcleanup(h, d, upb_gfree); #define TYPE(u, l) \ case UPB_TYPE_##u: \ ok = upb_handlers_set##l(h, f, upb_msg_set##l, &attr); break; ok = false; switch (upb_fielddef_type(f)) { TYPE(INT64, int64); TYPE(INT32, int32); TYPE(ENUM, int32); TYPE(UINT64, uint64); TYPE(UINT32, uint32); TYPE(DOUBLE, double); TYPE(FLOAT, float); TYPE(BOOL, bool); default: UPB_ASSERT(false); break; } #undef TYPE upb_handlerattr_uninit(&attr); return ok; } bool upb_msg_getscalarhandlerdata(const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t s, upb_fieldtype_t *type, size_t *offset, int32_t *hasbit) { const upb_msg_handlerdata *d; upb_func *f = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, s); if ((upb_int64_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setint64) { *type = UPB_TYPE_INT64; } else if ((upb_int32_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setint32) { *type = UPB_TYPE_INT32; } else if ((upb_uint64_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setuint64) { *type = UPB_TYPE_UINT64; } else if ((upb_uint32_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setuint32) { *type = UPB_TYPE_UINT32; } else if ((upb_double_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setdouble) { *type = UPB_TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if ((upb_float_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setfloat) { *type = UPB_TYPE_FLOAT; } else if ((upb_bool_handlerfunc*)f == upb_msg_setbool) { *type = UPB_TYPE_BOOL; } else { return false; } d = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, s); *offset = d->offset; *hasbit = d->hasbit; return true; }