Working on, specifically:
- Turn on more warnings that the Xcode UI calls out with individual controls.
- Manually add:
- Manually add and then diable in the unittests because of XCTest's headers:
- Manually add -Wdirect-ivar-access, but disable it for the unittests and in
the library code (via #pragmas to suppress it). This is done so proto users
can enable the warning.
- Move the ObjC tests into the list and exclude them on linux, this will change
where in the order they start, since they are longer, it will have other
things run in parallel instead of them ending up last and taking the longest.
- Switch to the Xcode 7.3 image.
- Drop the use of xctool and stream line things through the
script. This means we end up with only one build script instead of two.
- Tweaks to the mac build script:
- Make iOS Xcode version support explicit
- Support Debug/Release only building
- Change the OS X min parallel count to 2 to better deal with VMs.
- Split the travis ios tests into the two Xcode Configurations as the logs are
choking travis.
- Add generator constant for the default framework name.
- Add generator api for making the CPP symbol from the name.
- Add generator api to see if it is a bundled proto file.
- Output a CPP conditional and two imports for the core library headers.
- Add helper for generating the #import for file headers to deal with the
framework imports.
- Add a reference from the unittests to a WKT to use that to inspect how
imports generate.
- Update the podspec to define the CPP symbol and require pods 1.0 (or later).
- Env solution doesn't seem to always work, use template pod files and copy
them in place instead.
- Flush the pods cache before and after runs.
- Make pod install verbose to have the info incase something goes wrong.
- Add an Xcode 6.3 created default iOS Project.
- Add an Xcode 6.3 created default OS X Project.
- Add Podfiles to for both that use Protobufs from within the tree.
- Add a script to run the tests (and cleanup) to help confirm the state of the
Protobuf.podspec and sources.
cp -r foo/ bar/ in linux will create a bar/foo directoy. In the
objectivec generate descritpor case, well known types will be created in
objectivec/google/google/protobuf/.. if the command is run under linux.
Adding the trailing period fixes the behavior inconsistency.
Both methods weren't checking the has_bits (where the bools are stored), so
it resulted in invalid results.
Add a test that should shake out something like this in the future also.
proto2 syntax allows the first enum to have a non zero value. This means any
field using that default has a non zero default without having an explicit
default being set. So when deciding what runtime info is needed, don't rely
on an explicit default, always check that the values aren't zero.
- Always generated into a temp directory so we can see if things changed.
- Add a flag to control exiting with error when stale vs updating.
This should let the continuous builds error out when ObjC needs to have the
checked in sources updated.
This seems to be some code evolution side effects. Back when there was a custom
string class, we couldn't really error when we finally saw the string was bad
so we had to return the empty string, but now that full validation is done
up front, it can error out.
This will lower the amount of dispatch_semaphores created per Message when the
full object tree isn't walked in a way that would require them to be created.
Uses a dispatch_once_t for one time init of the dispatch_semaphore.
NOTE: This is a binary breaking change as structure sizes have changed size
and/or order.
- Drop capturing field options, no other options were captured and other mobile
targeted languages don't try to capture this sort information (saved 8
bytes for every field defined (in static data and again in field descriptor
instance size data).
- No longer generate/compile in the messages/enums in descriptor.proto. If
developers need it, they should generate it and compile it in. Reduced the
overhead of the core library.
- Compute the number of has_bits actually needs to avoid over reserving.
- Let the boolean single fields store via a has_bit to avoid storage, makes
the common cases of the instance size smaller.
- Reorder some flags and down size the enums to contain the bits needed.
- Reorder the items in the structures to manually ensure they are are packed
better (especially when generating 64bit code - 8 bytes for every field,
16 bytes for every extension, instance sizes 8 bytes also).
- Split off the structure initialization so when the default is zero, the
generated static storage doesn't need to reserve the space. This is batched
at the message level, so all the fields for the message have to have zero
defaults to get the saves. By definition all proto3 syntax files fall into
this case but it also saves space for the proto2 that use the standard
defaults. (saves 8 bytes of static data for every field that had a zero
- Don't track the enums defined by a message. Nothing in the runtime needs it
and it was just generation and runtime overhead. (saves 8 bytes per enum)
- Ensure EnumDescriptors are started up threadsafe in all cases.
- Split some of the Descriptor initialization into multiple methods so the
generated code isn't padded with lots of zero/nil args.
- Change how oneof info is feed to the runtime enabling us to generate less
static data (8 bytes saved per oneof for 64bit).
- Change how enum value informat is capture to pack the data and only decode
it if it ends up being needed. Avoids padding issues causing bloat of 64bit,
and removes the needs for extra pointers in addition to the data (just the
data and one pointer now).
- Convert most of the core library headers over to HeaderDoc format.
- Switch the generated comments over to HeaderDoc.
- Create GPBCodedOutputStream_PackagePrivate and move some things into there
that should be more internal.
- Extend GPB*ObjectDictionary to support generic syntax.
- Update the generator to output generics so the enclosed type is exposed for compiler checks.
- Use generics in a the public interfaces.
- Update the generated sources that are checked in.
Apple engineers have pointed out that OSSpinLocks are vulnerable to live locking
on iOS in cases of priority inversion:
- Use a dispatch_semaphore_t within the extension registry.
- Use a dispatch_semaphore_t for protecting autocreation within messages.
- Drop the custom/internal GPBString class since we don't have really good
numbers to judge the locking replacements and it isn't required. We can
always bring it back with real data in the future.
- Let Xcode update the projects, schemes, and info.plists.
- Add workaround for shallow analyzer issues in current Xcode versions (deep analyze gets things correct).
- Tweak the Swift based tests to avoid warnings from Xcode 7's XCTest using optionals for autoenclosure results.
- No longer tag the ObjC iOS travis test as flaky, xctool seems to manage the simulator pretty well.
NS_ENUM changes defintion in Objective C++ based on the C++ spec being
compiled with, special case the one situation where it wouldn't support doing a
forward decl for the enum.
- Move up to 8.4 as the high simulator (assuming Xcode 6.4).
- Add cast to NSMutableDictionary so clang and resolve the selector.
- Add case for the newer static analyzer so it won't trigger a false warning.
- Update the "dictionary" interface to use "object" naming. Xcode 7+ has gotten
more strict on the use of nonnull/nullable; combining that with the generic
collection support; and the "dictionary" classes we created now collide with
what the generic KeyValueCoding in the system headers triggering
warnings/errors. Fix this and hopefully all future issue by renaming the
methods to use "object" for the classes that have data types as objects
instead of PODs. Taking this renaming hit now while ObjC is still in beta
because it is a breaking change for any existing code.