json_decode automatically convert numeric string to integer, so that
we need to convert it back. However, this will suceed to parse invalid
json data with string field set as integer even though it should have failed.
Because, the failure case is less often than the succeeding case, we decided
to make this change. Users should make sure their data don't use integer for
string fields by themselves.
* Fix python release build.
* Separate config.sh by platform
* Use KOKORO_JOR_NAME to determine the BUILD_COMMIT.
* Use -std=c++14 on MacOS so -latomic can be used.
* Fix python release build.
* Separate config.sh by platform
* Use KOKORO_JOR_NAME to determine the BUILD_COMMIT.
* Use -std=c++14 on MacOS so -latomic can be used.
The draconian heapcheck turns up memory leaks outside our control, such
as ones in libc and in the heapchecker itself. I think for an automated
test it makes more sense for us to use the "strict" heapcheck, since
that already passes and should only report leaks that are within our
Previously, internalAddGeneratedFile has to depend on old non-nested name for sub-messages.
This creates a hard dependency on old generated code for compatibility usage.
If user's code has custome error handler, the deprecation warning in the old generated code
will also be thrown (even though users haven't explicitly depended on the old message name).
To fix this problem, this change added an additional flag in the generated code to tell run
time that it's safe to use new message name. In this way, internalAddGeneratedFile can safely
depend on new name and don't trigger unnecessary deprecation warning.
pb3-gen-sol is a proto3 to solidity library generator that supports proto3 native types and uses field option for solidity native types. Both the message and generated code are more efficient than other solutions. It also includes a library to decode protobuf wireformat.
Varadic assignment in javascript where the right hand expression is an
object yields a single set assignment with the right most lefthand variable,
while leaving the other left side expressions undefined.
For example:
var a,b = {}
will only initialize a to undefined. But will set b to the {} value.
For this code since f is never used, it is a safe operation to remove
Even though the comments were indented to appear to go with the jspb
case/field, protoc doesn't collect comments like that, so these "hanging"
comments actually "attach" to the next thing added to each. Looking at
https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/5566 you see where
the generated code picked up the comment on the wrong field.