The primary reason to drop that compatibility is because Bazel is
adding unconditionally -parameters option that is not compatible
with JDK 7. This pollutes the build log with annoying warnings:
warning: -parameters is not supported for target value 1.7. \
Use 1.8 or later.
Second reason is that nobody in the wild relies on JDK 7 any more
because it was discontinued years ago.
Also remove JDK9 config_setting rule that is not used any more.
Test Plan:
Build :protobuf_java and confirm, that there are no warnings any more
and that major byte version 52 is produced, that corresponds to Java 8:
$ bazel build protobuf_java
$ javap -v -cp bazel-bin/java/core/libcore.jar | grep major
major version: 52
This was causing problems in OCMock due to recursion when OCMock was trying
to mock a protobuf.
`_forwardStackInvocation:` was being called as part of the resolution of `descriptor`.
There is a note in the documentation to `Reflection::GetRepeatedFieldRef()`
about file `net/proto2/public/reflection.h` which contains a definition of
`RepeatedFieldRef`. Since there are few places in code with rewrite of
`net...` path to `google/protobuf/...` it looks like the first one is a
legacy path and should be renamed to `google/protobuf` in documentation
as well.
FieldDescriptor.HasPresence returns true if both ClearValue and HasValue (on the accessor) can be expected to work. Some fields have a working ClearValue, but no HasValue; HasPresence returns false for those fields.
- Extension fields have presence if and only if they're singular
- Repeated fields do not support presence
- Map fields do not support presence
- Message fields support presence
- Oneof fields support presence (this includes synthetic oneof fields, so that covers proto3 optional singular fields)
- Proto2 singular primitive fields support presence
- Proto3 singular primitive fields do not support presence (unless they're in a oneof, covered above)
This is a breaking change in terms of proto2 code generation: users who were previously using these members will have to change to null checks for message fields.
After toying with removing Has/Clear for proto2 oneof fields, I've left them alone in this commit, for consistency with other languages. The inconsistency between proto2 and proto3 won't come up here, because proto3 oneof fields can never be explicitly optional.
- Bump the version marker in the generated code.
- Set the flag to say clear on zero is known.
- Set clear on zero for proto3 optional fields that aren't tagged as optional.
- Also tweak the call from some C generated code to use different apis with
better validation.
- Mark the ObjC generator as supporting the proto3 optional feature.
- Regenerate the WKTs to get the new flags.