When both directories are added this results in protoc emitting a
"warning: directory does not exist.". This makes sense because when
there are no inputs from the other directory, it is also not present
n the sandbox where protoc is executed.
* Use repo-relative labels wherever possible
The label `@com_google_protobuf//:foo` within the protobuf repo is often synonymous with just `//:foo`. We should prefer the latter as it allows us to use a shorter name for the module in the Bazel Central Registry (so just "protobuf" instead of "com_google_protobuf").
Note that the semantics can be subtle: in a macro, plain strings are anchored to the *calling* repo, so if we just use `//:foo` as the default value of a macro argument, it will be resolved to `@myrepo//:foo` if the macro is called from the repo `@myrepo`. In this case, it's necessary to directly call the `Label()` constructor to anchor the string label to the repo where the .bzl file lives.
See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry/pull/28#issuecomment-954741081 for a bit more context.
* fix protobuf_deps.bzl
Bazel has switched its protobuf rules to make them use the proto
compiler in the exec configuration instead of the host configuration.
However, if rules in protobuf still use the host configuration then
multiple copies of the compiler can end up being built.
cfg="host" is deprecated in any case and being replaced with cfg="exec"
where possible.
* Protobuf Java/Core Tests running w/ Bazel.
Also integrates rules_jvm_external and migrates existing maven deps
in place.
* Add test_suite target that maps to rule name.
* Lite tests passing in Bazel
* util tests passing with Bazel.
* Add conformance and build testing to //java:core
* Cleanup bzl style and lock down access to failure lists.
* Adding Java Lite conformance tests.
* rm newline
* parameterize conformance_test
This makes usage of failure lists more explicit.
* restrict visibility more for newly added libs and fix formatting.
* fix formatting and visibility.
* move testing.bzl to an internal package.
* fix file formatting.
* moving conformance_test to internal.bzl
We may need the shell environment (potentially augmented with
`--action_env`) to invoke protoc on Windows. If protoc was built with
mingw, it probably needs .dll files in non-default locations that must be
in PATH. Previously with `--compiler=mingw-gcc`,
`bazel build //:gen_well_known_protos_java` would fail on Windows. This
CL fixes the issue.
Also we have `default_shell_env` set to True for `ProtoCompile`, this makes
the behavior consistent.
See #2933
* [bazel] Move Java runtime/toolchains into //java
This change moves `java_library` targets from the top-level BUILD file
into `//java/{core,lite,util}` and declares `alias` targets to point to
their new locations (hence, this is not a breaking change).
This will allow users that don't use Java to stop depending on
`@rules_java` (e.g. as requested in
Note that there is no intention to deprecate + remove the top-level
targets in the foreseeable future.
* Add BUILD files in //java to java_EXTRA_DIST
This change adds the required loads to examples and zlib.
For full compatibility with --incompatible_load_{cc,java,proto}_rules_from_bzl,
we will need to roll gtest to a newer version.
@bazel_skylib//:lib is supposedly deprecated. The 'versions' struct in lib.bzl was committed to bazel-skylib at the same time as //lib:versions.bzl, so there should be no backward incompatibility.
@com_google_protobuf prefixed versions. This allows them to work in 3rd party
Fix a bad visibility rule. :hidden does not exist, but :private does.
I am adding default shell environment, so that protobuf compilation makes use of set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and so on.
In this way, also non-default gcc installations (e.g. not in /usr/lib) can be used to compile protobuf.
This would fix the following issue:
Bazel is changing the way the execution root is organized (see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1681
for details) and this updates the protobuf path logic to work with both old
and new versions of Bazel.
ctx.executable.plugin must be in the inputs of protoc's action when using a plugin, otherwise the action will fail.
This bug has been hidden by a bug in Bazel: for every ctx.action, Bazel used to automatically add the runfiles of all executable inputs of the RULE instead of using the inputs of the specific ACTION. Consequently, we could get away with underspecifying the inputs of the action.
Users often encounter a Python import error when trying to build Python
protos if protobuf is installed locally on the machine. In this case,
Python ends up looking in the wrong directory when importing files (see
bazelbuild/bazel#1209 and tensorflow/tensorflow#2021). It seems that the
problem is caused by Python getting confused when there are Python
source files that are meant to be part of the same package but are
in separate directories.
Prior to #1233
An error occurred
, the Bazel build setup would copy the Python
runtime sources and all generated sources for the builtin protos into
the root directory (assuming that the protobuf tree is vendored in a
google/protobuf directory).
With #1233
An error occurred
, the two sets of sources are kept in their respective
directories but both `src/` and `python/` are added to the `PYTHONPATH`
using the new `imports` attribute of the Bazel Python rules. However,
both the runtime sources and the generated sources are under the same
package: `google.protobuf`, causing Python to become confused when
trying to import modules that are in the other directory.
This patch adds a workaround to the Bazel build to add a modified
version of the original `internal_copied_filegroup` macro to copy the
`.proto` files under `src/` to `python/` before building the
`py_proto_library` targets for the builtin protos. This ensures that the
generated sources for the builtin protos will be in the same directory
as the corresponding runtime sources.
This patch was tested with the following:
* All Python tests in protobuf
* All Python tests in tensorflow
* All tests in [Skydoc](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc)
* Importing protobuf as `//google/protobuf`
* Importing and binding targets under `//external`
* Importing protobuf as `//third_party/protobuf`
This change makes use of new imports attribute for Bazel's Python rules, which
enable adding directories to the PYTHONPATH. This allows us to remove
the hack for building protobuf's Python support with Bazel and now
allows projects to include protobuf using a Bazel external repository
rather than requiring it to be imported directly into the source tree as
This change also updates the protobuf BUILD file to use a named
repository, @python//, for including Python headers rather than
//util/python. This allows projects to specify their own package for
Python headers when including protobuf with an external repository.
grpc C++ plugin generates additional files, namely .grpc.pb.cc and
.grpc.pb.h. Adding these files to the outs of the _proto_gen rule, so
dependents don't complain about undeclared inclusions. Also, compiling
the .grpc.pb.cc requires additional header files from the grpc library,
so added //external:grpc_lib to the deps of the
cc_library. Clients are expected to declare that in their bazel
WORKSPACE, pointing it to @grpc//:grpc++{_unsecure}.