The generated `protobuf-config-version.cmake` sets the `Protobuf_WITH_ZLIB`, `Protobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME` and `Protobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` unconditionally while executing the `_check_and_save_build_option(...)` macro.
If there are several **Protobuf** installations available the original code may lead to failure. An example with two installations:
+ A system deployed installation with version `3.12.4`.
+ A repo's thirdparty with version `3.19.4`
The user wants it's project to use the thirdparty one by doing:
find_package(Protobuf 3.19.4 CONFIG REQUIRED PATHS path/to/thirdparty)
The user is not setting the `Protobuf_XXX` variables in its `CMakeLitsts.txt`.
If the first config processed is the system deployed it sets the variables to its desired variables, for example, `Protobuf_WITH_ZLIB=OFF` but is discarded due to the non-matched version.
Then the thirdparty's config is processed but is discarded because requires `Protobuf_WITH_ZLIB=ON` which is not a real requirement and makes the find operation fail (despite of matching version).