Changes in brief:
1. Descriptor is now the entry point for all reflection.
2. IReflectedMessage has gone; there's now a Descriptor property in IMessage, which is explicitly implemented (due to the static property).
3. FieldAccessorTable has gone away
4. IFieldAccessor and OneofFieldAccessor still exist; we *could* put the functionality straight into FieldDescriptor and OneofDescriptor... I'm unsure about that.
5. There's a temporary property MessageDescriptor.FieldAccessorsByFieldNumber to make the test changes small - we probably want this to go away
6. Discovery for delegates is now via attributes applied to properties and the Clear method of a oneof
I'm happy with 1-3.
4 I'm unsure about - feedback welcome.
5 will go away
6 I'm unsure about, both in design and implementation. Should we have a ProtobufMessageAttribute too? Should we find all the relevant attributes in MessageDescriptor and pass them down, to avoid an O(N^2) scenario?
Generated code changes coming in the next commit.
- We do still generate the message types, as otherwise reflection breaks, even though it doesn't actually use those types.
- JSON handling hasn't been implemented yet
We don't use it in the runtime or generated code anywhere now, so the extra small performance boost isn't as critical, and it has some undesirable consequences.
The tests have needed to change as iterator block enumerators don't throw when we might expect them to.
This involves:
- Specifying a namespace in each proto (including ones we'd previously missed)
- Updating the generation script
- Changing codegen to implement IReflectedMessage.Fields explicitly (a good thing anyway)
- Changing reflection tests to take account of the explicit interface implementation
Non-generated code in this commit; generated code to follow
Change the C# namespace in descriptor.proto to Google.Protobuf.Reflection.
This then means changing where the generated code lives, which means updating the project file...
It also involves regenerating the C++ - which has updated the well-known types as well,
for no terribly obvious reason...
- The protos are no longer publicly exposed at all
- Oneof detection now works (as we default to -1, not 0)
- OneofDescriptor exposes the fields in the oneof
- Removed unnecessary code for replacing protos - remnant of extensions
- There's now just the non-generic form of IDescriptor
Note that now we need a proto3 version of addressbook.proto. This may affect other platforms, and could do with an overhaul to follow proto3 conventions anyway (e.g. repeated field names). Will need to think about that carefully before merging into master. Raised issue #565 for this.
- FieldAccessorTable is now non-generic
- We don't have a static field per message type in the umbrella class. (Message descriptors are accessed via the file descriptor.)
- Removed the "descriptor assigner" complication from the descriptor fixup; without extensions, we don't need it
- MapField implements IDictionary (more tests would be good...)
- RepeatedField implements IList (more tests would be good)
- Use expression trees to build accessors. (Will need to test this on various platforms... probably need a fallback strategy just using reflection directly.)
- Added FieldDescriptor.IsMap
- Added tests for reflection with generated messages
Changes to generated code coming in next commit.
- Added new line at the end of SampleEnum
- Moved GeneratedMessageTest.GetSampleMessage to a new class, SampleMessages, and renamed it to CreateFullTestAllTypes.
This is mostly just making things internal instead of public, removing and reordering a bunch of code in CodedInputStream/CodedOutputStream, and generally tidying up.
- Remove some old proto2-based C#-only messages
- Remove the "build" directory which only contained out-of-date files
- Remove the csharp_namespace option from proto2 messages
- Change "Google.ProtocolBuffers" to "Google.Protobuf" in other messages
ProtoDump isn't currently useful, but will be when ToString emits JSON: fixed.
ProtoBench: deleted; we should reinstate when there's a common proto3 benchmark.
ProtoMunge: delete; not useful enough to merit fixing up.
Removed the [TestFixture] from ByteStringTest as Travis uses a recent enough version of NUnit.