6 changed files with 467 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ |
package; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import java.lang.reflect.Method; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
public class ProtoBench { |
private static long MIN_SAMPLE_TIME_MS = 2 * 1000; |
private static long TARGET_TIME_MS = 30 * 1000; |
private ProtoBench() { |
// Prevent instantiation
} |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
if (args.length < 2 || (args.length % 2) != 0) { |
System.err.println("Usage: ProtoBench <descriptor type name> <input data>"); |
System.err.println("The descriptor type name is the fully-qualified message name,"); |
System.err.println("e.g."); |
System.err.println("(You can specify multiple pairs of descriptor type name and input data.)"); |
System.exit(1); |
} |
boolean success = true; |
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { |
success &= runTest(args[i], args[i + 1]); |
} |
System.exit(success ? 0 : 1); |
} |
/** |
* Runs a single test. Error messages are displayed to stderr, and the return value |
* indicates general success/failure. |
*/ |
public static boolean runTest(String type, String file) { |
System.out.println("Benchmarking " + type + " with file " + file); |
final Message defaultMessage; |
try { |
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(type); |
Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("getDefaultInstance"); |
defaultMessage = (Message) method.invoke(null); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
// We want to do the same thing with all exceptions. Not generally nice,
// but this is slightly different.
System.err.println("Unable to get default message for " + type); |
return false; |
} |
try { |
final byte[] inputData = readAllBytes(file); |
final ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputData); |
final ByteString inputString = ByteString.copyFrom(inputData); |
final Message sampleMessage = defaultMessage.newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(inputString).build(); |
benchmark("Serialize to byte string", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() { sampleMessage.toByteString(); } |
}); |
benchmark("Serialize to byte array", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() { sampleMessage.toByteArray(); } |
}); |
benchmark("Serialize to memory stream", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() throws IOException { |
sampleMessage.writeTo(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); |
} |
}); |
benchmark("Deserialize from byte string", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() throws IOException { |
defaultMessage.newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(inputString).build(); |
} |
}); |
benchmark("Deserialize from byte array", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() throws IOException { |
defaultMessage.newBuilderForType() |
.mergeFrom(CodedInputStream.newInstance(inputData)).build(); |
} |
}); |
benchmark("Deserialize from memory stream", inputData.length, new Action() { |
public void execute() throws IOException { |
defaultMessage.newBuilderForType() |
.mergeFrom(CodedInputStream.newInstance(inputStream)).build(); |
inputStream.reset(); |
} |
}); |
System.out.println(); |
return true; |
} catch (Exception e) { |
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); |
System.err.println("Detailed exception information:"); |
e.printStackTrace(System.err); |
return false; |
} |
} |
private static void benchmark(String name, long dataSize, Action action) throws IOException { |
// Make sure it's JITted "reasonably" hard before running the first progress test
for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) { |
action.execute(); |
} |
// Run it progressively more times until we've got a reasonable sample
int iterations = 1; |
long elapsed = timeAction(action, iterations); |
while (elapsed < MIN_SAMPLE_TIME_MS) { |
iterations *= 2; |
elapsed = timeAction(action, iterations); |
} |
// Upscale the sample to the target time. Do this in floating point arithmetic
// to avoid overflow issues.
iterations = (int) ((TARGET_TIME_MS / (double) elapsed) * iterations); |
elapsed = timeAction(action, iterations); |
System.out.println(name + ": " + iterations + " iterations in " |
+ (elapsed/1000f) + "s; " |
+ (iterations * dataSize) / (elapsed * 1024 * 1024 / 1000f) |
+ "MB/s"); |
} |
private static long timeAction(Action action, int iterations) throws IOException { |
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { |
action.execute(); |
} |
long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
return end - start; |
} |
private static byte[] readAllBytes(String filename) throws IOException { |
RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(new File(filename), "r"); |
byte[] content = new byte[(int) file.length()]; |
file.readFully(content); |
return content; |
} |
/** |
* Interface used to capture a single action to benchmark. |
*/ |
interface Action { |
void execute() throws IOException; |
} |
} |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ |
package benchmarks; |
option java_outer_classname = "GoogleSize"; |
option optimize_for = CODE_SIZE; |
message SizeMessage1 { |
required string field1 = 1; |
optional string field9 = 9; |
optional string field18 = 18; |
optional bool field80 = 80 [default=false]; |
optional bool field81 = 81 [default=true]; |
required int32 field2 = 2; |
required int32 field3 = 3; |
optional int32 field280 = 280; |
optional int32 field6 = 6 [default=0]; |
optional int64 field22 = 22; |
optional string field4 = 4; |
repeated fixed64 field5 = 5; |
optional bool field59 = 59 [default=false]; |
optional string field7 = 7; |
optional int32 field16 = 16; |
optional int32 field130 = 130 [default=0]; |
optional bool field12 = 12 [default=true]; |
optional bool field17 = 17 [default=true]; |
optional bool field13 = 13 [default=true]; |
optional bool field14 = 14 [default=true]; |
optional int32 field104 = 104 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field100 = 100 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field101 = 101 [default=0]; |
optional string field102 = 102; |
optional string field103 = 103; |
optional int32 field29 = 29 [default=0]; |
optional bool field30 = 30 [default=false]; |
optional int32 field60 = 60 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field271 = 271 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field272 = 272 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field150 = 150; |
optional int32 field23 = 23 [default=0]; |
optional bool field24 = 24 [default=false]; |
optional int32 field25 = 25 [default=0]; |
optional SizeMessage1SubMessage field15 = 15; |
optional bool field78 = 78; |
optional int32 field67 = 67 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field68 = 68; |
optional int32 field128 = 128 [default=0]; |
optional string field129 = 129 [default="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]; |
optional int32 field131 = 131 [default=0]; |
} |
message SizeMessage1SubMessage { |
optional int32 field1 = 1 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field2 = 2 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field3 = 3 [default=0]; |
optional string field15 = 15; |
optional bool field12 = 12 [default=true]; |
optional int64 field13 = 13; |
optional int64 field14 = 14; |
optional int32 field16 = 16; |
optional int32 field19 = 19 [default=2]; |
optional bool field20 = 20 [default=true]; |
optional bool field28 = 28 [default=true]; |
optional fixed64 field21 = 21; |
optional int32 field22 = 22; |
optional bool field23 = 23 [ default=false ]; |
optional bool field206 = 206 [default=false]; |
optional fixed32 field203 = 203; |
optional int32 field204 = 204; |
optional string field205 = 205; |
optional uint64 field207 = 207; |
optional uint64 field300 = 300; |
} |
message SizeMessage2 { |
optional string field1 = 1; |
optional int64 field3 = 3; |
optional int64 field4 = 4; |
optional int64 field30 = 30; |
optional bool field75 = 75 [default=false]; |
optional string field6 = 6; |
optional bytes field2 = 2; |
optional int32 field21 = 21 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field71 = 71; |
optional float field25 = 25; |
optional int32 field109 = 109 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field210 = 210 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field211 = 211 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field212 = 212 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field213 = 213 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field216 = 216 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field217 = 217 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field218 = 218 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field220 = 220 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field221 = 221 [default=0]; |
optional float field222 = 222 [default=0.0]; |
optional int32 field63 = 63; |
repeated group Group1 = 10 { |
required float field11 = 11; |
optional float field26 = 26; |
optional string field12 = 12; |
optional string field13 = 13; |
repeated string field14 = 14; |
required uint64 field15 = 15; |
optional int32 field5 = 5; |
optional string field27 = 27; |
optional int32 field28 = 28; |
optional string field29 = 29; |
optional string field16 = 16; |
repeated string field22 = 22; |
repeated int32 field73 = 73; |
optional int32 field20 = 20 [default=0]; |
optional string field24 = 24; |
optional SizeMessage2GroupedMessage field31 = 31; |
} |
repeated string field128 = 128; |
optional int64 field131 = 131; |
repeated string field127 = 127; |
optional int32 field129 = 129; |
repeated int64 field130 = 130; |
optional bool field205 = 205 [default=false]; |
optional bool field206 = 206 [default=false]; |
} |
message SizeMessage2GroupedMessage { |
optional float field1 = 1; |
optional float field2 = 2; |
optional float field3 = 3 [default=0.0]; |
optional bool field4 = 4; |
optional bool field5 = 5; |
optional bool field6 = 6 [default=true]; |
optional bool field7 = 7 [default=false]; |
optional float field8 = 8; |
optional bool field9 = 9; |
optional float field10 = 10; |
optional int64 field11 = 11; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ |
package benchmarks; |
option java_outer_classname = "GoogleSpeed"; |
option optimize_for = SPEED; |
message SpeedMessage1 { |
required string field1 = 1; |
optional string field9 = 9; |
optional string field18 = 18; |
optional bool field80 = 80 [default=false]; |
optional bool field81 = 81 [default=true]; |
required int32 field2 = 2; |
required int32 field3 = 3; |
optional int32 field280 = 280; |
optional int32 field6 = 6 [default=0]; |
optional int64 field22 = 22; |
optional string field4 = 4; |
repeated fixed64 field5 = 5; |
optional bool field59 = 59 [default=false]; |
optional string field7 = 7; |
optional int32 field16 = 16; |
optional int32 field130 = 130 [default=0]; |
optional bool field12 = 12 [default=true]; |
optional bool field17 = 17 [default=true]; |
optional bool field13 = 13 [default=true]; |
optional bool field14 = 14 [default=true]; |
optional int32 field104 = 104 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field100 = 100 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field101 = 101 [default=0]; |
optional string field102 = 102; |
optional string field103 = 103; |
optional int32 field29 = 29 [default=0]; |
optional bool field30 = 30 [default=false]; |
optional int32 field60 = 60 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field271 = 271 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field272 = 272 [default=-1]; |
optional int32 field150 = 150; |
optional int32 field23 = 23 [default=0]; |
optional bool field24 = 24 [default=false]; |
optional int32 field25 = 25 [default=0]; |
optional SpeedMessage1SubMessage field15 = 15; |
optional bool field78 = 78; |
optional int32 field67 = 67 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field68 = 68; |
optional int32 field128 = 128 [default=0]; |
optional string field129 = 129 [default="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]; |
optional int32 field131 = 131 [default=0]; |
} |
message SpeedMessage1SubMessage { |
optional int32 field1 = 1 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field2 = 2 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field3 = 3 [default=0]; |
optional string field15 = 15; |
optional bool field12 = 12 [default=true]; |
optional int64 field13 = 13; |
optional int64 field14 = 14; |
optional int32 field16 = 16; |
optional int32 field19 = 19 [default=2]; |
optional bool field20 = 20 [default=true]; |
optional bool field28 = 28 [default=true]; |
optional fixed64 field21 = 21; |
optional int32 field22 = 22; |
optional bool field23 = 23 [ default=false ]; |
optional bool field206 = 206 [default=false]; |
optional fixed32 field203 = 203; |
optional int32 field204 = 204; |
optional string field205 = 205; |
optional uint64 field207 = 207; |
optional uint64 field300 = 300; |
} |
message SpeedMessage2 { |
optional string field1 = 1; |
optional int64 field3 = 3; |
optional int64 field4 = 4; |
optional int64 field30 = 30; |
optional bool field75 = 75 [default=false]; |
optional string field6 = 6; |
optional bytes field2 = 2; |
optional int32 field21 = 21 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field71 = 71; |
optional float field25 = 25; |
optional int32 field109 = 109 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field210 = 210 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field211 = 211 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field212 = 212 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field213 = 213 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field216 = 216 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field217 = 217 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field218 = 218 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field220 = 220 [default=0]; |
optional int32 field221 = 221 [default=0]; |
optional float field222 = 222 [default=0.0]; |
optional int32 field63 = 63; |
repeated group Group1 = 10 { |
required float field11 = 11; |
optional float field26 = 26; |
optional string field12 = 12; |
optional string field13 = 13; |
repeated string field14 = 14; |
required uint64 field15 = 15; |
optional int32 field5 = 5; |
optional string field27 = 27; |
optional int32 field28 = 28; |
optional string field29 = 29; |
optional string field16 = 16; |
repeated string field22 = 22; |
repeated int32 field73 = 73; |
optional int32 field20 = 20 [default=0]; |
optional string field24 = 24; |
optional SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage field31 = 31; |
} |
repeated string field128 = 128; |
optional int64 field131 = 131; |
repeated string field127 = 127; |
optional int32 field129 = 129; |
repeated int64 field130 = 130; |
optional bool field205 = 205 [default=false]; |
optional bool field206 = 206 [default=false]; |
} |
message SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage { |
optional float field1 = 1; |
optional float field2 = 2; |
optional float field3 = 3 [default=0.0]; |
optional bool field4 = 4; |
optional bool field5 = 5; |
optional bool field6 = 6 [default=true]; |
optional bool field7 = 7 [default=false]; |
optional float field8 = 8; |
optional bool field9 = 9; |
optional float field10 = 10; |
optional int64 field11 = 11; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
Contents |
-------- |
This folder contains three kinds of file: |
- Code, such as, to build the benchmarking framework. |
- Protocol buffer definitions (.proto files) |
- Sample data files |
If we end up with a lot of different benchmarks it may be worth |
separating these out info different directories, but while there are |
so few they might as well all be together. |
Running a benchmark (Java) |
-------------------------- |
1) Build protoc and the Java protocol buffer library. The examples |
below assume a jar file (protobuf.jar) has been built and copied |
into this directory. |
2) Build ProtoBench: |
$ javac -d tmp -cp protobuf.jar |
3) Generate code for the relevant benchmark protocol buffer, e.g. |
$ protoc --java_out=tmp google_size.proto google_speed.proto |
4) Build the generated code, e.g. |
$ cd tmp |
$ javac -d . -cp ../protobuf.jar benchmarks/*.java |
5) Run the test. Arguments are given in pairs - the first argument |
is the descriptor type; the second is the filename. For example: |
$ java -cp .;../protobuf.jar |
benchmarks.GoogleSize$SizeMessage1 ../google_message1.dat |
benchmarks.GoogleSpeed$SpeedMessage1 ../google_message1.dat |
benchmarks.GoogleSize$SizeMessage2 ../google_message2.dat |
benchmarks.GoogleSpeed$SpeedMessage2 ../google_message2.dat |
6) Wait! Each test runs for around 30 seconds, and there are 6 tests |
per class/data combination. The above command would therefore take |
about 12 minutes to run. |
Benchmarks available |
-------------------- |
From Google: |
google_size.proto and google_speed.proto, messages |
google_message1.dat and google_message2.dat. The proto files are |
equivalent, but optimized differently. |
Reference in new issue