@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
# include <stdio.h>
# include "upb/internal/unicode.h"
# include "upb/io/string.h"
# include "upb/io/strtod.h"
// Must be included last.
@ -871,23 +872,25 @@ static const char* FetchUnicodePoint(const char* ptr, uint32_t* code_point) {
// The text string must begin and end with single or double quote characters.
void upb_Parse_StringAppend ( const char * text , upb_String * output ) {
upb_StringView upb_Parse_String ( const char * text , upb_Arena * arena ) {
const size_t size = strlen ( text ) ;
// Reminder: text[0] is always a quote character. (If text is
// empty, it's invalid, so we'll just return).
upb_String output ;
upb_String_Init ( & output , arena ) ;
// Reminder: text[0] is always a quote character.
// (If text is empty, it's invalid, so we'll just return).
if ( size = = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr ,
" Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend() passed text that could not "
" have been tokenized as a string: %s " ,
text ) ;
UPB_ASSERT ( 0 ) ;
return ;
// Reserve room for new string.
const size_t new_len = size + upb_String_Size ( output ) ;
upb_String_Reserve ( output , new_len ) ;
const size_t new_len = size + upb_String_Size ( & output ) ;
upb_String_Reserve ( & output , new_len ) ;
// Loop through the string copying characters to "output" and
// interpreting escape sequences. Note that any invalid escape
@ -909,7 +912,7 @@ void upb_Parse_StringAppend(const char* text, upb_String* output) {
+ + ptr ;
code = code * 8 + DigitValue ( * ptr ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( output , ( char ) code ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( & output , ( char ) code ) ;
} else if ( * ptr = = ' x ' ) {
// A hex escape. May zero, one, or two digits. (The zero case
@ -923,29 +926,32 @@ void upb_Parse_StringAppend(const char* text, upb_String* output) {
+ + ptr ;
code = code * 16 + DigitValue ( * ptr ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( output , ( char ) code ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( & output , ( char ) code ) ;
} else if ( * ptr = = ' u ' | | * ptr = = ' U ' ) {
uint32_t unicode ;
const char * end = FetchUnicodePoint ( ptr , & unicode ) ;
if ( end = = ptr ) {
// Failure: Just dump out what we saw, don't try to parse it.
upb_String_PushBack ( output , * ptr ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( & output , * ptr ) ;
} else {
AppendUTF8 ( unicode , output ) ;
AppendUTF8 ( unicode , & output ) ;
ptr = end - 1 ; // Because we're about to ++ptr.
} else {
// Some other escape code.
upb_String_PushBack ( output , TranslateEscape ( * ptr ) ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( & output , TranslateEscape ( * ptr ) ) ;
} else if ( * ptr = = text [ 0 ] & & ptr [ 1 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
// Ignore final quote matching the starting quote.
} else {
upb_String_PushBack ( output , * ptr ) ;
upb_String_PushBack ( & output , * ptr ) ;
return upb_StringView_FromDataAndSize ( upb_String_Data ( & output ) ,
upb_String_Size ( & output ) ) ;
static bool AllInClass ( bool ( * f ) ( char ) , const char * text , int size ) {
@ -955,11 +961,11 @@ static bool AllInClass(bool (*f)(char), const char* text, int size) {
return true ;
bool upb_Tokenizer_IsIdentifier ( const char * text , int size ) {
bool upb_Tokenizer_IsIdentifier ( const char * data , int size ) {
// Mirrors IDENTIFIER definition in Tokenizer::Next() above.
if ( size = = 0 ) return false ;
if ( ! upb_Tokenizer_IsLetter ( text [ 0 ] ) ) return false ;
if ( ! AllInClass ( upb_Tokenizer_IsAlphanumeric , text + 1 , size - 1 ) )
if ( ! upb_Tokenizer_IsLetter ( data [ 0 ] ) ) return false ;
if ( ! AllInClass ( upb_Tokenizer_IsAlphanumeric , data + 1 , size - 1 ) )
return false ;
return true ;