22 changed files with 3 additions and 3863 deletions
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/any.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBAnyRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBAnyRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBAny |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBAny_FieldNumber) { |
GPBAny_FieldNumber_TypeURL = 1, |
GPBAny_FieldNumber_Value = 2, |
}; |
/// `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a
/// URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
/// Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form
/// of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.
/// Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++.
/// Foo foo = ...;
/// Any any;
/// any.PackFrom(foo);
/// ...
/// if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) {
/// ...
/// }
/// Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java.
/// Foo foo = ...;
/// Any any = Any.pack(foo);
/// ...
/// if ( {
/// foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
/// }
/// The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use
/// '' as the type URL and the unpack
/// methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/'
/// in the type URL, for example "" will yield type
/// name "y.z".
/// JSON
/// ====
/// The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular
/// representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an
/// additional field `\@type` which contains the type URL. Example:
/// package google.profile;
/// message Person {
/// string first_name = 1;
/// string last_name = 2;
/// }
/// {
/// "\@type": "",
/// "firstName": <string>,
/// "lastName": <string>
/// }
/// If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON
/// representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field
/// `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `\@type`
/// field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
/// {
/// "\@type": "",
/// "value": "1.212s"
/// }
@interface GPBAny : GPBMessage |
/// A URL/resource name whose content describes the type of the
/// serialized protocol buffer message.
/// For URLs which use the schema `http`, `https`, or no schema, the
/// following restrictions and interpretations apply:
/// * If no schema is provided, `https` is assumed.
/// * The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully
/// qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`).
/// The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is
/// not accepted).
/// * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][]
/// value in binary format, or produce an error.
/// * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the
/// URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any
/// lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved
/// on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage
/// breaking changes.)
/// Schemas other than `http`, `https` (or the empty schema) might be
/// used with implementation specific semantics.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *typeURL; |
/// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSData *value; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/any.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Any.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBAnyRoot |
@implementation GPBAnyRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBAnyRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBAnyRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBAny |
@implementation GPBAny |
@dynamic typeURL; |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBAny__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSString *typeURL; |
NSData *value; |
} GPBAny__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "typeURL", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBAny_FieldNumber_TypeURL, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBAny__storage_, typeURL), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBAny_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBAny__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBytes, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBAny class] |
rootClass:[GPBAnyRoot class] |
file:GPBAnyRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBAny__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
static const char *extraTextFormatInfo = |
"\001\001\004\241!!\000"; |
[localDescriptor setupExtraTextInfo:extraTextFormatInfo]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/api.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
@class GPBMethod; |
@class GPBMixin; |
@class GPBOption; |
@class GPBSourceContext; |
#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBApiRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBApi |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBApi_FieldNumber) { |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_MethodsArray = 2, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 3, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_Version = 4, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_SourceContext = 5, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_MixinsArray = 6, |
GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax = 7, |
}; |
/// Api is a light-weight descriptor for a protocol buffer service.
@interface GPBApi : GPBMessage |
/// The fully qualified name of this api, including package name
/// followed by the api's simple name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// The methods of this api, in unspecified order.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBMethod*> *methodsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c methodsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger methodsArray_Count; |
/// Any metadata attached to the API.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
/// A version string for this api. If specified, must have the form
/// `major-version.minor-version`, as in `1.10`. If the minor version
/// is omitted, it defaults to zero. If the entire version field is
/// empty, the major version is derived from the package name, as
/// outlined below. If the field is not empty, the version in the
/// package name will be verified to be consistent with what is
/// provided here.
/// The versioning schema uses [semantic
/// versioning]( where the major version number
/// indicates a breaking change and the minor version an additive,
/// non-breaking change. Both version numbers are signals to users
/// what to expect from different versions, and should be carefully
/// chosen based on the product plan.
/// The major version is also reflected in the package name of the
/// API, which must end in `v<major-version>`, as in
/// `google.feature.v1`. For major versions 0 and 1, the suffix can
/// be omitted. Zero major versions must only be used for
/// experimental, none-GA apis.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *version; |
/// Source context for the protocol buffer service represented by this
/// message.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
/// Test to see if @c sourceContext has been set.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasSourceContext; |
/// Included APIs. See [Mixin][].
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBMixin*> *mixinsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c mixinsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger mixinsArray_Count; |
/// The source syntax of the service.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) enum GPBSyntax syntax; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBApi's @c syntax property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBApi's @c syntax property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message, int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBMethod |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBMethod_FieldNumber) { |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestTypeURL = 2, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestStreaming = 3, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseTypeURL = 4, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseStreaming = 5, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 6, |
GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax = 7, |
}; |
/// Method represents a method of an api.
@interface GPBMethod : GPBMessage |
/// The simple name of this method.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// A URL of the input message type.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *requestTypeURL; |
/// If true, the request is streamed.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL requestStreaming; |
/// The URL of the output message type.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *responseTypeURL; |
/// If true, the response is streamed.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL responseStreaming; |
/// Any metadata attached to the method.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
/// The source syntax of this method.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) enum GPBSyntax syntax; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBMethod's @c syntax property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBMethod's @c syntax property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message, int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBMixin |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBMixin_FieldNumber) { |
GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Root = 2, |
}; |
/// Declares an API to be included in this API. The including API must
/// redeclare all the methods from the included API, but documentation
/// and options are inherited as follows:
/// - If after comment and whitespace stripping, the documentation
/// string of the redeclared method is empty, it will be inherited
/// from the original method.
/// - Each annotation belonging to the service config (http,
/// visibility) which is not set in the redeclared method will be
/// inherited.
/// - If an http annotation is inherited, the path pattern will be
/// modified as follows. Any version prefix will be replaced by the
/// version of the including API plus the [root][] path if specified.
/// Example of a simple mixin:
/// package google.acl.v1;
/// service AccessControl {
/// // Get the underlying ACL object.
/// rpc GetAcl(GetAclRequest) returns (Acl) {
/// option (google.api.http).get = "/v1/{resource=**}:getAcl";
/// }
/// }
/// package;
/// service Storage {
/// rpc GetAcl(GetAclRequest) returns (Acl);
/// // Get a data record.
/// rpc GetData(GetDataRequest) returns (Data) {
/// option (google.api.http).get = "/v2/{resource=**}";
/// }
/// }
/// Example of a mixin configuration:
/// apis:
/// - name:
/// mixins:
/// - name: google.acl.v1.AccessControl
/// The mixin construct implies that all methods in `AccessControl` are
/// also declared with same name and request/response types in
/// `Storage`. A documentation generator or annotation processor will
/// see the effective `Storage.GetAcl` method after inherting
/// documentation and annotations as follows:
/// service Storage {
/// // Get the underlying ACL object.
/// rpc GetAcl(GetAclRequest) returns (Acl) {
/// option (google.api.http).get = "/v2/{resource=**}:getAcl";
/// }
/// ...
/// }
/// Note how the version in the path pattern changed from `v1` to `v2`.
/// If the `root` field in the mixin is specified, it should be a
/// relative path under which inherited HTTP paths are placed. Example:
/// apis:
/// - name:
/// mixins:
/// - name: google.acl.v1.AccessControl
/// root: acls
/// This implies the following inherited HTTP annotation:
/// service Storage {
/// // Get the underlying ACL object.
/// rpc GetAcl(GetAclRequest) returns (Acl) {
/// option (google.api.http).get = "/v2/acls/{resource=**}:getAcl";
/// }
/// ...
/// }
@interface GPBMixin : GPBMessage |
/// The fully qualified name of the API which is included.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// If non-empty specifies a path under which inherited HTTP paths
/// are rooted.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *root; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,348 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/api.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot |
@implementation GPBApiRoot |
+ (GPBExtensionRegistry*)extensionRegistry { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety and initialization of registry. |
static GPBExtensionRegistry* registry = nil; |
if (!registry) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
registry = [[GPBExtensionRegistry alloc] init]; |
[registry addExtensions:[GPBSourceContextRoot extensionRegistry]]; |
[registry addExtensions:[GPBTypeRoot extensionRegistry]]; |
} |
return registry; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBApi |
@implementation GPBApi |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic methodsArray, methodsArray_Count; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
@dynamic version; |
@dynamic hasSourceContext, sourceContext; |
@dynamic mixinsArray, mixinsArray_Count; |
@dynamic syntax; |
typedef struct GPBApi__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
GPBSyntax syntax; |
NSString *name; |
NSMutableArray *methodsArray; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
NSString *version; |
GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
NSMutableArray *mixinsArray; |
} GPBApi__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "methodsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBMethod), |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_MethodsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, methodsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "version", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Version, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, version), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "sourceContext", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBSourceContext), |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_SourceContext, |
.hasIndex = 2, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, sourceContext), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "mixinsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBMixin), |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_MixinsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, mixinsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "syntax", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax, |
.hasIndex = 3, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBApi__storage_, syntax), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBApi class] |
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class] |
file:GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBApi__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBApi descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBApi_Syntax_RawValue(GPBApi *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBApi descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBApi_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBMethod |
@implementation GPBMethod |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic requestTypeURL; |
@dynamic requestStreaming; |
@dynamic responseTypeURL; |
@dynamic responseStreaming; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
@dynamic syntax; |
typedef struct GPBMethod__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
GPBSyntax syntax; |
NSString *name; |
NSString *requestTypeURL; |
NSString *responseTypeURL; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
} GPBMethod__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "requestTypeURL", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestTypeURL, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, requestTypeURL), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "requestStreaming", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestStreaming, |
.hasIndex = 2, |
.offset = 3, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space. |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "responseTypeURL", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseTypeURL, |
.hasIndex = 4, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, responseTypeURL), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "responseStreaming", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseStreaming, |
.hasIndex = 5, |
.offset = 6, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space. |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "syntax", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax, |
.hasIndex = 7, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMethod__storage_, syntax), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMethod class] |
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class] |
file:GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBMethod__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
static const char *extraTextFormatInfo = |
"\002\002\007\244\241!!\000\004\010\244\241!!\000"; |
[localDescriptor setupExtraTextInfo:extraTextFormatInfo]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBMethod descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBMethod_Syntax_RawValue(GPBMethod *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBMethod descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBMixin |
@implementation GPBMixin |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic root; |
typedef struct GPBMixin__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSString *name; |
NSString *root; |
} GPBMixin__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMixin__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "root", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBMixin_FieldNumber_Root, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBMixin__storage_, root), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMixin class] |
rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class] |
file:GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBMixin__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/duration.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBDurationRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBDurationRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBDuration |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBDuration_FieldNumber) { |
GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Seconds = 1, |
GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Nanos = 2, |
}; |
/// A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented
/// as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
/// resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day"
/// or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between
/// two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted
/// from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.
/// Example 1: Compute Duration from two Timestamps in pseudo code.
/// Timestamp start = ...;
/// Timestamp end = ...;
/// Duration duration = ...;
/// duration.seconds = end.seconds - start.seconds;
/// duration.nanos = end.nanos - start.nanos;
/// if (duration.seconds < 0 && duration.nanos > 0) {
/// duration.seconds += 1;
/// duration.nanos -= 1000000000;
/// } else if (durations.seconds > 0 && duration.nanos < 0) {
/// duration.seconds -= 1;
/// duration.nanos += 1000000000;
/// }
/// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from Timestamp + Duration in pseudo code.
/// Timestamp start = ...;
/// Duration duration = ...;
/// Timestamp end = ...;
/// end.seconds = start.seconds + duration.seconds;
/// end.nanos = start.nanos + duration.nanos;
/// if (end.nanos < 0) {
/// end.seconds -= 1;
/// end.nanos += 1000000000;
/// } else if (end.nanos >= 1000000000) {
/// end.seconds += 1;
/// end.nanos -= 1000000000;
/// }
@interface GPBDuration : GPBMessage |
/// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000
/// to +315,576,000,000 inclusive.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int64_t seconds; |
/// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span
/// of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0
/// `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations
/// of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be
/// of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999
/// to +999,999,999 inclusive.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t nanos; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/duration.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Duration.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBDurationRoot |
@implementation GPBDurationRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBDurationRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBDurationRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBDuration |
@implementation GPBDuration |
@dynamic seconds; |
@dynamic nanos; |
typedef struct GPBDuration__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
int32_t nanos; |
int64_t seconds; |
} GPBDuration__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "seconds", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Seconds, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBDuration__storage_, seconds), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt64, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "nanos", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBDuration_FieldNumber_Nanos, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBDuration__storage_, nanos), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBDuration class] |
rootClass:[GPBDurationRoot class] |
file:GPBDurationRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBDuration__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/empty.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBEmptyRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBEmptyRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBEmpty |
/// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
/// empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
/// or the response type of an API method. For instance:
/// service Foo {
/// rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
/// }
/// The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
@interface GPBEmpty : GPBMessage |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/empty.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Empty.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBEmptyRoot |
@implementation GPBEmptyRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBEmptyRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBEmptyRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBEmpty |
@implementation GPBEmpty |
typedef struct GPBEmpty__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
} GPBEmpty__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBEmpty class] |
rootClass:[GPBEmptyRoot class] |
file:GPBEmptyRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:NULL |
fieldCount:0 |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBEmpty__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/field_mask.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBFieldMaskRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBFieldMaskRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBFieldMask |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBFieldMask_FieldNumber) { |
GPBFieldMask_FieldNumber_PathsArray = 1, |
}; |
/// `FieldMask` represents a set of symbolic field paths, for example:
/// paths: "f.a"
/// paths: "f.b.d"
/// Here `f` represents a field in some root message, `a` and `b`
/// fields in the message found in `f`, and `d` a field found in the
/// message in `f.b`.
/// Field masks are used to specify a subset of fields that should be
/// returned by a get operation or modified by an update operation.
/// Field masks also have a custom JSON encoding (see below).
/// # Field Masks in Projections
/// When used in the context of a projection, a response message or
/// sub-message is filtered by the API to only contain those fields as
/// specified in the mask. For example, if the mask in the previous
/// example is applied to a response message as follows:
/// f {
/// a : 22
/// b {
/// d : 1
/// x : 2
/// }
/// y : 13
/// }
/// z: 8
/// The result will not contain specific values for fields x,y and z
/// (their value will be set to the default, and omitted in proto text
/// output):
/// f {
/// a : 22
/// b {
/// d : 1
/// }
/// }
/// A repeated field is not allowed except at the last position of a
/// field mask.
/// If a FieldMask object is not present in a get operation, the
/// operation applies to all fields (as if a FieldMask of all fields
/// had been specified).
/// Note that a field mask does not necessarily apply to the
/// top-level response message. In case of a REST get operation, the
/// field mask applies directly to the response, but in case of a REST
/// list operation, the mask instead applies to each individual message
/// in the returned resource list. In case of a REST custom method,
/// other definitions may be used. Where the mask applies will be
/// clearly documented together with its declaration in the API. In
/// any case, the effect on the returned resource/resources is required
/// behavior for APIs.
/// # Field Masks in Update Operations
/// A field mask in update operations specifies which fields of the
/// targeted resource are going to be updated. The API is required
/// to only change the values of the fields as specified in the mask
/// and leave the others untouched. If a resource is passed in to
/// describe the updated values, the API ignores the values of all
/// fields not covered by the mask.
/// In order to reset a field's value to the default, the field must
/// be in the mask and set to the default value in the provided resource.
/// Hence, in order to reset all fields of a resource, provide a default
/// instance of the resource and set all fields in the mask, or do
/// not provide a mask as described below.
/// If a field mask is not present on update, the operation applies to
/// all fields (as if a field mask of all fields has been specified).
/// Note that in the presence of schema evolution, this may mean that
/// fields the client does not know and has therefore not filled into
/// the request will be reset to their default. If this is unwanted
/// behavior, a specific service may require a client to always specify
/// a field mask, producing an error if not.
/// As with get operations, the location of the resource which
/// describes the updated values in the request message depends on the
/// operation kind. In any case, the effect of the field mask is
/// required to be honored by the API.
/// ## Considerations for HTTP REST
/// The HTTP kind of an update operation which uses a field mask must
/// be set to PATCH instead of PUT in order to satisfy HTTP semantics
/// (PUT must only be used for full updates).
/// # JSON Encoding of Field Masks
/// In JSON, a field mask is encoded as a single string where paths are
/// separated by a comma. Fields name in each path are converted
/// to/from lower-camel naming conventions.
/// As an example, consider the following message declarations:
/// message Profile {
/// User user = 1;
/// Photo photo = 2;
/// }
/// message User {
/// string display_name = 1;
/// string address = 2;
/// }
/// In proto a field mask for `Profile` may look as such:
/// mask {
/// paths: "user.display_name"
/// paths: "photo"
/// }
/// In JSON, the same mask is represented as below:
/// {
/// mask: "user.displayName,photo"
/// }
/// # Field Masks and Oneof Fields
/// Field masks treat fields in oneofs just as regular fields. Consider the
/// following message:
/// message SampleMessage {
/// oneof test_oneof {
/// string name = 4;
/// SubMessage sub_message = 9;
/// }
/// }
/// The field mask can be:
/// mask {
/// paths: "name"
/// }
/// Or:
/// mask {
/// paths: "sub_message"
/// }
/// Note that oneof type names ("test_oneof" in this case) cannot be used in
/// paths.
@interface GPBFieldMask : GPBMessage |
/// The set of field mask paths.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<NSString*> *pathsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c pathsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger pathsArray_Count; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/field_mask.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/FieldMask.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBFieldMaskRoot |
@implementation GPBFieldMaskRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBFieldMaskRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBFieldMaskRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBFieldMask |
@implementation GPBFieldMask |
@dynamic pathsArray, pathsArray_Count; |
typedef struct GPBFieldMask__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSMutableArray *pathsArray; |
} GPBFieldMask__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "pathsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBFieldMask_FieldNumber_PathsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBFieldMask__storage_, pathsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBFieldMask class] |
rootClass:[GPBFieldMaskRoot class] |
file:GPBFieldMaskRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBFieldMask__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/source_context.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBSourceContextRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBSourceContextRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBSourceContext |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBSourceContext_FieldNumber) { |
GPBSourceContext_FieldNumber_FileName = 1, |
}; |
/// `SourceContext` represents information about the source of a
/// protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.
@interface GPBSourceContext : GPBMessage |
/// The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated
/// protobuf element. For example: `"google/protobuf/source.proto"`.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *fileName; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/source_context.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBSourceContextRoot |
@implementation GPBSourceContextRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBSourceContextRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBSourceContextRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBSourceContext |
@implementation GPBSourceContext |
@dynamic fileName; |
typedef struct GPBSourceContext__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSString *fileName; |
} GPBSourceContext__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "fileName", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBSourceContext_FieldNumber_FileName, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBSourceContext__storage_, fileName), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBSourceContext class] |
rootClass:[GPBSourceContextRoot class] |
file:GPBSourceContextRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBSourceContext__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/struct.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
@class GPBListValue; |
@class GPBStruct; |
@class GPBValue; |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBNullValue |
/// `NullValue` is a singleton enumeration to represent the null value for the
/// `Value` type union.
/// The JSON representation for `NullValue` is JSON `null`.
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBNullValue) { |
/// Value used if any message's field encounters a value that is not defined
/// by this enum. The message will also have C functions to get/set the rawValue
/// of the field.
GPBNullValue_GPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue, |
/// Null value.
GPBNullValue_NullValue = 0, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBNullValue_EnumDescriptor(void); |
/// Checks to see if the given value is defined by the enum or was not known at
/// the time this source was generated.
BOOL GPBNullValue_IsValidValue(int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBStructRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBStructRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBStruct |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBStruct_FieldNumber) { |
GPBStruct_FieldNumber_Fields = 1, |
}; |
/// `Struct` represents a structured data value, consisting of fields
/// which map to dynamically typed values. In some languages, `Struct`
/// might be supported by a native representation. For example, in
/// scripting languages like JS a struct is represented as an
/// object. The details of that representation are described together
/// with the proto support for the language.
/// The JSON representation for `Struct` is JSON object.
@interface GPBStruct : GPBMessage |
/// Unordered map of dynamically typed values.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, GPBValue*> *fields; |
/// The number of items in @c fields without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger fields_Count; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_NullValue = 1, |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_NumberValue = 2, |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_StringValue = 3, |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_BoolValue = 4, |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_StructValue = 5, |
GPBValue_FieldNumber_ListValue = 6, |
}; |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase) { |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_GPBUnsetOneOfCase = 0, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_NullValue = 1, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_NumberValue = 2, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_StringValue = 3, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_BoolValue = 4, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_StructValue = 5, |
GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase_ListValue = 6, |
}; |
/// `Value` represents a dynamically typed value which can be either
/// null, a number, a string, a boolean, a recursive struct value, or a
/// list of values. A producer of value is expected to set one of that
/// variants, absence of any variant indicates an error.
/// The JSON representation for `Value` is JSON value.
@interface GPBValue : GPBMessage |
/// The kind of value.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GPBValue_Kind_OneOfCase kindOneOfCase; |
/// Represents a null value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBNullValue nullValue; |
/// Represents a double value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) double numberValue; |
/// Represents a string value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *stringValue; |
/// Represents a boolean value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL boolValue; |
/// Represents a structured value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBStruct *structValue; |
/// Represents a repeated `Value`.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBListValue *listValue; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBValue's @c nullValue property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBValue_NullValue_RawValue(GPBValue *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBValue's @c nullValue property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBValue_NullValue_RawValue(GPBValue *message, int32_t value); |
/// Clears whatever value was set for the oneof 'kind'.
void GPBValue_ClearKindOneOfCase(GPBValue *message); |
#pragma mark - GPBListValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBListValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBListValue_FieldNumber_ValuesArray = 1, |
}; |
/// `ListValue` is a wrapper around a repeated field of values.
/// The JSON representation for `ListValue` is JSON array.
@interface GPBListValue : GPBMessage |
/// Repeated field of dynamically typed values.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBValue*> *valuesArray; |
/// The number of items in @c valuesArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger valuesArray_Count; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,273 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/struct.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Struct.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBStructRoot |
@implementation GPBStructRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBStructRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBStructRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBNullValue |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBNullValue_EnumDescriptor(void) { |
static GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static const char *valueNames = |
"NullValue\000"; |
static const int32_t values[] = { |
GPBNullValue_NullValue, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *worker = |
[GPBEnumDescriptor allocDescriptorForName:GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBNullValue) |
valueNames:valueNames |
values:values |
count:(uint32_t)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(int32_t)) |
enumVerifier:GPBNullValue_IsValidValue]; |
if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(nil, worker, (void * volatile *)&descriptor)) { |
[worker release]; |
} |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
BOOL GPBNullValue_IsValidValue(int32_t value__) { |
switch (value__) { |
case GPBNullValue_NullValue: |
return YES; |
default: |
return NO; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBStruct |
@implementation GPBStruct |
@dynamic fields, fields_Count; |
typedef struct GPBStruct__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSMutableDictionary *fields; |
} GPBStruct__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "fields", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBValue), |
.number = GPBStruct_FieldNumber_Fields, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBStruct__storage_, fields), |
.flags = GPBFieldMapKeyString, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBStruct class] |
rootClass:[GPBStructRoot class] |
file:GPBStructRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBStruct__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBValue |
@implementation GPBValue |
@dynamic kindOneOfCase; |
@dynamic nullValue; |
@dynamic numberValue; |
@dynamic stringValue; |
@dynamic boolValue; |
@dynamic structValue; |
@dynamic listValue; |
typedef struct GPBValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[2]; |
GPBNullValue nullValue; |
NSString *stringValue; |
GPBStruct *structValue; |
GPBListValue *listValue; |
double numberValue; |
} GPBValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "nullValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBNullValue_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_NullValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBValue__storage_, nullValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "numberValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_NumberValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBValue__storage_, numberValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeDouble, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "stringValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_StringValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBValue__storage_, stringValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "boolValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_BoolValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = 0, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space. |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "structValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBStruct), |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_StructValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBValue__storage_, structValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "listValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBListValue), |
.number = GPBValue_FieldNumber_ListValue, |
.hasIndex = -1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBValue__storage_, listValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBStructRoot class] |
file:GPBStructRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
static const char *oneofs[] = { |
"kind", |
}; |
[localDescriptor setupOneofs:oneofs |
count:(uint32_t)(sizeof(oneofs) / sizeof(char*)) |
firstHasIndex:-1]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBValue_NullValue_RawValue(GPBValue *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBValue descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBValue_FieldNumber_NullValue]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBValue_NullValue_RawValue(GPBValue *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBValue descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBValue_FieldNumber_NullValue]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
void GPBValue_ClearKindOneOfCase(GPBValue *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [message descriptor]; |
GPBOneofDescriptor *oneof = descriptor->oneofs_[0]; |
GPBMaybeClearOneof(message, oneof, -1, 0); |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBListValue |
@implementation GPBListValue |
@dynamic valuesArray, valuesArray_Count; |
typedef struct GPBListValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSMutableArray *valuesArray; |
} GPBListValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "valuesArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBValue), |
.number = GPBListValue_FieldNumber_ValuesArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBListValue__storage_, valuesArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBListValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBStructRoot class] |
file:GPBStructRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBListValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBTimestampRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBTimestampRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBTimestamp |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber) { |
GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Seconds = 1, |
GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Nanos = 2, |
}; |
/// A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone
/// or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at
/// nanosecond resolution in UTC Epoch time. It is encoded using the
/// Proleptic Gregorian Calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar
/// backwards to year one. It is encoded assuming all minutes are 60
/// seconds long, i.e. leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap second
/// table is needed for interpretation. Range is from
/// 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z.
/// By restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to
/// and from RFC 3339 date strings.
/// See [](
/// Example 1: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `time()`.
/// Timestamp timestamp;
/// timestamp.set_seconds(time(NULL));
/// timestamp.set_nanos(0);
/// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `gettimeofday()`.
/// struct timeval tv;
/// gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
/// Timestamp timestamp;
/// timestamp.set_seconds(tv.tv_sec);
/// timestamp.set_nanos(tv.tv_usec * 1000);
/// Example 3: Compute Timestamp from Win32 `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()`.
/// FILETIME ft;
/// GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
/// UINT64 ticks = (((UINT64)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
/// // A Windows tick is 100 nanoseconds. Windows epoch 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z
/// // is 11644473600 seconds before Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
/// Timestamp timestamp;
/// timestamp.set_seconds((INT64) ((ticks / 10000000) - 11644473600LL));
/// timestamp.set_nanos((INT32) ((ticks % 10000000) * 100));
/// Example 4: Compute Timestamp from Java `System.currentTimeMillis()`.
/// long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
/// Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(millis / 1000)
/// .setNanos((int) ((millis % 1000) * 1000000)).build();
/// Example 5: Compute Timestamp from current time in Python.
/// now = time.time()
/// seconds = int(now)
/// nanos = int((now - seconds) * 10**9)
/// timestamp = Timestamp(seconds=seconds, nanos=nanos)
@interface GPBTimestamp : GPBMessage |
/// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
/// 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
/// 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int64_t seconds; |
/// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative
/// second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values
/// that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999
/// inclusive.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t nanos; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/timestamp.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Timestamp.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBTimestampRoot |
@implementation GPBTimestampRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBTimestampRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBTimestampRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBTimestamp |
@implementation GPBTimestamp |
@dynamic seconds; |
@dynamic nanos; |
typedef struct GPBTimestamp__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
int32_t nanos; |
int64_t seconds; |
} GPBTimestamp__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "seconds", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Seconds, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBTimestamp__storage_, seconds), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt64, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "nanos", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBTimestamp_FieldNumber_Nanos, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBTimestamp__storage_, nanos), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBTimestamp class] |
rootClass:[GPBTimestampRoot class] |
file:GPBTimestampRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBTimestamp__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/type.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
@class GPBAny; |
@class GPBEnumValue; |
@class GPBField; |
@class GPBOption; |
@class GPBSourceContext; |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBSyntax |
/// The syntax in which a protocol buffer element is defined.
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBSyntax) { |
/// Value used if any message's field encounters a value that is not defined
/// by this enum. The message will also have C functions to get/set the rawValue
/// of the field.
GPBSyntax_GPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue, |
/// Syntax `proto2`.
GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto2 = 0, |
/// Syntax `proto3`.
GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto3 = 1, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor(void); |
/// Checks to see if the given value is defined by the enum or was not known at
/// the time this source was generated.
BOOL GPBSyntax_IsValidValue(int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBField_Kind |
/// Basic field types.
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBField_Kind) { |
/// Value used if any message's field encounters a value that is not defined
/// by this enum. The message will also have C functions to get/set the rawValue
/// of the field.
GPBField_Kind_GPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue, |
/// Field type unknown.
GPBField_Kind_TypeUnknown = 0, |
/// Field type double.
GPBField_Kind_TypeDouble = 1, |
/// Field type float.
GPBField_Kind_TypeFloat = 2, |
/// Field type int64.
GPBField_Kind_TypeInt64 = 3, |
/// Field type uint64.
GPBField_Kind_TypeUint64 = 4, |
/// Field type int32.
GPBField_Kind_TypeInt32 = 5, |
/// Field type fixed64.
GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed64 = 6, |
/// Field type fixed32.
GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed32 = 7, |
/// Field type bool.
GPBField_Kind_TypeBool = 8, |
/// Field type string.
GPBField_Kind_TypeString = 9, |
/// Field type group. Proto2 syntax only, and deprecated.
GPBField_Kind_TypeGroup = 10, |
/// Field type message.
GPBField_Kind_TypeMessage = 11, |
/// Field type bytes.
GPBField_Kind_TypeBytes = 12, |
/// Field type uint32.
GPBField_Kind_TypeUint32 = 13, |
/// Field type enum.
GPBField_Kind_TypeEnum = 14, |
/// Field type sfixed32.
GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed32 = 15, |
/// Field type sfixed64.
GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed64 = 16, |
/// Field type sint32.
GPBField_Kind_TypeSint32 = 17, |
/// Field type sint64.
GPBField_Kind_TypeSint64 = 18, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBField_Kind_EnumDescriptor(void); |
/// Checks to see if the given value is defined by the enum or was not known at
/// the time this source was generated.
BOOL GPBField_Kind_IsValidValue(int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBField_Cardinality |
/// Whether a field is optional, required, or repeated.
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBField_Cardinality) { |
/// Value used if any message's field encounters a value that is not defined
/// by this enum. The message will also have C functions to get/set the rawValue
/// of the field.
GPBField_Cardinality_GPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue = kGPBUnrecognizedEnumeratorValue, |
/// For fields with unknown cardinality.
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityUnknown = 0, |
/// For optional fields.
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityOptional = 1, |
/// For required fields. Proto2 syntax only.
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRequired = 2, |
/// For repeated fields.
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRepeated = 3, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBField_Cardinality_EnumDescriptor(void); |
/// Checks to see if the given value is defined by the enum or was not known at
/// the time this source was generated.
BOOL GPBField_Cardinality_IsValidValue(int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBTypeRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBTypeRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBType |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBType_FieldNumber) { |
GPBType_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBType_FieldNumber_FieldsArray = 2, |
GPBType_FieldNumber_OneofsArray = 3, |
GPBType_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 4, |
GPBType_FieldNumber_SourceContext = 5, |
GPBType_FieldNumber_Syntax = 6, |
}; |
/// A protocol buffer message type.
@interface GPBType : GPBMessage |
/// The fully qualified message name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// The list of fields.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBField*> *fieldsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c fieldsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger fieldsArray_Count; |
/// The list of types appearing in `oneof` definitions in this type.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<NSString*> *oneofsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c oneofsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger oneofsArray_Count; |
/// The protocol buffer options.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
/// The source context.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
/// Test to see if @c sourceContext has been set.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasSourceContext; |
/// The source syntax.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBSyntax syntax; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBType's @c syntax property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBType_Syntax_RawValue(GPBType *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBType's @c syntax property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBType_Syntax_RawValue(GPBType *message, int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBField |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBField_FieldNumber) { |
GPBField_FieldNumber_Kind = 1, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_Cardinality = 2, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_Number = 3, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_Name = 4, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_TypeURL = 6, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_OneofIndex = 7, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_Packed = 8, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 9, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_JsonName = 10, |
GPBField_FieldNumber_DefaultValue = 11, |
}; |
/// A single field of a message type.
@interface GPBField : GPBMessage |
/// The field type.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBField_Kind kind; |
/// The field cardinality.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBField_Cardinality cardinality; |
/// The field number.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t number; |
/// The field name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration
/// types. Example: `""`.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *typeURL; |
/// The index of the field type in `Type.oneofs`, for message or enumeration
/// types. The first type has index 1; zero means the type is not in the list.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t oneofIndex; |
/// Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL packed; |
/// The protocol buffer options.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
/// The field JSON name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *jsonName; |
/// The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *defaultValue; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBField's @c kind property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBField_Kind_RawValue(GPBField *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBField's @c kind property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBField_Kind_RawValue(GPBField *message, int32_t value); |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBField's @c cardinality property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBField_Cardinality_RawValue(GPBField *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBField's @c cardinality property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBField_Cardinality_RawValue(GPBField *message, int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBEnum |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBEnum_FieldNumber) { |
GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBEnum_FieldNumber_EnumvalueArray = 2, |
GPBEnum_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 3, |
GPBEnum_FieldNumber_SourceContext = 4, |
GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Syntax = 5, |
}; |
/// Enum type definition.
@interface GPBEnum : GPBMessage |
/// Enum type name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// Enum value definitions.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBEnumValue*> *enumvalueArray; |
/// The number of items in @c enumvalueArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger enumvalueArray_Count; |
/// Protocol buffer options.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
/// The source context.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
/// Test to see if @c sourceContext has been set.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasSourceContext; |
/// The source syntax.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) GPBSyntax syntax; |
@end |
/// Fetches the raw value of a @c GPBEnum's @c syntax property, even
/// if the value was not defined by the enum at the time the code was generated.
int32_t GPBEnum_Syntax_RawValue(GPBEnum *message); |
/// Sets the raw value of an @c GPBEnum's @c syntax property, allowing
/// it to be set to a value that was not defined by the enum at the time the code
/// was generated.
void SetGPBEnum_Syntax_RawValue(GPBEnum *message, int32_t value); |
#pragma mark - GPBEnumValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_Number = 2, |
GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_OptionsArray = 3, |
}; |
/// Enum value definition.
@interface GPBEnumValue : GPBMessage |
/// Enum value name.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// Enum value number.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t number; |
/// Protocol buffer options.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) NSMutableArray<GPBOption*> *optionsArray; |
/// The number of items in @c optionsArray without causing the array to be created.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger optionsArray_Count; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBOption |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBOption_FieldNumber) { |
GPBOption_FieldNumber_Name = 1, |
GPBOption_FieldNumber_Value = 2, |
}; |
/// A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field,
/// enumeration, etc.
@interface GPBOption : GPBMessage |
/// The option's name. For example, `"java_package"`.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *name; |
/// The option's value. For example, `""`.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, null_resettable) GPBAny *value; |
/// Test to see if @c value has been set.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL hasValue; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,693 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/type.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Any.pbobjc.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBTypeRoot |
@implementation GPBTypeRoot |
+ (GPBExtensionRegistry*)extensionRegistry { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety and initialization of registry. |
static GPBExtensionRegistry* registry = nil; |
if (!registry) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
registry = [[GPBExtensionRegistry alloc] init]; |
[registry addExtensions:[GPBAnyRoot extensionRegistry]]; |
[registry addExtensions:[GPBSourceContextRoot extensionRegistry]]; |
} |
return registry; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBSyntax |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor(void) { |
static GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static const char *valueNames = |
"SyntaxProto2\000SyntaxProto3\000"; |
static const int32_t values[] = { |
GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto2, |
GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto3, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *worker = |
[GPBEnumDescriptor allocDescriptorForName:GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBSyntax) |
valueNames:valueNames |
values:values |
count:(uint32_t)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(int32_t)) |
enumVerifier:GPBSyntax_IsValidValue]; |
if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(nil, worker, (void * volatile *)&descriptor)) { |
[worker release]; |
} |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
BOOL GPBSyntax_IsValidValue(int32_t value__) { |
switch (value__) { |
case GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto2: |
case GPBSyntax_SyntaxProto3: |
return YES; |
default: |
return NO; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBType |
@implementation GPBType |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic fieldsArray, fieldsArray_Count; |
@dynamic oneofsArray, oneofsArray_Count; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
@dynamic hasSourceContext, sourceContext; |
@dynamic syntax; |
typedef struct GPBType__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
GPBSyntax syntax; |
NSString *name; |
NSMutableArray *fieldsArray; |
NSMutableArray *oneofsArray; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
} GPBType__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "fieldsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBField), |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_FieldsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, fieldsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "oneofsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_OneofsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, oneofsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "sourceContext", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBSourceContext), |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_SourceContext, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, sourceContext), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "syntax", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBType_FieldNumber_Syntax, |
.hasIndex = 2, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBType__storage_, syntax), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBType class] |
rootClass:[GPBTypeRoot class] |
file:GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBType__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBType_Syntax_RawValue(GPBType *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBType descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBType_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBType_Syntax_RawValue(GPBType *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBType descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBType_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBField |
@implementation GPBField |
@dynamic kind; |
@dynamic cardinality; |
@dynamic number; |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic typeURL; |
@dynamic oneofIndex; |
@dynamic packed; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
@dynamic jsonName; |
@dynamic defaultValue; |
typedef struct GPBField__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
GPBField_Kind kind; |
GPBField_Cardinality cardinality; |
int32_t number; |
int32_t oneofIndex; |
NSString *name; |
NSString *typeURL; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
NSString *jsonName; |
NSString *defaultValue; |
} GPBField__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "kind", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBField_Kind_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_Kind, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, kind), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "cardinality", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBField_Cardinality_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_Cardinality, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, cardinality), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "number", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_Number, |
.hasIndex = 2, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, number), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 3, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "typeURL", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_TypeURL, |
.hasIndex = 4, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, typeURL), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "oneofIndex", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_OneofIndex, |
.hasIndex = 5, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, oneofIndex), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "packed", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_Packed, |
.hasIndex = 6, |
.offset = 7, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space. |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "jsonName", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_JsonName, |
.hasIndex = 8, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, jsonName), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "defaultValue", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBField_FieldNumber_DefaultValue, |
.hasIndex = 9, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBField__storage_, defaultValue), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBField class] |
rootClass:[GPBTypeRoot class] |
file:GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBField__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
static const char *extraTextFormatInfo = |
"\001\006\004\241!!\000"; |
[localDescriptor setupExtraTextInfo:extraTextFormatInfo]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBField_Kind_RawValue(GPBField *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBField descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBField_FieldNumber_Kind]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBField_Kind_RawValue(GPBField *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBField descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBField_FieldNumber_Kind]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
int32_t GPBField_Cardinality_RawValue(GPBField *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBField descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBField_FieldNumber_Cardinality]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBField_Cardinality_RawValue(GPBField *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBField descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBField_FieldNumber_Cardinality]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBField_Kind |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBField_Kind_EnumDescriptor(void) { |
static GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static const char *valueNames = |
"TypeUnknown\000TypeDouble\000TypeFloat\000TypeInt" |
"64\000TypeUint64\000TypeInt32\000TypeFixed64\000Type" |
"Fixed32\000TypeBool\000TypeString\000TypeGroup\000Ty" |
"peMessage\000TypeBytes\000TypeUint32\000TypeEnum\000" |
"TypeSfixed32\000TypeSfixed64\000TypeSint32\000Typ" |
"eSint64\000"; |
static const int32_t values[] = { |
GPBField_Kind_TypeUnknown, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeDouble, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeFloat, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeInt64, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeUint64, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeInt32, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed64, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed32, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeBool, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeString, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeGroup, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeMessage, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeBytes, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeUint32, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeEnum, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed32, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed64, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeSint32, |
GPBField_Kind_TypeSint64, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *worker = |
[GPBEnumDescriptor allocDescriptorForName:GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBField_Kind) |
valueNames:valueNames |
values:values |
count:(uint32_t)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(int32_t)) |
enumVerifier:GPBField_Kind_IsValidValue]; |
if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(nil, worker, (void * volatile *)&descriptor)) { |
[worker release]; |
} |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
BOOL GPBField_Kind_IsValidValue(int32_t value__) { |
switch (value__) { |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeUnknown: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeDouble: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeFloat: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeInt64: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeUint64: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeInt32: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed64: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeFixed32: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeBool: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeString: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeGroup: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeMessage: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeBytes: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeUint32: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeEnum: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed32: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeSfixed64: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeSint32: |
case GPBField_Kind_TypeSint64: |
return YES; |
default: |
return NO; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - Enum GPBField_Cardinality |
GPBEnumDescriptor *GPBField_Cardinality_EnumDescriptor(void) { |
static GPBEnumDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static const char *valueNames = |
"CardinalityUnknown\000CardinalityOptional\000C" |
"ardinalityRequired\000CardinalityRepeated\000"; |
static const int32_t values[] = { |
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityUnknown, |
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityOptional, |
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRequired, |
GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRepeated, |
}; |
GPBEnumDescriptor *worker = |
[GPBEnumDescriptor allocDescriptorForName:GPBNSStringifySymbol(GPBField_Cardinality) |
valueNames:valueNames |
values:values |
count:(uint32_t)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(int32_t)) |
enumVerifier:GPBField_Cardinality_IsValidValue]; |
if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(nil, worker, (void * volatile *)&descriptor)) { |
[worker release]; |
} |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
BOOL GPBField_Cardinality_IsValidValue(int32_t value__) { |
switch (value__) { |
case GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityUnknown: |
case GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityOptional: |
case GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRequired: |
case GPBField_Cardinality_CardinalityRepeated: |
return YES; |
default: |
return NO; |
} |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBEnum |
@implementation GPBEnum |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic enumvalueArray, enumvalueArray_Count; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
@dynamic hasSourceContext, sourceContext; |
@dynamic syntax; |
typedef struct GPBEnum__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
GPBSyntax syntax; |
NSString *name; |
NSMutableArray *enumvalueArray; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
GPBSourceContext *sourceContext; |
} GPBEnum__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnum__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "enumvalueArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBEnumValue), |
.number = GPBEnum_FieldNumber_EnumvalueArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnum__storage_, enumvalueArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBEnum_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnum__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "sourceContext", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBSourceContext), |
.number = GPBEnum_FieldNumber_SourceContext, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnum__storage_, sourceContext), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "syntax", |
.dataTypeSpecific.enumDescFunc = GPBSyntax_EnumDescriptor, |
.number = GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Syntax, |
.hasIndex = 2, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnum__storage_, syntax), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldHasEnumDescriptor, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeEnum, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBEnum class] |
rootClass:[GPBTypeRoot class] |
file:GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBEnum__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
int32_t GPBEnum_Syntax_RawValue(GPBEnum *message) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBEnum descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
return GPBGetMessageInt32Field(message, field); |
} |
void SetGPBEnum_Syntax_RawValue(GPBEnum *message, int32_t value) { |
GPBDescriptor *descriptor = [GPBEnum descriptor]; |
GPBFieldDescriptor *field = [descriptor fieldWithNumber:GPBEnum_FieldNumber_Syntax]; |
GPBSetInt32IvarWithFieldInternal(message, field, value, descriptor.file.syntax); |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBEnumValue |
@implementation GPBEnumValue |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic number; |
@dynamic optionsArray, optionsArray_Count; |
typedef struct GPBEnumValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
int32_t number; |
NSString *name; |
NSMutableArray *optionsArray; |
} GPBEnumValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnumValue__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "number", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_Number, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnumValue__storage_, number), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "optionsArray", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption), |
.number = GPBEnumValue_FieldNumber_OptionsArray, |
.hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBEnumValue__storage_, optionsArray), |
.flags = GPBFieldRepeated, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBEnumValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBTypeRoot class] |
file:GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBEnumValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBOption |
@implementation GPBOption |
@dynamic name; |
@dynamic hasValue, value; |
typedef struct GPBOption__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSString *name; |
GPBAny *value; |
} GPBOption__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "name", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBOption_FieldNumber_Name, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBOption__storage_, name), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBAny), |
.number = GPBOption_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 1, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBOption__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeMessage, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBOption class] |
rootClass:[GPBTypeRoot class] |
file:GPBTypeRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBOption__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: google/protobuf/wrappers.proto
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" |
#error This file was generated by a different version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer library sources. |
#endif |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBWrappersRoot |
/// Exposes the extension registry for this file.
/// The base class provides:
/// @code
/// + (GPBExtensionRegistry *)extensionRegistry;
/// @endcode
/// which is a @c GPBExtensionRegistry that includes all the extensions defined by
/// this file and all files that it depends on.
@interface GPBWrappersRoot : GPBRootObject |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBDoubleValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBDoubleValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBDoubleValue_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `double`.
/// The JSON representation for `DoubleValue` is JSON number.
@interface GPBDoubleValue : GPBMessage |
/// The double value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) double value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBFloatValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBFloatValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBFloatValue_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `float`.
/// The JSON representation for `FloatValue` is JSON number.
@interface GPBFloatValue : GPBMessage |
/// The float value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) float value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBInt64Value |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBInt64Value_FieldNumber) { |
GPBInt64Value_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `int64`.
/// The JSON representation for `Int64Value` is JSON string.
@interface GPBInt64Value : GPBMessage |
/// The int64 value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int64_t value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBUInt64Value |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBUInt64Value_FieldNumber) { |
GPBUInt64Value_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `uint64`.
/// The JSON representation for `UInt64Value` is JSON string.
@interface GPBUInt64Value : GPBMessage |
/// The uint64 value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) uint64_t value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBInt32Value |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBInt32Value_FieldNumber) { |
GPBInt32Value_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `int32`.
/// The JSON representation for `Int32Value` is JSON number.
@interface GPBInt32Value : GPBMessage |
/// The int32 value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) int32_t value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBUInt32Value |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBUInt32Value_FieldNumber) { |
GPBUInt32Value_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `uint32`.
/// The JSON representation for `UInt32Value` is JSON number.
@interface GPBUInt32Value : GPBMessage |
/// The uint32 value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) uint32_t value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBBoolValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBBoolValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBBoolValue_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `bool`.
/// The JSON representation for `BoolValue` is JSON `true` and `false`.
@interface GPBBoolValue : GPBMessage |
/// The bool value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBStringValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBStringValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBStringValue_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `string`.
/// The JSON representation for `StringValue` is JSON string.
@interface GPBStringValue : GPBMessage |
/// The string value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSString *value; |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBBytesValue |
typedef GPB_ENUM(GPBBytesValue_FieldNumber) { |
GPBBytesValue_FieldNumber_Value = 1, |
}; |
/// Wrapper message for `bytes`.
/// The JSON representation for `BytesValue` is JSON string.
@interface GPBBytesValue : GPBMessage |
/// The bytes value.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy, null_resettable) NSData *value; |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
@ -1,420 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! |
// source: google/protobuf/wrappers.proto |
#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h" |
#import "google/protobuf/Wrappers.pbobjc.h" |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) |
#pragma clang diagnostic push |
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" |
#pragma mark - GPBWrappersRoot |
@implementation GPBWrappersRoot |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor |
static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor(void) { |
// This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry |
// about thread safety of the singleton. |
static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL; |
if (!descriptor) { |
GPBDebugCheckRuntimeVersion(); |
descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf" |
syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3]; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
#pragma mark - GPBDoubleValue |
@implementation GPBDoubleValue |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBDoubleValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
double value; |
} GPBDoubleValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBDoubleValue_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBDoubleValue__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeDouble, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBDoubleValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBDoubleValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBFloatValue |
@implementation GPBFloatValue |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBFloatValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
float value; |
} GPBFloatValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBFloatValue_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBFloatValue__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeFloat, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBFloatValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBFloatValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBInt64Value |
@implementation GPBInt64Value |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBInt64Value__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
int64_t value; |
} GPBInt64Value__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBInt64Value_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBInt64Value__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt64, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBInt64Value class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBInt64Value__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBUInt64Value |
@implementation GPBUInt64Value |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBUInt64Value__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
uint64_t value; |
} GPBUInt64Value__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBUInt64Value_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBUInt64Value__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeUInt64, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBUInt64Value class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBUInt64Value__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBInt32Value |
@implementation GPBInt32Value |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBInt32Value__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
int32_t value; |
} GPBInt32Value__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBInt32Value_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBInt32Value__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeInt32, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBInt32Value class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBInt32Value__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBUInt32Value |
@implementation GPBUInt32Value |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBUInt32Value__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
uint32_t value; |
} GPBUInt32Value__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBUInt32Value_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBUInt32Value__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeUInt32, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBUInt32Value class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBUInt32Value__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBBoolValue |
@implementation GPBBoolValue |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBBoolValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
} GPBBoolValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBBoolValue_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = 1, // Stored in _has_storage_ to save space. |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBool, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBBoolValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBBoolValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBStringValue |
@implementation GPBStringValue |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBStringValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSString *value; |
} GPBStringValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBStringValue_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBStringValue__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeString, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBStringValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBStringValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma mark - GPBBytesValue |
@implementation GPBBytesValue |
@dynamic value; |
typedef struct GPBBytesValue__storage_ { |
uint32_t _has_storage_[1]; |
NSData *value; |
} GPBBytesValue__storage_; |
// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called |
// in +initialize for each subclass. |
+ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor { |
static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = nil; |
if (!descriptor) { |
static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = { |
{ |
.name = "value", |
.dataTypeSpecific.className = NULL, |
.number = GPBBytesValue_FieldNumber_Value, |
.hasIndex = 0, |
.offset = (uint32_t)offsetof(GPBBytesValue__storage_, value), |
.flags = GPBFieldOptional, |
.dataType = GPBDataTypeBytes, |
}, |
}; |
GPBDescriptor *localDescriptor = |
[GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBBytesValue class] |
rootClass:[GPBWrappersRoot class] |
file:GPBWrappersRoot_FileDescriptor() |
fields:fields |
fieldCount:(uint32_t)(sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)) |
storageSize:sizeof(GPBBytesValue__storage_) |
flags:0]; |
NSAssert(descriptor == nil, @"Startup recursed!"); |
descriptor = localDescriptor; |
} |
return descriptor; |
} |
@end |
#pragma clang diagnostic pop |
// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope) |
Reference in new issue