Merge pull request #824 from jtattermusch/expose_get_output_file

Expose GetOutputFile in csharp_names.h
Jan Tattermusch 10 years ago
commit d8a926ebf2
  1. 37
  2. 35
  3. 2
  4. 23

@ -50,41 +50,6 @@ namespace protobuf {
namespace compiler {
namespace csharp {
std::string GetOutputFile(
const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file,
const std::string file_extension,
const bool generate_directories,
const std::string base_namespace,
string* error) {
string relative_filename = GetUmbrellaClassUnqualifiedName(file) + file_extension;
if (!generate_directories) {
return relative_filename;
string ns = GetFileNamespace(file);
string namespace_suffix = ns;
if (!base_namespace.empty()) {
// Check that the base_namespace is either equal to or a leading part of
// the file namespace. This isn't just a simple prefix; "Foo.B" shouldn't
// be regarded as a prefix of "Foo.Bar". The simplest option is to add "."
// to both.
string extended_ns = ns + ".";
if (extended_ns.find(base_namespace + ".") != 0) {
*error = "Namespace " + ns + " is not a prefix namespace of base namespace " + base_namespace;
return ""; // This will be ignored, because we've set an error.
namespace_suffix = ns.substr(base_namespace.length());
if (namespace_suffix.find(".") == 0) {
namespace_suffix = namespace_suffix.substr(1);
string namespace_dir = StringReplace(namespace_suffix, ".", "/", true);
if (!namespace_dir.empty()) {
namespace_dir += "/";
return namespace_dir + relative_filename;
void GenerateFile(const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* file,
io::Printer* printer) {
UmbrellaClassGenerator umbrellaGenerator(file);
@ -123,7 +88,7 @@ bool Generator::Generate(
string filename_error = "";
std::string filename = GetOutputFile(file, file_extension, generate_directories, base_namespace, &filename_error);
if (!filename_error.empty()) {
if (filename.empty()) {
*error = filename_error;
return false;

@ -269,6 +269,41 @@ std::string GetPropertyName(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) {
return property_name;
std::string GetOutputFile(
const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* descriptor,
const std::string file_extension,
const bool generate_directories,
const std::string base_namespace,
string* error) {
string relative_filename = GetUmbrellaClassUnqualifiedName(descriptor) + file_extension;
if (!generate_directories) {
return relative_filename;
string ns = GetFileNamespace(descriptor);
string namespace_suffix = ns;
if (!base_namespace.empty()) {
// Check that the base_namespace is either equal to or a leading part of
// the file namespace. This isn't just a simple prefix; "Foo.B" shouldn't
// be regarded as a prefix of "Foo.Bar". The simplest option is to add "."
// to both.
string extended_ns = ns + ".";
if (extended_ns.find(base_namespace + ".") != 0) {
*error = "Namespace " + ns + " is not a prefix namespace of base namespace " + base_namespace;
return ""; // This will be ignored, because we've set an error.
namespace_suffix = ns.substr(base_namespace.length());
if (namespace_suffix.find(".") == 0) {
namespace_suffix = namespace_suffix.substr(1);
string namespace_dir = StringReplace(namespace_suffix, ".", "/", true);
if (!namespace_dir.empty()) {
namespace_dir += "/";
return namespace_dir + relative_filename;
// TODO: c&p from Java protoc plugin
// For encodings with fixed sizes, returns that size in bytes. Otherwise
// returns -1.

@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ std::string GetUmbrellaClassUnqualifiedName(const FileDescriptor* descriptor);
// not including the GetFileNamespace part).
std::string GetUmbrellaClassNestedNamespace(const FileDescriptor* descriptor);
std::string GetClassName(const Descriptor* descriptor);
std::string GetClassName(const EnumDescriptor* descriptor);
std::string GetFieldName(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor);

@ -72,7 +72,28 @@ string GetClassName(const Descriptor* descriptor);
// The fully-qualified name of the C# class that provides
// access to the file descriptor. Proto compiler generates
// such class for each .proto file processed.
std::string GetUmbrellaClassName(const FileDescriptor* descriptor);
string GetUmbrellaClassName(const FileDescriptor* descriptor);
// Generates output file name for given file descriptor. If generate_directories
// is true, the output file will be put under directory corresponding to file's
// namespace. base_namespace can be used to strip some of the top level
// directories. E.g. for file with namespace "Bar.Foo" and base_namespace="Bar",
// the resulting file will be put under directory "Foo" (and not "Bar/Foo").
// Requires:
// descriptor != NULL
// error != NULL
// Returns:
// The file name to use as output file for given file descriptor. In case
// of failure, this function will return empty string and error parameter
// will contain the error message.
string GetOutputFile(
const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor* descriptor,
const string file_extension,
const bool generate_directories,
const string base_namespace,
string* error);
} // namespace csharp
} // namespace compiler
