@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ goog.require('goog.userAgent');
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessage' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.TestMapFields' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.TestMapFieldsOptionalKeys' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapEntryOptionalKeysStringKey' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapEntryOptionalKeysInt32Key' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapEntryOptionalKeysInt64Key' ) ;
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapEntryOptionalKeysBoolKey' ) ;
// CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test_pb proto.jspb.test
goog . require ( 'proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessageNoBinary' ) ;
@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ function toArray(iter) {
* Helper : generate test methods for this TestMapFields class .
* @ param { ? } msgInfo
* @ param { ? } submessageCtor
* @ param { ! string } suffix
* @ param { string } suffix
* /
function makeTests ( msgInfo , submessageCtor , suffix ) {
/ * *
@ -260,6 +265,39 @@ function makeTests(msgInfo, submessageCtor, suffix) {
var decoded = msgInfo . deserializeBinary ( serialized ) ;
checkMapFields ( decoded ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Tests deserialization of undefined map keys go to default values in binary format .
* /
it ( 'testMapDeserializationForUndefinedKeys' , function ( ) {
var testMessageOptionalKeys = new proto . jspb . test . TestMapFieldsOptionalKeys ( ) ;
var mapEntryStringKey = new proto . jspb . test . MapEntryOptionalKeysStringKey ( ) ;
mapEntryStringKey . setValue ( "a" ) ;
testMessageOptionalKeys . setMapStringString ( mapEntryStringKey ) ;
var mapEntryInt32Key = new proto . jspb . test . MapEntryOptionalKeysInt32Key ( ) ;
mapEntryInt32Key . setValue ( "b" ) ;
testMessageOptionalKeys . setMapInt32String ( mapEntryInt32Key ) ;
var mapEntryInt64Key = new proto . jspb . test . MapEntryOptionalKeysInt64Key ( ) ;
mapEntryInt64Key . setValue ( "c" ) ;
testMessageOptionalKeys . setMapInt64String ( mapEntryInt64Key ) ;
var mapEntryBoolKey = new proto . jspb . test . MapEntryOptionalKeysBoolKey ( ) ;
mapEntryBoolKey . setValue ( "d" ) ;
testMessageOptionalKeys . setMapBoolString ( mapEntryBoolKey ) ;
var deserializedMessage = msgInfo . deserializeBinary (
testMessageOptionalKeys . serializeBinary ( )
) ;
checkMapEquals ( deserializedMessage . getMapStringStringMap ( ) , [
[ '' , 'a' ]
] ) ;
checkMapEquals ( deserializedMessage . getMapInt32StringMap ( ) , [
[ 0 , 'b' ]
] ) ;
checkMapEquals ( deserializedMessage . getMapInt64StringMap ( ) , [
[ 0 , 'c' ]
] ) ;
checkMapEquals ( deserializedMessage . getMapBoolStringMap ( ) , [
[ false , 'd' ]
] ) ;
} ) ;