@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import protobuf_unittest.UnittestProto.TestAllTypes;
import protobuf_unittest.UnittestProto.TestSparseEnum ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.List ;
@ -46,13 +48,41 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) ;
// Like ByteArrayOutputStream, but doesn't dynamically grow the backing byte[]. Instead, it
// throws OutOfSpaceException if we overflow the backing byte[].
private static final class FixedSizeByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private final byte [ ] buf ;
private int size = 0 ;
FixedSizeByteArrayOutputStream ( int size ) {
this . buf = new byte [ size ] ;
public void write ( int b ) throws IOException {
try {
buf [ size ] = ( byte ) b ;
} catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException e ) {
// Real OutputStreams probably won't be so kind as to throw the exact OutOfSpaceException
// that we want in our tests. Throwing this makes our tests simpler, and OutputStream
// doesn't really have a good protocol for signalling running out of buffer space.
throw new OutOfSpaceException ( size , buf . length , 1 , e ) ;
size + + ;
public byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) {
return Arrays . copyOf ( buf , size ) ;
private static final class OutputStreamCoder implements Coder {
private final CodedOutputStream stream ;
private final ByteArrayOutputStream output ;
private final FixedSize ByteArrayOutputStream output ;
OutputStreamCoder ( int size ) {
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
stream = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output , size ) ;
OutputStreamCoder ( int size , int blockSize ) {
output = new FixedSize ByteArrayOutputStream( size ) ;
stream = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output , blockS ize) ;
@ -204,16 +234,30 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
STREAM ( ) {
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
return new OutputStreamCoder ( size ) ;
return new OutputStreamCoder ( size , /* blockSize= */ size ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
// Block Size 0 gets rounded up to minimum block size, see AbstractBufferedEncoder.
return new OutputStreamCoder ( size , /* blockSize= */ 0 ) ;
} ;
abstract Coder newCoder ( int size ) ;
/** Whether we can call CodedOutputStream.spaceLeft(). */
boolean supportsSpaceLeft ( ) {
// STREAM doesn't know how much space is left.
return this ! = OutputType . STREAM ;
switch ( this ) {
case STREAM :
return false ;
default :
return true ;
@ -288,59 +332,86 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void testWriteFixed32NoTag_outOfBounds_throws ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of bounds writes.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
OutOfSpaceException e =
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( 1 ) ) ;
assertThat ( e ) . hasMessageThat ( ) . contains ( "len: 4" ) ;
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( i ) ;
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( 1 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
// STREAM writes one byte at a time.
if ( outputType ! = OutputType . STREAM & & outputType ! = OutputType . STREAM_MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE ) {
assertThat ( e ) . hasMessageThat ( ) . contains ( "len: 4" ) ;
if ( outputType . supportsSpaceLeft ( ) ) {
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( i ) ;
public void testWriteFixed64NoTag_outOfBounds_throws ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of bounds writes.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
OutOfSpaceException e =
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( 1 ) ) ;
assertThat ( e ) . hasMessageThat ( ) . contains ( "len: 8" ) ;
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( i ) ;
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( 1 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( outputType ! = OutputType . STREAM & & outputType ! = OutputType . STREAM_MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE ) {
assertThat ( e ) . hasMessageThat ( ) . contains ( "len: 8" ) ;
if ( outputType . supportsSpaceLeft ( ) ) {
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( i ) ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
public void testWriteUInt32NoTag_outOfBounds_throws ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of bounds writes.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt32NoTag ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ) ;
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt32NoTag ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Space left should not go negative.
assertWithMessage ( "i=%s" , i ) . that ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isAtLeast ( 0 ) ;
if ( outputType . supportsSpaceLeft ( ) ) {
assertWithMessage ( "i=%s" , i ) . that ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isAtLeast ( 0 ) ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
public void testWriteUInt64NoTag_outOfBounds_throws ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of bounds writes.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( Long . MAX_VALUE ) ) ;
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Space left should not go negative.
assertWithMessage ( "i=%s" , i ) . that ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isAtLeast ( 0 ) ;
if ( outputType . supportsSpaceLeft ( ) ) {
assertWithMessage ( "i=%s" , i ) . that ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isAtLeast ( 0 ) ;
@ -507,7 +578,7 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void testGetTotalBytesWritten ( ) throws Exception {
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 4 * 1024 ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( /* size= */ 16 * 1024 ) ;
// Write some some bytes (more than the buffer can hold) and verify that totalWritten
// is correct.
@ -606,13 +677,15 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( 0 ) ;
// Going beyond bounds should throw. Except if we're streaming, where buffering masks the
// failure.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
return ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
OutOfSpaceException e =
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . write ( ( byte ) 1 ) ) ;
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . write ( ( byte ) 1 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
assertThat ( e ) . hasMessageThat ( ) . contains ( "len: 1" ) ;
if ( outputType . supportsSpaceLeft ( ) ) {
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . spaceLeft ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( 0 ) ;
@ -701,22 +774,27 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
// encoding invalid UTF-8 strings.
public void testSerializeInvalidUtf8FollowedByOutOfSpace ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of space errors.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
final int notEnoughBytes = 4 ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( notEnoughBytes ) ;
String invalidString = newString ( Character . MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE , 'f' , 'o' , 'o' , 'b' , 'a' , 'r' ) ;
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
OutOfSpaceException e =
assertThrows (
OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( invalidString ) ) ;
OutOfSpaceException . class ,
( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( invalidString ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
assertThat ( e ) . hasCauseThat ( ) . isInstanceOf ( IndexOutOfBoundsException . class ) ;
/** Regression test for https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/292 */
// Some coders throw immediately on write, some throw on flush.
@SuppressWarnings ( "AssertThrowsMultipleStatements" )
public void testCorrectExceptionThrowWhenEncodingStringsWithoutEnoughSpace ( ) throws Exception {
String testCase = "Foooooooo" ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( testCase . length ( ) ) )
@ -731,7 +809,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeString ( 1 , testCase ) ) ;
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > {
coder . stream ( ) . writeString ( 1 , testCase ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
} ) ;
@ -772,22 +853,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
* value .
* /
private void assertWriteFixed32 ( byte [ ] data , int value ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
/ * *
@ -795,22 +864,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
* value .
* /
private void assertWriteFixed64 ( byte [ ] data , long value ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
private static String newString ( char . . . chars ) {
@ -871,32 +928,6 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
// Also try computing size.
assertThat ( data ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( value ) ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
// Only test 32-bit write if the value fits into an int.
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
ByteArrayOutputStream rawOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
CodedOutputStream output = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( rawOutput , blockSize ) ;
output . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
output . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( rawOutput . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
private void assertVarintRoundTrip ( long value ) throws Exception {