@ -45,8 +45,25 @@ jobs:
fail-fast : false # Don't cancel all jobs if one fails.
# TODO: add macos once we are building Darwin wheels.
os : [ ubuntu-18.04, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
# Linux and Mac use the limited API, so all Python versions will use a single wheel.
# As a result we can just test the oldest and newest supported Python versions and assume
# this gives us sufficient test coverage.
- { os: ubuntu-18.04, python-version : "3.7" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: macos-10.15, python-version : "3.7" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, python-version : "3.10" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: macos-12, python-version : "3.10" , architecture : x64 }
# Windows uses the full API up until Python 3.10, so each of these
# jobs tests a distinct binary wheel.
# TODO(b/231485326): fix the win32 wheels to load properly.
# - { os: windows-2019, python-version: "3.7", architecture: x86 }
# - { os: windows-2019, python-version: "3.8", architecture: x86 }
# - { os: windows-2019, python-version: "3.9", architecture: x86 }
# - { os: windows-2019, python-version: "3.10", architecture: x86 }
- { os: windows-2019, python-version : "3.7" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: windows-2019, python-version : "3.8" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: windows-2019, python-version : "3.9" , architecture : x64 }
- { os: windows-2019, python-version : "3.10" , architecture : x64 }
runs-on : ${{ matrix.os }}
@ -59,7 +76,8 @@ jobs:
path : wheels
- uses : actions/setup-python@v2
python-version : 3.8
python-version : ${{ matrix.python-version }}
architecture : ${{ matrix.architecture }}
- name : Setup Python venv
run : |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
@ -67,7 +85,11 @@ jobs:
# Windows uses 'Scripts' instead of 'bin'
source env/bin/activate || source env/Scripts/activate
- name : Install Wheels
- name : Install tzdata
run : pip install tzdata
# Only needed on Windows, Linux ships with tzdata.
if : ${{ contains(matrix.os, 'windows') }}
- name : Install Protobuf Wheels
run : pip install -vvv --no-index --find-links wheels protobuf protobuftests
- name : Test that module is importable
run : python -c 'from google._upb import _message; assert "google._upb._message.MessageMeta" in str(_message.MessageMeta)'