@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
/ * *
* { @code UnknownFieldSet } is used to keep track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol
* { @code UnknownFieldSet } keeps track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol
* message but whose field numbers or types are unrecognized . This most frequently occurs when new
* fields are added to a message type and then messages containing those fields are read by old
* software that was compiled before the new types were added .
* < p > Every { @link Message } contains an { @code UnknownFieldSet } ( and every { @link Message . Builder }
* contains an { @link Builder } ) .
* contains a { @link Builder } ) .
* < p > Most users will never need to use this class .
@ -57,9 +57,13 @@ import java.util.TreeMap;
* /
public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
private UnknownFieldSet ( ) {
fields = null ;
fieldsDescending = null ;
private final TreeMap < Integer , Field > fields ;
/ * *
* Construct an { @code UnknownFieldSet } around the given map .
* /
UnknownFieldSet ( TreeMap < Integer , Field > fields ) {
this . fields = fields ;
/** Create a new {@link Builder}. */
@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Create a new {@link Builder} and initialize it to be a copy of {@code copyFrom}. */
public static Builder newBuilder ( final UnknownFieldSet copyFrom ) {
public static Builder newBuilder ( UnknownFieldSet copyFrom ) {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( copyFrom ) ;
@ -83,25 +87,11 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
private static final UnknownFieldSet defaultInstance =
new UnknownFieldSet (
Collections . < Integer , Field > emptyMap ( ) , Collections . < Integer , Field > emptyMap ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Construct an { @code UnknownFieldSet } around the given map . The map is expected to be immutable .
* /
UnknownFieldSet ( final Map < Integer , Field > fields , final Map < Integer , Field > fieldsDescending ) {
this . fields = fields ;
this . fieldsDescending = fieldsDescending ;
private final Map < Integer , Field > fields ;
/** A copy of {@link #fields} who's iterator order is reversed. */
private final Map < Integer , Field > fieldsDescending ;
new UnknownFieldSet ( new TreeMap < Integer , Field > ( ) ) ;
public boolean equals ( final Object other ) {
public boolean equals ( Object other ) {
if ( this = = other ) {
return true ;
@ -110,29 +100,33 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public int hashCode ( ) {
if ( fields . isEmpty ( ) ) { // avoid allocation of iterator.
// This optimization may not be helpful but it is needed for the allocation tests to pass.
return 0 ;
return fields . hashCode ( ) ;
/** Get a map of fields in the set by number. */
public Map < Integer , Field > asMap ( ) {
return fields ;
return ( Map < Integer , Field > ) fields . clone ( ) ;
/** Check if the given field number is present in the set. */
public boolean hasField ( final int number ) {
public boolean hasField ( int number ) {
return fields . containsKey ( number ) ;
/** Get a field by number. Returns an empty field if not present. Never returns {@code null}. */
public Field getField ( final int number ) {
final Field result = fields . get ( number ) ;
public Field getField ( int number ) {
Field result = fields . get ( number ) ;
return ( result = = null ) ? Field . getDefaultInstance ( ) : result ;
/** Serializes the set and writes it to {@code output}. */
public void writeTo ( final CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
public void writeTo ( CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
Field field = entry . getValue ( ) ;
field . writeTo ( entry . getKey ( ) , output ) ;
@ -154,10 +148,10 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public ByteString toByteString ( ) {
try {
final ByteString . CodedBuilder out = ByteString . newCodedBuilder ( getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
ByteString . CodedBuilder out = ByteString . newCodedBuilder ( getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
writeTo ( out . getCodedOutput ( ) ) ;
return out . build ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (
"Serializing to a ByteString threw an IOException (should never happen)." , e ) ;
@ -170,12 +164,12 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) {
try {
final byte [ ] result = new byte [ getSerializedSize ( ) ] ;
final CodedOutputStream output = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( result ) ;
byte [ ] result = new byte [ getSerializedSize ( ) ] ;
CodedOutputStream output = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( result ) ;
writeTo ( output ) ;
output . checkNoSpaceLeft ( ) ;
return result ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (
"Serializing to a byte array threw an IOException (should never happen)." , e ) ;
@ -186,16 +180,16 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* { @link # writeTo ( CodedOutputStream ) } .
* /
public void writeTo ( final OutputStream output ) throws IOException {
final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output ) ;
public void writeTo ( OutputStream output ) throws IOException {
CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output ) ;
writeTo ( codedOutput ) ;
codedOutput . flush ( ) ;
public void writeDelimitedTo ( OutputStream output ) throws IOException {
final CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output ) ;
codedOutput . writeRawVarint32 ( getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
CodedOutputStream codedOutput = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( output ) ;
codedOutput . writeUInt32NoTag ( getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
writeTo ( codedOutput ) ;
codedOutput . flush ( ) ;
@ -204,15 +198,17 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public int getSerializedSize ( ) {
int result = 0 ;
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
result + = entry . getValue ( ) . getSerializedSize ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ;
if ( ! fields . isEmpty ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
result + = entry . getValue ( ) . getSerializedSize ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ;
return result ;
/** Serializes the set and writes it to {@code output} using {@code MessageSet} wire format. */
public void writeAsMessageSetTo ( final CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
public void writeAsMessageSetTo ( CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
entry . getValue ( ) . writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( entry . getKey ( ) , output ) ;
@ -221,7 +217,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
void writeTo ( Writer writer ) throws IOException {
if ( writer . fieldOrder ( ) = = Writer . FieldOrder . DESCENDING ) {
// Write fields in descending order.
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fieldsDescending . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . descendingMap ( ) . entrySet ( ) ) {
entry . getValue ( ) . writeTo ( entry . getKey ( ) , writer ) ;
} else {
@ -233,15 +229,15 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Serializes the set and writes it to {@code writer} using {@code MessageSet} wire format. */
void writeAsMessageSetTo ( final Writer writer ) throws IOException {
void writeAsMessageSetTo ( Writer writer ) throws IOException {
if ( writer . fieldOrder ( ) = = Writer . FieldOrder . DESCENDING ) {
// Write fields in descending order.
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fieldsDescending . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . descendingMap ( ) . entrySet ( ) ) {
entry . getValue ( ) . writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( entry . getKey ( ) , writer ) ;
} else {
// Write fields in ascending order.
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
entry . getValue ( ) . writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( entry . getKey ( ) , writer ) ;
@ -250,7 +246,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Get the number of bytes required to encode this set using {@code MessageSet} wire format. */
public int getSerializedSizeAsMessageSet ( ) {
int result = 0 ;
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
result + = entry . getValue ( ) . getSerializedSizeAsMessageSetExtension ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ;
return result ;
@ -264,23 +260,23 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Parse an {@code UnknownFieldSet} from the given input stream. */
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( final CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( input ) . build ( ) ;
/** Parse {@code data} as an {@code UnknownFieldSet} and return it. */
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( final ByteString data )
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( ByteString data )
throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( data ) . build ( ) ;
/** Parse {@code data} as an {@code UnknownFieldSet} and return it. */
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( final byte [ ] data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( byte [ ] data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( data ) . build ( ) ;
/** Parse an {@code UnknownFieldSet} from {@code input} and return it. */
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( final InputStream input ) throws IOException {
public static UnknownFieldSet parseFrom ( InputStream input ) throws IOException {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( input ) . build ( ) ;
@ -309,64 +305,43 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
// This constructor should never be called directly (except from 'create').
private Builder ( ) { }
private Map < Integer , Field > fields ;
// Optimization: We keep around a builder for the last field that was
// modified so that we can efficiently add to it multiple times in a
// row (important when parsing an unknown repeated field).
private int lastFieldNumber ;
private Field . Builder lastField ;
private TreeMap < Integer , Field . Builder > fieldBuilders = new TreeMap < > ( ) ;
private static Builder create ( ) {
Builder builder = new Builder ( ) ;
builder . reinitialize ( ) ;
return builder ;
return new Builder ( ) ;
/ * *
* Get a field builder for the given field number which includes any values that already exist .
* /
private Field . Builder getFieldBuilder ( final int number ) {
if ( lastField ! = null ) {
if ( number = = lastFieldNumber ) {
return lastField ;
// Note: addField() will reset lastField and lastFieldNumber.
addField ( lastFieldNumber , lastField . build ( ) ) ;
private Field . Builder getFieldBuilder ( int number ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
return null ;
} else {
final Field existing = fields . get ( number ) ;
lastFieldNumber = number ;
lastField = Field . newBuilder ( ) ;
if ( existing ! = null ) {
lastField . mergeFrom ( existing ) ;
Field . Builder builder = fieldBuilders . get ( number ) ;
if ( builder = = null ) {
builder = Field . newBuilder ( ) ;
fieldBuilders . put ( number , builder ) ;
return lastField ;
return builder ;
/ * *
* Build the { @link UnknownFieldSet } and return it .
* < p > Once { @code build ( ) } has been called , the { @code Builder } will no longer be usable .
* Calling any method after { @code build ( ) } will result in undefined behavior and can cause a
* { @code NullPointerException } to be thrown .
* /
public UnknownFieldSet build ( ) {
getFieldBuilder ( 0 ) ; // Force lastField to be built.
final UnknownFieldSet result ;
if ( fields . isEmpty ( ) ) {
UnknownFieldSet result ;
if ( fieldBuilders . isEmpty ( ) ) {
result = getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
} else {
Map < Integer , Field > descendingFields = null ;
descendingFields =
Collections . unmodifiableMap ( ( ( TreeMap < Integer , Field > ) fields ) . descendingMap ( ) ) ;
result = new UnknownFieldSet ( Collections . unmodifiableMap ( fields ) , descendingFields ) ;
TreeMap < Integer , Field > fields = new TreeMap < > ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field . Builder > entry : fieldBuilders . entrySet ( ) ) {
fields . put ( entry . getKey ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) . build ( ) ) ;
result = new UnknownFieldSet ( fields ) ;
fields = null ;
return result ;
@ -378,11 +353,13 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public Builder clone ( ) {
getFieldBuilder ( 0 ) ; // Force lastField to be built.
Map < Integer , Field > descendingFields = null ;
descendingFields =
Collections . unmodifiableMap ( ( ( TreeMap < Integer , Field > ) fields ) . descendingMap ( ) ) ;
return UnknownFieldSet . newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( new UnknownFieldSet ( fields , descendingFields ) ) ;
Builder clone = UnknownFieldSet . newBuilder ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field . Builder > entry : fieldBuilders . entrySet ( ) ) {
Integer key = entry . getKey ( ) ;
Field . Builder value = entry . getValue ( ) ;
clone . fieldBuilders . put ( key , value . clone ( ) ) ;
return clone ;
@ -390,31 +367,24 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
return UnknownFieldSet . getDefaultInstance ( ) ;
private void reinitialize ( ) {
fields = Collections . emptyMap ( ) ;
lastFieldNumber = 0 ;
lastField = null ;
/** Reset the builder to an empty set. */
public Builder clear ( ) {
reinitialize ( ) ;
fieldBuilders = new TreeMap < > ( ) ;
return this ;
/** Clear fields from the set with a given field number. */
public Builder clearField ( final int number ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
if ( lastField ! = null & & lastFieldNumber = = number ) {
// Discard this.
lastField = null ;
lastFieldNumber = 0 ;
/ * *
* Clear fields from the set with a given field number .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number is not positive
* /
public Builder clearField ( int number ) {
if ( number < = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( number + " is not a valid field number." ) ;
if ( fields . containsKey ( number ) ) {
fields . remove ( number ) ;
if ( fieldBuilder s . containsKey ( number ) ) {
fieldBuilder s . remove ( number ) ;
return this ;
@ -423,9 +393,9 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Merge the fields from { @code other } into this set . If a field number exists in both sets ,
* { @code other } ' s values for that field will be appended to the values in this set .
* /
public Builder mergeFrom ( final UnknownFieldSet other ) {
public Builder mergeFrom ( UnknownFieldSet other ) {
if ( other ! = getDefaultInstance ( ) ) {
for ( final Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : other . fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field > entry : other . fields . entrySet ( ) ) {
mergeField ( entry . getKey ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) ) ;
@ -435,10 +405,12 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/ * *
* Add a field to the { @code UnknownFieldSet } . If a field with the same number already exists ,
* the two are merged .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number is not positive
* /
public Builder mergeField ( final int number , final Field field ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
public Builder mergeField ( int number , final Field field ) {
if ( number < = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( number + " is not a valid field number." ) ;
if ( hasField ( number ) ) {
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . mergeFrom ( field ) ;
@ -454,10 +426,12 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/ * *
* Convenience method for merging a new field containing a single varint value . This is used in
* particular when an unknown enum value is encountered .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number is not positive
* /
public Builder mergeVarintField ( final int number , final int value ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
public Builder mergeVarintField ( int number , int value ) {
if ( number < = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( number + " is not a valid field number." ) ;
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . addVarint ( value ) ;
return this ;
@ -467,40 +441,33 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Convenience method for merging a length - delimited field .
* < p > For use by generated code only .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number is not positive
* /
public Builder mergeLengthDelimitedField ( final int number , final ByteString value ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
public Builder mergeLengthDelimitedField ( int number , ByteString value ) {
if ( number < = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( number + " is not a valid field number." ) ;
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . addLengthDelimited ( value ) ;
return this ;
/** Check if the given field number is present in the set. */
public boolean hasField ( final int number ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
return number = = lastFieldNumber | | fields . containsKey ( number ) ;
public boolean hasField ( int number ) {
return fieldBuilders . containsKey ( number ) ;
/ * *
* Add a field to the { @code UnknownFieldSet } . If a field with the same number already exists ,
* it is removed .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if number is not positive
* /
public Builder addField ( final int number , final Field field ) {
if ( number = = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Zero is not a valid field number." ) ;
if ( lastField ! = null & & lastFieldNumber = = number ) {
// Discard this.
lastField = null ;
lastFieldNumber = 0 ;
public Builder addField ( int number , Field field ) {
if ( number < = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( number + " is not a valid field number." ) ;
if ( fields . isEmpty ( ) ) {
fields = new TreeMap < Integer , Field > ( ) ;
fields . put ( number , field ) ;
fieldBuilders . put ( number , Field . newBuilder ( field ) ) ;
return this ;
@ -509,15 +476,18 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* changes may or may not be reflected in this map .
* /
public Map < Integer , Field > asMap ( ) {
getFieldBuilder ( 0 ) ; // Force lastField to be built.
TreeMap < Integer , Field > fields = new TreeMap < > ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Integer , Field . Builder > entry : fieldBuilders . entrySet ( ) ) {
fields . put ( entry . getKey ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) . build ( ) ) ;
return Collections . unmodifiableMap ( fields ) ;
/** Parse an entire message from {@code input} and merge its fields into this set. */
public Builder mergeFrom ( final CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
public Builder mergeFrom ( CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
while ( true ) {
final int tag = input . readTag ( ) ;
int tag = input . readTag ( ) ;
if ( tag = = 0 | | ! mergeFieldFrom ( tag , input ) ) {
break ;
@ -531,8 +501,8 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* @param tag The field ' s tag number , which was already parsed .
* @return { @code false } if the tag is an end group tag .
* /
public boolean mergeFieldFrom ( final int tag , final CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
final int number = WireFormat . getTagFieldNumber ( tag ) ;
public boolean mergeFieldFrom ( int tag , CodedInputStream input ) throws IOException {
int number = WireFormat . getTagFieldNumber ( tag ) ;
switch ( WireFormat . getTagWireType ( tag ) ) {
case WireFormat . WIRETYPE_VARINT :
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . addVarint ( input . readInt64 ( ) ) ;
@ -544,7 +514,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . addLengthDelimited ( input . readBytes ( ) ) ;
return true ;
case WireFormat . WIRETYPE_START_GROUP :
final Builder subBuilder = newBuilder ( ) ;
Builder subBuilder = newBuilder ( ) ;
input . readGroup ( number , subBuilder , ExtensionRegistry . getEmptyRegistry ( ) ) ;
getFieldBuilder ( number ) . addGroup ( subBuilder . build ( ) ) ;
return true ;
@ -563,15 +533,15 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* is just a small wrapper around { @link # mergeFrom ( CodedInputStream ) } .
* /
public Builder mergeFrom ( final ByteString data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
public Builder mergeFrom ( ByteString data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
try {
final CodedInputStream input = data . newCodedInput ( ) ;
CodedInputStream input = data . newCodedInput ( ) ;
mergeFrom ( input ) ;
input . checkLastTagWas ( 0 ) ;
return this ;
} catch ( final InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
} catch ( InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
throw e ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (
"Reading from a ByteString threw an IOException (should never happen)." , e ) ;
@ -582,15 +552,15 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* is just a small wrapper around { @link # mergeFrom ( CodedInputStream ) } .
* /
public Builder mergeFrom ( final byte [ ] data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
public Builder mergeFrom ( byte [ ] data ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
try {
final CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( data ) ;
CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( data ) ;
mergeFrom ( input ) ;
input . checkLastTagWas ( 0 ) ;
return this ;
} catch ( final InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
} catch ( InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
throw e ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException (
"Reading from a byte array threw an IOException (should never happen)." , e ) ;
@ -601,8 +571,8 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* This is just a small wrapper around { @link # mergeFrom ( CodedInputStream ) } .
* /
public Builder mergeFrom ( final InputStream input ) throws IOException {
final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( input ) ;
public Builder mergeFrom ( InputStream input ) throws IOException {
CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( input ) ;
mergeFrom ( codedInput ) ;
codedInput . checkLastTagWas ( 0 ) ;
return this ;
@ -610,12 +580,12 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public boolean mergeDelimitedFrom ( InputStream input ) throws IOException {
final int firstByte = input . read ( ) ;
int firstByte = input . read ( ) ;
if ( firstByte = = - 1 ) {
return false ;
final int size = CodedInputStream . readRawVarint32 ( firstByte , input ) ;
final InputStream limitedInput = new LimitedInputStream ( input , size ) ;
int size = CodedInputStream . readRawVarint32 ( firstByte , input ) ;
InputStream limitedInput = new LimitedInputStream ( input , size ) ;
mergeFrom ( limitedInput ) ;
return true ;
@ -644,7 +614,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public Builder mergeFrom ( byte [ ] data , int off , int len ) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
try {
final CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( data , off , len ) ;
CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( data , off , len ) ;
mergeFrom ( input ) ;
input . checkLastTagWas ( 0 ) ;
return this ;
@ -718,7 +688,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Construct a new {@link Builder} and initialize it to a copy of {@code copyFrom}. */
public static Builder newBuilder ( final Field copyFrom ) {
public static Builder newBuilder ( Field copyFrom ) {
return newBuilder ( ) . mergeFrom ( copyFrom ) ;
@ -758,7 +728,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public boolean equals ( final Object other ) {
public boolean equals ( Object other ) {
if ( this = = other ) {
return true ;
@ -785,7 +755,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
public ByteString toByteString ( int fieldNumber ) {
try {
// TODO(lukes): consider caching serialized size in a volatile long
final ByteString . CodedBuilder out =
ByteString . CodedBuilder out =
ByteString . newCodedBuilder ( getSerializedSize ( fieldNumber ) ) ;
writeTo ( fieldNumber , out . getCodedOutput ( ) ) ;
return out . build ( ) ;
@ -796,40 +766,40 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Serializes the field, including field number, and writes it to {@code output}. */
public void writeTo ( final int fieldNumber , final CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( final long value : varint ) {
public void writeTo ( int fieldNumber , CodedOutputStream output ) throws IOException {
for ( long value : varint ) {
output . writeUInt64 ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final int value : fixed32 ) {
for ( int value : fixed32 ) {
output . writeFixed32 ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final long value : fixed64 ) {
for ( long value : fixed64 ) {
output . writeFixed64 ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
for ( ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
output . writeBytes ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final UnknownFieldSet value : group ) {
for ( UnknownFieldSet value : group ) {
output . writeGroup ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
/** Get the number of bytes required to encode this field, including field number. */
public int getSerializedSize ( final int fieldNumber ) {
public int getSerializedSize ( int fieldNumber ) {
int result = 0 ;
for ( final long value : varint ) {
for ( long value : varint ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64Size ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final int value : fixed32 ) {
for ( int value : fixed32 ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeFixed32Size ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final long value : fixed64 ) {
for ( long value : fixed64 ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeFixed64Size ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
for ( ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeBytesSize ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
for ( final UnknownFieldSet value : group ) {
for ( UnknownFieldSet value : group ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeGroupSize ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
return result ;
@ -839,15 +809,15 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Serializes the field , including field number , and writes it to { @code output } , using { @code
* MessageSet } wire format .
* /
public void writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( final int fieldNumber , final CodedOutputStream output )
public void writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( int fieldNumber , CodedOutputStream output )
throws IOException {
for ( final ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
for ( ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
output . writeRawMessageSetExtension ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
/** Serializes the field, including field number, and writes it to {@code writer}. */
void writeTo ( final int fieldNumber , final Writer writer ) throws IOException {
void writeTo ( int fieldNumber , Writer writer ) throws IOException {
writer . writeInt64List ( fieldNumber , varint , false ) ;
writer . writeFixed32List ( fieldNumber , fixed32 , false ) ;
writer . writeFixed64List ( fieldNumber , fixed64 , false ) ;
@ -872,7 +842,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Serializes the field , including field number , and writes it to { @code writer } , using { @code
* MessageSet } wire format .
* /
private void writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( final int fieldNumber , final Writer writer )
private void writeAsMessageSetExtensionTo ( int fieldNumber , Writer writer )
throws IOException {
if ( writer . fieldOrder ( ) = = Writer . FieldOrder . DESCENDING ) {
// Write in descending field order.
@ -882,7 +852,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
} else {
// Write in ascending field order.
for ( final ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
for ( ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
writer . writeMessageSetItem ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
@ -892,9 +862,9 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Get the number of bytes required to encode this field , including field number , using { @code
* MessageSet } wire format .
* /
public int getSerializedSizeAsMessageSetExtension ( final int fieldNumber ) {
public int getSerializedSizeAsMessageSetExtension ( int fieldNumber ) {
int result = 0 ;
for ( final ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
for ( ByteString value : lengthDelimited ) {
result + = CodedOutputStream . computeRawMessageSetExtensionSize ( fieldNumber , value ) ;
return result ;
@ -912,52 +882,85 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* < p > Use { @link Field # newBuilder ( ) } to construct a { @code Builder } .
* /
public static final class Builder {
// This constructor should never be called directly (except from 'create').
private Builder ( ) { }
// This constructor should only be called directly from 'create' and 'clone'.
private Builder ( ) {
result = new Field ( ) ;
private static Builder create ( ) {
Builder builder = new Builder ( ) ;
builder . result = new Field ( ) ;
return builder ;
private Field result ;
public Builder clone ( ) {
Field copy = new Field ( ) ;
if ( result . varint = = null ) {
copy . varint = null ;
} else {
copy . varint = new ArrayList < > ( result . varint ) ;
if ( result . fixed32 = = null ) {
copy . fixed32 = null ;
} else {
copy . fixed32 = new ArrayList < > ( result . fixed32 ) ;
if ( result . fixed64 = = null ) {
copy . fixed64 = null ;
} else {
copy . fixed64 = new ArrayList < > ( result . fixed64 ) ;
if ( result . lengthDelimited = = null ) {
copy . lengthDelimited = null ;
} else {
copy . lengthDelimited = new ArrayList < > ( result . lengthDelimited ) ;
if ( result . group = = null ) {
copy . group = null ;
} else {
copy . group = new ArrayList < > ( result . group ) ;
Builder clone = new Builder ( ) ;
clone . result = copy ;
return clone ;
/ * *
* Build the field . After { @code build ( ) } has been called , the { @code Builder } is no longer
* usable . Calling any other method will result in undefined behavior and can cause a { @code
* NullPointerException } to be thrown .
* Build the field .
* /
public Field build ( ) {
Field built = new Field ( ) ;
if ( result . varint = = null ) {
result . varint = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
bui lt. varint = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
} else {
result . varint = Collections . unmodifiableList ( result . varint ) ;
bui lt. varint = Collections . unmodifiableList ( new ArrayList < > ( result . varint ) ) ;
if ( result . fixed32 = = null ) {
result . fixed32 = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
bui lt. fixed32 = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
} else {
result . fixed32 = Collections . unmodifiableList ( result . fixed32 ) ;
bui lt. fixed32 = Collections . unmodifiableList ( new ArrayList < > ( result . fixed32 ) ) ;
if ( result . fixed64 = = null ) {
result . fixed64 = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
bui lt. fixed64 = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
} else {
result . fixed64 = Collections . unmodifiableList ( result . fixed64 ) ;
bui lt. fixed64 = Collections . unmodifiableList ( new ArrayList < > ( result . fixed64 ) ) ;
if ( result . lengthDelimited = = null ) {
result . lengthDelimited = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
bui lt. lengthDelimited = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
} else {
result . lengthDelimited = Collections . unmodifiableList ( result . lengthDelimited ) ;
built . lengthDelimited = Collections . unmodifiableList (
new ArrayList < > ( result . lengthDelimited ) ) ;
if ( result . group = = null ) {
result . group = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
bui lt. group = Collections . emptyList ( ) ;
} else {
result . group = Collections . unmodifiableList ( result . group ) ;
bui lt. group = Collections . unmodifiableList ( new ArrayList < > ( result . group ) ) ;
final Field returnMe = result ;
result = null ;
return returnMe ;
return built ;
/** Discard the field's contents. */
@ -970,7 +973,7 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
* Merge the values in { @code other } into this field . For each list of values , { @code other } ' s
* values are append to the ones in this field .
* /
public Builder mergeFrom ( final Field other ) {
public Builder mergeFrom ( Field other ) {
if ( ! other . varint . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( result . varint = = null ) {
result . varint = new ArrayList < Long > ( ) ;
@ -985,19 +988,19 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
if ( ! other . fixed64 . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( result . fixed64 = = null ) {
result . fixed64 = new ArrayList < Long > ( ) ;
result . fixed64 = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . fixed64 . addAll ( other . fixed64 ) ;
if ( ! other . lengthDelimited . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( result . lengthDelimited = = null ) {
result . lengthDelimited = new ArrayList < ByteString > ( ) ;
result . lengthDelimited = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . lengthDelimited . addAll ( other . lengthDelimited ) ;
if ( ! other . group . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( result . group = = null ) {
result . group = new ArrayList < UnknownFieldSet > ( ) ;
result . group = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . group . addAll ( other . group ) ;
@ -1005,45 +1008,45 @@ public final class UnknownFieldSet implements MessageLite {
/** Add a varint value. */
public Builder addVarint ( final long value ) {
public Builder addVarint ( long value ) {
if ( result . varint = = null ) {
result . varint = new ArrayList < Long > ( ) ;
result . varint = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . varint . add ( value ) ;
return this ;
/** Add a fixed32 value. */
public Builder addFixed32 ( final int value ) {
public Builder addFixed32 ( int value ) {
if ( result . fixed32 = = null ) {
result . fixed32 = new ArrayList < Integer > ( ) ;
result . fixed32 = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . fixed32 . add ( value ) ;
return this ;
/** Add a fixed64 value. */
public Builder addFixed64 ( final long value ) {
public Builder addFixed64 ( long value ) {
if ( result . fixed64 = = null ) {
result . fixed64 = new ArrayList < Long > ( ) ;
result . fixed64 = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . fixed64 . add ( value ) ;
return this ;
/** Add a length-delimited value. */
public Builder addLengthDelimited ( final ByteString value ) {
public Builder addLengthDelimited ( ByteString value ) {
if ( result . lengthDelimited = = null ) {
result . lengthDelimited = new ArrayList < ByteString > ( ) ;
result . lengthDelimited = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . lengthDelimited . add ( value ) ;
return this ;
/** Add an embedded group. */
public Builder addGroup ( final UnknownFieldSet value ) {
public Builder addGroup ( UnknownFieldSet value ) {
if ( result . group = = null ) {
result . group = new ArrayList < UnknownFieldSet > ( ) ;
result . group = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
result . group . add ( value ) ;
return this ;