A lot of this code was experimental or temporarily useful, but is no longer needed.pull/13171/head
29 changed files with 4 additions and 5250 deletions
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
This directory contains code to interoperate with Google's official |
Protocol Buffers release. Since it doesn't really have a name |
besides "protobuf," calling this directory "googlepb" seems like the |
least confusing option, since it lives in the google::protobuf |
namespace. |
We support writing into protobuf's generated classes (and hopefully |
reading too, before long). We support both the open source protobuf |
release and the Google-internal version (which is mostly the same |
code, just in a different namespace). A single compile of upb can |
support both (there are no conflicts thanks to function overloading). |
The internal version supports some features that are not supported in |
the open-source release. Also, the internal version includes the |
legacy "proto1" classes which we must support; thankfully this is |
mostly relegated to its own separate file. |
Our functionality requires the full google::protobuf::Message |
interface; we rely on reflection so we know what fields to read/write |
and where to put them, so we can't support MessageLite. |
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@ |
// IMPORTANT NOTE! Inside Google, This file is compiled TWICE, once with
// UPB_GOOGLE3 defined and once without! This allows us to provide
// functionality against proto2 and protobuf opensource both in a single binary
// without the two conflicting. However we must be careful not to violate the
// ODR.
#include "upb/bindings/googlepb/bridge.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <map> |
#include <string> |
#include "upb/def.h" |
#include "upb/bindings/googlepb/proto1.int.h" |
#include "upb/bindings/googlepb/proto2.int.h" |
#include "upb/handlers.h" |
#define ASSERT_STATUS(status) do { \ |
if (!upb_ok(status)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "upb status failure: %s\n", upb_status_errmsg(status)); \
UPB_ASSERT(upb_ok(status)); \
} \
} while (0) |
#ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 |
#include "net/proto2/public/descriptor.h" |
#include "net/proto2/public/message.h" |
#include "net/proto2/proto/descriptor.pb.h" |
namespace goog = ::proto2; |
#else |
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/message.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h" |
namespace goog = ::google::protobuf; |
#endif |
namespace upb { |
namespace googlepb { |
const goog::Message* TryGetFieldPrototype(const goog::Message& m, |
const goog::FieldDescriptor* f) { |
const goog::Message* ret = upb::googlepb::GetProto2FieldPrototype(m, f); |
#ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 |
if (!ret) ret = upb::googlepb::GetProto1FieldPrototype(m, f); |
#endif |
return ret; |
} |
const goog::Message* GetFieldPrototype(const goog::Message& m, |
const goog::FieldDescriptor* f) { |
const goog::Message* ret = TryGetFieldPrototype(m, f); |
UPB_ASSERT(ret); |
return ret; |
} |
/* DefBuilder ****************************************************************/ |
const EnumDef* DefBuilder::GetEnumDef(const goog::EnumDescriptor* ed) { |
const EnumDef* cached = FindInCache<EnumDef>(ed); |
if (cached) return cached; |
EnumDef* e = AddToCache(ed, EnumDef::New()); |
Status status; |
e->set_full_name(ed->full_name(), &status); |
for (int i = 0; i < ed->value_count(); i++) { |
const goog::EnumValueDescriptor* val = ed->value(i); |
bool success = e->AddValue(val->name(), val->number(), &status); |
UPB_ASSERT(success); |
} |
e->Freeze(&status); |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
return e; |
} |
const MessageDef* DefBuilder::GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef( |
const goog::Descriptor* d, const goog::Message* m) { |
const MessageDef* cached = FindInCache<MessageDef>(d); |
if (cached) return cached; |
MessageDef* md = AddToCache(d, MessageDef::New()); |
to_freeze_.push_back(upb::upcast(md)); |
Status status; |
md->set_full_name(d->full_name(), &status); |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
// Find all regular fields and extensions for this message.
std::vector<const goog::FieldDescriptor*> fields; |
d->file()->pool()->FindAllExtensions(d, &fields); |
for (int i = 0; i < d->field_count(); i++) { |
fields.push_back(d->field(i)); |
} |
for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { |
const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f = fields[i]; |
UPB_ASSERT(proto2_f); |
md->AddField(NewFieldDef(proto2_f, m), &status); |
} |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
return md; |
} |
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> DefBuilder::NewFieldDef(const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const goog::Message* m) { |
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> upb_f(FieldDef::New()); |
Status status; |
upb_f->set_number(f->number(), &status); |
upb_f->set_label(FieldDef::ConvertLabel(f->label())); |
upb_f->set_descriptor_type(FieldDef::ConvertDescriptorType(f->type())); |
upb_f->set_packed(f->options().packed()); |
#ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 |
upb_f->set_lazy(f->options().lazy()); |
#endif |
if (f->is_extension()) { |
upb_f->set_name(f->full_name(), &status); |
upb_f->set_is_extension(true); |
} else { |
upb_f->set_name(f->name(), &status); |
} |
const goog::Message* subm = NULL; |
if (m) { |
subm = TryGetFieldPrototype(*m, f); |
if (upb_f->type() == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
UPB_ASSERT(subm); |
} else if (subm) { |
// Weak field: subm will be weak prototype even though the proto2
// descriptor does not indicate a submessage field.
upb_f->set_descriptor_type(UPB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_MESSAGE); |
} |
} |
switch (upb_f->type()) { |
case UPB_TYPE_INT32: |
upb_f->set_default_int32(f->default_value_int32()); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_INT64: |
upb_f->set_default_int64(f->default_value_int64()); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT32: |
upb_f->set_default_uint32(f->default_value_uint32()); |
break; |
case UPB_TYPE_UINT64: |
upb_f->set_default_uint64(f->default_value_uint64()); |
break; |
upb_f->set_default_double(f->default_value_double()); |
break; |
upb_f->set_default_float(f->default_value_float()); |
break; |
upb_f->set_default_bool(f->default_value_bool()); |
break; |
upb_f->set_default_string(f->default_value_string(), &status); |
break; |
const goog::Descriptor* subd = |
subm ? subm->GetDescriptor() : f->message_type(); |
upb_f->set_message_subdef(GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(subd, subm), |
&status); |
break; |
} |
// We set the enum default numerically.
upb_f->set_default_int32(f->default_value_enum()->number()); |
upb_f->set_enum_subdef(GetEnumDef(f->enum_type()), &status); |
break; |
} |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
return upb_f; |
} |
void DefBuilder::Freeze() { |
upb::Status status; |
upb::Def::Freeze(to_freeze_, &status); |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
to_freeze_.clear(); |
} |
const MessageDef* DefBuilder::GetMessageDef(const goog::Descriptor* d) { |
const MessageDef* ret = GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(d, NULL); |
Freeze(); |
return ret; |
} |
const MessageDef* DefBuilder::GetMessageDefExpandWeak( |
const goog::Message& m) { |
const MessageDef* ret = GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(m.GetDescriptor(), &m); |
Freeze(); |
return ret; |
} |
/* WriteHandlers *************************************************************/ |
// static
bool WriteHandlers::AddFieldHandler(const goog::Message& m, |
const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, |
upb::Handlers* h) { |
const FieldDef* upb_f = h->message_def()->FindFieldByNumber(f->number()); |
if (!upb_f) return false; |
if (upb::googlepb::TrySetWriteHandlers(f, m, upb_f, h)) return true; |
#ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 |
if (upb::googlepb::TrySetProto1WriteHandlers(f, m, upb_f, h)) return true; |
#endif |
// Unsupported reflection class.
// Should we fall back to using the public Reflection interface in this
// case? It's unclear whether it's supported behavior for users to
// create their own Reflection classes.
return false; |
} |
// static
upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> WriteHandlers::New( |
const goog::Message& m) { |
CodeCache cache; |
return upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers>(cache.GetWriteHandlers(m)); |
} |
/* CodeCache *****************************************************************/ |
const Handlers* CodeCache::GetMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers( |
const MessageDef* md, const goog::Message& m) { |
const Handlers* cached = FindInCache(md); |
if (cached) return cached; |
Handlers* h = AddToCache(md, upb::Handlers::New(md)); |
to_freeze_.push_back(h); |
const goog::Descriptor* d = m.GetDescriptor(); |
for (upb::MessageDef::const_field_iterator i = md->field_begin(); |
i != md->field_end(); ++i) { |
const FieldDef* upb_f = *i; |
const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f = |
d->FindFieldByNumber(upb_f->number()); |
if (!proto2_f) { |
proto2_f = d->file()->pool()->FindExtensionByNumber(d, upb_f->number()); |
} |
UPB_ASSERT(proto2_f); |
bool ok = WriteHandlers::AddFieldHandler(m, proto2_f, h); |
if (upb_f->type() == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) { |
const goog::Message* prototype = GetFieldPrototype(m, proto2_f); |
UPB_ASSERT(prototype); |
const upb::Handlers* sub_handlers = |
GetMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers(upb_f->message_subdef(), *prototype); |
h->SetSubHandlers(upb_f, sub_handlers); |
} |
} |
return h; |
} |
const Handlers* CodeCache::GetWriteHandlers(const goog::Message& m) { |
const MessageDef* md = def_builder_.GetMessageDefExpandWeak(m); |
const Handlers* ret = GetMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers(md, m); |
upb::Status status; |
upb::Handlers::Freeze(to_freeze_, &status); |
ASSERT_STATUS(&status); |
to_freeze_.clear(); |
return ret; |
} |
} // namespace googlepb
} // namespace upb
@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ |
// upb::googlepb::DefBuilder
// upb::googlepb::WriteHandlers
// upb::googlepb::CodeCache
// This file contains functionality for constructing upb Defs and Handlers
// corresponding to proto2 messages. Using this functionality, you can use upb
// to dynamically generate parsing code that can behave exactly like proto2's
// generated parsing code. Alternatively, you can configure things to
// read/write only a subset of the fields for higher performance when only some
// fields are needed.
// Example usage:
// // JIT the parser; should only be done once ahead-of-time.
// upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> write_myproto(
// upb::google::NewWriteHandlers(MyProto()));
// upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> parse_myproto(
// upb::Decoder::NewDecoderHandlers(write_myproto.get(), true));
// // The actual parsing.
// MyProto proto;
// upb::SeededPipeline<8192> pipeline(upb_realloc, NULL);
// upb::Sink* write_sink = pipeline.NewSink(write_myproto.get());
// upb::Sink* parse_sink = pipeline.NewSink(parse_myproto.get());
// upb::pb::Decoder* decoder = decoder_sink->GetObject<upb::pb::Decoder>();
// upb::pb::ResetDecoderSink(decoder, write_sink);
// write_sink->Reset(&proto);
// Note that there is currently no support for
// CodedInputStream::SetExtensionRegistry(), which allows specifying a separate
// DescriptorPool and MessageFactory for extensions. Since this is a property
// of the input in proto2, it's difficult to build a plan ahead-of-time that
// can properly support this. If it's an important use case, the caller should
// probably build a upb plan explicitly.
#include <map> |
#include <vector> |
#include "upb/handlers.h" |
#include "upb/upb.h" |
namespace google { |
namespace protobuf { |
class FieldDescriptor; |
class Descriptor; |
class EnumDescriptor; |
class Message; |
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace proto2 { |
class FieldDescriptor; |
class Descriptor; |
class EnumDescriptor; |
class Message; |
} |
namespace upb { |
namespace googlepb { |
// Builds upb::Defs from proto2::Descriptors, and caches all built Defs for
// reuse. CodeCache (below) uses this internally; there is no need to use this
// class directly unless you only want Defs without corresponding Handlers.
// This class is NOT thread-safe.
class DefBuilder { |
public: |
// Functions to get or create a Def from a corresponding proto2 Descriptor.
// The returned def will be frozen.
// The caller must take a ref on the returned value if it needs it long-term.
// The DefBuilder will retain a ref so it can keep the Def cached, but
// garbage-collection functionality may be added to DefBuilder later that
// could unref the returned pointer.
const EnumDef* GetEnumDef(const proto2::EnumDescriptor* d); |
const EnumDef* GetEnumDef(const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* d); |
const MessageDef* GetMessageDef(const proto2::Descriptor* d); |
const MessageDef* GetMessageDef(const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* d); |
// Gets or creates a frozen MessageDef, properly expanding weak fields.
// Weak fields are only represented as BYTES fields in the Descriptor (unless
// you construct your descriptors in a somewhat complicated way; see
// https://goto.google.com/weak-field-descriptor), but we can get their true
// definitions relatively easily from the proto Message class.
const MessageDef* GetMessageDefExpandWeak(const proto2::Message& m); |
const MessageDef* GetMessageDefExpandWeak( |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m); |
// Static methods for converting a def without building a DefBuilder.
static reffed_ptr<const MessageDef> NewMessageDef( |
const proto2::Descriptor* d) { |
DefBuilder builder; |
return reffed_ptr<const MessageDef>(builder.GetMessageDef(d)); |
} |
private: |
// Like GetMessageDef*(), except the returned def might not be frozen.
// We need this function because circular graphs of MessageDefs need to all
// be frozen together, to we have to create the graphs of defs in an unfrozen
// state first.
// If m is non-NULL, expands weak message fields.
const MessageDef* GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef(const proto2::Descriptor* d, |
const proto2::Message* m); |
const MessageDef* GetMaybeUnfrozenMessageDef( |
const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* d, |
const ::google::protobuf::Message* m); |
// Returns a new-unfrozen FieldDef corresponding to this FieldDescriptor.
// The return value is always newly created (never cached) and the returned
// pointer is the only owner of it.
// If "m" is non-NULL, expands the weak field if it is one, and populates
// *subm_prototype with a prototype of the submessage if this is a weak or
// non-weak MESSAGE or GROUP field.
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> NewFieldDef(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const proto2::Message* m); |
reffed_ptr<FieldDef> NewFieldDef(const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const ::google::protobuf::Message* m); |
// Freeze all defs that haven't been frozen yet.
void Freeze(); |
template <class T> |
T* AddToCache(const void *proto2_descriptor, reffed_ptr<T> def) { |
UPB_ASSERT(def_cache_.find(proto2_descriptor) == def_cache_.end()); |
def_cache_[proto2_descriptor] = def; |
return def.get(); // Continued lifetime is guaranteed by cache.
} |
template <class T> |
const T* FindInCache(const void *proto2_descriptor) { |
DefCache::iterator iter = def_cache_.find(proto2_descriptor); |
return iter == def_cache_.end() ? NULL : |
upb::down_cast<const T*>(iter->second.get()); |
} |
private: |
// Maps a proto2 descriptor to the corresponding upb Def we have constructed.
// The proto2 descriptor is void* because the proto2 descriptor types do not
// share a common base.
typedef std::map<const void*, reffed_ptr<upb::Def> > DefCache; |
DefCache def_cache_; |
// Defs that have not been frozen yet.
std::vector<Def*> to_freeze_; |
}; |
// Handlers to populate a proto2::Message with incoming data.
class WriteHandlers { |
public: |
// Returns a upb::Handlers object that can be used to populate a
// proto2::Message object of the same type as "m." For more control over
// handler caching and reuse, instantiate a CodeCache object below.
static upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> New(const proto2::Message& m); |
static upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> New( |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m); |
// TODO(haberman): add an interface that takes a list of field paths,
// something like:
// // Returns a Handlers instance that will populate the given field paths
// // only, dropping data for all other field paths on the floor.
// static upb::reffed_ptr<const upb::Handlers> New(
// const proto2::Message& m,
// const std::vector<std::string>& paths);
// A lower-level interface with field granularity.
// Adds a handler to the given upb::Handlers for parsing the given field. If
// you only want to write certain fields into the proto2 message at parse
// time, call these methods ONLY for the fields you want to parse.
// The given field can be either a regular field or an extension, as long as
// its containing_type() matches this message.
static bool AddFieldHandler(const proto2::Message& m, |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
upb::Handlers* h); |
static bool AddFieldHandler(const ::google::protobuf::Message& m, |
const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f, |
upb::Handlers* h); |
}; |
// Builds and caches upb::Handlers for populating proto2 generated classes.
// This class is NOT thread-safe.
class CodeCache { |
public: |
// Gets or creates handlers for populating messages of the given message type.
// The caller must take a ref on the returned value if it needs it long-term.
// The CodeCache will retain a ref so it can keep the Def cached, but
// garbage-collection functionality may be added to CodeCache later that could
// unref the returned pointer.
const Handlers* GetWriteHandlers(const proto2::Message& m); |
const Handlers* GetWriteHandlers(const ::google::protobuf::Message& m); |
private: |
const Handlers* GetMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers(const MessageDef* md, |
const proto2::Message& m); |
const Handlers* GetMaybeUnfrozenWriteHandlers( |
const MessageDef* md, const ::google::protobuf::Message& m); |
Handlers* AddToCache(const MessageDef* md, reffed_ptr<Handlers> handlers) { |
UPB_ASSERT(handlers_cache_.find(md) == handlers_cache_.end()); |
handlers_cache_[md] = handlers; |
return handlers.get(); // Continue lifetime is guaranteed by the cache.
} |
const Handlers* FindInCache(const MessageDef* md) { |
HandlersCache::iterator iter = handlers_cache_.find(md); |
return iter == handlers_cache_.end() ? NULL : iter->second.get(); |
} |
DefBuilder def_builder_; |
typedef std::map<const MessageDef*, upb::reffed_ptr<const Handlers> > |
HandlersCache; |
HandlersCache handlers_cache_; |
std::vector<Handlers*> to_freeze_; |
}; |
// Functions for getting prototypes; these are only necessary if you are
// building handlers manually, field by field.
// Given a message and a field descriptor for that message, returns a prototype
// for the submessage. Requires that this is a submessage field or a weak
// field.
const proto2::Message* GetFieldPrototype(const proto2::Message& m, |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f); |
const ::google::protobuf::Message* GetFieldPrototype( |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m, |
const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f); |
// Given a message and a field descriptor for that message, returns a prototype
// for the submessage, or NULL if this is not a submessage field or a weak
// field. If this returns non-NULL even though the descriptor's type is not a
// submessage, then this is a weak field. If you don't know what a weak field
// is, you are probably not using one.
const proto2::Message* TryGetFieldPrototype(const proto2::Message& m, |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f); |
const ::google::protobuf::Message* TryGetFieldPrototype( |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m, |
const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f); |
} // namespace googlepb
} // namespace upb
@ -1,512 +0,0 @@ |
// This set of handlers can write into a proto2::Message whose reflection class
// is _pi::Proto2Reflection (ie. proto1 messages; while slightly confusing, the
// name "Proto2Reflection" indicates that it is a reflection class implementing
// the proto2 reflection interface, but is used for proto1 generated messages).
// Like FieldAccessor this depends on breaking encapsulation, and will need to
// be changed if and when the details of _pi::Proto2Reflection change.
// Note that we have received an exception from c-style-artiters regarding
// dynamic_cast<> in this file:
// https://groups.google.com/a/google.com/d/msg/c-style/7Zp_XCX0e7s/I6dpzno4l-MJ
#include "upb/bindings/googlepb/proto1.int.h" |
#include <memory> |
// TEMPORARY measure until we update the friend declarations in proto1.
// Can't do in a single CL because of components.
#define private public |
#define protected public |
#include "net/proto2/public/repeated_field.h" |
#include "net/proto/internal_layout.h" |
#include "net/proto/proto2_reflection.h" |
#undef private |
#undef protected |
namespace proto2 { class Arena; } |
#endif |
#include "upb/def.h" |
#include "upb/handlers.h" |
#include "upb/shim/shim.h" |
#include "upb/sink.h" |
// Unconditionally evaluate, but also assert in debug mode.
#define CHKRET(x) do { bool ok = (x); UPB_ASSERT(ok); } while (0) |
template <class T> static T* GetPointer(void* message, size_t offset) { |
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(static_cast<char*>(message) + offset); |
} |
namespace upb { |
namespace googlepb { |
class P2R_Handlers { |
public: |
// Returns true if we were able to set an accessor and any other properties
// of the FieldDef that are necessary to read/write this field to a
// proto2::Message.
static bool TrySet(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& m, const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, |
upb::Handlers* h) { |
const proto2::Reflection* base_r = m.GetReflection(); |
// See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r = |
dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(base_r); |
if (!r) return false; |
// Extensions don't exist in proto1.
UPB_ASSERT(!proto2_f->is_extension()); |
#define PRIMITIVE(name, type_name) \ |
case _pi::CREP_REQUIRED_##name: \
case _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_##name: \
case _pi::CREP_REPEATED_##name: \
SetPrimitiveHandlers<type_name>(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); \
return true; |
switch (r->GetFieldLayout(proto2_f)->crep) { |
PRIMITIVE(INT64, int64_t); |
PRIMITIVE(UINT64, uint64_t); |
PRIMITIVE(INT32, int32_t); |
PRIMITIVE(FIXED64, uint64_t); |
PRIMITIVE(FIXED32, uint32_t); |
SetStringHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
SetOutOfLineStringHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
SetCordHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
SetRequiredMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
SetMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
SetWeakMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); |
return true; |
default: |
UPB_ASSERT(false); |
return false; |
} |
} |
#undef PRIMITIVE |
// If the field "f" in the message "m" is a weak field, returns the prototype
// of the submessage (which may be a specific type or may be OpaqueMessage).
// Otherwise returns NULL.
static const proto2::Message* GetWeakPrototype( |
const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) { |
// See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r = |
dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(m.GetReflection()); |
if (!r) return NULL; |
const _pi::Field* field = r->GetFieldLayout(f); |
if (field->crep == _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_FOREIGN_WEAK) { |
return static_cast<const proto2::Message*>( |
field->weak_layout()->default_instance); |
} else if (field->crep == _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_FOREIGN_WEAK_PROTO2) { |
return field->proto2_weak_default_instance(); |
} else { |
return NULL; |
} |
} |
// If "m" is a message that uses Proto2Reflection, returns the prototype of
// the submessage (which may be OpaqueMessage for a weak field that is not
// linked in). Otherwise returns NULL.
static const proto2::Message* GetFieldPrototype( |
const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) { |
// See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
const proto2::Message* ret = GetWeakPrototype(m, f); |
if (ret) { |
return ret; |
} else if (dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(m.GetReflection())) { |
// Since proto1 has no dynamic message, it must be from the generated
// factory.
UPB_ASSERT(f->cpp_type() == proto2::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE); |
ret = proto2::MessageFactory::generated_factory()->GetPrototype( |
f->message_type()); |
UPB_ASSERT(ret); |
return ret; |
} else { |
return NULL; |
} |
} |
private: |
class FieldOffset { |
public: |
FieldOffset(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) |
: offset_(GetOffset(f, r)), is_repeated_(f->is_repeated()) { |
if (!is_repeated_) { |
int64_t hasbit = GetHasbit(f, r); |
hasbyte_ = hasbit / 8; |
mask_ = 1 << (hasbit % 8); |
} |
} |
template <class T> T* GetFieldPointer(proto2::Message* message) const { |
return GetPointer<T>(message, offset_); |
} |
void SetHasbit(void* message) const { |
UPB_ASSERT(!is_repeated_); |
uint8_t* byte = GetPointer<uint8_t>(message, hasbyte_); |
*byte |= mask_; |
} |
private: |
const size_t offset_; |
bool is_repeated_; |
// Only for non-repeated fields.
int32_t hasbyte_; |
int8_t mask_; |
}; |
static upb_selector_t GetSelector(const upb::FieldDef* f, |
upb::Handlers::Type type) { |
upb::Handlers::Selector selector; |
bool ok = upb::Handlers::GetSelector(f, type, &selector); |
return selector; |
} |
static int16_t GetHasbit(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) { |
UPB_ASSERT(!f->is_repeated()); |
return (r->layout_->has_bit_offset * 8) + r->GetFieldLayout(f)->has_index; |
} |
static uint16_t GetOffset(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) { |
return r->GetFieldLayout(f)->offset; |
} |
// StartSequence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <class T> |
static void SetStartRepeatedField( |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( |
f, UpbBindT(PushOffset<proto2::RepeatedField<T> >, |
new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
template <class T> |
static void SetStartRepeatedPtrField( |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( |
f, UpbBindT(PushOffset<proto2::RepeatedPtrField<T> >, |
new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
static void SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField( |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( |
f, UpbBind(PushOffset<proto2::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase>, |
new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
template <class T> |
static T* PushOffset(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* offset) { |
return offset->GetFieldPointer<T>(m); |
} |
// Primitive Value (numeric, enum, bool) /////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T> |
static void SetPrimitiveHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedField<T>(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetValueHandler<T>(f, UpbMakeHandlerT(Append<T>))); |
} else { |
upb::Shim::Set(h, f, GetOffset(proto2_f, r), GetHasbit(proto2_f, r))); |
} |
} |
template <typename T> |
static void Append(proto2::RepeatedField<T>* r, T val) { |
// Proto1's ProtoArray class derives from proto2::RepeatedField.
r->Add(val); |
} |
// String ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void SetStringHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnStringBuf)); |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedPtrField<string>(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(StartRepeatedString))); |
} else { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartString, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
} |
static string* StartString(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* info, |
size_t size_hint) { |
info->SetHasbit(m); |
string* str = info->GetFieldPointer<string>(m); |
str->clear(); |
// reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
return str; |
} |
static void OnStringBuf(string* s, const char* buf, size_t n) { |
s->append(buf, n); |
} |
static string* StartRepeatedString(proto2::RepeatedPtrField<string>* r, |
size_t size_hint) { |
string* str = r->Add(); |
// reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
return str; |
} |
// Out-of-line string ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void SetOutOfLineStringHandlers( |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
// This type is only used for non-repeated string fields.
UPB_ASSERT(!f->IsSequence()); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartOutOfLineString, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
CHKRET(h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnStringBuf))); |
} |
static string* StartOutOfLineString(proto2::Message* m, |
const FieldOffset* info, |
size_t size_hint) { |
info->SetHasbit(m); |
string** str = info->GetFieldPointer<string*>(m); |
if (*str == &::proto2::internal::GetEmptyString()) |
*str = new string(); |
(*str)->clear(); |
// reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
return *str; |
} |
// Cord //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void SetCordHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedField<Cord>(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(StartRepeatedCord))); |
} else { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartCord, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
CHKRET(h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnCordBuf))); |
} |
static Cord* StartCord(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* offset, |
size_t size_hint) { |
UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); |
offset->SetHasbit(m); |
Cord* field = offset->GetFieldPointer<Cord>(m); |
field->Clear(); |
return field; |
} |
static void OnCordBuf(Cord* c, const char* buf, size_t n) { |
c->Append(StringPiece(buf, n)); |
} |
static Cord* StartRepeatedCord(proto2::RepeatedField<Cord>* r, |
size_t size_hint) { |
UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); |
return r->Add(); |
} |
// SubMessage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class SubMessageHandlerData : public FieldOffset { |
public: |
SubMessageHandlerData(const proto2::Message& prototype, |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) |
: FieldOffset(f, r) { |
prototype_ = GetWeakPrototype(prototype, f); |
if (!prototype_) prototype_ = GetFieldPrototype(prototype, f); |
} |
const proto2::Message* prototype() const { return prototype_; } |
private: |
const proto2::Message* prototype_; |
}; |
static void SetRequiredMessageHandlers( |
const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const proto2::Message& m, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, |
upb::Handlers* h) { |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage, |
new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r)))); |
} else { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartRequiredSubMessage, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r)))); |
} |
} |
static proto2::Message* StartRequiredSubMessage(proto2::Message* m, |
const FieldOffset* offset) { |
offset->SetHasbit(m); |
return offset->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message>(m); |
} |
static void SetMessageHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& m, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
std::unique_ptr<SubMessageHandlerData> data( |
new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r)); |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage, data.release()))); |
} else { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartSubMessage, data.release()))); |
} |
} |
static void SetWeakMessageHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& m, |
const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, |
const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
std::unique_ptr<SubMessageHandlerData> data( |
new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r)); |
if (f->IsSequence()) { |
SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h); |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage, data.release()))); |
} else { |
CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( |
f, UpbBind(StartWeakSubMessage, data.release()))); |
} |
} |
static void* StartSubMessage(proto2::Message* m, |
const SubMessageHandlerData* info) { |
info->SetHasbit(m); |
proto2::Message** subm = info->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message*>(m); |
if (*subm == info->prototype()) *subm = (*subm)->New(); |
return *subm; |
} |
static void* StartWeakSubMessage(proto2::Message* m, |
const SubMessageHandlerData* info) { |
info->SetHasbit(m); |
proto2::Message** subm = info->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message*>(m); |
if (*subm == NULL) { |
*subm = info->prototype()->New(); |
} |
return *subm; |
} |
class RepeatedMessageTypeHandler { |
public: |
typedef proto2::Message Type; |
// AddAllocated() calls this, but only if other objects are sitting
// around waiting for reuse, which we will not do.
static void Delete(Type* t) { |
UPB_ASSERT(false); |
} |
#else |
static ::proto2::Arena* GetArena(Type* t) { |
return t->GetArena(); |
} |
static void* GetMaybeArenaPointer(Type* t) { |
return t->GetMaybeArenaPointer(); |
} |
static inline Type* NewFromPrototype( |
const Type* prototype, ::proto2::Arena* arena = NULL) { |
return prototype->New(arena); |
} |
// AddAllocated() calls this, but only if other objects are sitting
// around waiting for reuse, which we will not do.
static void Delete(Type* t, ::proto2::Arena* arena) { |
UPB_UNUSED(arena); |
UPB_ASSERT(false); |
} |
static void Merge(const Type& from, Type* to) { |
to->MergeFrom(from); |
} |
#endif |
}; |
// Closure is a RepeatedPtrField<SubMessageType>*, but we access it through
// its base class RepeatedPtrFieldBase*.
static proto2::Message* StartRepeatedSubMessage( |
proto2::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase* r, |
const SubMessageHandlerData* info) { |
proto2::Message* submsg = r->AddFromCleared<RepeatedMessageTypeHandler>(); |
if (!submsg) { |
submsg = info->prototype()->New(); |
r->AddAllocated<RepeatedMessageTypeHandler>(submsg); |
} |
return submsg; |
} |
}; |
bool TrySetProto1WriteHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& m, |
const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h) { |
return googlepb::P2R_Handlers::TrySet(proto2_f, m, upb_f, h); |
} |
const proto2::Message* GetProto1FieldPrototype( |
const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) { |
const proto2::Message *weak = googlepb::P2R_Handlers::GetWeakPrototype(m, f); |
if (weak) return weak; |
if (f->cpp_type() != proto2::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { |
return NULL; |
} |
return googlepb::P2R_Handlers::GetFieldPrototype(m, f); |
} |
} // namespace googlepb
} // namespace upb
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
// Support for registering field handlers that can write into a legacy proto1
// message. This functionality is only needed inside Google.
// This is an internal-only interface.
#ifndef UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO1_H_ |
#define UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO1_H_ |
namespace proto2 { |
class FieldDescriptor; |
class Message; |
} |
namespace upb { |
class FieldDef; |
class Handlers; |
} |
namespace upb { |
namespace googlepb { |
// Sets field handlers in the given Handlers object for writing to a single
// field (as described by "proto2_f" and "upb_f") into a message constructed
// by the same factory as "prototype." Returns true if this was successful
// (this will fail if "prototype" is not a proto1 message, or if we can't
// handle it for some reason).
bool TrySetProto1WriteHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& prototype, |
const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h); |
// Returns a prototype for the given this (possibly-weak) field. Returns NULL
// if this is not a submessage field of any kind (weak or no).
const proto2::Message* GetProto1FieldPrototype( |
const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f); |
} // namespace googlepb
} // namespace upb
#endif // UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO1_H_
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
// Support for registering field handlers that can write into a proto2
// message that uses GeneratedMessageReflection (which includes all messages
// generated by the proto2 compiler as well as DynamicMessage).
// This is an internal-only interface.
#ifndef UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO2_H_ |
#define UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO2_H_ |
namespace proto2 { |
class FieldDescriptor; |
class Message; |
} |
namespace google { |
namespace protobuf { |
class FieldDescriptor; |
class Message; |
} |
} |
namespace upb { |
class FieldDef; |
class Handlers; |
} |
namespace upb { |
namespace googlepb { |
// Sets field handlers in the given Handlers object for writing to a single
// field (as described by "proto2_f" and "upb_f") into a message constructed
// by the same factory as "prototype." Returns true if this was successful
// (this will fail if "prototype" is not a proto1 message, or if we can't
// handle it for some reason).
bool TrySetWriteHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const proto2::Message& prototype, |
const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h); |
bool TrySetWriteHandlers(const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& prototype, |
const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h); |
// Returns a prototype for the given field in "m", if the given message uses
// GeneratedMessageReflection. Otherwise returns NULL.
const proto2::Message* GetProto2FieldPrototype( |
const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f); |
const ::google::protobuf::Message* GetProto2FieldPrototype( |
const ::google::protobuf::Message& m, |
const ::google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* f); |
} // namespace googlepb
} // namespace upb
#endif // UPB_GOOGLE_PROTO2_H_
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
obj-m = upb.o
upb-objs = \
../../upb/upb.o \
../../upb/bytestream.o \
../../upb/def.o \
../../upb/handlers.o \
../../upb/table.o \
../../upb/refcount.o \
../../upb/msg.o \
KVERSION = $(shell uname -r)
ccflags-y := -I$(PWD) -I$(PWD)/../.. -Wno-declaration-after-statement -std=gnu99
all: |
make -C /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build M=$(PWD) modules
clean: |
make -C /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build M=$(PWD) clean
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
#include <linux/kernel.h> |
#ifdef NDEBUG |
#define assert(x) |
#else |
#define assert(x) \ |
if (!(x)) panic("Assertion failed: %s at %s:%d", #x, __FILE__, __LINE__); |
#endif |
#endif |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
#include <linux/errno.h> |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
#include <linux/types.h> |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
#include <linux/kernel.h> // For sprintf and friends. |
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
** Linux-kernel implementations of some stdlib.h functions. |
*/ |
#include <linux/slab.h> |
static inline void *malloc(size_t size) { return kmalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC); } |
static inline void free(void *p) { kfree(p); } |
static inline void *realloc(void *p, size_t size) { |
return krealloc(p, size, GFP_ATOMIC); |
} |
#endif |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
#include <linux/string.h> |
#endif /* UPB_DEF_H_ */ |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
from distutils.core import setup, Extension |
setup(name='upb', |
version='0.1', |
ext_modules=[ |
Extension('upb.__init__', ['upb.c'], |
include_dirs=['../../'], |
define_macros=[("UPB_UNALIGNED_READS_OK", 1)], |
library_dirs=['../../upb'], |
libraries=['upb_pic'], |
), |
], |
packages=['upb'] |
) |
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ |
import upb |
import unittest |
class TestFieldDef(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_construction(self): |
fielddef1 = upb.FieldDef() |
self.assertTrue(fielddef1.number is None) |
self.assertTrue(fielddef1.name is None) |
self.assertTrue(fielddef1.type is None) |
self.assertEqual(fielddef1.label, upb.LABEL_OPTIONAL) |
fielddef2 = upb.FieldDef(number=5, name="field2", |
label=upb.LABEL_REQUIRED, type=upb.TYPE_INT32, |
type_name="MyType") |
self.assertTrue(id(fielddef1) != id(fielddef2)) |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.number, 5) |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.name, "field2") |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.label, upb.LABEL_REQUIRED) |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.type, upb.TYPE_INT32) |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.type_name, "MyType") |
fielddef2.number = 8 |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.number, 8) |
fielddef2.name = "xxx" |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.name, "xxx") |
fielddef2.label = upb.LABEL_REPEATED |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.label, upb.LABEL_REPEATED) |
fielddef2.type = upb.TYPE_FLOAT |
self.assertEqual(fielddef2.type, upb.TYPE_FLOAT) |
def test_nosubclasses(self): |
def create_subclass(): |
class MyClass(upb.FieldDef): |
pass |
self.assertRaises(TypeError, create_subclass) |
# TODO: test that assigning invalid values is properly prevented. |
class TestMessageDef(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_construction(self): |
msgdef1 = upb.MessageDef() |
self.assertTrue(msgdef1.fqname is None) |
self.assertEqual(msgdef1.fields(), []) |
fields = [upb.FieldDef(number=1, name="field1", type=upb.TYPE_INT32)] |
msgdef2 = upb.MessageDef(fqname="Message2", fields=fields) |
self.assertEqual(set(msgdef2.fields()), set(fields)) |
f2 = upb.FieldDef(number=2, name="field2", type=upb.TYPE_INT64) |
msgdef2.add_field(f2) |
fields.append(f2) |
self.assertEqual(set(msgdef2.fields()), set(fields)) |
class TestSymbolTable(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_construction(self): |
s = upb.SymbolTable() |
self.assertEqual(s.defs(), []); |
s.add_def(upb.MessageDef(fqname="A")) |
self.assertTrue(s.lookup("A") is not None) |
self.assertTrue(s.lookup("A") is s.lookup("A")) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
unittest.main() |
@ -1,732 +0,0 @@ |
** Python extension exposing the core of upb: definitions, handlers, |
** and a message type. |
**/ |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include <Python.h> |
#include "upb/def.h" |
#include "upb/msg.h" |
static bool streql(const char *a, const char *b) { return strcmp(a, b) == 0; } |
PyObject *PyUpb_Error(const char *str) { |
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str); |
return NULL; |
} |
int PyUpb_ErrorInt(const char *str) { |
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str); |
return -1; |
} |
#define PyUpb_CheckStatus(status) \ |
if (!upb_ok(status)) return PyUpb_Error((status)->str); |
static upb_accessor_vtbl *PyUpb_AccessorForField(upb_fielddef *f); |
/* Object cache ***************************************************************/ |
// For objects that are just wrappers around a C object pointer, we keep a
// cache mapping C pointer -> wrapper object. This allows us to consistently
// vend the same Python object given the same C object. This prevents us from
// creating too many Python objects unnecessarily. Just as importantly, it
// provides the expected semantics:
// if field.subdef is field.subdef:
// print "Sanity prevails."
// If we conjured up a new wrapper object every time, the above would not be
// true.
// The cost is having to put all such objects in a table, but since this only
// applies to schema-level objects (defs, handlers, etc) this seems acceptable.
// We do *not* have to put all message objects in this table.
// We use weak refs so that the cache does not prevent the wrapper objects from
// being collected. The table is stored as a static variable; to use
// sub-interpreters this would need to change, but I believe that using
// sub-interpreters is exceedingly rare in practice.
typedef struct { |
PyObject_HEAD; |
void *obj; |
PyObject *weakreflist; |
} PyUpb_ObjWrapper; |
static PyObject *obj_cache = NULL; |
static PyObject *reverse_cache = NULL; |
static PyObject *weakref_callback = NULL; |
// Utility functions for manipulating Python dictionaries keyed by pointer.
static PyObject *PyUpb_StringForPointer(const void *ptr) { |
PyObject *o = PyString_FromStringAndSize((const char *)&ptr, sizeof(void*)); |
return o; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_ObjCacheDeleteCallback(PyObject *self, PyObject *ref) { |
// Python very unfortunately clears the weakref before running our callback.
// This prevents us from using the weakref to find the C pointer we need to
// remove from the cache. As a result we are forced to keep a second map
// mapping weakref->C pointer.
PyObject *ptr_str = PyDict_GetItem(reverse_cache, ref); |
UPB_ASSERT(ptr_str); |
int err = PyDict_DelItem(obj_cache, ptr_str); |
UPB_ASSERT(!err); |
err = PyDict_DelItem(reverse_cache, ref); |
UPB_ASSERT(!err); |
return Py_None; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(const void *obj, PyTypeObject *type) { |
PyObject *kv = PyUpb_StringForPointer(obj); |
PyObject *ref = PyDict_GetItem(obj_cache, kv); |
PyObject *ret; |
if (ref) { |
ret = PyWeakref_GetObject(ref); |
UPB_ASSERT(ret != Py_None); |
Py_INCREF(ret); |
} else { |
PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); |
wrapper->obj = (void*)obj; |
wrapper->weakreflist = NULL; |
ret = (PyObject*)wrapper; |
ref = PyWeakref_NewRef(ret, weakref_callback); |
UPB_ASSERT(PyWeakref_GetObject(ref) == ret); |
UPB_ASSERT(ref); |
PyDict_SetItem(obj_cache, kv, ref); |
PyDict_SetItem(reverse_cache, ref, kv); |
} |
UPB_ASSERT(ret); |
Py_DECREF(kv); |
return ret; |
} |
/* PyUpb_Def ******************************************************************/ |
static PyTypeObject *PyUpb_TypeForDef(const upb_def *def); |
static void PyUpb_Def_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { |
PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; |
upb_def_unref((upb_def*)wrapper->obj); |
obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); |
} |
PyObject *PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(const upb_def *def) { |
return def ? PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(def, PyUpb_TypeForDef(def)) : Py_None; |
} |
// Will need to expand once other kinds of defs are supported.
#define Check_Def(o, badret) Check_MessageDef(o, badret) |
/* PyUpb_FieldDef *************************************************************/ |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_FieldDefType; |
static int PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val); |
#define Check_FieldDef(o, badret) \ |
(void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \
if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_FieldDefType)) { \
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.FieldDef"); \
return badret; \
} \
} while(0) |
static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_GetOrCreate(const upb_fielddef *f) { |
return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(f, &PyUpb_FieldDefType); |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, |
PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_fielddef_new(), subtype); |
} |
static int PyUpb_FieldDef_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
if (!kwds) return 0; |
PyObject *key, *value; |
Py_ssize_t pos = 0; |
while (PyDict_Next(kwds, &pos, &key, &value)) |
PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(self, key, value); |
return 0; |
} |
static void PyUpb_FieldDef_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { |
PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; |
if (wrapper->weakreflist) PyObject_ClearWeakRefs(obj); |
upb_fielddef_unref((upb_fielddef*)wrapper->obj); |
obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *attr_name) { |
upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(obj, NULL); |
if (!upb_fielddef_ismutable(f)) { |
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "fielddef is not mutable."); |
return NULL; |
} |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(attr_name); |
if (streql(name, "name")) { |
const char *name = upb_fielddef_name(f); |
return name == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(name); |
} else if (streql(name, "number")) { |
uint32_t num = upb_fielddef_number(f); |
return num == 0 ? Py_None : PyInt_FromLong(num); |
} else if (streql(name, "type")) { |
uint8_t type = upb_fielddef_type(f); |
return type == 0 ? Py_None : PyInt_FromLong(type); |
} else if (streql(name, "label")) { |
return PyInt_FromLong(upb_fielddef_label(f)); |
} else if (streql(name, "type_name")) { |
const char *name = upb_fielddef_typename(f); |
return name == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(name); |
} else if (streql(name, "subdef")) { |
// NYI;
return NULL; |
} else if (streql(name, "msgdef")) { |
// NYI;
return NULL; |
} else { |
return PyUpb_Error("Invalid fielddef member."); |
} |
} |
static int PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val) { |
upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(o, -1); |
const char *field = PyString_AsString(key); |
if (!upb_fielddef_ismutable(f)) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("fielddef is not mutable."); |
if (streql(field, "name")) { |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(val); |
if (!name || !upb_fielddef_setname(f, name)) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid name"); |
} else if (streql(field, "number")) { |
// TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue.
// Non-int will return -1, which is already invalid as a field number.
if (!upb_fielddef_setnumber(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid number"); |
} else if (streql(field, "type")) { |
// TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue.
if (!upb_fielddef_settype(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid type"); |
} else if (streql(field, "label")) { |
// TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue.
if (!upb_fielddef_setlabel(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid label"); |
} else if (streql(field, "type_name")) { |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(val); |
if (!name || !upb_fielddef_settypename(f, name)) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid type_name"); |
} else if (streql(field, "default_value")) { |
// NYI
return -1; |
} else { |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid fielddef member."); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_FieldDefType = { |
0, /* ob_size */ |
"upb.FieldDef", /* tp_name */ |
sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ |
0, /* tp_itemsize */ |
&PyUpb_FieldDef_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ |
0, /* tp_print */ |
0, /* tp_getattr */ |
0, /* tp_setattr */ |
0, /* tp_compare */ |
0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ |
0, /* tp_as_number */ |
0, /* tp_as_sequence */ |
0, /* tp_as_mapping */ |
0, /* tp_hash */ |
0, /* tp_call */ |
0, /* tp_str */ |
&PyUpb_FieldDef_getattro, /* tp_getattro */ |
&PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro, /* tp_setattro */ |
0, /* tp_as_buffer */ |
Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ |
0, /* tp_doc */ |
0, /* tp_traverse */ |
0, /* tp_clear */ |
0, /* tp_richcompare */ |
offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ |
0, /* tp_iter */ |
0, /* tp_iternext */ |
0, /* tp_methods */ |
0, /* tp_members */ |
0, /* tp_getset */ |
0, /* tp_base */ |
0, /* tp_dict */ |
0, /* tp_descr_get */ |
0, /* tp_descr_set */ |
0, /* tp_dictoffset */ |
&PyUpb_FieldDef_init, /* tp_init */ |
0, /* tp_alloc */ |
&PyUpb_FieldDef_new, /* tp_new */ |
0, /* tp_free */ |
}; |
/* PyUpb_MessageDef ***********************************************************/ |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_MessageDefType; |
static int PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val); |
#define Check_MessageDef(o, badret) \ |
(void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \
if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_MessageDefType)) { \
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.MessageDef"); \
return badret; \
} \
} while(0) |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, |
PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_msgdef_new(), subtype); |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(PyObject *o, PyObject *args); |
static int PyUpb_MessageDef_init( |
PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
if (!kwds) return 0; |
PyObject *key, *value; |
Py_ssize_t pos = 0; |
while (PyDict_Next(kwds, &pos, &key, &value)) { |
const char *field = PyString_AsString(key); |
if (streql(field, "fields")) { |
PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(self, value); |
} else { |
PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro(self, key, value); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *attr_name) { |
upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(obj, NULL); |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(attr_name); |
if (streql(name, "fqname")) { |
const char *fqname = upb_def_fqname(UPB_UPCAST(m)); |
return fqname == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(fqname); |
} |
return PyObject_GenericGetAttr(obj, attr_name); |
} |
static int PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro( |
PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val) { |
upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, -1); |
if (!upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m))) { |
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "MessageDef is not mutable."); |
return -1; |
} |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(key); |
if (streql(name, "fqname")) { |
const char *fqname = PyString_AsString(val); |
if (!fqname || !upb_def_setfqname(UPB_UPCAST(m), fqname)) |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid fqname"); |
} else { |
return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid MessageDef member."); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_fields(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args) { |
upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(obj, NULL); |
PyObject *ret = PyList_New(0); |
upb_msg_field_iter i; |
for(upb_msg_field_begin(&i, m); |
!upb_msg_field_done(&i); |
upb_msg_field_next(&ii)) { |
upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&i); |
PyList_Append(ret, PyUpb_FieldDef_GetOrCreate(f)); |
} |
return ret; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(PyObject *o, PyObject *fields) { |
upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, NULL); |
if (!PySequence_Check(fields)) return PyUpb_Error("Must be a sequence"); |
Py_ssize_t len = PySequence_Length(fields); |
if (len > UPB_MAX_FIELDS) return PyUpb_Error("Too many fields."); |
upb_fielddef *f[len]; |
int i; |
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
PyObject *field = PySequence_GetItem(fields, i); |
f[i] = Check_FieldDef(field, NULL); |
} |
upb_msgdef_addfields(m, f, len); |
return Py_None; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_field(PyObject *o, PyObject *field) { |
upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, NULL); |
upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(field, NULL); |
upb_msgdef_addfield(m, f); |
return Py_None; |
} |
static PyMethodDef PyUpb_MessageDef_methods[] = { |
{"add_field", &PyUpb_MessageDef_add_field, METH_O, |
"Adds a list of fields."}, |
{"add_fields", &PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields, METH_O, |
"Adds a list of fields."}, |
{"fields", &PyUpb_MessageDef_fields, METH_NOARGS, |
"Returns list of fields."}, |
}; |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_MessageDefType = { |
0, /* ob_size */ |
"upb.MessageDef", /* tp_name */ |
sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ |
0, /* tp_itemsize */ |
&PyUpb_Def_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ |
0, /* tp_print */ |
0, /* tp_getattr */ |
0, /* tp_setattr */ |
0, /* tp_compare */ |
0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ |
0, /* tp_as_number */ |
0, /* tp_as_sequence */ |
0, /* tp_as_mapping */ |
0, /* tp_hash */ |
0, /* tp_call */ |
0, /* tp_str */ |
&PyUpb_MessageDef_getattro, /* tp_getattro */ |
&PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro, /* tp_setattro */ |
0, /* tp_as_buffer */ |
Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ |
0, /* tp_doc */ |
0, /* tp_traverse */ |
0, /* tp_clear */ |
0, /* tp_richcompare */ |
offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ |
0, /* tp_iter */ |
0, /* tp_iternext */ |
PyUpb_MessageDef_methods, /* tp_methods */ |
0, /* tp_members */ |
0, /* tp_getset */ |
0, /* tp_base */ |
0, /* tp_dict */ |
0, /* tp_descr_get */ |
0, /* tp_descr_set */ |
0, /* tp_dictoffset */ |
&PyUpb_MessageDef_init, /* tp_init */ |
0, /* tp_alloc */ |
&PyUpb_MessageDef_new, /* tp_new */ |
0, /* tp_free */ |
}; |
static PyTypeObject *PyUpb_TypeForDef(const upb_def *def) { |
switch(def->type) { |
case UPB_DEF_MSG: return &PyUpb_MessageDefType; |
default: return NULL; |
} |
} |
/* PyUpb_SymbolTable **********************************************************/ |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_SymbolTableType; |
#define Check_SymbolTable(o, badret) \ |
(void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \
if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_SymbolTableType)) { \
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.MessageDef"); \
return badret; \
} \
} while(0) |
static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, |
PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_symtab_new(), subtype); |
} |
static int PyUpb_SymbolTable_init( |
PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { |
return 0; |
} |
static void PyUpb_SymbolTable_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { |
PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; |
upb_symtab_unref((upb_symtab*)wrapper->obj); |
obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); |
} |
// narg is a lua table containing a list of defs to add.
static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs(PyObject *o, PyObject *defs) { |
upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); |
if (!PySequence_Check(defs)) return PyUpb_Error("Must be a sequence"); |
Py_ssize_t n = PySequence_Length(defs); |
// Prevent stack overflow.
if (n > 2048) return PyUpb_Error("Too many defs"); |
upb_def *cdefs[n]; |
int i = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { |
PyObject *pydef = PySequence_GetItem(defs, i); |
upb_def *def = Check_MessageDef(pydef, NULL); |
cdefs[i++] = def; |
upb_msgdef *md = upb_dyncast_msgdef(def); |
if (!md) continue; |
upb_msg_field_iter j; |
for(upb_msg_field_begin(&j, md); |
!upb_msg_field_done(&j); |
upb_msg_field_next(&j)) { |
upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(j); |
upb_fielddef_setaccessor(f, PyUpb_AccessorForField(f)); |
} |
upb_msgdef_layout(md); |
} |
upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; |
upb_symtab_add(s, cdefs, n, &status); |
PyUpb_CheckStatus(&status); |
return Py_None; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_def(PyObject *o, PyObject *def) { |
PyObject *defs = PyList_New(1); |
PyList_SetItem(defs, 0, def); |
return PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs(o, defs); |
} |
// TODO: update to allow user to choose type of defs.
static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_defs(PyObject *o, PyObject *none) { |
upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); |
int count; |
const upb_def **defs = upb_symtab_getdefs(s, &count, UPB_DEF_ANY); |
PyObject *ret = PyList_New(count); |
int i; |
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) |
PyList_SetItem(ret, i, PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(defs[i])); |
return ret; |
} |
static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_lookup(PyObject *o, PyObject *arg) { |
upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); |
const char *name = PyString_AsString(arg); |
const upb_def *def = upb_symtab_lookup(s, name); |
return PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(def); |
} |
static PyMethodDef PyUpb_SymbolTable_methods[] = { |
{"add_def", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_def, METH_O, NULL}, |
{"add_defs", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs, METH_O, NULL}, |
{"defs", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_defs, METH_NOARGS, NULL}, |
{"lookup", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_lookup, METH_O, NULL}, |
}; |
static PyTypeObject PyUpb_SymbolTableType = { |
0, /* ob_size */ |
"upb.SymbolTable", /* tp_name */ |
sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ |
0, /* tp_itemsize */ |
&PyUpb_SymbolTable_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ |
0, /* tp_print */ |
0, /* tp_getattr */ |
0, /* tp_setattr */ |
0, /* tp_compare */ |
0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ |
0, /* tp_as_number */ |
0, /* tp_as_sequence */ |
0, /* tp_as_mapping */ |
0, /* tp_hash */ |
0, /* tp_call */ |
0, /* tp_str */ |
0, /* tp_getattro */ |
0, /* tp_setattro */ |
0, /* tp_as_buffer */ |
Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ |
0, /* tp_doc */ |
0, /* tp_traverse */ |
0, /* tp_clear */ |
0, /* tp_richcompare */ |
offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ |
0, /* tp_iter */ |
0, /* tp_iternext */ |
PyUpb_SymbolTable_methods, /* tp_methods */ |
0, /* tp_members */ |
0, /* tp_getset */ |
0, /* tp_base */ |
0, /* tp_dict */ |
0, /* tp_descr_get */ |
0, /* tp_descr_set */ |
0, /* tp_dictoffset */ |
&PyUpb_SymbolTable_init, /* tp_init */ |
0, /* tp_alloc */ |
&PyUpb_SymbolTable_new, /* tp_new */ |
0, /* tp_free */ |
}; |
/* Accessor and PyUpb_Message *************************************************/ |
typedef struct { |
PyTypeObject type; |
PyTypeObject *alt_type; |
} PyUpb_MessageType; |
typedef struct { |
PyObject_HEAD; |
PyObject *msgdef; |
char data[1]; |
} PyUpb_Message; |
PyObject **PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(PyObject *_m, upb_value fval) { |
PyUpb_Message *m = (PyUpb_Message*)_m; |
const upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval); |
return (PyObject**)&m->data[f->offset]; |
} |
static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartSequence(void *m, upb_value fval) { |
PyObject **seq = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); |
PyTypeObject *type = ((PyUpb_MessageType*)Py_TYPE(m))->alt_type; |
if (!*seq) *seq = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); |
upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); |
return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*seq); |
} |
static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartSubmessage(void *m, upb_value fval) { |
PyObject **submsg = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); |
PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(m); |
if (!*submsg) *submsg = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); |
upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); |
return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*submsg); |
} |
static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartRepeatedSubmessage( |
void *a, upb_value fval) { |
(void)fval; |
PyObject **elem = upb_stdarray_append(a, sizeof(void*)); |
PyTypeObject *type = ((PyUpb_MessageType*)Py_TYPE(a))->alt_type; |
if (!*elem) *elem = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); |
return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*elem); |
} |
static upb_flow_t PyUpb_Message_StringValue( |
void *m, upb_value fval, upb_value val) { |
PyObject **str = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); |
if (*str) { Py_DECREF(*str); } |
*str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, upb_value_getstrref(val)->len); |
upb_strref_read(upb_value_getstrref(val), PyString_AsString(*str)); |
upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); |
return UPB_CONTINUE; |
} |
static upb_flow_t PyUpb_Message_AppendStringValue( |
void *a, upb_value fval, upb_value val) { |
(void)fval; |
PyObject **elem = upb_stdarray_append(a, sizeof(void*)); |
*elem = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, upb_value_getstrref(val)->len); |
upb_strref_read(upb_value_getstrref(val), PyString_AsString(*elem)); |
return UPB_CONTINUE; |
} |
#define STDMSG(type, size) static upb_accessor_vtbl vtbl = { \ |
&PyUpb_Message_StartSubmessage, \
&upb_stdmsg_set ## type, \
&PyUpb_Message_StartSequence, \
&PyUpb_Message_StartRepeatedSubmessage, \
&upb_stdmsg_set ## type ## _r, \
&upb_stdmsg_has, \
&upb_stdmsg_getptr, \
&upb_stdmsg_get ## type, \
&upb_stdmsg_seqbegin, \
&upb_stdmsg_ ## size ## byte_seqnext, \
&upb_stdmsg_seqget ## type}; |
#define RETURN_STDMSG(type, size) { STDMSG(type, size); return &vtbl; } |
static upb_accessor_vtbl *PyUpb_AccessorForField(upb_fielddef *f) { |
switch (f->type) { |
case UPB_TYPE(UINT64): |
case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): RETURN_STDMSG(uint64, 8) |
case UPB_TYPE(INT64): |
case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64): |
case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): RETURN_STDMSG(int64, 8) |
case UPB_TYPE(INT32): |
case UPB_TYPE(SINT32): |
case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): |
case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): RETURN_STDMSG(int32, 4) |
case UPB_TYPE(UINT32): |
case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): RETURN_STDMSG(uint32, 4) |
case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): { STDMSG(bool, 1); return &vtbl; } |
case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): RETURN_STDMSG(ptr, 8) // TODO: 32-bit
case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): { |
STDMSG(ptr, 8); |
vtbl.set = &PyUpb_Message_StringValue; |
vtbl.append = &PyUpb_Message_AppendStringValue; |
return &vtbl; |
} |
} |
return NULL; |
} |
/* Toplevel *******************************************************************/ |
static PyMethodDef methods[] = { |
}; |
// PyModule_AddObject steals a ref, but our object is statically allocated
// and must not be deleted.
#define PyUpb_AddType(mod, name, type) \ |
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) return; \
Py_INCREF(type); \
PyModule_AddObject(mod, name, (PyObject*)type); |
PyMODINIT_FUNC initupb(void) { |
PyObject *mod = Py_InitModule("upb", methods); |
PyUpb_AddType(mod, "FieldDef", &PyUpb_FieldDefType); |
PyUpb_AddType(mod, "MessageDef", &PyUpb_MessageDefType); |
PyUpb_AddType(mod, "SymbolTable", &PyUpb_SymbolTableType); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_OPTIONAL", UPB_LABEL(OPTIONAL)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_REQUIRED", UPB_LABEL(REQUIRED)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_REPEATED", UPB_LABEL(REPEATED)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_DOUBLE", UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FLOAT", UPB_TYPE(FLOAT)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_INT64", UPB_TYPE(INT64)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_UINT64", UPB_TYPE(UINT64)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_INT32", UPB_TYPE(INT32)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FIXED64", UPB_TYPE(FIXED64)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FIXED32", UPB_TYPE(FIXED32)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_BOOL", UPB_TYPE(BOOL)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_STRING", UPB_TYPE(STRING)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_GROUP", UPB_TYPE(GROUP)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_MESSAGE", UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_BYTES", UPB_TYPE(BYTES)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_UINT32", UPB_TYPE(UINT32)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_ENUM", UPB_TYPE(ENUM)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SFIXED32", UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SFIXED64", UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SINT32", UPB_TYPE(SINT32)); |
PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SINT64", UPB_TYPE(SINT64)); |
obj_cache = PyDict_New(); |
reverse_cache = PyDict_New(); |
static PyMethodDef method = { |
"WeakRefCallback", &PyUpb_ObjCacheDeleteCallback, METH_O, NULL}; |
PyObject *pyname = PyString_FromString(method.ml_name); |
weakref_callback = PyCFunction_NewEx(&method, NULL, pyname); |
Py_DECREF(pyname); |
} |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
# Ruby extension |
To build, run (from the top upb directory): |
$ make ruby |
$ sudo make install |
To test, run: |
$ make rubytest |
The binding currently supports: |
- loading message types from descriptors. |
- constructing message instances |
- reading and writing their members |
- parsing and serializing the messages |
- all data types (including nested and repeated) |
The binding does *not* currently support: |
- defining message types directly in Ruby code. |
- generating Ruby code for a .proto file. |
- type-checking for setters |
- homogenous / type-checked arrays |
- default values |
Because code generation is not currently implemented, the interface to import |
a specific message type is kind of clunky for the moment. |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/ruby |
require 'mkmf' |
# Extra args are passed on the command-line. |
$CFLAGS += (" " + ARGV[0]) |
find_header("upb/upb.h", "../../..") or raise "Can't find upb headers" |
find_library("upb_pic", "upb_msgdef_new", "../../../lib") or raise "Can't find upb lib" |
find_library("upb.descriptor_pic", "upb_descreader_init", "../../../lib") or raise "Can't find upb.descriptor lib" |
find_library("upb.pb_pic", "upb_pbdecoder_init", "../../../lib") or raise "Can't find upb.pb lib" |
create_makefile("upb") |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
#ifndef UPB_STDCPP_H_ |
#define UPB_STDCPP_H_ |
#include "upb/sink.h" |
namespace upb { |
template <class T> |
class FillStringHandler { |
public: |
static void SetHandler(BytesHandler* handler) { |
upb_byteshandler_setstartstr(handler, &FillStringHandler::StartString, |
NULL); |
upb_byteshandler_setstring(handler, &FillStringHandler::StringBuf, NULL); |
} |
private: |
// TODO(haberman): add UpbBind/UpbMakeHandler support to BytesHandler so these
// can be prettier callbacks.
static void* StartString(void *c, const void *hd, size_t size) { |
UPB_UNUSED(size); |
T* str = static_cast<T*>(c); |
str->clear(); |
return c; |
} |
static size_t StringBuf(void* c, const void* hd, const char* buf, size_t n, |
const BufferHandle* h) { |
T* str = static_cast<T*>(c); |
try { |
str->append(buf, n); |
return n; |
} catch (const std::exception&) { |
return 0; |
} |
} |
}; |
class StringSink { |
public: |
template <class T> |
explicit StringSink(T* target) { |
// TODO(haberman): we need to avoid rebuilding a new handler every time,
// but with class globals disallowed for google3 C++ this is tricky.
FillStringHandler<T>::SetHandler(&handler_); |
input_.Reset(&handler_, target); |
} |
BytesSink* input() { return &input_; } |
private: |
BytesHandler handler_; |
BytesSink input_; |
}; |
} // namespace upb
#endif // UPB_STDCPP_H_
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ |
** Handling of errno. |
*/ |
#include "upb/stdc/error.h" |
#include <string.h> |
void upb_status_fromerrno(upb_status *status, int code) { |
if (code != 0 && !upb_errno_is_wouldblock(code)) { |
status->error = true; |
upb_status_setcode(status, &upb_stdc_errorspace, code); |
} |
} |
bool upb_errno_is_wouldblock(int code) { |
return |
#ifdef EAGAIN |
code == EAGAIN || |
#endif |
code == EWOULDBLOCK || |
#endif |
false; |
} |
bool upb_stdc_codetostr(int code, char *buf, size_t len) { |
// strerror() may use static buffers and is not guaranteed to be thread-safe,
// but it appears that it is not subject to buffer overflows in practice, and
// it used by other portable and high-quality software like Lua. For more
// discussion see: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/89506
char *err = strerror(code); |
if (strlen(err) >= len) return false; |
strcpy(buf, err); |
return true; |
} |
upb_errorspace upb_stdc_errorspace = {"stdc", &upb_stdc_codetostr}; |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
** Handling of errno. |
*/ |
#include "upb/upb.h" |
#ifndef UPB_STDC_ERROR_H_ |
#define UPB_STDC_ERROR_H_ |
extern upb_errorspace upb_stdc_errorspace; |
void upb_status_fromerrno(upb_status *status, int code); |
bool upb_errno_is_wouldblock(int code); |
#endif /* UPB_STDC_ERROR_H_ */ |
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ |
#include "upb/stdc/io.h" |
#include <errno.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include "upb/stdc/error.h" |
// We can make this configurable if necessary.
#define BUF_SIZE 32768 |
/* upb_stdio ******************************************************************/ |
int upb_stdio_cmpbuf(const void *_key, const void *_elem) { |
const uint64_t *ofs = _key; |
const upb_stdio_buf *buf = _elem; |
return (*ofs / BUF_SIZE) - (buf->ofs / BUF_SIZE); |
} |
static upb_stdio_buf *upb_stdio_findbuf(const upb_stdio *s, uint64_t ofs) { |
// TODO: it is probably faster to linear search short lists, and to
// special-case the last one or two bufs.
return bsearch(&ofs, s->bufs, s->nbuf, sizeof(*s->bufs), &upb_stdio_cmpbuf); |
} |
static upb_stdio_buf *upb_stdio_rotatebufs(upb_stdio *s) { |
upb_stdio_buf **reuse = NULL; // XXX
int num_reused = 0, num_inuse = 0; |
// Could sweep only a subset of bufs if this was a hotspot.
for (int i = 0; i < s->nbuf; i++) { |
upb_stdio_buf *buf = s->bufs[i]; |
if (buf->refcount > 0) { |
s->bufs[num_inuse++] = buf; |
} else { |
reuse[num_reused++] = buf; |
} |
} |
UPB_ASSERT(num_reused + num_inuse == s->nbuf); |
memcpy(s->bufs + num_inuse, reuse, num_reused * sizeof(upb_stdio_buf*)); |
if (num_reused == 0) { |
++s->nbuf; |
s->bufs = realloc(s->bufs, s->nbuf * sizeof(*s->bufs)); |
s->bufs[s->nbuf-1] = malloc(sizeof(upb_stdio_buf) + BUF_SIZE); |
return s->bufs[s->nbuf-1]; |
} |
return s->bufs[s->nbuf-num_reused]; |
} |
void upb_stdio_discard(void *src, uint64_t ofs) { |
(void)src; |
(void)ofs; |
} |
upb_bytesuccess_t upb_stdio_fetch(void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t *bytes_read) { |
(void)ofs; |
upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)src; |
upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_rotatebufs(stdio); |
retry: |
*bytes_read = fread(&buf->data, 1, BUF_SIZE, stdio->file); |
buf->len = *bytes_read; |
if (*bytes_read < (size_t)BUF_SIZE) { |
// Error or EOF.
if (feof(stdio->file)) { |
upb_status_seteof(&stdio->src.status); |
return UPB_BYTE_EOF; |
} |
if (ferror(stdio->file)) { |
#ifdef EINTR |
// If we encounter a client who doesn't want to retry EINTR, we can easily
// add a boolean property of the stdio that controls this behavior.
if (errno == EINTR) { |
clearerr(stdio->file); |
goto retry; |
} |
#endif |
upb_status_fromerrno(&stdio->src.status, errno); |
return upb_errno_is_wouldblock(errno) ? |
} |
UPB_ASSERT(false); |
} |
return UPB_BYTE_OK; |
} |
void upb_stdio_copy(const void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len, char *dst) { |
upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_findbuf(src, ofs); |
ofs -= buf->ofs; |
memcpy(dst, buf->data + ofs, BUF_SIZE - ofs); |
len -= (BUF_SIZE - ofs); |
dst += (BUF_SIZE - ofs); |
while (len > 0) { |
++buf; |
size_t bytes = UPB_MIN(len, BUF_SIZE); |
memcpy(dst, buf->data, bytes); |
len -= bytes; |
dst += bytes; |
} |
} |
const char *upb_stdio_getptr(const void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t *len) { |
upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_findbuf(src, ofs); |
ofs -= buf->ofs; |
*len = BUF_SIZE - ofs; |
return &buf->data[ofs]; |
} |
#if 0 |
upb_strlen_t upb_stdio_putstr(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str, upb_status *status) { |
upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)((char*)sink - offsetof(upb_stdio, sink)); |
upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(str); |
upb_strlen_t written = fwrite(upb_string_getrobuf(str), 1, len, stdio->file); |
if (written < len) { |
upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Error writing to stdio stream."); |
return -1; |
} |
return written; |
} |
uint32_t upb_stdio_vprintf(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_status *status, |
const char *fmt, va_list args) { |
upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)((char*)sink - offsetof(upb_stdio, sink)); |
int written = vfprintf(stdio->file, fmt, args); |
if (written < 0) { |
upb_status_seterrf(status, "Error writing to stdio stream."); |
return -1; |
} |
return written; |
} |
#endif |
void upb_stdio_init(upb_stdio *stdio) { |
static upb_bytesrc_vtbl bytesrc_vtbl = { |
&upb_stdio_fetch, |
&upb_stdio_discard, |
&upb_stdio_copy, |
&upb_stdio_getptr, |
}; |
upb_bytesrc_init(&stdio->src, &bytesrc_vtbl); |
//static upb_bytesink_vtbl bytesink_vtbl = {
// upb_stdio_putstr,
// upb_stdio_vprintf
//upb_bytesink_init(&stdio->bytesink, &bytesink_vtbl);
} |
void upb_stdio_reset(upb_stdio* stdio, FILE *file) { |
stdio->file = file; |
stdio->should_close = false; |
} |
void upb_stdio_open(upb_stdio *stdio, const char *filename, const char *mode, |
upb_status *s) { |
FILE *f = fopen(filename, mode); |
if (!f) { |
upb_status_fromerrno(s, errno); |
return; |
} |
setvbuf(stdio->file, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // Disable buffering; we do our own.
upb_stdio_reset(stdio, f); |
stdio->should_close = true; |
} |
void upb_stdio_uninit(upb_stdio *stdio) { |
// Can't report status; caller should flush() to ensure data is written.
if (stdio->should_close) fclose(stdio->file); |
stdio->file = NULL; |
} |
upb_bytesrc* upb_stdio_bytesrc(upb_stdio *stdio) { return &stdio->src; } |
upb_bytesink* upb_stdio_bytesink(upb_stdio *stdio) { return &stdio->sink; } |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
** ANSI C file I/O. |
*/ |
#ifndef UPB_STDC_IO_H_ |
#define UPB_STDC_IO_H_ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include "upb/bytestream.h" |
/* upb_stdio ******************************************************************/ |
// bytesrc/bytesink for ANSI C stdio, which is less efficient than posixfd, but
// more portable.
// Specifically, stdio functions acquire locks on every operation (unless you
// use the f{read,write,...}_unlocked variants, which are not standard) and
// performs redundant buffering (unless you disable it with setvbuf(), but we
// can only do this on newly-opened filehandles).
typedef struct { |
uint64_t ofs; |
size_t len; |
uint32_t refcount; |
char data[]; |
} upb_stdio_buf; |
// We use a single object for both bytesrc and bytesink for simplicity.
// The object is still not thread-safe, and may only be used by one reader
// and one writer at a time.
typedef struct { |
upb_bytesrc src; |
upb_bytesink sink; |
FILE *file; |
bool should_close; |
upb_stdio_buf **bufs; |
int nbuf; |
uint32_t szbuf; |
} upb_stdio; |
void upb_stdio_init(upb_stdio *stdio); |
// Caller should call upb_stdio_flush prior to calling this to ensure that
// all data is flushed, otherwise data can be silently dropped if an error
// occurs flushing the remaining buffers.
void upb_stdio_uninit(upb_stdio *stdio); |
// Resets the object to read/write to the given "file." The caller is
// responsible for closing the file, which must outlive this object.
void upb_stdio_reset(upb_stdio *stdio, FILE *file); |
// As an alternative to upb_stdio_reset(), initializes the object by opening a
// file, and will handle closing it. This may result in more efficient I/O
// than the previous since we can call setvbuf() to disable buffering.
void upb_stdio_open(upb_stdio *stdio, const char *filename, const char *mode, |
upb_status *s); |
upb_bytesrc *upb_stdio_bytesrc(upb_stdio *stdio); |
upb_bytesink *upb_stdio_bytesink(upb_stdio *stdio); |
#endif /* UPB_STDC_IO_H_ */ |
Reference in new issue