@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
# endregion
using Google.Protobuf.Compatibility ;
using System ;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices ;
using Google.Protobuf.Compatibility ;
namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
GetReflectionHelper ( method . DeclaringType , method . ReturnType ) . CreateFuncIMessageBool ( method ) ;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Trimming", "IL2026", Justification = "Type parameter members are preserved with DynamicallyAccessedMembers on GeneratedClrTypeInfo.ctor clrType parameter.")]
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("AotAnalysis", "IL3050:RequiresDynamicCode", Justification = "Type definition is explicitly specified and type argument is always a message type.")]
internal static Func < IMessage , bool > CreateIsInitializedCaller ( [ DynamicallyAccessedMembers ( GeneratedClrTypeInfo . MessageAccessibility ) ] Type msg ) = >
( ( IExtensionSetReflector ) Activator . CreateInstance ( typeof ( ExtensionSetReflector < > ) . MakeGenericType ( msg ) ) ) . CreateIsInitializedCaller ( ) ;
@ -125,8 +127,22 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
/// the type that declares the method, and the second argument to the first parameter type of the method.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Trimming", "IL2026", Justification = "Type parameter members are preserved with DynamicallyAccessedMembers on GeneratedClrTypeInfo.ctor clrType parameter.")]
internal static IExtensionReflectionHelper CreateExtensionHelper ( Extension extension ) = >
( IExtensionReflectionHelper ) Activator . CreateInstance ( typeof ( ExtensionReflectionHelper < , > ) . MakeGenericType ( extension . TargetType , extension . GetType ( ) . GenericTypeArguments [ 1 ] ) , extension ) ;
internal static IExtensionReflectionHelper CreateExtensionHelper ( Extension extension )
if ( ! RuntimeFeature . IsDynamicCodeSupported )
// Using extensions with reflection is not supported with AOT.
// This helper is created when descriptors are populated. Delay throwing error until an app
// uses IFieldAccessor with an extension field.
return new AotExtensionReflectionHelper ( ) ;
# endif
var t1 = extension . TargetType ;
var t3 = extension . GetType ( ) . GenericTypeArguments [ 1 ] ;
return ( IExtensionReflectionHelper ) Activator . CreateInstance ( typeof ( ExtensionReflectionHelper < , > ) . MakeGenericType ( t1 , t3 ) , extension ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a reflection helper for the given type arguments. Currently these are created on demand
@ -135,8 +151,17 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
/// an object is pretty cheap.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("Trimming", "IL2026", Justification = "Type parameter members are preserved with DynamicallyAccessedMembers on GeneratedClrTypeInfo.ctor clrType parameter.")]
private static IReflectionHelper GetReflectionHelper ( Type t1 , Type t2 ) = >
( IReflectionHelper ) Activator . CreateInstance ( typeof ( ReflectionHelper < , > ) . MakeGenericType ( t1 , t2 ) ) ;
private static IReflectionHelper GetReflectionHelper ( Type t1 , Type t2 )
if ( ! RuntimeFeature . IsDynamicCodeSupported )
return new AotReflectionHelper ( ) ;
# endif
return ( IReflectionHelper ) Activator . CreateInstance ( typeof ( ReflectionHelper < , > ) . MakeGenericType ( t1 , t2 ) ) ;
// Non-generic interface allowing us to use an instance of ReflectionHelper<T1, T2> without statically
// knowing the types involved.
@ -162,9 +187,8 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
Func < IMessage , bool > CreateIsInitializedCaller ( ) ;
private class ReflectionHelper < T1 , T2 > : IReflectionHelper
private sealed class ReflectionHelper < T1 , T2 > : IReflectionHelper
public Func < IMessage , int > CreateFuncIMessageInt32 ( MethodInfo method )
// On pleasant runtimes, we can create a Func<int> from a method returning
@ -209,7 +233,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
private class ExtensionReflectionHelper < T1 , T3 > : IExtensionReflectionHelper
private sealed class ExtensionReflectionHelper < T1 , T3 > : IExtensionReflectionHelper
where T1 : IExtendableMessage < T1 >
private readonly Extension extension ;
@ -304,7 +328,39 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
private class ExtensionSetReflector <
/// <summary>
/// This helper is compatible with .NET Native AOT.
/// MakeGenericType doesn't work when a type argument is a value type in AOT.
/// MethodInfo.Invoke is used instead of compiled expressions because it's faster in AOT.
/// </summary>
private sealed class AotReflectionHelper : IReflectionHelper
private static readonly object [ ] EmptyObjectArray = new object [ 0 ] ;
public Action < IMessage > CreateActionIMessage ( MethodInfo method ) = > message = > method . Invoke ( message , EmptyObjectArray ) ;
public Action < IMessage , object > CreateActionIMessageObject ( MethodInfo method ) = > ( message , arg ) = > method . Invoke ( message , new object [ ] { arg } ) ;
public Func < IMessage , bool > CreateFuncIMessageBool ( MethodInfo method ) = > message = > ( bool ) method . Invoke ( message , EmptyObjectArray ) ;
public Func < IMessage , int > CreateFuncIMessageInt32 ( MethodInfo method ) = > message = > ( int ) method . Invoke ( message , EmptyObjectArray ) ;
public Func < IMessage , object > CreateFuncIMessageObject ( MethodInfo method ) = > message = > method . Invoke ( message , EmptyObjectArray ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Reflection with extensions isn't supported because IExtendableMessage members are used to get values.
/// Can't use reflection to invoke those methods because they have a generic argument.
/// MakeGenericMethod can't be used because it will break whenever the extension type is a value type.
/// This could be made to work if there were non-generic methods available for getting and setting extension values.
/// </summary>
private sealed class AotExtensionReflectionHelper : IExtensionReflectionHelper
private const string Message = "Extensions reflection is not supported with AOT." ;
public object GetExtension ( IMessage message ) = > throw new NotSupportedException ( Message ) ;
public bool HasExtension ( IMessage message ) = > throw new NotSupportedException ( Message ) ;
public void SetExtension ( IMessage message , object value ) = > throw new NotSupportedException ( Message ) ;
public void ClearExtension ( IMessage message ) = > throw new NotSupportedException ( Message ) ;
# endif
private sealed class ExtensionSetReflector <
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)]
T1 > : IExtensionSetReflector where T1 : IExtendableMessage < T1 >