diff --git a/hpb/bazel/hpb_proto_library.bzl b/hpb/bazel/hpb_proto_library.bzl
index 972cedfc32..9e4235a527 100644
--- a/hpb/bazel/hpb_proto_library.bzl
+++ b/hpb/bazel/hpb_proto_library.bzl
@@ -16,32 +16,10 @@ load("//bazel/common:proto_common.bzl", "proto_common")
 def upb_use_cpp_toolchain():
     return use_cpp_toolchain()
-# Generic support code #########################################################
-def _get_real_short_path(file):
-    # For some reason, files from other archives have short paths that look like:
-    #   ../com_google_protobuf/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
-    short_path = file.short_path
-    if short_path.startswith("../"):
-        second_slash = short_path.index("/", 3)
-        short_path = short_path[second_slash + 1:]
-    # Sometimes it has another few prefixes like:
-    #   _virtual_imports/any_proto/google/protobuf/any.proto
-    #   benchmarks/_virtual_imports/100_msgs_proto/benchmarks/100_msgs.proto
-    # We want just google/protobuf/any.proto.
-    virtual_imports = "_virtual_imports/"
-    if virtual_imports in short_path:
-        short_path = short_path.split(virtual_imports)[1].split("/", 1)[1]
-    return short_path
-def _get_real_root(file):
-    real_short_path = _get_real_short_path(file)
-    return file.path[:-len(real_short_path) - 1]
 def _filter_none(elems):
     return [e for e in elems if e]
+# TODO: b/373443334 - consolidate
 def _cc_library_func(ctx, name, hdrs, srcs, copts, dep_ccinfos):
     """Like cc_library(), but callable from rules.
@@ -113,12 +91,13 @@ hpb_proto_library_copts = rule(
 _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo = provider("Provider for cc_info for hpb", fields = ["cc_info"])
 _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo = provider("Provider for generated sources", fields = ["srcs"])
-def _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, generator, proto_info, proto_sources):
+def _get_lang_toolchain(ctx):
+    return ctx.attr._hpb_lang_toolchain[proto_common.ProtoLangToolchainInfo]
+def _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, proto_info, proto_sources):
     if len(proto_sources) == 0:
         return GeneratedSrcsInfo(srcs = [], hdrs = [])
-    tool = getattr(ctx.executable, "_gen_" + generator)
     srcs = []
     srcs += proto_common.declare_generated_files(
@@ -137,28 +116,15 @@ def _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, generator, proto_info, proto_sources):
         extension = ".upb.fwd.h",
         proto_info = proto_info,
-    transitive_sets = proto_info.transitive_descriptor_sets.to_list()
-    args = ctx.actions.args()
-    args.use_param_file(param_file_arg = "@%s")
-    args.set_param_file_format("multiline")
-    args.add("--" + generator + "_out=" + _get_real_root(srcs[0]))
-    args.add("--plugin=protoc-gen-" + generator + "=" + tool.path)
-    args.add("--descriptor_set_in=" + ctx.configuration.host_path_separator.join([f.path for f in transitive_sets]))
-    args.add_all(proto_sources, map_each = _get_real_short_path)
-    ctx.actions.run(
-        inputs = depset(
-            direct = [proto_info.direct_descriptor_set],
-            transitive = [proto_info.transitive_descriptor_sets],
-        ),
-        tools = [tool],
-        outputs = srcs + hdrs,
-        executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
-        arguments = [args],
-        progress_message = "Generating hpb protocol buffers for :" + ctx.label.name,
+    proto_common.compile(
+        actions = ctx.actions,
+        proto_info = proto_info,
+        proto_lang_toolchain_info = _get_lang_toolchain(ctx),
+        generated_files = srcs + hdrs,
+        experimental_exec_group = "proto_compiler",
     return GeneratedSrcsInfo(srcs = srcs, hdrs = hdrs)
 def _upb_cc_proto_rule_impl(ctx):
@@ -192,10 +158,10 @@ def _upb_cc_proto_rule_impl(ctx):
-def _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, generator, cc_provider, file_provider):
+def _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, cc_provider, file_provider):
     proto_info = target[ProtoInfo]
-    files = _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, generator, proto_info, proto_info.direct_sources)
-    deps = ctx.rule.attr.deps + getattr(ctx.attr, "_" + generator)
+    files = _compile_upb_cc_protos(ctx, proto_info, proto_info.direct_sources)
+    deps = ctx.rule.attr.deps + ctx.attr._upbprotos
     dep_ccinfos = [dep[CcInfo] for dep in deps if CcInfo in dep]
     dep_ccinfos += [dep[UpbWrappedCcInfo].cc_info for dep in deps if UpbWrappedCcInfo in dep]
     dep_ccinfos += [dep[_UpbCcWrappedCcInfo].cc_info for dep in deps if _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo in dep]
@@ -204,7 +170,7 @@ def _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, generator, cc_provider, file_provider
     cc_info = _cc_library_func(
         ctx = ctx,
-        name = ctx.rule.attr.name + "." + generator,
+        name = ctx.rule.attr.name + ".upbprotos",
         hdrs = files.hdrs,
         srcs = files.srcs,
         copts = ctx.attr._ccopts[HpbProtoLibraryCoptsInfo].copts,
@@ -213,22 +179,15 @@ def _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, generator, cc_provider, file_provider
     return [cc_provider(cc_info = cc_info), file_provider(srcs = files)]
 def _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
-    return _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, "upbprotos", _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo, _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo)
+    return _upb_cc_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx, _UpbCcWrappedCcInfo, _WrappedCcGeneratedSrcsInfo)
 _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect = aspect(
     attrs = {
         "_ccopts": attr.label(
             default = "//hpb:hpb_proto_library_copts",
-        "_gen_upbprotos": attr.label(
-            executable = True,
-            cfg = "exec",
-            default = "//src/google/protobuf/compiler/hpb:protoc-gen-hpb",
-        ),
-        "_protoc": attr.label(
-            executable = True,
-            cfg = "exec",
-            default = "//net/proto2/compiler/public:protocol_compiler",
+        "_hpb_lang_toolchain": attr.label(
+            default = "//src/google/protobuf/compiler/hpb:toolchain",
         "_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
             default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain",
@@ -245,6 +204,9 @@ _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect = aspect(
+    exec_groups = {
+        "proto_compiler": exec_group(),
+    },
     implementation = _upb_cc_proto_library_aspect_impl,
     provides = [