The CocoaPod (and source) have always support tvOS, but adding the project makes it easier to run the tests and debug if there ever were an issue. (not adding a watchOS project at the moment because Apple doesn't provide XCTest, so all it could do is build the library. We still support that, just can't "test" it.)pull/5559/head
9 changed files with 1723 additions and 5 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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Identifier = "GPBStringUInt32DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBStringUInt64DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBTestCase"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32ArrayTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32BoolDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32DoubleDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32EnumDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32EnumDictionaryUnknownEnumTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32FloatDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32Int32DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32Int64DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32ObjectDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32UInt32DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt32UInt64DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64ArrayTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64BoolDictionaryTests"> |
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<Test |
Identifier = "GPBUInt64DoubleDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64EnumDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64EnumDictionaryUnknownEnumTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64FloatDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64Int32DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64Int64DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64ObjectDictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64UInt32DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "GPBUInt64UInt64DictionaryTests"> |
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Identifier = "MessageMergeTests"> |
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Identifier = "MessageRuntimeTests"> |
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<Test |
Identifier = "MessageSerializationTests"> |
</Test> |
<Test |
Identifier = "MessageTests"> |
</Test> |
<Test |
Identifier = "PerfTests/testHas"> |
</Test> |
<Test |
Identifier = "UnknownFieldSetTest"> |
</Test> |
<Test |
Identifier = "UtilitiesTests"> |
</Test> |
<Test |
Identifier = "WellKnownTypesTest"> |
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Identifier = "WireFormatTests"> |
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Reference in new issue