@ -677,27 +677,12 @@ const char* UnknownFieldParse(uint32_t tag, std::string* unknown,
// ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid num_bits value";
// }
// ```
template < typename V1Type , typename V2Type >
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline V1Type ValueBarrier ( V1Type value1 ,
V2Type value2 ) {
asm ( " " : " +r " ( value1 ) : " r " ( value2 ) ) ;
return value1 ;
// Falsely indicate that the specific value is modified at this location. This
// prevents code which depends on this value from being scheduled earlier.
template < typename V1Type >
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline V1Type ValueBarrier ( V1Type value1 ) {
asm ( " " : " +r " ( value1 ) ) ;
return value1 ;
PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint64_t ExtractAndMergeTwoChunks (
uint64_t data , uint64_t first_byte ) {
ABSL_DCHECK_LE ( first_byte , 6 ) ;
uint64_t first = Ubfx7 ( data , first_byte * 8 ) ;
uint64_t second = Ubfx7 ( data , ( first_byte + 1 ) * 8 ) ;
return ForceToRegist er( first | ( second < < 7 ) ) ;
return ValueBarrier ( first | ( second < < 7 ) ) ;
struct SlowPathEncodedInfo {
@ -716,9 +701,9 @@ PROTOBUF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline SlowPathEncodedInfo ComputeLengthAndUpdateP(
SlowPathEncodedInfo result ;
// Load the last two bytes of the encoded Varint.
std : : memcpy ( & result . last8 , p + 2 , sizeof ( result . last8 ) ) ;
uint64_t mask = ForceToRegist er( 0x8080808080808080 ) ;
uint64_t mask = ValueBarri er( 0x8080808080808080 ) ;
// Only set continuation bits remain
result . masked_cont_bits = ForceToRegist er( mask & ( ~ result . last8 ) ) ;
result . masked_cont_bits = ValueBarri er( mask & ( ~ result . last8 ) ) ;
// The first cleared continuation bit is the most significant 1 in the
// reversed value. Result is undefined for an input of 0 and we handle that
// case below.
@ -758,9 +743,11 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE const char* VarintParseSlowArm64(const char* p, uint64_t* out,
merged_45 < < kFirstResultBitChunk4 ;
// This immediate ends in 14 zeroes since valid_chunk_bits is too low by 14.
uint64_t result_mask = kResultMaskUnshifted < < info . valid_chunk_bits ;
// masked_cont_bits is 0 iff the Varint is invalid. In that case
info . valid_bits =
info . masked_cont_bits ? info . valid_bits : kValidBitsForInvalidVarint ;
// masked_cont_bits is 0 iff the Varint is invalid.
if ( PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE ( ! info . masked_cont_bits ) ) {
* out = 0 ;
return nullptr ;
// Test for early exit if Varint does not exceed 6 chunks. Branching on one
// bit is faster on ARM than via a compare and branch.
if ( PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE ( ( info . valid_bits & 0x20 ) ! = 0 ) ) {
@ -772,11 +759,6 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE const char* VarintParseSlowArm64(const char* p, uint64_t* out,
result | = merged_67 < < kFirstResultBitChunk6 ;
result | = merged_89 < < kFirstResultBitChunk8 ;
// Handle an invalid Varint with all 10 continuation bits set.
info . masked_cont_bits = ValueBarrier ( info . masked_cont_bits ) ;
if ( PROTOBUF_PREDICT_FALSE ( info . masked_cont_bits = = 0 ) ) {
* out = 0 ;
return nullptr ;
// Mask off invalid data bytes.
result & = ~ result_mask ;
@ -795,8 +777,8 @@ PROTOBUF_NOINLINE const char* VarintParseSlowArm32(const char* p, uint32_t* out,
uint64_t merged_34 = ExtractAndMergeTwoChunks ( first8 , /*first_chunk=*/ 3 ) ;
first8 = ValueBarrier ( first8 , p ) ;
uint64_t result = Ubfx7 ( first8 , /*start=*/ 0 ) ;
result = ForceToRegist er( result | merged_12 < < kFirstResultBitChunk1 ) ;
result = ForceToRegist er( result | merged_34 < < kFirstResultBitChunk3 ) ;
result = ValueBarri er( result | merged_12 < < kFirstResultBitChunk1 ) ;
result = ValueBarri er( result | merged_34 < < kFirstResultBitChunk3 ) ;
uint64_t result_mask = kResultMaskUnshifted < < info . valid_chunk_bits ;
result & = ~ result_mask ;
// It is extremely unlikely that a Varint is invalid so checking that