47 changed files with 1381 additions and 293 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
import 'dart:io'; |
import 'dart_tutorial/addressbook.pb.dart'; |
// This function fills in a Person message based on user input. |
Person promtForAddress() { |
Person person = Person(); |
print('Enter person ID: '); |
String input = stdin.readLineSync(); |
|||| = int.parse(input); |
print('Enter name'); |
|||| = stdin.readLineSync(); |
print('Enter email address (blank for none) : '); |
String email = stdin.readLineSync(); |
if (email.isNotEmpty) { |
|||| = email; |
} |
while (true) { |
print('Enter a phone number (or leave blank to finish): '); |
String number = stdin.readLineSync(); |
if (number.isEmpty) break; |
Person_PhoneNumber phoneNumber = Person_PhoneNumber(); |
phoneNumber.number = number; |
print('Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? '); |
String type = stdin.readLineSync(); |
switch (type) { |
case 'mobile': |
phoneNumber.type = Person_PhoneType.MOBILE; |
break; |
case 'home': |
phoneNumber.type = Person_PhoneType.HOME; |
break; |
case 'work': |
phoneNumber.type = Person_PhoneType.WORK; |
break; |
default: |
print('Unknown phone type. Using default.'); |
} |
person.phones.add(phoneNumber); |
} |
return person; |
} |
// Reads the entire address book from a file, adds one person based |
// on user input, then writes it back out to the same file. |
main(List<String> arguments) { |
if (arguments.length != 1) { |
print('Usage: add_person ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE'); |
exit(-1); |
} |
File file = File(arguments.first); |
AddressBook addressBook; |
if (!file.existsSync()) { |
print('File not found. Creating new file.'); |
addressBook = AddressBook(); |
} else { |
addressBook = AddressBook.fromBuffer(file.readAsBytesSync()); |
} |
addressBook.people.add(promtForAddress()); |
file.writeAsBytes(addressBook.writeToBuffer()); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
import 'dart:io'; |
import 'dart_tutorial/addressbook.pb.dart'; |
import 'dart_tutorial/addressbook.pbenum.dart'; |
// Iterates though all people in the AddressBook and prints info about them. |
void printAddressBook(AddressBook addressBook) { |
for (Person person in addressBook.people) { |
print('Person ID: ${}'); |
print(' Name: ${}'); |
if (person.hasEmail()) { |
print(' E-mail address:${}'); |
} |
for (Person_PhoneNumber phoneNumber in person.phones) { |
switch (phoneNumber.type) { |
case Person_PhoneType.MOBILE: |
print(' Mobile phone #: '); |
break; |
case Person_PhoneType.HOME: |
print(' Home phone #: '); |
break; |
case Person_PhoneType.WORK: |
print(' Work phone #: '); |
break; |
default: |
print(' Unknown phone #: '); |
break; |
} |
print(phoneNumber.number); |
} |
} |
} |
// Reads the entire address book from a file and prints all |
// the information inside. |
main(List<String> arguments) { |
if (arguments.length != 1) { |
print('Usage: list_person ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE'); |
exit(-1); |
} |
// Read the existing address book. |
File file = new File(arguments.first); |
AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook.fromBuffer(file.readAsBytesSync()); |
printAddressBook(addressBook); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
name: addressbook |
description: example code. |
dependencies: |
protobuf: |
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# Updates objectivec_nsobject_methods.h by generating a list of all of the properties |
# and methods on NSObject that Protobufs should not overload from iOS and macOS combined. |
# |
# The rules: |
# - No property should ever be overloaded. |
# - Do not overload any methods that have 0 args such as "autorelease". |
# - Do not overload any methods that start with "set[A-Z]" and have 1 arg such as |
# "setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:". Note that these will end up in the list as just |
# the "proto field" name, so "setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:" will become |
# "valuesForKeysWithDictionary". |
set -eu |
trim() { |
local var="$*" |
# remove leading whitespace characters |
var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" |
# remove trailing whitespace characters |
var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" |
echo -n "$var" |
} |
objc_code=$(cat <<'END_CODE' |
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
#import <objc/runtime.h> |
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { |
@autoreleasepool { |
Class cls = [NSObject class]; |
// List out the protocols on NSObject just so we are aware if they change. |
unsigned int protocolCount; |
__unsafe_unretained Protocol **protocols = |
class_copyProtocolList(cls, &protocolCount); |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < protocolCount; i++) { |
printf("// Protocol: %s\n", protocol_getName(protocols[i])); |
} |
free(protocols); |
// Grab all the properties. |
unsigned int propCount; |
objc_property_t *props = class_copyPropertyList(cls, &propCount); |
NSMutableSet *reservedNames = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propCount; ++i) { |
NSString *propertyName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:property_getName(props[i])]; |
[reservedNames addObject:propertyName]; |
} |
free(props); |
// Note that methods have 2 defaults args (_cmd and SEL) so a method "0 arg method" |
// actually has 2. |
unsigned int methodCount; |
Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(cls, &methodCount); |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i) { |
int argCount = method_getNumberOfArguments(methods[i]); |
NSString *methodName = |
[NSString stringWithUTF8String:sel_getName(method_getName(methods[i]))]; |
if (argCount == 2) { |
[reservedNames addObject:methodName]; |
} |
if (argCount == 3 && [methodName hasPrefix:@"set"] && methodName.length > 4) { |
NSString *firstLetter = [methodName substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3,1)]; |
NSString *lowerFirstLetter = [firstLetter lowercaseString]; |
if ([lowerFirstLetter isEqual:firstLetter]) { |
// Make sure the next letter is a capital letter so we do not take things like |
// settingSomething: |
continue; |
} |
// -5 because 3 for set, 1 for the firstLetter and 1 for the colon on the end. |
NSString *restOfString = |
[methodName substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(4, methodName.length - 5)]; |
methodName = [lowerFirstLetter stringByAppendingString:restOfString]; |
[reservedNames addObject:methodName]; |
} |
} |
free(methods); |
SEL sortSelector = @selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:); |
NSArray *array = [reservedNames.allObjects sortedArrayUsingSelector:sortSelector]; |
for (NSString *item in array) { |
// Some items with _ in them get returned in quotes, so do not add more. |
if ([item hasPrefix:@"\""]) { |
printf("\t%s,\n", item.UTF8String); |
} else { |
printf("\t\"%s\",\n", item.UTF8String); |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
) |
file_header=$(cat <<'END_HEADER' |
// NSObject methods |
// Autogenerated by Do not edit by hand. |
// Date: %DATE% |
// macOS: %MACOS% |
// iOS: %IOS% |
const char* const kNSObjectMethodsList[] = { |
) |
file_footer=$(cat <<'END_FOOTER' |
}; |
) |
# Check to make sure we are updating the correct file. |
if [[ ! -e "objectivec_nsobject_methods.h" ]]; then |
echo "error: Must be run in the src/google/protobuf/compiler/objectivec directory" |
exit 1 |
fi |
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) |
echo "$objc_code" >> "$temp_dir"/method_dump.m |
# Compile up iphonesimulator and macos version of cmd line app. |
iphone_simulator_sdk=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) |
clang -isysroot "$iphone_simulator_sdk" -o "$temp_dir"/method_dump_ios \ |
-framework Foundation -framework UIKit "$temp_dir"/method_dump.m |
macos_sdk=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) |
clang -isysroot "$macos_sdk" -o "$temp_dir"/method_dump_macos -framework Foundation \ |
-framework Cocoa "$temp_dir"/method_dump.m |
# Create a device of the latest phone and iphonesimulator SDK and run our iOS cmd line. |
device_type=$(xcrun simctl list devicetypes | grep \.iPhone- | tail -1 | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/') |
# runtimes come with a space at the end (for Xcode 10) so let's trim all of our input to |
# be safe. |
device_type=$(trim "$device_type") |
runtime=$(xcrun simctl list runtimes | grep \.iOS- | tail -1 | \ |
sed 's/.*\(com\.apple.\CoreSimulator\.SimRuntime\.iOS.*\)/\1/') |
runtime=$(trim "$runtime") |
uuid=$(uuidgen) |
device_name="method_dump_device_$uuid" |
device=$(xcrun simctl create "$device_name" "$device_type" "$runtime") |
xcrun simctl spawn "$device" "$temp_dir"/method_dump_ios > "$temp_dir"/methods_unsorted_ios.txt |
xcrun simctl delete "$device" |
# Run the Mac version |
"$temp_dir"/method_dump_macos >> "$temp_dir"/methods_unsorted_macos.txt |
# Generate sorted output |
echo "$file_header" | sed -e "s|%DATE%|$(date)|" -e "s|%MACOS%|$(basename $macos_sdk)|" \ |
-e "s|%IOS%|$(basename $iphone_simulator_sdk)|" > "$temp_dir"/methods_sorted.txt |
sort -u "$temp_dir"/methods_unsorted_ios.txt \ |
"$temp_dir"/methods_unsorted_macos.txt >> "$temp_dir"/methods_sorted.txt |
echo $"$file_footer" >> "$temp_dir"/methods_sorted.txt |
# Check for differences. Turn off error checking because we expect diff to fail when |
# there are no differences. |
set +e |
diff_out=$(diff -I "^//.*$" "$temp_dir"/methods_sorted.txt objectivec_nsobject_methods.h) |
removed_methods=$(echo "$diff_out" | grep '^>.*$') |
set -e |
if [[ -n "$removed_methods" ]]; then |
echo "error: Methods removed from NSObject" |
echo "It appears that some methods may have been removed from NSObject." |
echo "This could mean that there may be some backwards compatibility issues." |
echo "You could potentially build apps that may not work on earlier systems than:" |
echo "$iphone_simulator_sdk" |
echo "$macos_sdk" |
echo "If they declare protobuf types that use any of the following as names:" |
echo "$removed_methods" |
echo "" |
echo "New Version: $temp_dir/methods_sorted.txt" |
echo "Old Version: objectivec_nsobject_methods.h" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [[ -n "$diff_out" ]]; then |
echo "Added Methods:" |
echo "$(echo "$diff_out" | grep '^<.*$' | sed -e 's/^< "\(.*\)",$/ \1/')" |
fi; |
cp "$temp_dir"/methods_sorted.txt objectivec_nsobject_methods.h |
rm -rf "$temp_dir" |
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ |
// NSObject methods
// Autogenerated by Do not edit by hand.
// Date: Thu Nov 1 14:12:16 PDT 2018
// macOS: MacOSX10.14.sdk
// iOS: iPhoneSimulator12.1.sdk
const char* const kNSObjectMethodsList[] = { |
"CAMLType", |
"CA_copyRenderValue", |
"CA_prepareRenderValue", |
"NS_copyCGImage", |
"NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect", |
"___tryRetain_OA", |
"__autorelease_OA", |
"__dealloc_zombie", |
"__release_OA", |
"__retain_OA", |
"_accessibilityFinalize", |
"_accessibilityIsTableViewDescendant", |
"_accessibilityUIElementSpecifier", |
"_accessibilityUseConvenienceAPI", |
"_allowsDirectEncoding", |
"_asScriptTerminologyNameArray", |
"_asScriptTerminologyNameString", |
"_bindingAdaptor", |
"_cfTypeID", |
"_copyDescription", |
"_destroyObserverList", |
"_didEndKeyValueObserving", |
"_implicitObservationInfo", |
"_internalAccessibilityAttributedHint", |
"_internalAccessibilityAttributedLabel", |
"_internalAccessibilityAttributedValue", |
"_isAXConnector", |
"_isAccessibilityContainerSectionCandidate", |
"_isAccessibilityContentNavigatorSectionCandidate", |
"_isAccessibilityContentSectionCandidate", |
"_isAccessibilityTopLevelNavigatorSectionCandidate", |
"_isDeallocating", |
"_isKVOA", |
"_isToManyChangeInformation", |
"_ivarDescription", |
"_localClassNameForClass", |
"_methodDescription", |
"_observerStorage", |
"_overrideUseFastBlockObservers", |
"_propertyDescription", |
"_releaseBindingAdaptor", |
"_scriptingCount", |
"_scriptingCountNonrecursively", |
"_scriptingDebugDescription", |
"_scriptingExists", |
"_scriptingShouldCheckObjectIndexes", |
"_shortMethodDescription", |
"_shouldSearchChildrenForSection", |
"_traitStorageList", |
"_tryRetain", |
"_ui_descriptionBuilder", |
"_uikit_variesByTraitCollections", |
"_web_description", |
"_webkit_invokeOnMainThread", |
"_willBeginKeyValueObserving", |
"accessibilityActivate", |
"accessibilityActivationPoint", |
"accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored", |
"accessibilityAssistiveTechnologyFocusedIdentifiers", |
"accessibilityAttributedHint", |
"accessibilityAttributedLabel", |
"accessibilityAttributedValue", |
"accessibilityContainer", |
"accessibilityContainerType", |
"accessibilityCustomActions", |
"accessibilityCustomRotors", |
"accessibilityDecrement", |
"accessibilityDragSourceDescriptors", |
"accessibilityDropPointDescriptors", |
"accessibilityElementCount", |
"accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused", |
"accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus", |
"accessibilityElementIsFocused", |
"accessibilityElements", |
"accessibilityElementsHidden", |
"accessibilityFrame", |
"accessibilityHeaderElements", |
"accessibilityHint", |
"accessibilityIdentification", |
"accessibilityIdentifier", |
"accessibilityIncrement", |
"accessibilityLabel", |
"accessibilityLanguage", |
"accessibilityLocalizedStringKey", |
"accessibilityNavigationStyle", |
"accessibilityOverriddenAttributes", |
"accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames", |
"accessibilityPath", |
"accessibilityPerformEscape", |
"accessibilityPerformMagicTap", |
"accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier", |
"accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId", |
"accessibilitySupportsNotifications", |
"accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes", |
"accessibilityTemporaryChildren", |
"accessibilityTraits", |
"accessibilityValue", |
"accessibilityViewIsModal", |
"accessibilityVisibleArea", |
"allPropertyKeys", |
"allowsWeakReference", |
"attributeKeys", |
"autoContentAccessingProxy", |
"autorelease", |
"awakeFromNib", |
"boolValueSafe", |
"bs_encoded", |
"bs_isPlistableType", |
"bs_secureEncoded", |
"cl_json_serializeKey", |
"class", |
"classCode", |
"classDescription", |
"classForArchiver", |
"classForCoder", |
"classForKeyedArchiver", |
"classForPortCoder", |
"className", |
"clearProperties", |
"copy", |
"dealloc", |
"debugDescription", |
"defaultAccessibilityTraits", |
"description", |
"doubleValueSafe", |
"entityName", |
"exposedBindings", |
"finalize", |
"finishObserving", |
"flushKeyBindings", |
"hash", |
"init", |
"int64ValueSafe", |
"isAccessibilityElement", |
"isAccessibilityElementByDefault", |
"isElementAccessibilityExposedToInterfaceBuilder", |
"isFault", |
"isNSArray__", |
"isNSCFConstantString__", |
"isNSData__", |
"isNSDate__", |
"isNSDictionary__", |
"isNSNumber__", |
"isNSObject__", |
"isNSOrderedSet__", |
"isNSSet__", |
"isNSString__", |
"isNSTimeZone__", |
"isNSValue__", |
"isProxy", |
"mutableCopy", |
"nilValueForKey", |
"objectSpecifier", |
"observationInfo", |
"pep_onDetachedThread", |
"pep_onMainThread", |
"pep_onMainThreadIfNecessary", |
"prepareForInterfaceBuilder", |
"release", |
"releaseOnMainThread", |
"retain", |
"retainCount", |
"retainWeakReference", |
"scriptingProperties", |
"self", |
"shouldGroupAccessibilityChildren", |
"storedAccessibilityActivationPoint", |
"storedAccessibilityContainerType", |
"storedAccessibilityElementsHidden", |
"storedAccessibilityFrame", |
"storedAccessibilityNavigationStyle", |
"storedAccessibilityTraits", |
"storedAccessibilityViewIsModal", |
"storedIsAccessibilityElement", |
"storedShouldGroupAccessibilityChildren", |
"stringValueSafe", |
"superclass", |
"toManyRelationshipKeys", |
"toOneRelationshipKeys", |
"traitStorageList", |
"un_safeBoolValue", |
"userInterfaceItemIdentifier", |
"utf8ValueSafe", |
"valuesForKeysWithDictionary", |
"zone", |
// Protocol: CAAnimatableValue
// Protocol: CARenderValue
// Protocol: NSObject
// Protocol: ROCKRemoteInvocationInterface
}; |
Reference in new issue