[ObjC] Add test around enum unknown values.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 654858735
Thomas Van Lenten 8 months ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 972e5499eb
commit af794965f9
  1. 52
  2. 187

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
#import "GPBTestUtilities.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "GPBArray.h"
#import "GPBArray_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBDescriptor.h"
#import "GPBDictionary_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBMessage_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBTestUtilities.h"
#import "GPBUnknownFieldSet_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "GPBUnknownField_PackagePrivate.h"
#import "objectivec/Tests/Unittest.pbobjc.h"
@ -2022,6 +2022,54 @@
XCTAssertEqual([msgPrime.mumbleArray valueAtIndex:4], EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo);
- (void)testCloseEnumsValuesOutOfRange {
// The unknown values should all make it into the unknown fields.
EnumTestMsg *msg1 = [EnumTestMsg message];
msg1.bar = EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo;
msg1.baz = EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two;
[msg1.mumbleArray addValue:EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two];
[msg1.mumbleArray addValue:EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo];
NSData *data = [msg1 data];
EnumTestMsgPrime *msg2 = [EnumTestMsgPrime parseFromData:data error:NULL];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(data, [msg2 data]);
XCTAssertEqual(msg2.mumbleArray_Count, 0U);
GPBUnknownFields *ufs = [[[GPBUnknownFields alloc] initFromMessage:msg2] autorelease];
XCTAssertEqual(ufs.count, 4U);
uint64_t varint;
XCTAssertTrue([ufs getFirst:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Bar varint:&varint]);
XCTAssertEqual(varint, (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo);
XCTAssertTrue([ufs getFirst:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Baz varint:&varint]);
XCTAssertEqual(varint, (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two);
NSArray<GPBUnknownField *> *fields = [ufs fields:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_MumbleArray];
XCTAssertEqual(fields.count, 2U);
XCTAssertEqual(fields[0].varint, (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two);
XCTAssertEqual(fields[1].varint, (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo);
GPBUnknownFieldSet *unknownFields = msg2.unknownFields;
XCTAssertEqual(unknownFields.countOfFields, 3U);
XCTAssertTrue([unknownFields hasField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Bar]);
XCTAssertTrue([unknownFields hasField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Baz]);
XCTAssertTrue([unknownFields hasField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_MumbleArray]);
GPBUnknownField *field = [unknownFields getField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Bar];
XCTAssertEqual(field.varintList.count, 1U);
XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:0], (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo);
field = [unknownFields getField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_Baz];
XCTAssertEqual(field.varintList.count, 1U);
XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:0], (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two);
field = [unknownFields getField:EnumTestMsg_FieldNumber_MumbleArray];
XCTAssertEqual(field.varintList.count, 2U);
XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:0], (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_Two);
XCTAssertEqual([field.varintList valueAtIndex:1], (uint64_t)EnumTestMsg_MyEnum_NegTwo);
- (void)testReservedWordNaming {
// names.cc has some special handing to make sure that some "reserved" objc
// names get renamed in a way so they don't conflict.

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
syntax = "proto2";
package objc.protobuf.tests;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "objectivec/Tests/unittest.proto";
package objc.protobuf.tests;
// Explicit empty prefix, tests some validations code paths also.
option objc_class_prefix = "";
@ -78,143 +78,142 @@ message self {
enum autorelease {
retain = 1;
release = 2;
retain = 1;
release = 2;
retainCount = 3;
// Singular
// Objective C Keywords
optional bool id = 1;
optional bool _cmd = 2;
optional bool id = 1;
optional bool _cmd = 2;
// super is used as submessage above
optional bool in = 4;
optional bool out = 5;
optional bool inout = 6;
optional bool bycopy = 7;
optional bool byref = 8;
optional bool oneway = 9;
optional bool self = 10;
optional bool instancetype = 11;
optional bool nullable = 12;
optional bool nonnull = 13;
optional bool nil = 14;
optional bool in = 4;
optional bool out = 5;
optional bool inout = 6;
optional bool bycopy = 7;
optional bool byref = 8;
optional bool oneway = 9;
optional bool self = 10;
optional bool instancetype = 11;
optional bool nullable = 12;
optional bool nonnull = 13;
optional bool nil = 14;
// Nil and nil can't be in the same message
optional bool YES = 16;
optional bool NO = 17;
optional bool weak = 18;
optional bool YES = 16;
optional bool NO = 17;
optional bool weak = 18;
// Some C/C++ Keywords
optional bool case = 30;
optional bool if = 31;
optional bool and_eq = 32;
optional bool public = 33;
optional bool private = 34;
optional bool typename = 35;
optional bool static_cast = 36;
optional bool typeof = 37;
optional bool restrict = 38;
optional bool NULL = 39;
optional bool case = 30;
optional bool if = 31;
optional bool and_eq = 32;
optional bool public = 33;
optional bool private = 34;
optional bool typename = 35;
optional bool static_cast = 36;
optional bool typeof = 37;
optional bool restrict = 38;
optional bool NULL = 39;
// Some NSObject Methods
optional bool dealloc = 110;
optional bool isProxy = 111;
optional bool copy = 112;
optional bool description = 113;
optional bool zone = 114;
optional bool className = 115;
optional bool __retain_OA = 116;
optional bool CAMLType = 117;
optional bool isNSDictionary__ = 118;
optional bool dealloc = 110;
optional bool isProxy = 111;
optional bool copy = 112;
optional bool description = 113;
optional bool zone = 114;
optional bool className = 115;
optional bool __retain_OA = 116;
optional bool CAMLType = 117;
optional bool isNSDictionary__ = 118;
optional bool accessibilityLabel = 119;
// Some Objc "keywords" that we shouldn't
// have to worry about because they
// can only appear in specialized areas.
optional bool assign = 200;
optional bool getter = 201;
optional bool setter = 202;
optional bool atomic = 203;
optional bool nonatomic = 204;
optional bool strong = 205;
optional bool null_resettable = 206;
optional bool readonly = 207;
optional bool assign = 200;
optional bool getter = 201;
optional bool setter = 202;
optional bool atomic = 203;
optional bool nonatomic = 204;
optional bool strong = 205;
optional bool null_resettable = 206;
optional bool readonly = 207;
// Some GPBMessage methods
optional bool clear = 300;
optional bool data = 301;
optional bool descriptor = 302;
optional bool delimitedData = 303;
optional bool clear = 300;
optional bool data = 301;
optional bool descriptor = 302;
optional bool delimitedData = 303;
// Some MacTypes
optional bool Fixed = 400;
optional bool Point = 401;
optional bool FixedPoint = 402;
optional bool Style = 403;
optional bool Fixed = 400;
optional bool Point = 401;
optional bool FixedPoint = 402;
optional bool Style = 403;
// C/C++ reserved identifiers
optional bool _Generic = 500;
optional bool __block = 501;
optional bool _Generic = 500;
optional bool __block = 501;
// Try a keyword as a type
optional autorelease SubEnum = 1000;
optional autorelease SubEnum = 1000;
optional group New = 2000 {
optional string copy = 1;
optional string copy = 1;
optional group MutableCopy = 2001 {
optional int32 extensionRegistry = 1;
extensions 3000 to 3999;
enum retain {
count = 4;
initialized = 5;
count = 4;
initialized = 5;
serializedSize = 6;
message ObjCPropertyNaming {
// Test that the properties properly get things all caps.
optional string url = 1;
optional string url = 1;
optional string thumbnail_url = 2;
optional string url_foo = 3;
optional string url_foo = 3;
optional string some_url_blah = 4;
optional string http = 5;
optional string https = 6;
optional string http = 5;
optional string https = 6;
// This one doesn't.
repeated string urls = 7;
repeated string urls = 7;
// EnumValueShortName: The short names shouldn't get suffixes/prefixes.
enum Foo {
SIZE = 2;
OTHER = 3;
SIZE = 2;
OTHER = 3;
// EnumValueShortName: The enum name gets a prefix.
enum Category {
RED = 1;
RED = 1;
BLUE = 2;
// EnumValueShortName: Twist case, full name gets PB, but the short names
// should still end up correct.
enum Time {
BASE = 1;
BASE = 1;
extend self {
repeated int32 debugDescription = 3000 [packed = true];
repeated int64 finalize = 3001 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 hash = 3002 [packed = true];
repeated uint64 classForCoder = 3003 [packed = true];
repeated sint32 byref = 3004 [packed = true];
repeated int32 debugDescription = 3000 [packed = true];
repeated int64 finalize = 3001 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 hash = 3002 [packed = true];
repeated uint64 classForCoder = 3003 [packed = true];
repeated sint32 byref = 3004 [packed = true];
// Test handing of fields that start with init*.
@ -700,13 +699,17 @@ message JustToScopeExtensions {
repeated string mutableCopy_val_lower_complex_repeated = 2711;
repeated string mutableCopy_Val_upper_complex_repeated = 2712;
repeated string mutableCopyvalue_lower_no_underscore_complex_repeated = 2713;
repeated string mutableCopyValue_upper_no_underscore_complex_repeated = 2714;
repeated string mutableCopyvalue_lower_no_underscore_complex_repeated =
repeated string mutableCopyValue_upper_no_underscore_complex_repeated =
repeated int32 mutableCopy_val_lower_primitive_repeated = 2715;
repeated int32 mutableCopy_Val_upper_primitive_repeated = 2716;
repeated int32 mutableCopyvalue_lower_no_underscore_primitive_repeated = 2717;
repeated int32 mutableCopyValue_upper_no_underscore_primitive_repeated = 2718;
repeated int32 mutableCopyvalue_lower_no_underscore_primitive_repeated =
repeated int32 mutableCopyValue_upper_no_underscore_primitive_repeated =
repeated self mutableCopy_val_lower_message_repeated = 2719;
repeated self mutableCopy_Val_upper_message_repeated = 2720;
@ -781,9 +784,9 @@ message ObjcWeirdDefaults {
// Used to confirm negative enum values work as expected.
message EnumTestMsg {
enum MyEnum {
ZERO = 0;
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
ZERO = 0;
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
NEG_ONE = -1;
NEG_TWO = -2;
@ -794,6 +797,20 @@ message EnumTestMsg {
repeated MyEnum mumble = 4;
message EnumTestMsgPrime {
enum MyEnumPrime {
ZERO = 0;
ONE = 1;
NEG_ONE = -1;
// Lacks 2, -2.
optional MyEnumPrime foo = 1;
optional MyEnumPrime bar = 2 [default = ONE];
optional MyEnumPrime baz = 3 [default = NEG_ONE];
repeated MyEnumPrime mumble = 4;
// Test case for https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/1453
// Message with no explicit defaults, but a non zero default for an enum.
message MessageWithOneBasedEnum {
