@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
// We build the code with GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_REFSTRUCT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE to avoid the use of ref struct in the generated code.
// We build the code with GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_REFSTRUCT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE to avoid the use of ref struct in the generated code.
var sources = "*.cs" ; // the generated sources from the TestProtos project
var sources = "*.cs" ; // the generated sources from the TestProtos project
var args = $"-langversion:3 -target:library {compatibilityFlag} -reference:{testProtosOutputDir}\\Google.Protobuf.dll -out:{testProtosOutputDir}\\TestProtos.RefStructCompatibilityTest.OldCompiler.dll {sources}" ;
// We suppress CS1691, which flags a warning for the generated line of
// #pragma warning disable 1591, 0612, 3021, 8981
// because CS8981 is unknown to this version of the compiler.
var args = $"-langversion:3 -nologo -nowarn:1691 -target:library {compatibilityFlag} -reference:{testProtosOutputDir}\\Google.Protobuf.dll -out:{testProtosOutputDir}\\TestProtos.RefStructCompatibilityTest.OldCompiler.dll {sources}" ;
RunOldCsharpCompilerAndCheckSuccess ( args , testProtosProjectDir ) ;
RunOldCsharpCompilerAndCheckSuccess ( args , testProtosProjectDir ) ;