@ -221,23 +221,6 @@ const uint8_t *upb_get_v_uint64_t_full(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end, |
return buf; |
} |
const uint8_t *upb_decode_wire_value(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *end, |
upb_wire_type_t wt, upb_wire_value *wv, |
upb_status *status) |
{ |
switch(wt) { |
return upb_get_v_uint64_t(buf, end, &wv->varint, status); |
return upb_get_f_uint64_t(buf, end, &wv->_64bit, status); |
return upb_get_f_uint32_t(buf, end, &wv->_32bit, status); |
default: |
status->code = UPB_STATUS_ERROR; // Doesn't handle delimited, groups.
return end; |
} |
} |
// Advances buf past the current wire value (of type wt), saving the result in
// outbuf.
static const uint8_t *skip_wire_value(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end, |
@ -293,7 +276,7 @@ static const uint8_t *upb_decode_value(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end, |
typedef struct { |
upb_msgdef *msgdef; |
upb_fielddef *field; |
size_t end_offset; // For groups, 0.
int32_t end_offset; // For groups, 0.
} upb_decoder_frame; |
struct upb_decoder { |
@ -304,7 +287,15 @@ struct upb_decoder { |
// State pertaining to a particular decode (resettable).
// Stack entries store the offset where the submsg ends (for groups, 0).
upb_decoder_frame stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING], *top, *limit; |
size_t completed_offset; |
// The current buffer.
upb_string *buf; |
// The overall stream offset of the beginning of this buffer.
uint32_t stream_offset; |
// The current offset in this buffer.
uint32_t buffer_offset; |
}; |
upb_decoder *upb_decoder_new(upb_msgdef *msgdef) |
@ -331,16 +322,6 @@ void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *d, upb_sink *sink) |
d->top->end_offset = 0; |
} |
// Parses a tag, places the result in *tag.
upb_key upb_decoder_src_getkey(upb_decoder *d) |
{ |
upb_key key; |
upb_fill_buffer(d); |
d-> |
const uint8_t *ret = upb_get_v_uint32_t(buf, end, &tag_int, status); |
return ret; |
} |
static const void *get_msgend(upb_decoder *d, const uint8_t *start) |
@ -395,9 +376,78 @@ static const void *pop(upb_decoder *d, const uint8_t *start, upb_status *status) |
return get_msgend(d, start); |
} |
// Parses a tag, places the result in *tag.
upb_fielddef *upb_decoder_src_getdef(upb_decoder *d) |
{ |
uint32_t key; |
upb_fill_buffer(d); |
d->buf = upb_get_v_uint32_t(d->buf, d->end, &key, &d->status); |
if (!upb_ok(status)) return NULL; |
if(upb_wiretype_from_key(key) == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP) { |
if(!isgroup(d->submsg_end)) { |
upb_seterr(d->status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "End group seen but current " |
"message is not a group, byte offset: %zd", |
d->completed_offset + (completed - start)); |
return NULL; |
} |
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
completed = buf; |
return NULL; |
} |
// Look up field by tag number.
return upb_msg_itof(d->top->msgdef, upb_fieldnum_from_key(key)); |
} |
size_t upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_strptr str, upb_status *status) |
bool upb_decoder_src_getval(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val) |
{ |
if(upb_wiretype_from_key(d->key) == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { |
int32_t delim_len; |
d->buf = upb_get_INT32(d->buf, d->end, &delim_len, &d->status); |
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking decode_tag() and upb_get_INT32().
int32_t needed =
const uint8_t *delim_end = buf + delim_len; |
if(f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) { |
submsg_end = push(d, start, delim_end - start, f, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} else { |
if(f && upb_isstringtype(f->type)) { |
int32_t str_start = buf - start; |
uint32_t len = str_start + delim_len; |
sink_status = upb_sink_onstr(d->sink, f, str, str_start, len, status); |
} // else { TODO: packed arrays }
// If field was not found, it is skipped silently.
buf = delim_end; // Could be >end.
} |
} else { |
if(!upb_check_type(tag.wire_type, f->type)) { |
buf = skip_wire_value(buf, end, tag.wire_type, status); |
} else if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) { |
submsg_end = push(d, start, 0, f, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} else { |
upb_value val; |
buf = upb_decode_value(buf, end, f->type, upb_value_addrof(&val), |
status); |
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking upb_decode_value().
sink_status = upb_sink_onvalue(d->sink, f, val, status); |
} |
} |
while(buf >= submsg_end) { |
if(buf > submsg_end) { |
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Expected submsg end offset " |
"did not lie on a tag/value boundary."); |
goto err; |
} |
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} |
// while(buf < d->packed_end) { TODO: packed arrays }
completed = buf; |
} |
// buf is our current offset, moves from start to end.
const uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
const uint8_t *const start = buf; // ptr equivalent of d->completed_offset
@ -421,68 +471,7 @@ size_t upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_strptr str, upb_status *status) |
// Parse/handle tag.
upb_tag tag; |
buf = decode_tag(buf, end, &tag, status); |
if(tag.wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP) { |
if(!isgroup(submsg_end)) { |
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "End group seen but current " |
"message is not a group, byte offset: %zd", |
d->completed_offset + (completed - start)); |
goto err; |
} |
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
completed = buf; |
continue; |
} |
// Look up field by tag number.
upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_itof(msgdef, tag.field_number); |
// Parse/handle field.
if(tag.wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { |
int32_t delim_len; |
buf = upb_get_INT32(buf, end, &delim_len, status); |
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking decode_tag() and upb_get_INT32().
const uint8_t *delim_end = buf + delim_len; |
if(f && f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) { |
submsg_end = push(d, start, delim_end - start, f, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} else { |
if(f && upb_isstringtype(f->type)) { |
int32_t str_start = buf - start; |
uint32_t len = str_start + delim_len; |
sink_status = upb_sink_onstr(d->sink, f, str, str_start, len, status); |
} // else { TODO: packed arrays }
// If field was not found, it is skipped silently.
buf = delim_end; // Could be >end.
} |
} else { |
if(!f || !upb_check_type(tag.wire_type, f->type)) { |
buf = skip_wire_value(buf, end, tag.wire_type, status); |
} else if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) { |
submsg_end = push(d, start, 0, f, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} else { |
upb_value val; |
buf = upb_decode_value(buf, end, f->type, upb_value_addrof(&val), |
status); |
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking upb_decode_value().
sink_status = upb_sink_onvalue(d->sink, f, val, status); |
} |
} |
while(buf >= submsg_end) { |
if(buf > submsg_end) { |
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Expected submsg end offset " |
"did not lie on a tag/value boundary."); |
goto err; |
} |
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status); |
msgdef = d->top->msgdef; |
} |
// while(buf < d->packed_end) { TODO: packed arrays }
completed = buf; |
} |
size_t read; |