WIP: intrusive changes to upb_decoder.

Joshua Haberman 15 years ago
parent 0034e6fdb8
commit a484ea0275
  1. 4
  2. 171
  3. 14
  4. 109
  5. 7

@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ INLINE void upb_value_write(upb_valueptr ptr, upb_value val,
enum upb_status_code {
// The input byte stream ended in the middle of a record.
// A read or write from a streaming src/sink could not be completed right now.
// An unrecoverable error occurred.

@ -221,23 +221,6 @@ const uint8_t *upb_get_v_uint64_t_full(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end,
return buf;
const uint8_t *upb_decode_wire_value(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *end,
upb_wire_type_t wt, upb_wire_value *wv,
upb_status *status)
switch(wt) {
return upb_get_v_uint64_t(buf, end, &wv->varint, status);
return upb_get_f_uint64_t(buf, end, &wv->_64bit, status);
return upb_get_f_uint32_t(buf, end, &wv->_32bit, status);
status->code = UPB_STATUS_ERROR; // Doesn't handle delimited, groups.
return end;
// Advances buf past the current wire value (of type wt), saving the result in
// outbuf.
static const uint8_t *skip_wire_value(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end,
@ -293,7 +276,7 @@ static const uint8_t *upb_decode_value(const uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *end,
typedef struct {
upb_msgdef *msgdef;
upb_fielddef *field;
size_t end_offset; // For groups, 0.
int32_t end_offset; // For groups, 0.
} upb_decoder_frame;
struct upb_decoder {
@ -304,7 +287,15 @@ struct upb_decoder {
// State pertaining to a particular decode (resettable).
// Stack entries store the offset where the submsg ends (for groups, 0).
upb_decoder_frame stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING], *top, *limit;
size_t completed_offset;
// The current buffer.
upb_string *buf;
// The overall stream offset of the beginning of this buffer.
uint32_t stream_offset;
// The current offset in this buffer.
uint32_t buffer_offset;
upb_decoder *upb_decoder_new(upb_msgdef *msgdef)
@ -331,16 +322,6 @@ void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *d, upb_sink *sink)
d->top->end_offset = 0;
// Parses a tag, places the result in *tag.
upb_key upb_decoder_src_getkey(upb_decoder *d)
upb_key key;
const uint8_t *ret = upb_get_v_uint32_t(buf, end, &tag_int, status);
return ret;
static const void *get_msgend(upb_decoder *d, const uint8_t *start)
@ -395,9 +376,78 @@ static const void *pop(upb_decoder *d, const uint8_t *start, upb_status *status)
return get_msgend(d, start);
// Parses a tag, places the result in *tag.
upb_fielddef *upb_decoder_src_getdef(upb_decoder *d)
uint32_t key;
d->buf = upb_get_v_uint32_t(d->buf, d->end, &key, &d->status);
if (!upb_ok(status)) return NULL;
if(upb_wiretype_from_key(key) == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP) {
if(!isgroup(d->submsg_end)) {
upb_seterr(d->status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "End group seen but current "
"message is not a group, byte offset: %zd",
d->completed_offset + (completed - start));
return NULL;
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
completed = buf;
return NULL;
// Look up field by tag number.
return upb_msg_itof(d->top->msgdef, upb_fieldnum_from_key(key));
size_t upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_strptr str, upb_status *status)
bool upb_decoder_src_getval(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val)
if(upb_wiretype_from_key(d->key) == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) {
int32_t delim_len;
d->buf = upb_get_INT32(d->buf, d->end, &delim_len, &d->status);
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking decode_tag() and upb_get_INT32().
int32_t needed =
const uint8_t *delim_end = buf + delim_len;
if(f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
submsg_end = push(d, start, delim_end - start, f, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
} else {
if(f && upb_isstringtype(f->type)) {
int32_t str_start = buf - start;
uint32_t len = str_start + delim_len;
sink_status = upb_sink_onstr(d->sink, f, str, str_start, len, status);
} // else { TODO: packed arrays }
// If field was not found, it is skipped silently.
buf = delim_end; // Could be >end.
} else {
if(!upb_check_type(tag.wire_type, f->type)) {
buf = skip_wire_value(buf, end, tag.wire_type, status);
} else if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) {
submsg_end = push(d, start, 0, f, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
} else {
upb_value val;
buf = upb_decode_value(buf, end, f->type, upb_value_addrof(&val),
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking upb_decode_value().
sink_status = upb_sink_onvalue(d->sink, f, val, status);
while(buf >= submsg_end) {
if(buf > submsg_end) {
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Expected submsg end offset "
"did not lie on a tag/value boundary.");
goto err;
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
// while(buf < d->packed_end) { TODO: packed arrays }
completed = buf;
// buf is our current offset, moves from start to end.
const uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*)upb_string_getrobuf(str);
const uint8_t *const start = buf; // ptr equivalent of d->completed_offset
@ -421,68 +471,7 @@ size_t upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_strptr str, upb_status *status)
// Parse/handle tag.
upb_tag tag;
buf = decode_tag(buf, end, &tag, status);
if(tag.wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP) {
if(!isgroup(submsg_end)) {
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "End group seen but current "
"message is not a group, byte offset: %zd",
d->completed_offset + (completed - start));
goto err;
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
completed = buf;
// Look up field by tag number.
upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_itof(msgdef, tag.field_number);
// Parse/handle field.
if(tag.wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) {
int32_t delim_len;
buf = upb_get_INT32(buf, end, &delim_len, status);
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking decode_tag() and upb_get_INT32().
const uint8_t *delim_end = buf + delim_len;
if(f && f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
submsg_end = push(d, start, delim_end - start, f, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
} else {
if(f && upb_isstringtype(f->type)) {
int32_t str_start = buf - start;
uint32_t len = str_start + delim_len;
sink_status = upb_sink_onstr(d->sink, f, str, str_start, len, status);
} // else { TODO: packed arrays }
// If field was not found, it is skipped silently.
buf = delim_end; // Could be >end.
} else {
if(!f || !upb_check_type(tag.wire_type, f->type)) {
buf = skip_wire_value(buf, end, tag.wire_type, status);
} else if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) {
submsg_end = push(d, start, 0, f, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
} else {
upb_value val;
buf = upb_decode_value(buf, end, f->type, upb_value_addrof(&val),
CHECK_STATUS(); // Checking upb_decode_value().
sink_status = upb_sink_onvalue(d->sink, f, val, status);
while(buf >= submsg_end) {
if(buf > submsg_end) {
upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Expected submsg end offset "
"did not lie on a tag/value boundary.");
goto err;
submsg_end = pop(d, start, status);
msgdef = d->top->msgdef;
// while(buf < d->packed_end) { TODO: packed arrays }
completed = buf;
size_t read;

@ -39,15 +39,11 @@ void upb_decoder_free(upb_decoder *p);
// state where it has not seen any data, and expects the next data to be from
// the beginning of a new protobuf. Parsers must be reset before they can be
// used. A decoder can be reset multiple times.
void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *p, upb_sink *sink);
// Decodes protobuf data out of str, returning how much data was decoded. The
// next call to upb_decoder_decode should begin with the first byte that was
// not decoded. "status" indicates whether an error occurred.
// TODO: provide the following guarantee:
// retval will always be >= len.
size_t upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *p, upb_strptr str, upb_status *status);
void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *p, upb_bytesrc *bytesrc);
// Returns a upb_src pointer by which the decoder can be used. The returned
// upb_src is invalidated by upb_decoder_reset().
upb_src *upb_decoder_getsrc(upb_decoder *p);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ extern "C" {
/* upb_src ********************************************************************/
// TODO: decide how to handle unknown fields.
// Retrieves the fielddef for the next field in the stream. Returns NULL on
// error or end-of-stream.
upb_fielddef *upb_src_getdef(upb_src *src);
@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ bool upb_src_getval(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val);
// Like upb_src_getval() but skips the value.
bool upb_src_skipval(upb_src *src);
// Descends into a submessage.
// Descends into a submessage. May only be called after a def has been
// returned that indicates a submessage.
bool upb_src_startmsg(upb_src *src);
// Stops reading a submessage. May be called before the stream is EOF, in
@ -88,61 +91,61 @@ int32_t upb_bytesink_put(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str);
// Returns the current error status for the stream.
upb_status *upb_bytesink_status(upb_bytesink *sink);
/* upb_sink implementation ****************************************************/
typedef struct upb_sink_callbacks {
upb_value_cb value_cb;
upb_str_cb str_cb;
upb_start_cb start_cb;
upb_end_cb end_cb;
} upb_sink_callbacks;
// These macros implement a mini virtual function dispatch for upb_sink instances.
// This allows functions that call upb_sinks to just write:
// upb_sink_onvalue(sink, field, val);
// The macro will handle the virtual function lookup and dispatch. We could
// potentially define these later to also be capable of calling a C++ virtual
// method instead of doing the virtual dispatch manually. This would make it
// possible to write C++ sinks in a more natural style without loss of
// efficiency. We could have a flag in upb_sink defining whether it is a C
// sink or a C++ one.
#define upb_sink_onvalue(s, f, val, status) s->vtbl->value_cb(s, f, val, status)
#define upb_sink_onstr(s, f, str, start, end, status) s->vtbl->str_cb(s, f, str, start, end, status)
#define upb_sink_onstart(s, f, status) s->vtbl->start_cb(s, f, status)
#define upb_sink_onend(s, f, status) s->vtbl->end_cb(s, f, status)
// Initializes a plain C visitor with the given vtbl. The sink must have been
// allocated separately.
INLINE void upb_sink_init(upb_sink *s, upb_sink_callbacks *vtbl) {
/* Dynamic Dispatch implementation for src/sink interfaces ********************/
// The rest of this file only concerns components that are implementing any of
// the above interfaces. To simple clients the code below should be considered
// private.
// Typedefs for function pointers to all of the above functions.
typedef upb_fielddef (*upb_src_getdef_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef bool (*upb_src_getval_fptr)(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val);
typedef bool (*upb_src_skipval_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef bool (*upb_src_startmsg_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef bool (*upb_src_endmsg_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef upb_status *(*upb_src_status_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef bool (*upb_sink_putdef_fptr)(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *def);
typedef bool (*upb_sink_putval_fptr)(upb_sink *sink, upb_value val);
typedef bool (*upb_sink_startmsg_fptr)(upb_sink *sink);
typedef bool (*upb_sink_endmsg_fptr)(upb_sink *sink);
typedef upb_status *(*upb_sink_status_fptr)(upb_sink *sink);
typedef upb_string *(*upb_bytesrc_get_fptr)(upb_bytesrc *src);
typedef bool (*upb_bytesrc_append_fptr)(
upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t len);
typedef upb_status *(*upb_bytesrc_status_fptr)(upb_src *src);
typedef int32_t (*upb_bytesink_put_fptr)(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str);
typedef upb_status *(*upb_bytesink_status_fptr)(upb_bytesink *sink);
// Vtables for the above interfaces.
typedef struct {
upb_src_getdef_fptr getdef;
upb_src_getval_fptr getval;
upb_src_skipval_fptr skipval;
upb_src_startmsg_fptr startmsg;
upb_src_endmsg_fptr endmsg;
upb_src_status_fptr status;
} upb_src_vtable;
// "Base Class" definitions; components that implement these interfaces should
// contain one of these structures.
typedef struct {
upb_src_vtable *vtbl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
int state; // For debug-mode checking of API usage.
} upb_src;
INLINE void upb_sink_init(upb_src *s, upb_src_vtable *vtbl) {
s->vtbl = vtbl;
#ifndef DEBUG
// TODO: initialize debug-mode checking.
/* upb_bytesink ***************************************************************/
// A upb_bytesink is like a upb_sync, but for bytes instead of structured
// protobuf data. Parsers implement upb_bytesink and push to a upb_sink,
// serializers do the opposite (implement upb_sink and push to upb_bytesink).
// The two simplest kinds of sinks are "write to string" and "write to FILE*".
// A forward declaration solely for the benefit of declaring upb_byte_cb below.
// Always prefer upb_bytesink (without the "struct" keyword) instead.
struct _upb_bytesink;
// The single bytesink callback; it takes the bytes to be written and returns
// how many were successfully written. If the return value is <0, the caller
// should stop processing.
typedef int32_t (*upb_byte_cb)(struct _upb_bytesink *s, upb_strptr str,
uint32_t start, uint32_t end,
upb_status *status);
typedef struct _upb_bytesink {
upb_byte_cb *cb;
} upb_bytesink;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ INLINE upb_strlen_t upb_string_len(upb_string *str) { return str->len; }
// Use to read the bytes of the string. The caller *must* call
// upb_string_endread() after the data has been read. The window between
// upb_string_getrobuf() and upb_string_endread() should be kept as short
// as possible. No other functions may be called on the string during this
// window except upb_string_len().
// upb_string_getrobuf() and upb_string_endread() should be kept as short as
// possible, because any pending upb_string_detach() may be blocked until
// upb_string_endread is called(). No other functions may be called on the
// string during this window except upb_string_len().
INLINE const char *upb_string_getrobuf(upb_string *str) { return str->ptr; }
INLINE void upb_string_endread(upb_string *str);
