Add support for instantiating Maps using proto!. Also adds an IntoProxied implementation for Maps that accepts an Iterator of (K, V), just like what we have for Repeated fields.

Migrates the helper functions used by the macro into __internal so that they are more hidden in Cargo.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 681004963
Derek Benson 6 months ago committed by Copybara-Service
parent 24e661b01c
commit 9bcd7087ae
  1. 19
  2. 15
  3. 191
  4. 7
  5. 2
  6. 29

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
pub use paste::paste;
pub use crate::r#enum::Enum;
use crate::map;
use crate::repeated;
pub use crate::ProtoStr;
use crate::Proxied;
pub use std::fmt::Debug;
// TODO: Temporarily re-export these symbols which are now under
@ -37,3 +40,19 @@ pub trait SealedInternal {}
pub trait MatcherEq: SealedInternal + Debug {
fn matches(&self, o: &Self) -> bool;
/// Used by the proto! macro to get a default value for a repeated field.
pub fn get_repeated_default_value<T: repeated::ProxiedInRepeated + Default>(
_: Private,
_: repeated::RepeatedView<'_, T>,
) -> T {
/// Used by the proto! macro to get a default value for a map field.
pub fn get_map_default_value<K: Proxied, V: map::ProxiedInMapValue<K> + Default>(
_: Private,
_: map::MapView<'_, K, V>,
) -> V {

@ -400,6 +400,21 @@ where
impl<'msg, 'k, 'v, K, KView, V, VView, I> IntoProxied<Map<K, V>> for I
I: Iterator<Item = (KView, VView)>,
K: Proxied + 'msg + 'k,
V: ProxiedInMapValue<K> + 'msg + 'v,
KView: Into<View<'k, K>>,
VView: IntoProxied<V>,
fn into_proxied(self, _private: Private) -> Map<K, V> {
let mut m = Map::<K, V>::new();
/// An iterator visiting all key-value pairs in arbitrary order.
/// The iterator element type is `(View<Key>, View<Value>)`.

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ macro_rules! proto_internal {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $repeated [
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $crate::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ macro_rules! proto_internal {
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $crate::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ macro_rules! proto_internal {
(@array $msg:ident $repeated:ident [] __ { $($value:tt)* }, $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $repeated [
let mut $msg = $crate::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ macro_rules! proto_internal {
(@array $msg:ident $repeated:ident [] __ { $($value:tt)* }) => {
let mut $msg = $crate::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_repeated_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $repeated);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
@ -257,6 +257,189 @@ macro_rules! proto_internal {
// Begin handling (key, value) for Maps in array literals
// Message nested in array literal with trailing array items
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, __ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_map_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $map);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// Message nested in [] literal
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, __ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_map_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $map);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
// Message nested in array literal with trailing array items
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ($key:expr, __ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_map_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $map);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// Message nested in [] literal
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ($key:expr, __ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
let mut $msg = $crate::__internal::get_map_default_value($crate::__internal::Private, $map);
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
// End of __ repeated, now we need to handle named types
// Message nested in array literal with trailing array items
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, $($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// Message nested in [] literal with leading :: on type and trailing array items
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, ::$($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = ::$($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// Message nested in [] literal
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, $($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = $($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
// Message nested in [] literal with leading :: on type
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [$($vals:expr),+] ($key:expr, ::$($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
$($vals),+ ,
let mut $msg = ::$($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
// Message nested in array literal with trailing array items
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ($key:expr, $($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
let mut $msg = $($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// with leading ::
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ($key:expr, ::$($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* }), $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $map [
let mut $msg = ::$($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
] $($rest)*)
// Message nested in [] literal
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ($key:expr, $($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
let mut $msg = $($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
(@array $msg:ident $map:ident [] ::($key:expr, $($msgtype:ident)::+ { $($value:tt)* })) => {
let mut $msg = ::$($msgtype)::+::new();
proto_internal!(@merge $msg $($value)*);
proto_internal!(@msg $msg $($value)*);
// End handling of (key, value) for Maps
(@array $msg:ident $repeated:ident [$($vals:expr),+] $expr:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
proto_internal!(@array $msg $repeated [$($vals),+, $expr] $($rest)*)

@ -116,10 +116,3 @@ impl fmt::Display for SerializeError {
write!(f, "Couldn't serialize proto into bytes (depth too deep or missing required fields)")
pub fn get_repeated_default_value<T: repeated::ProxiedInRepeated + Default>(
_: __internal::Private,
_: repeated::RepeatedView<'_, T>,
) -> T {

@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ rust_test(
deps = [
@ -471,6 +472,7 @@ rust_test(
deps = [

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ use unittest_rust_proto::{
NestedTestAllTypes, TestAllTypes,
use map_unittest_rust_proto::{TestMap, TestMapWithMessages};
struct TestValue {
val: i64,
@ -202,3 +204,30 @@ fn test_repeated_msg() {
assert_that!(msg.repeated_child().get(0).unwrap().payload().optional_int32(), eq(1));
assert_that!(msg.repeated_child().get(1).unwrap().payload().optional_int32(), eq(2));
fn test_string_maps() {
let msg =
proto!(TestMap { map_string_string: [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "qux"), ("quux", "quuz")] });
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().len(), eq(3));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().get("foo").unwrap(), eq("bar"));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().get("baz").unwrap(), eq("qux"));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().get("quux").unwrap(), eq("quuz"));
fn test_message_maps() {
let msg3 = proto!(TestAllTypes { optional_int32: 3 });
let kv3 = ("quux", msg3);
let msg = proto!(TestMapWithMessages {
map_string_all_types: [
("foo", TestAllTypes { optional_int32: 1 }),
("baz", __ { optional_int32: 2 }),
assert_that!(msg.map_string_all_types().len(), eq(3));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_all_types().get("foo").unwrap().optional_int32(), eq(1));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_all_types().get("baz").unwrap().optional_int32(), eq(2));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_all_types().get("quux").unwrap().optional_int32(), eq(3));
