@ -7,6 +7,74 @@ we recommend using protoc's Ruby generation support with .proto files. The |
build process in this directory only installs the extension; you need to |
install protoc as well to have Ruby code generation functionality. |
JSON Migration Note |
------------------- |
Users who were using the protobuf Gem `<= 3.0.0.alpha.5.0.4` will notice that |
the JSON format has changed slightly and is incompatible with previous |
versions. |
The change concerns field names. Prior to the change, field names from the |
.proto file were used verbatim. Take this `.proto` file: |
```protobuf |
syntax = "proto3"; |
message M { |
int32 my_int_field = 1; |
bool my_bool_field = 2; |
} |
``` |
Serializing to JSON used to give you something like this: |
```json |
{"my_int_field":1, "my_bool_field":true} |
``` |
However this format was not compatible with the proto3 JSON spec. To be |
compliant with proto3 JSON, we need to camel-case the names: |
```json |
{"myIntField":1, "myBoolField":true} |
``` |
Starting with `3.0.0.alpha.5.0.5`, this bug was fixed and we now produce the |
correct camelCased names. However this may cause compatibility problems for |
JSON users who can't upgrade everything at the same time, or who store |
serialized JSON payloads. To mitigate this and allow time for migration, the |
library currently recognizes two environment variables: |
- `UPB_JSON_ACCEPT_LEGACY_FIELD_NAMES`: set this variable to instruct the |
JSON parser that the old names should be accepted in addition to the new, |
compliant ones. This will make the parser compatible with both formats. |
- `UPB_JSON_WRITE_LEGACY_FIELD_NAMES`: set this variable to instruct the |
JSON serializer to encode the old, non-compliant names. |
These options will be removed in a future version of Ruby protobuf. All |
users shoud migrate to the standard names. |
If users have existing payloads in the old format and cannot easily migrate, |
the best solution would be to specify the old names explicitly in the |
`.proto` file using the `json_name` option. For example, for the .proto |
file above, the user could specify: |
```protobuf |
syntax = "proto3"; |
message M { |
int32 my_int_field = 1 [json_name="my_int_field"]; |
bool my_bool_field = 2 [json_name="my_bool_field"]; |
} |
``` |
This will make all compliant proto3 JSON parsers/serializers use the |
non-camel-cased names forever. Note that protobuf Ruby does *not yet* |
support this option properly, but support is forthcoming. It will |
certainly be supported before the environment variables above are |
removed. |
Installation from Gem |
--------------------- |
@ -32,6 +100,7 @@ documentation may be found in the RubyDoc comments (`call-seq` tags) in the |
source, and we plan to release separate, more detailed, documentation at a |
later date. |
```ruby |
require 'google/protobuf' |
# generated from my_proto_types.proto with protoc: |
@ -49,6 +118,7 @@ later date. |
puts "JSON:" |
puts MyTestMessage.encode_json(mymessage) |
``` |
Installation from Source (Building Gem) |
--------------------------------------- |