@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ |
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h" |
#include "absl/strings/cord.h" |
#include "absl/strings/cord_buffer.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/io/io_win32.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h" |
@ -82,6 +84,11 @@ |
#include "google/protobuf/testing/file.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h" |
#include <gtest/gtest.h> |
#include "absl/status/status.h" |
#include "absl/strings/cord.h" |
#include "absl/strings/cord_buffer.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/port_def.inc" |
@ -874,6 +881,568 @@ TEST(DefaultWriteCordTest, WriteTooLargeCord) { |
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, source.Subcord(0, output.ByteCount())); |
} |
TEST(CordInputStreamTest, SkipToEnd) { |
absl::Cord source(std::string(10000, 'z')); |
CordInputStream stream(&source); |
EXPECT_TRUE(stream.Skip(10000)); |
EXPECT_EQ(stream.ByteCount(), 10000); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, CordIo) { |
CordOutputStream output; |
int size = WriteStuff(&output); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, cord.size()); |
{ |
CordInputStream input(&cord); |
ReadStuff(&input); |
} |
} |
template <typename Container> |
absl::Cord MakeFragmentedCord(const Container& c) { |
absl::Cord result; |
for (const auto& s : c) { |
absl::string_view sv(s); |
auto buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(sv.size()); |
absl::Span<char> out = buffer.available_up_to(sv.size()); |
memcpy(out.data(), sv.data(), out.size()); |
buffer.SetLength(out.size()); |
result.Append(std::move(buffer)); |
} |
return result; |
} |
// Test that we can read correctly from a fragmented Cord.
TEST_F(IoTest, FragmentedCordInput) { |
std::string str; |
{ |
StringOutputStream output(&str); |
WriteStuff(&output); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockSizeCount; i++) { |
int block_size = kBlockSizes[i]; |
if (block_size < 0) { |
// Skip the -1 case.
continue; |
} |
absl::string_view str_piece = str; |
// Create a fragmented cord by splitting the input into many cord
// functions.
std::vector<absl::string_view> fragments; |
while (!str_piece.empty()) { |
size_t n = std::min<size_t>(str_piece.size(), block_size); |
fragments.push_back(str_piece.substr(0, n)); |
str_piece.remove_prefix(n); |
} |
absl::Cord fragmented_cord = MakeFragmentedCord(fragments); |
CordInputStream input(&fragmented_cord); |
ReadStuff(&input); |
} |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadSmallCord) { |
absl::Cord source; |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
absl::Cord dest; |
CordInputStream input(&source); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Skip(1)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2)); |
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("oo ba"), dest); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadSmallCordAfterBackUp) { |
absl::Cord source; |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
absl::Cord dest; |
CordInputStream input(&source); |
const void* buffer; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size)); |
input.BackUp(size - 1); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2)); |
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("oo ba"), dest); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadLargeCord) { |
absl::Cord source; |
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
} |
absl::Cord dest; |
CordInputStream input(&source); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Skip(1)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2)); |
absl::Cord expected = source; |
expected.RemovePrefix(1); |
expected.RemoveSuffix(1); |
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadLargeCordAfterBackUp) { |
absl::Cord source; |
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
} |
absl::Cord dest; |
CordInputStream input(&source); |
const void* buffer; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size)); |
input.BackUp(size - 1); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size() - 2)); |
absl::Cord expected = source; |
expected.RemovePrefix(1); |
expected.RemoveSuffix(1); |
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest); |
EXPECT_TRUE(input.Next(&buffer, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ("r", std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size)); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, ReadCordEof) { |
absl::Cord source; |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
absl::Cord dest; |
CordInputStream input(&source); |
input.Skip(1); |
EXPECT_FALSE(input.ReadCord(&dest, source.size())); |
absl::Cord expected = source; |
expected.RemovePrefix(1); |
EXPECT_EQ(expected, dest); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, Empty) { |
CordOutputStream output; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Consume().empty()); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, ConsumesCordClearingState) { |
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("abcdef")); |
EXPECT_EQ(output.Consume(), "abcdef"); |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Consume().empty()); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateEmptyCordBuffer) { |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
void* available_data = available.data(); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer)); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ(data, available_data); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size())); |
memset(data, 'a', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'a')); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat.data(), available_data); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonatePartialCordBuffer) { |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'a', 100); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(100); |
void* available_data = available.data(); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(100, 'a')); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat.data(), available_data); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonatePartialCordBufferAndUseExtraCapacity) { |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'a', 100); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(100); |
void* available_data = available.data(); |
void* next_available_data = available.data() + 100; |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer)); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size() - 100)); |
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(100, 'a') + |
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b')); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat.data(), available_data); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateCordAndPartialCordBufferAndUseExtraCapacity) { |
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a')); |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'b', 100); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(100); |
void* next_available_data = available.data() + 100; |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer)); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, static_cast<int>(available.size() - 100)); |
memset(data, 'c', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_FALSE(cord.TryFlat()); |
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') + std::string(100, 'b') + |
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'c')); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBuffer) { |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'a', available.size()); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(available.size()); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer)); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_FALSE(cord.TryFlat()); |
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(available.size(), 'a') + |
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b')); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBufferAndCord) { |
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a')); |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'b', available.size()); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(available.size()); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer)); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 'c', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_FALSE(cord.TryFlat()); |
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') + |
std::string(available.size(), 'b') + |
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'c')); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateFullCordBufferAndBackup) { |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'a', available.size()); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(available.size()); |
// We back up by 100 before calling Next()
void* available_data = available.data(); |
void* next_available_data = available.data() + available.size() - 100; |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(buffer)); |
output.BackUp(100); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, 100); |
memset(data, 'b', 100); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, |
std::string(available.size() - 100, 'a') + std::string(100, 'b')); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat.data(), available_data); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, DonateCordAndFullCordBufferAndBackup) { |
absl::Cord cord(std::string(400, 'a')); |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(500); |
absl::Span<char> available = buffer.available(); |
memset(available.data(), 'b', available.size()); |
buffer.IncreaseLengthBy(available.size()); |
// We back up by 100 before calling Next()
void* next_available_data = available.data() + available.size() - 100; |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), std::move(buffer)); |
output.BackUp(100); |
void* data; |
int size; |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_EQ(data, next_available_data); |
EXPECT_EQ(size, 100); |
memset(data, 'c', 100); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_FALSE(cord.TryFlat()); |
EXPECT_EQ(cord, std::string(400, 'a') + |
std::string(available.size() - 100, 'b') + |
std::string(100, 'c')); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, ProperHintCreatesSingleFlatCord) { |
CordOutputStream output(2000); |
void* data; |
int size; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 2000); |
memset(data, 'a', 2000); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, std::string(2000, 'a')); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, SizeHintDicatesTotalSize) { |
absl::Cord cord(std::string(500, 'a')); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), 2000); |
void* data; |
int size; |
int remaining = 1500; |
while (remaining > 0) { |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_LE(size, remaining); |
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
remaining -= size; |
} |
ASSERT_EQ(remaining, 0); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_EQ(cord, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b'))); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, BackUpReusesPartialBuffer) { |
CordOutputStream output(2000); |
void* data; |
int size; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 2000); |
memset(data, '1', 100); |
output.BackUp(1900); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1900); |
memset(data, '2', 200); |
output.BackUp(1700); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1700); |
memset(data, '3', 400); |
output.BackUp(1300); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1300); |
memset(data, '4', 1300); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(100, '1'), std::string(200, '2'), |
std::string(400, '3'), std::string(1300, '4'))); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, UsesPrivateCapacityInDonatedCord) { |
absl::Cord cord; |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(2000); |
memset(buffer.data(), 'a', 500); |
buffer.SetLength(500); |
cord.Append(std::move(buffer)); |
CordOutputStream output(std::move(cord), 2000); |
void* data; |
int size; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1500); |
memset(data, 'b', 1500); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b'))); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, UsesPrivateCapacityInAppendedCord) { |
absl::Cord cord; |
absl::CordBuffer buffer = absl::CordBuffer::CreateWithDefaultLimit(2000); |
memset(buffer.data(), 'a', 500); |
buffer.SetLength(500); |
cord.Append(std::move(buffer)); |
CordOutputStream output(2000); |
void* data; |
int size; |
// Add cord. Clearing it makes it privately owned by 'output' as it's non
// trivial size guarantees it is ref counted, not deep copied.
output.WriteCord(cord); |
cord.Clear(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, 1500); |
memset(data, 'b', 1500); |
cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(500, 'a'), std::string(1500, 'b'))); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, CapsSizeAtHintButUsesCapacityBeyondHint) { |
// This tests verifies that when we provide a hint of 'x' bytes, that the
// returned size from Next() will be capped at 'size_hint', but that if we
// exceed size_hint, it will use the capacity in any internal buffer beyond
// the size hint. We test this by providing a hint that is too large to be
// inlined, but so small that we have a guarantee it's smaller than the
// minimum flat size so we will have a 'capped' larger buffer as state.
size_t size_hint = sizeof(absl::Cord) + 1; |
CordOutputStream output(size_hint); |
void* data; |
int size; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
ASSERT_EQ(size, size_hint); |
memset(data, 'a', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 'b', static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
// We should have received the same buffer on each Next() call
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
ASSERT_TRUE(cord.TryFlat()); |
absl::string_view flat = *cord.TryFlat(); |
EXPECT_EQ(flat, absl::StrCat(std::string(size_hint, 'a'), |
std::string(static_cast<size_t>(size), 'b'))); |
} |
TEST(CordOutputStreamTest, SizeDoublesWithoutHint) { |
CordOutputStream output; |
void* data; |
int size; |
// Whitebox: we are guaranteed at least 128 bytes initially. We also assume
// that the maximum size is roughly 4KiB - overhead without being precise.
int min_size = 128; |
const int max_size = 4000; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
ASSERT_GE(size, min_size); |
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size)); |
ASSERT_GE(size, min_size); |
min_size = (std::min)(min_size * 2, max_size); |
} |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, WriteSmallCord) { |
absl::Cord source; |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("existing:")); |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.WriteCord(source)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Cord("existing:foo bar"), cord); |
} |
TEST_F(IoTest, WriteLargeCord) { |
absl::Cord source; |
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { |
source.Append("foo bar"); |
} |
CordOutputStream output(absl::Cord("existing:")); |
EXPECT_TRUE(output.WriteCord(source)); |
absl::Cord cord = output.Consume(); |
absl::Cord expected = source; |
expected.Prepend("existing:"); |
EXPECT_EQ(expected, cord); |
} |
// Test that large size hints lead to large block sizes.
TEST_F(IoTest, CordOutputSizeHint) { |
CordOutputStream output1; |
CordOutputStream output2(12345); |
void* data1; |
void* data2; |
int size1, size2; |
ASSERT_TRUE(output1.Next(&data1, &size1)); |
ASSERT_TRUE(output2.Next(&data2, &size2)); |
// Prevent 'unflushed output' debug checks and warnings
output1.BackUp(size1); |
output2.BackUp(size2); |
EXPECT_GT(size2, size1); |
// Prevent any warnings on unused or unflushed data
output1.Consume(); |
output2.Consume(); |
} |
// Test that when we use a size hint, we get a buffer boundary exactly on that
// byte.
TEST_F(IoTest, CordOutputBufferEndsAtSizeHint) { |
static const int kSizeHint = 12345; |
CordOutputStream output(kSizeHint); |
void* data; |
int size; |
int total_read = 0; |
while (total_read < kSizeHint) { |
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
memset(data, 0, static_cast<size_t>(size)); // Avoid uninitialized data UB
total_read += size; |
} |
EXPECT_EQ(kSizeHint, total_read); |
// We should be able to keep going past the size hint.
ASSERT_TRUE(output.Next(&data, &size)); |
EXPECT_GT(size, 0); |
// Prevent any warnings on unused or unflushed data
output.Consume(); |
} |
// To test files, we create a temporary file, write, read, truncate, repeat.
TEST_F(IoTest, FileIo) { |