Auto-generate files after cl/592677762

Protobuf Team Bot 1 year ago
parent 1ddf033711
commit 8981fe5cab
  1. BIN
  2. 313
  3. 601
  4. 123
  5. 47
  6. 123
  7. 123
  8. 47

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
"ASgJEhMKC291dHB1dF90eXBlGAMgASgJEi8KB29wdGlvbnMYBCABKAsyHi5n", "ASgJEhMKC291dHB1dF90eXBlGAMgASgJEi8KB29wdGlvbnMYBCABKAsyHi5n",
"b29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuTWV0aG9kT3B0aW9ucxIfChBjbGllbnRfc3RyZWFt", "b29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuTWV0aG9kT3B0aW9ucxIfChBjbGllbnRfc3RyZWFt",
"FGphdmFfb3V0ZXJfY2xhc3NuYW1lGAggASgJEiIKE2phdmFfbXVsdGlwbGVf", "FGphdmFfb3V0ZXJfY2xhc3NuYW1lGAggASgJEiIKE2phdmFfbXVsdGlwbGVf",
"ZF9oYXNoGBQgASgIQgIYARIlChZqYXZhX3N0cmluZ19jaGVja191dGY4GBsg", "ZF9oYXNoGBQgASgIQgIYARIlChZqYXZhX3N0cmluZ19jaGVja191dGY4GBsg",
@ -107,136 +107,135 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
"dG9idWYuRmlsZU9wdGlvbnMuT3B0aW1pemVNb2RlOgVTUEVFRBISCgpnb19w", "dG9idWYuRmlsZU9wdGlvbnMuT3B0aW1pemVNb2RlOgVTUEVFRBISCgpnb19w",
"cHlfZ2VuZXJpY19zZXJ2aWNlcxgSIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USIwoUcGhwX2dlbmVy", "cHlfZ2VuZXJpY19zZXJ2aWNlcxgSIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USGQoKZGVwcmVjYXRl",
"CRIUCgxzd2lmdF9wcmVmaXgYJyABKAkSGAoQcGhwX2NsYXNzX3ByZWZpeBgo", "cHJlZml4GCggASgJEhUKDXBocF9uYW1lc3BhY2UYKSABKAkSHgoWcGhwX21l",
"cmVzGDIgASgLMhsuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZlYXR1cmVTZXQSQwoUdW5p", "dBJDChR1bmludGVycHJldGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByADKAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJv",
"bnRlcnByZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVu", "dG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbiI6CgxPcHRpbWl6ZU1vZGUSCQoF",
"CCYQJyLnAgoOTWVzc2FnZU9wdGlvbnMSJgoXbWVzc2FnZV9zZXRfd2lyZV9m", "YWdlX3NldF93aXJlX2Zvcm1hdBgBIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USLgofbm9fc3RhbmRh",
"b3JtYXQYASABKAg6BWZhbHNlEi4KH25vX3N0YW5kYXJkX2Rlc2NyaXB0b3Jf", "cmRfZGVzY3JpcHRvcl9hY2Nlc3NvchgCIAEoCDoFZmFsc2USGQoKZGVwcmVj",
"bHNlEhEKCW1hcF9lbnRyeRgHIAEoCBIyCiZkZXByZWNhdGVkX2xlZ2FjeV9q", "Y2F0ZWRfbGVnYWN5X2pzb25fZmllbGRfY29uZmxpY3RzGAsgASgIQgIYARIt",
"c29uX2ZpZWxkX2NvbmZsaWN0cxgLIAEoCEICGAESLQoIZmVhdHVyZXMYDCAB", "CghmZWF0dXJlcxgMIAEoCzIbLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0",
"KAsyGy5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmVhdHVyZVNldBJDChR1bmludGVycHJl", "EkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcHIAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90",
"dGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByADKAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnBy", "b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uKgkI6AcQgICAgAJKBAgEEAVKBAgF",
"SgQICRAKIo0JCgxGaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMSOgoFY3R5cGUYASABKA4yIy5nb29n", "ZRgBIAEoDjIjLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuQ1R5cGU6",
"a2VkGAIgASgIEj8KBmpzdHlwZRgGIAEoDjIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5G", "Z2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkT3B0aW9ucy5KU1R5cGU6CUpTX05PUk1BTBIT",
"aWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuSlNUeXBlOglKU19OT1JNQUwSEwoEbGF6eRgFIAEoCDoF", "CgRsYXp5GAUgASgIOgVmYWxzZRIeCg91bnZlcmlmaWVkX2xhenkYDyABKAg6",
"ZWJ1Z19yZWRhY3QYECABKAg6BWZhbHNlEkAKCXJldGVudGlvbhgRIAEoDjIt", "ZW50aW9uGBEgASgOMi0uZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkT3B0aW9ucy5P",
"Lmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuT3B0aW9uUmV0ZW50aW9u", "cHRpb25SZXRlbnRpb24SPwoHdGFyZ2V0cxgTIAMoDjIuLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90",
"Ej8KB3RhcmdldHMYEyADKA4yLi5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmllbGRPcHRp", "b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuT3B0aW9uVGFyZ2V0VHlwZRJGChBlZGl0aW9u",
"b25zLk9wdGlvblRhcmdldFR5cGUSRgoQZWRpdGlvbl9kZWZhdWx0cxgUIAMo", "X2RlZmF1bHRzGBQgAygLMiwuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZpZWxkT3B0aW9u",
"CzIsLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GaWVsZE9wdGlvbnMuRWRpdGlvbkRlZmF1", "cy5FZGl0aW9uRGVmYXVsdBItCghmZWF0dXJlcxgVIAEoCzIbLmdvb2dsZS5w",
"cm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0EkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcH", "cm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0EkMKFHVuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRfb3B0aW9uGOcH",
"IAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uIlAK", "IAMoCzIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9uGkoK",
"ZGVudGlmaWVyX3ZhbHVlGAMgASgJEhoKEnBvc2l0aXZlX2ludF92YWx1ZRgE", "D09wdGlvblJldGVudGlvbhIVChFSRVRFTlRJT05fVU5LTk9XThAAEhUKEVJF",
"bGRfZW5jb2RpbmcYAyABKA4yMS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmVhdHVyZVNl", "dGVycHJldGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByADKAsyJC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5p",
"RUQY5geiAQsSBlBBQ0tFRBjnBxJoCg91dGY4X3ZhbGlkYXRpb24YBCABKA4y", "CgthbGxvd19hbGlhcxgCIAEoCBIZCgpkZXByZWNhdGVkGAMgASgIOgVmYWxz",
"Ki5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuRmVhdHVyZVNldC5VdGY4VmFsaWRhdGlvbkIj", "ZRIyCiZkZXByZWNhdGVkX2xlZ2FjeV9qc29uX2ZpZWxkX2NvbmZsaWN0cxgG",
"ZV9lbmNvZGluZxgFIAEoDjIrLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0", "RmVhdHVyZVNldBJDChR1bmludGVycHJldGVkX29wdGlvbhjnByADKAsyJC5n",
"Lk1lc3NhZ2VFbmNvZGluZ0IgiAEBmAEEmAEBogEUEg9MRU5HVEhfUFJFRklY", "b29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuVW5pbnRlcnByZXRlZE9wdGlvbioJCOgHEICAgIAC",
"RUQY5gcScAoLanNvbl9mb3JtYXQYBiABKA4yJi5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYu", "SgQIBRAGIskBChBFbnVtVmFsdWVPcHRpb25zEhkKCmRlcHJlY2F0ZWQYASAB",
"AioGCOgHEOkHKgYI6QcQ6gcqBgiLThCQTkoGCOcHEOgHIsACChJGZWF0dXJl", "ZXRlZF9vcHRpb24Y5wcgAygLMiQuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLlVuaW50ZXJw",
"dBIxCg9taW5pbXVtX2VkaXRpb24YBCABKA4yGC5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYu", "VBACKgkI6AcQgICAgAIingIKE1VuaW50ZXJwcmV0ZWRPcHRpb24SOwoEbmFt",
"RWRpdGlvbhIxCg9tYXhpbXVtX2VkaXRpb24YBSABKA4yGC5nb29nbGUucHJv", "ZRgCIAMoCzItLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5VbmludGVycHJldGVkT3B0aW9u",
"dG9idWYuRWRpdGlvbhp0ChhGZWF0dXJlU2V0RWRpdGlvbkRlZmF1bHQSKQoH", "Lk5hbWVQYXJ0EhgKEGlkZW50aWZpZXJfdmFsdWUYAyABKAkSGgoScG9zaXRp",
"ZWRpdGlvbhgDIAEoDjIYLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5FZGl0aW9uEi0KCGZl", "dmVfaW50X3ZhbHVlGAQgASgEEhoKEm5lZ2F0aXZlX2ludF92YWx1ZRgFIAEo",
"YXR1cmVzGAIgASgLMhsuZ29vZ2xlLnByb3RvYnVmLkZlYXR1cmVTZXQi1QEK", "AxIUCgxkb3VibGVfdmFsdWUYBiABKAESFAoMc3RyaW5nX3ZhbHVlGAcgASgM",
"DlNvdXJjZUNvZGVJbmZvEjoKCGxvY2F0aW9uGAEgAygLMiguZ29vZ2xlLnBy", "EhcKD2FnZ3JlZ2F0ZV92YWx1ZRgIIAEoCRozCghOYW1lUGFydBIRCgluYW1l",
"b3RvYnVmLlNvdXJjZUNvZGVJbmZvLkxvY2F0aW9uGoYBCghMb2NhdGlvbhIQ", "X3BhcnQYASACKAkSFAoMaXNfZXh0ZW5zaW9uGAIgAigIIp0JCgpGZWF0dXJl",
"ZENvZGVJbmZvEkEKCmFubm90YXRpb24YASADKAsyLS5nb29nbGUucHJvdG9i", "dW1fdHlwZRgCIAEoDjIkLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0LkVu",
"bhIQCgRwYXRoGAEgAygFQgIQARITCgtzb3VyY2VfZmlsZRgCIAEoCRINCgVi", "ChdyZXBlYXRlZF9maWVsZF9lbmNvZGluZxgDIAEoDjIxLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90",
"b29nbGUucHJvdG9idWYuR2VuZXJhdGVkQ29kZUluZm8uQW5ub3RhdGlvbi5T", "mAEBogENEghFWFBBTkRFRBjmB6IBCxIGUEFDS0VEGOcHEmgKD3V0ZjhfdmFs",
"ZW1hbnRpYyIoCghTZW1hbnRpYxIICgROT05FEAASBwoDU0VUEAESCQoFQUxJ", "aWRhdGlvbhgEIAEoDjIqLmdvb2dsZS5wcm90b2J1Zi5GZWF0dXJlU2V0LlV0",
descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData, descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData,
new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { }, new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { },
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(new[] {typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.Edition), }, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] { new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(new[] {typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.Edition), }, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] {
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Number", "Options" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.EnumValueDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Number", "Options" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Method", "Options" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "Method", "Options" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "InputType", "OutputType", "Options", "ClientStreaming", "ServerStreaming" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MethodDescriptorProto.Parser, new[]{ "Name", "InputType", "OutputType", "Options", "ClientStreaming", "ServerStreaming" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Parser, new[]{ "JavaPackage", "JavaOuterClassname", "JavaMultipleFiles", "JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash", "JavaStringCheckUtf8", "OptimizeFor", "GoPackage", "CcGenericServices", "JavaGenericServices", "PyGenericServices", "PhpGenericServices", "Deprecated", "CcEnableArenas", "ObjcClassPrefix", "CsharpNamespace", "SwiftPrefix", "PhpClassPrefix", "PhpNamespace", "PhpMetadataNamespace", "RubyPackage", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Types.OptimizeMode) }, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Parser, new[]{ "JavaPackage", "JavaOuterClassname", "JavaMultipleFiles", "JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash", "JavaStringCheckUtf8", "OptimizeFor", "GoPackage", "CcGenericServices", "JavaGenericServices", "PyGenericServices", "Deprecated", "CcEnableArenas", "ObjcClassPrefix", "CsharpNamespace", "SwiftPrefix", "PhpClassPrefix", "PhpNamespace", "PhpMetadataNamespace", "RubyPackage", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FileOptions.Types.OptimizeMode) }, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions.Parser, new[]{ "MessageSetWireFormat", "NoStandardDescriptorAccessor", "Deprecated", "MapEntry", "DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.MessageOptions.Parser, new[]{ "MessageSetWireFormat", "NoStandardDescriptorAccessor", "Deprecated", "MapEntry", "DeprecatedLegacyJsonFieldConflicts", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Ctype", "Packed", "Jstype", "Lazy", "UnverifiedLazy", "Deprecated", "Weak", "DebugRedact", "Retention", "Targets", "EditionDefaults", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.CType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.JSType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.OptionRetention), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.OptionTargetType) }, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] { new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.EditionDefault), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.EditionDefault.Parser, new[]{ "Edition", "Value" }, null, null, null, null)}), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Ctype", "Packed", "Jstype", "Lazy", "UnverifiedLazy", "Deprecated", "Weak", "DebugRedact", "Retention", "Targets", "EditionDefaults", "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, new[]{ typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.CType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.JSType), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.OptionRetention), typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.OptionTargetType) }, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] { new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.EditionDefault), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.FieldOptions.Types.EditionDefault.Parser, new[]{ "Edition", "Value" }, null, null, null, null)}),
new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions), global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.OneofOptions.Parser, new[]{ "Features", "UninterpretedOption" }, null, null, null, null),
@ -5870,7 +5869,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
ccGenericServices_ = other.ccGenericServices_; ccGenericServices_ = other.ccGenericServices_;
javaGenericServices_ = other.javaGenericServices_; javaGenericServices_ = other.javaGenericServices_;
pyGenericServices_ = other.pyGenericServices_; pyGenericServices_ = other.pyGenericServices_;
phpGenericServices_ = other.phpGenericServices_;
deprecated_ = other.deprecated_; deprecated_ = other.deprecated_;
ccEnableArenas_ = other.ccEnableArenas_; ccEnableArenas_ = other.ccEnableArenas_;
objcClassPrefix_ = other.objcClassPrefix_; objcClassPrefix_ = other.objcClassPrefix_;
@ -6213,33 +6211,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
_hasBits0 &= ~16; _hasBits0 &= ~16;
} }
/// <summary>Field number for the "php_generic_services" field.</summary>
public const int PhpGenericServicesFieldNumber = 42;
private readonly static bool PhpGenericServicesDefaultValue = false;
private bool phpGenericServices_;
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool PhpGenericServices {
get { if ((_hasBits0 & 512) != 0) { return phpGenericServices_; } else { return PhpGenericServicesDefaultValue; } }
set {
_hasBits0 |= 512;
phpGenericServices_ = value;
/// <summary>Gets whether the "php_generic_services" field is set</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public bool HasPhpGenericServices {
get { return (_hasBits0 & 512) != 0; }
/// <summary>Clears the value of the "php_generic_services" field</summary>
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
public void ClearPhpGenericServices() {
_hasBits0 &= ~512;
/// <summary>Field number for the "deprecated" field.</summary> /// <summary>Field number for the "deprecated" field.</summary>
public const int DeprecatedFieldNumber = 23; public const int DeprecatedFieldNumber = 23;
private readonly static bool DeprecatedDefaultValue = false; private readonly static bool DeprecatedDefaultValue = false;
@ -6573,7 +6544,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (CcGenericServices != other.CcGenericServices) return false; if (CcGenericServices != other.CcGenericServices) return false;
if (JavaGenericServices != other.JavaGenericServices) return false; if (JavaGenericServices != other.JavaGenericServices) return false;
if (PyGenericServices != other.PyGenericServices) return false; if (PyGenericServices != other.PyGenericServices) return false;
if (PhpGenericServices != other.PhpGenericServices) return false;
if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false; if (Deprecated != other.Deprecated) return false;
if (CcEnableArenas != other.CcEnableArenas) return false; if (CcEnableArenas != other.CcEnableArenas) return false;
if (ObjcClassPrefix != other.ObjcClassPrefix) return false; if (ObjcClassPrefix != other.ObjcClassPrefix) return false;
@ -6605,7 +6575,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (HasCcGenericServices) hash ^= CcGenericServices.GetHashCode(); if (HasCcGenericServices) hash ^= CcGenericServices.GetHashCode();
if (HasJavaGenericServices) hash ^= JavaGenericServices.GetHashCode(); if (HasJavaGenericServices) hash ^= JavaGenericServices.GetHashCode();
if (HasPyGenericServices) hash ^= PyGenericServices.GetHashCode(); if (HasPyGenericServices) hash ^= PyGenericServices.GetHashCode();
if (HasPhpGenericServices) hash ^= PhpGenericServices.GetHashCode();
if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode(); if (HasDeprecated) hash ^= Deprecated.GetHashCode();
if (HasCcEnableArenas) hash ^= CcEnableArenas.GetHashCode(); if (HasCcEnableArenas) hash ^= CcEnableArenas.GetHashCode();
if (HasObjcClassPrefix) hash ^= ObjcClassPrefix.GetHashCode(); if (HasObjcClassPrefix) hash ^= ObjcClassPrefix.GetHashCode();
@ -6706,10 +6675,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(202, 2); output.WriteRawTag(202, 2);
output.WriteString(PhpNamespace); output.WriteString(PhpNamespace);
} }
if (HasPhpGenericServices) {
output.WriteRawTag(208, 2);
if (HasPhpMetadataNamespace) { if (HasPhpMetadataNamespace) {
output.WriteRawTag(226, 2); output.WriteRawTag(226, 2);
output.WriteString(PhpMetadataNamespace); output.WriteString(PhpMetadataNamespace);
@ -6804,10 +6769,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
output.WriteRawTag(202, 2); output.WriteRawTag(202, 2);
output.WriteString(PhpNamespace); output.WriteString(PhpNamespace);
} }
if (HasPhpGenericServices) {
output.WriteRawTag(208, 2);
if (HasPhpMetadataNamespace) { if (HasPhpMetadataNamespace) {
output.WriteRawTag(226, 2); output.WriteRawTag(226, 2);
output.WriteString(PhpMetadataNamespace); output.WriteString(PhpMetadataNamespace);
@ -6864,9 +6825,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (HasPyGenericServices) { if (HasPyGenericServices) {
size += 2 + 1; size += 2 + 1;
} }
if (HasPhpGenericServices) {
size += 2 + 1;
if (HasDeprecated) { if (HasDeprecated) {
size += 2 + 1; size += 2 + 1;
} }
@ -6943,9 +6901,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
if (other.HasPyGenericServices) { if (other.HasPyGenericServices) {
PyGenericServices = other.PyGenericServices; PyGenericServices = other.PyGenericServices;
} }
if (other.HasPhpGenericServices) {
PhpGenericServices = other.PhpGenericServices;
if (other.HasDeprecated) { if (other.HasDeprecated) {
Deprecated = other.Deprecated; Deprecated = other.Deprecated;
} }
@ -7066,10 +7021,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
PhpNamespace = input.ReadString(); PhpNamespace = input.ReadString();
break; break;
} }
case 336: {
PhpGenericServices = input.ReadBool();
case 354: { case 354: {
PhpMetadataNamespace = input.ReadString(); PhpMetadataNamespace = input.ReadString();
break; break;
@ -7174,10 +7125,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection {
PhpNamespace = input.ReadString(); PhpNamespace = input.ReadString();
break; break;
} }
case 336: {
PhpGenericServices = input.ReadBool();
case 354: { case 354: {
PhpMetadataNamespace = input.ReadString(); PhpMetadataNamespace = input.ReadString();
break; break;

@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ static const upb_MiniTableSub google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[3] = {
{.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init}, {.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init},
}; };
static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = { static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[21] = {
{1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
@ -851,35 +851,34 @@ static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = {
{23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
}; };
const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = { const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
&google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0],
&google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0],
UPB_SIZE(112, 200), 22, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0, UPB_SIZE(104, 192), 21, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0,
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x001800000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x001000000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0028000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x0020000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt}, {0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt},
{0x003800000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x003000000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
@ -889,15 +888,15 @@ const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
{0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x005800000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x005000000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00780000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00700000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00880000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00800000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00100000120002d0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00980000130002e2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00900000120002e2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00a80000140002ea, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00a00000130002ea, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
}) })
@ -1748,7 +1747,7 @@ const upb_MiniTableFile google_protobuf_descriptor_proto_upb_file_layout = {
* regenerated. */ * regenerated. */
static const char descriptor[11646] = {'\n', ' ', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '/', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '/', 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', static const char descriptor[11595] = {'\n', ' ', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '/', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '/', 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p',
't', 'o', 'r', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', '\022', '\017', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 't', 'o', 'r', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', '\022', '\017', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u',
'f', '\"', 'M', '\n', '\021', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'D', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', 'o', 'r', 'S', 'e', 't', '\022', '8', '\n', 'f', '\"', 'M', '\n', '\021', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'D', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', 'o', 'r', 'S', 'e', 't', '\022', '8', '\n',
'\004', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'e', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\003', '(', '\013', '2', '$', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', '\004', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'e', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\003', '(', '\013', '2', '$', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't',
@ -1911,7 +1910,7 @@ static const char descriptor[11646] = {'\n', ' ', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e',
'i', 'n', 'g', '\030', '\005', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\017', 'c', 'l', 'i', 'e', 'n', 't', 'S', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\030', '\005', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\017', 'c', 'l', 'i', 'e', 'n', 't', 'S',
't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\022', '0', '\n', '\020', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', '_', 's', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\022', '0', '\n', '\020', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', '_', 's', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm',
'i', 'n', 'g', '\030', '\006', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\017', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', 'S', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\030', '\006', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\017', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', 'S',
't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\"', '\312', '\t', '\n', '\013', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'O', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 's', '\022', 't', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\"', '\227', '\t', '\n', '\013', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'O', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 's', '\022',
'!', '\n', '\014', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '_', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\013', 'j', 'a', '!', '\n', '\014', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '_', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\013', 'j', 'a',
'v', 'a', 'P', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e', '\022', '0', '\n', '\024', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '_', 'o', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', '_', 'c', 'v', 'a', 'P', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e', '\022', '0', '\n', '\024', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '_', 'o', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', '_', 'c',
'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', '\030', '\010', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\022', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'O', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', '\030', '\010', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\022', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'O', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r',
@ -1934,286 +1933,284 @@ static const char descriptor[11646] = {'\n', ' ', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e',
'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\023', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\022', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\023', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\022',
'5', '\n', '\023', 'p', 'y', '_', 'g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', '_', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\030', '\022', ' ', '5', '\n', '\023', 'p', 'y', '_', 'g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', '_', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\030', '\022', ' ',
'\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\021', 'p', 'y', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\021', 'p', 'y', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v',
'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\022', '7', '\n', '\024', 'p', 'h', 'p', '_', 'g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'c', '_', 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\022', '%', '\n', '\n', 'd', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', '\030', '\027', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':',
'c', 'e', 's', '\030', '*', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\022', 'p', 'h', 'p', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\n', 'd', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', '\022', '.', '\n', '\020', 'c', 'c', '_',
'r', 'i', 'c', 'S', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'i', 'c', 'e', 's', '\022', '%', '\n', '\n', 'd', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', 'e', 'n', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e', '_', 'a', 'r', 'e', 'n', 'a', 's', '\030', '\037', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\004', 't', 'r', 'u', 'e',
'\030', '\027', ' ', '\001', '(', '\010', ':', '\005', 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e', 'R', '\n', 'd', 'e', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'c', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', 'R', '\016', 'c', 'c', 'E', 'n', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e', 'A', 'r', 'e', 'n', 'a', 's', '\022', '*', '\n', '\021', 'o', 'b', 'j', 'c', '_',
'\022', '.', '\n', '\020', 'c', 'c', '_', 'e', 'n', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e', '_', 'a', 'r', 'e', 'n', 'a', 's', '\030', '\037', ' ', '\001', '(', 'c', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\030', '$', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\017', 'o', 'b', 'j', 'c', 'C',
'\010', ':', '\004', 't', 'r', 'u', 'e', 'R', '\016', 'c', 'c', 'E', 'n', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e', 'A', 'r', 'e', 'n', 'a', 's', '\022', '*', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'P', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', ')', '\n', '\020', 'c', 's', 'h', 'a', 'r', 'p', '_', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e',
'\n', '\021', 'o', 'b', 'j', 'c', '_', 'c', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\030', '$', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\030', '%', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\017', 'c', 's', 'h', 'a', 'r', 'p', 'N', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p',
'R', '\017', 'o', 'b', 'j', 'c', 'C', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'P', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', ')', '\n', '\020', 'c', 's', 'h', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\022', '!', '\n', '\014', 's', 'w', 'i', 'f', 't', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\030', '\'', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t',
'r', 'p', '_', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\030', '%', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\017', 'c', 's', 'h', 'a', 'r', 'R', '\013', 's', 'w', 'i', 'f', 't', 'P', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', '(', '\n', '\020', 'p', 'h', 'p', '_', 'c', 'l', 'a', 's',
'p', 'N', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\022', '!', '\n', '\014', 's', 'w', 'i', 'f', 't', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 's', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\030', '(', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\016', 'p', 'h', 'p', 'C', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'P',
'x', '\030', '\'', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\013', 's', 'w', 'i', 'f', 't', 'P', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', '(', '\n', '\020', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', '#', '\n', '\r', 'p', 'h', 'p', '_', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\030', ')', ' ',
'h', 'p', '_', 'c', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', '_', 'p', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\030', '(', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\016', 'p', 'h', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\014', 'p', 'h', 'p', 'N', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\022', '4', '\n', '\026', 'p', 'h', 'p', '_',
'p', 'C', 'l', 'a', 's', 's', 'P', 'r', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'x', '\022', '#', '\n', '\r', 'p', 'h', 'p', '_', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'm', 'e', 't', 'a', 'd', 'a', 't', 'a', '_', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '\030', ',', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R',
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'N', 'G', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\010', '\n', '\004', 'C', 'O', 'R', 'D', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\020', '\n', '\014', 'S', 'T', 'R', 'I', 'N', 'G', '_',
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'D', '\020', '\002', '\"', 'C', '\n', '\016', 'U', 't', 'f', '8', 'V', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', '\033', '\n', '\027', 'J', 'S', '_', 'N', 'U', 'M', 'B', 'E', 'R', '\020', '\002', '\"', 'U', '\n', '\017', 'O', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'R', 'e', 't', 'e',
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'\017', 'M', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g', 'e', 'E', 'n', 'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\022', '\034', '\n', '\030', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'S', 'A', '\001', '\022', '\024', '\n', '\020', 'R', 'E', 'T', 'E', 'N', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'S', 'O', 'U', 'R', 'C', 'E', '\020', '\002', '\"', '\214',
'G', 'E', '_', 'E', 'N', 'C', 'O', 'D', 'I', 'N', 'G', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\017', '\002', '\n', '\020', 'O', 'p', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'T', 'a', 'r', 'g', 'e', 't', 'T', 'y', 'p', 'e', '\022', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'T', 'A',
'L', 'E', 'N', 'G', 'T', 'H', '_', 'P', 'R', 'E', 'F', 'I', 'X', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\r', '\n', '\t', 'D', 'E', 'L', 'I', 'R', 'G', 'E', 'T', '_', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\024', '\n', '\020', 'T', 'A',
'M', 'I', 'T', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\002', '\"', 'H', '\n', '\n', 'J', 's', 'o', 'n', 'F', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'a', 't', '\022', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'R', 'G', 'E', 'T', '_', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', 'F', 'I', 'L', 'E', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\037', '\n', '\033', 'T', 'A', 'R', 'G', 'E',
'J', 'S', 'O', 'N', '_', 'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', 'A', 'T', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\t', '\n', '\005', 'T', '_', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', 'E', 'X', 'T', 'E', 'N', 'S', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'R', 'A', 'N', 'G', 'E', '\020', '\002', '\022',
'A', 'L', 'L', 'O', 'W', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\026', '\n', '\022', 'L', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'Y', '_', 'B', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'E', 'F', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'T', 'A', 'R', 'G', 'E', 'T', '_', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'G', 'E', '\020', '\003', '\022',
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'e', 't', '.', 'F', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'd', 'P', 'r', 'e', 's', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'e', 'B', '9', '\210', '\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\004', '\230',
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'P', 'L', 'I', 'C', 'I', 'T', '\030', '\347', '\007', '\242', '\001', '\r', '\022', '\010', 'E', 'X', 'P', 'L', 'I', 'C', 'I', 'T', '\030', '\350', '\007',
'R', '\r', 'f', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'd', 'P', 'r', 'e', 's', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'e', '\022', 'f', '\n', '\t', 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm', '_', 't',
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'\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\006', '\230', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\001', '\013', '\022', '\006', 'C', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'E', 'D', '\030', '\346', '\007', '\242', '\001', '\t',
'\022', '\004', 'O', 'P', 'E', 'N', '\030', '\347', '\007', 'R', '\010', 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm', 'T', 'y', 'p', 'e', '\022', '\222', '\001', '\n', '\027', 'r',
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'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'B', '\'', '\210', '\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\004', '\230', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\001', '\r', '\022', '\010', 'E', 'X', 'P', 'A', 'N',
'D', 'E', 'D', '\030', '\346', '\007', '\242', '\001', '\013', '\022', '\006', 'P', 'A', 'C', 'K', 'E', 'D', '\030', '\347', '\007', 'R', '\025', 'r', 'e', 'p',
'e', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', 'F', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'd', 'E', 'n', 'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\022', 'x', '\n', '\017', 'u', 't', 'f',
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'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 't', '.', 'U', 't',
'f', '8', 'V', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'B', '#', '\210', '\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\004', '\230', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\001',
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'\016', 'u', 't', 'f', '8', 'V', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', 'x', '\n', '\020', 'm', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g',
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'a', 'g', 'e', 'E', 'n', 'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'B', ' ', '\210', '\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\004', '\230', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\001', '\024',
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'a', 't', '\030', '\006', ' ', '\001', '(', '\016', '2', '&', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u',
'f', '.', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 't', '.', 'J', 's', 'o', 'n', 'F', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'a', 't', 'B', '3',
'\210', '\001', '\001', '\230', '\001', '\003', '\230', '\001', '\006', '\230', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\001', '\027', '\022', '\022', 'L', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'Y', '_', 'B',
'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'E', 'F', 'F', 'O', 'R', 'T', '\030', '\346', '\007', '\242', '\001', '\n', '\022', '\005', 'A', 'L', 'L', 'O', 'W', '\030', '\347',
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'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\014', '\n', '\010', 'E', 'X', 'P', 'L', 'I', 'C', 'I', 'T', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\014', '\n',
'\010', 'I', 'M', 'P', 'L', 'I', 'C', 'I', 'T', '\020', '\002', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\017', 'L', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'Y', '_', 'R', 'E', 'Q',
'U', 'I', 'R', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\003', '\"', '7', '\n', '\010', 'E', 'n', 'u', 'm', 'T', 'y', 'p', 'e', '\022', '\025', '\n', '\021', 'E', 'N',
'U', 'M', '_', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\010', '\n', '\004', 'O', 'P', 'E', 'N',
'\020', '\001', '\022', '\n', '\n', '\006', 'C', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\002', '\"', 'V', '\n', '\025', 'R', 'e', 'p', 'e', 'a', 't', 'e',
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'D', '_', 'F', 'I', 'E', 'L', 'D', '_', 'E', 'N', 'C', 'O', 'D', 'I', 'N', 'G', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020',
'\000', '\022', '\n', '\n', '\006', 'P', 'A', 'C', 'K', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\014', '\n', '\010', 'E', 'X', 'P', 'A', 'N', 'D', 'E', 'D',
'\020', '\002', '\"', 'C', '\n', '\016', 'U', 't', 'f', '8', 'V', 'a', 'l', 'i', 'd', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', '\033', '\n', '\027', 'U',
'T', 'F', '8', '_', 'V', 'A', 'L', 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022',
'\n', '\n', '\006', 'V', 'E', 'R', 'I', 'F', 'Y', '\020', '\002', '\022', '\010', '\n', '\004', 'N', 'O', 'N', 'E', '\020', '\003', '\"', 'S', '\n', '\017',
'M', 'e', 's', 's', 'a', 'g', 'e', 'E', 'n', 'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\022', '\034', '\n', '\030', 'M', 'E', 'S', 'S', 'A', 'G',
'E', '_', 'E', 'N', 'C', 'O', 'D', 'I', 'N', 'G', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\017', 'L',
'E', 'N', 'G', 'T', 'H', '_', 'P', 'R', 'E', 'F', 'I', 'X', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\r', '\n', '\t', 'D', 'E', 'L', 'I', 'M',
'I', 'T', 'E', 'D', '\020', '\002', '\"', 'H', '\n', '\n', 'J', 's', 'o', 'n', 'F', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'a', 't', '\022', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'J',
'S', 'O', 'N', '_', 'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', 'A', 'T', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\t', '\n', '\005', 'A',
'L', 'L', 'O', 'W', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\026', '\n', '\022', 'L', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'Y', '_', 'B', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'E', 'F', 'F',
'O', 'R', 'T', '\020', '\002', '*', '\006', '\010', '\350', '\007', '\020', '\351', '\007', '*', '\006', '\010', '\351', '\007', '\020', '\352', '\007', '*', '\006', '\010', '\213',
'N', '\020', '\220', 'N', 'J', '\006', '\010', '\347', '\007', '\020', '\350', '\007', '\"', '\376', '\002', '\n', '\022', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S',
'e', 't', 'D', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', 's', '\022', 'X', '\n', '\010', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', 's', '\030', '\001', ' ',
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't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 't', 'D', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', 's', '.', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e',
't', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'D', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', 'R', '\010', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', 's',
'\022', 'A', '\n', '\017', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm', '_', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\030', '\004', ' ', '\001', '(', '\016',
'2', '\030', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o',
'n', 'R', '\016', 'm', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', 'A', '\n', '\017', 'm', 'a', 'x', 'i',
'm', 'u', 'm', '_', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\030', '\005', ' ', '\001', '(', '\016', '2', '\030', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l',
'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'R', '\016', 'm', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm',
'u', 'm', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\032', '\207', '\001', '\n', '\030', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 't', 'E',
'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'D', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', '\022', '2', '\n', '\007', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\030',
'\003', ' ', '\001', '(', '\016', '2', '\030', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'E',
'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'R', '\007', 'e', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', '7', '\n', '\010', 'f', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r',
'e', 's', '\030', '\002', ' ', '\001', '(', '\013', '2', '\033', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u',
'f', '.', 'F', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'S', 'e', 't', 'R', '\010', 'f', 'e', 'a', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 's', '\"', '\247', '\002',
'\n', '\016', 'S', 'o', 'u', 'r', 'c', 'e', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'I', 'n', 'f', 'o', '\022', 'D', '\n', '\010', 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 't',
'i', 'o', 'n', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\003', '(', '\013', '2', '(', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b',
'u', 'f', '.', 'S', 'o', 'u', 'r', 'c', 'e', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'I', 'n', 'f', 'o', '.', 'L', 'o', 'c', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o',
'n', 'R', '\010', 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\032', '\316', '\001', '\n', '\010', 'L', 'o', 'c', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022',
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'l', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'C', 'o', 'm', 'm', 'e', 'n', 't', 's', '\022', '+', '\n', '\021', 't', 'r', 'a', 'i', 'l', 'i',
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'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r', 'a', 't', 'e', 'd', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'I', 'n', 'f', 'o', '\022', 'M', '\n', '\n', 'a', 'n', 'n', 'o',
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'n', 'n', 'o', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'R', '\n', 'a', 'n', 'n', 'o', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\032', '\353', '\001', '\n',
'\n', 'A', 'n', 'n', 'o', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', '\026', '\n', '\004', 'p', 'a', 't', 'h', '\030', '\001', ' ', '\003', '(', '\005',
'B', '\002', '\020', '\001', 'R', '\004', 'p', 'a', 't', 'h', '\022', '\037', '\n', '\013', 's', 'o', 'u', 'r', 'c', 'e', '_', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'e',
'\030', '\002', ' ', '\001', '(', '\t', 'R', '\n', 's', 'o', 'u', 'r', 'c', 'e', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', '\022', '\024', '\n', '\005', 'b', 'e', 'g',
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'\016', '2', '6', '.', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'G', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'r',
'a', 't', 'e', 'd', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e', 'I', 'n', 'f', 'o', '.', 'A', 'n', 'n', 'o', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '.', 'S',
'e', 'm', 'a', 'n', 't', 'i', 'c', 'R', '\010', 's', 'e', 'm', 'a', 'n', 't', 'i', 'c', '\"', '(', '\n', '\010', 'S', 'e', 'm', 'a',
'n', 't', 'i', 'c', '\022', '\010', '\n', '\004', 'N', 'O', 'N', 'E', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\007', '\n', '\003', 'S', 'E', 'T', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\t',
'\n', '\005', 'A', 'L', 'I', 'A', 'S', '\020', '\002', '*', '\377', '\001', '\n', '\007', 'E', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\017',
'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N', '\020', '\000', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\016', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T',
'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'P', 'R', 'O', 'T', 'O', '2', '\020', '\346', '\007', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\016', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_',
'P', 'R', 'O', 'T', 'O', '3', '\020', '\347', '\007', '\022', '\021', '\n', '\014', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', '2', '0', '2', '3',
'\020', '\350', '\007', '\022', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', '1', '_', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'O', 'N', 'L',
'Y', '\020', '\001', '\022', '\027', '\n', '\023', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', '2', '_', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'O', 'N', 'L',
'Y', '\020', '\002', '\022', '\035', '\n', '\027', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', '9', '9', '9', '9', '7', '_', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T',
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'8', '_', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'O', 'N', 'L', 'Y', '\020', '\236', '\215', '\006', '\022', '\035', '\n', '\027', 'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O',
'N', '_', '9', '9', '9', '9', '9', '_', 'T', 'E', 'S', 'T', '_', 'O', 'N', 'L', 'Y', '\020', '\237', '\215', '\006', '\022', '\023', '\n', '\013',
'E', 'D', 'I', 'T', 'I', 'O', 'N', '_', 'M', 'A', 'X', '\020', '\377', '\377', '\377', '\377', '\007', 'B', '~', '\n', '\023', 'c', 'o', 'm', '.',
'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', 'B', '\020', 'D', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't',
'o', 'r', 'P', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 's', 'H', '\001', 'Z', '-', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e', '.', 'g', 'o', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g',
'.', 'o', 'r', 'g', '/', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '/', 't', 'y', 'p', 'e', 's', '/', 'd', 'e', 's', 'c', 'r',
'i', 'p', 't', 'o', 'r', 'p', 'b', '\370', '\001', '\001', '\242', '\002', '\003', 'G', 'P', 'B', '\252', '\002', '\032', 'G', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e',
'.', 'P', 'r', 'o', 't', 'o', 'b', 'u', 'f', '.', 'R', 'e', 'f', 'l', 'e', 'c', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n',
}; };
static _upb_DefPool_Init *deps[1] = { static _upb_DefPool_Init *deps[1] = {
@ -2224,7 +2221,7 @@ _upb_DefPool_Init google_protobuf_descriptor_proto_upbdefinit = {
deps, deps,
&google_protobuf_descriptor_proto_upb_file_layout, &google_protobuf_descriptor_proto_upb_file_layout,
"google/protobuf/descriptor.proto", "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto",
UPB_STRINGVIEW_INIT(descriptor, 11646) UPB_STRINGVIEW_INIT(descriptor, 11595)
}; };

@ -7327,33 +7327,33 @@ UPB_INLINE char* google_protobuf_FileOptions_serialize_ex(const google_protobuf_
return ptr; return ptr;
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -7387,18 +7387,18 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_multiple_files(const google
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -7507,146 +7507,131 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_cc_enable_arenas(const google_pr
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
bool default_val = false;
bool ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret;
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL;
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -7657,7 +7642,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_Fil
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (size) { if (size) {
*size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0; *size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0;
@ -7665,7 +7650,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_up
return arr; return arr;
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray( upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(
(upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena); (upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena);
if (size) { if (size) {
@ -7675,11 +7660,11 @@ UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) {
@ -7691,7 +7676,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_multiple_files(google_proto
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
@ -7723,39 +7708,35 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_enable_arenas(google_protobuf
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
@ -7767,7 +7748,7 @@ UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutabl
return sub; return sub;
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -7778,11 +7759,11 @@ UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mut
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena); return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena);
if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized( if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized(
arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) { arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) {
@ -10545,7 +10526,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_set_semantic(google
/* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
/* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
#define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(112, 200) #define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(104, 192)
#ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */ } /* extern "C" */

@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ static const upb_MiniTableSub google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[3] = {
{.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init}, {.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init},
}; };
static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = { static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[21] = {
{1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
@ -851,35 +851,34 @@ static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = {
{23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
}; };
const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = { const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
&google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0],
&google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0],
UPB_SIZE(112, 200), 22, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0, UPB_SIZE(104, 192), 21, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0,
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x001800000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x001000000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0028000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x0020000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt}, {0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt},
{0x003800000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x003000000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
@ -889,15 +888,15 @@ const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
{0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x005800000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x005000000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00780000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00700000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00880000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00800000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00100000120002d0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00980000130002e2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00900000120002e2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00a80000140002ea, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00a00000130002ea, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
}) })

@ -7831,33 +7831,33 @@ UPB_INLINE char* google_protobuf_FileOptions_serialize_ex(const google_protobuf_
return ptr; return ptr;
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -7891,18 +7891,18 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_multiple_files(const google
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -8011,146 +8011,131 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_cc_enable_arenas(const google_pr
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
bool default_val = false;
bool ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret;
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL;
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -8161,7 +8146,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_Fil
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (size) { if (size) {
*size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0; *size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0;
@ -8169,7 +8154,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_up
return arr; return arr;
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray( upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(
(upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena); (upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena);
if (size) { if (size) {
@ -8179,11 +8164,11 @@ UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) {
@ -8195,7 +8180,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_multiple_files(google_proto
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
@ -8227,39 +8212,35 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_enable_arenas(google_protobuf
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
@ -8271,7 +8252,7 @@ UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutabl
return sub; return sub;
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -8282,11 +8263,11 @@ UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mut
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena); return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena);
if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized( if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized(
arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) { arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) {
@ -11049,7 +11030,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_set_semantic(google
/* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
/* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
#define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(112, 200) #define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(104, 192)
#ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */ } /* extern "C" */

@ -3049,33 +3049,33 @@ UPB_INLINE char* google_protobuf_FileOptions_serialize_ex(const google_protobuf_
return ptr; return ptr;
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_outer_classname(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -3109,18 +3109,18 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_java_multiple_files(const google
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_go_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
@ -3229,146 +3229,131 @@ UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_cc_enable_arenas(const google_pr
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_objc_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_csharp_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_swift_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_class_prefix(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
bool default_val = false;
bool ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret;
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_generic_services(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_php_metadata_namespace(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE upb_StringView google_protobuf_FileOptions_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString(""); upb_StringView default_val = upb_StringView_FromString("");
upb_StringView ret; upb_StringView ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_ruby_package(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* default_val = NULL;
const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret; const google_protobuf_FeatureSet* ret;
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret); _upb_Message_GetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &default_val, &ret);
return ret; return ret;
} }
UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE bool google_protobuf_FileOptions_has_features(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field); return _upb_Message_HasNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_clear_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field); _upb_Message_ClearNonExtensionField(msg, &field);
} }
UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -3379,7 +3364,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* const* google_protobuf_Fil
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field); const upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetArray(msg, &field);
if (size) { if (size) {
*size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0; *size = arr ? arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) : 0;
@ -3387,7 +3372,7 @@ UPB_INLINE const upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_up
return arr; return arr;
} }
UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_upb_array(const google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size, upb_Arena* arena) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray( upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(
(upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena); (upb_Message*)msg, &field, arena);
if (size) { if (size) {
@ -3397,11 +3382,11 @@ UPB_INLINE upb_Array* _google_protobuf_FileOptions_uninterpreted_option_mutable_
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_outer_classname(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_optimize_for(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, int32_t value) {
@ -3413,7 +3398,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_java_multiple_files(google_proto
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_go_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
@ -3445,39 +3430,35 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_cc_enable_arenas(google_protobuf
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_objc_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_csharp_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_swift_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_class_prefix(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_generic_services(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, bool value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_php_metadata_namespace(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_ruby_package(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, upb_StringView value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) { UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_FileOptions_set_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions *msg, google_protobuf_FeatureSet* value) {
const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; const upb_MiniTableField field = {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
_upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value); _upb_Message_SetNonExtensionField(msg, &field, &value);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_features(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
@ -3489,7 +3470,7 @@ UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_FeatureSet* google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutabl
return sub; return sub;
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mutable_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t* size) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetMutableArray(msg, &field);
if (arr) { if (arr) {
if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size); if (size) *size = arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size);
@ -3500,11 +3481,11 @@ UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_mut
} }
} }
UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption** google_protobuf_FileOptions_resize_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, size_t size, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena); return (google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption**)upb_Message_ResizeArrayUninitialized(msg, &field, size, arena);
} }
UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) { UPB_INLINE struct google_protobuf_UninterpretedOption* google_protobuf_FileOptions_add_uninterpreted_option(google_protobuf_FileOptions* msg, upb_Arena* arena) {
upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}; upb_MiniTableField field = {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)};
upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena); upb_Array* arr = upb_Message_GetOrCreateMutableArray(msg, &field, arena);
if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized( if (!arr || !_upb_Array_ResizeUninitialized(
arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) { arr, arr->UPB_PRIVATE(size) + 1, arena)) {
@ -6267,7 +6248,7 @@ UPB_INLINE void google_protobuf_GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_set_semantic(google
/* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 32 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
/* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */ /* Max size 64 is google.protobuf.FileOptions */
#define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(112, 200) #define _UPB_MAXOPT_SIZE UPB_SIZE(104, 192)
#ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */ } /* extern "C" */

@ -453,12 +453,12 @@ static const upb_MiniTableSub google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[3] = {
{.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init}, {.UPB_PRIVATE(subenum) = &google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_init},
}; };
static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = { static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[21] = {
{1, UPB_SIZE(28, 24), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {1, UPB_SIZE(24, 16), 1, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{8, UPB_SIZE(36, 40), 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {8, 32, 2, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {9, 4, 3, 2, 14, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {10, 8, 4, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{11, UPB_SIZE(44, 56), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {11, UPB_SIZE(40, 48), 5, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {16, 9, 6, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {17, 10, 7, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {18, 11, 8, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
@ -466,35 +466,34 @@ static const upb_MiniTableField google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[22] = {
{23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {23, 13, 10, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {27, 14, 11, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {31, 15, 12, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{36, UPB_SIZE(52, 72), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {36, UPB_SIZE(48, 64), 13, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{37, UPB_SIZE(60, 88), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {37, UPB_SIZE(56, 80), 14, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{39, UPB_SIZE(68, 104), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {39, UPB_SIZE(64, 96), 15, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{40, UPB_SIZE(76, 120), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {40, UPB_SIZE(72, 112), 16, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{41, UPB_SIZE(84, 136), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {41, UPB_SIZE(80, 128), 17, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{42, 16, 18, kUpb_NoSub, 8, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_1Byte << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {44, UPB_SIZE(88, 144), 18, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{44, UPB_SIZE(92, 152), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {45, UPB_SIZE(96, 160), 19, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{45, UPB_SIZE(100, 168), 20, kUpb_NoSub, 12, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | (int)kUpb_LabelFlags_IsAlternate | ((int)kUpb_FieldRep_StringView << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {50, UPB_SIZE(16, 176), 20, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{50, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 21, 0, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Scalar | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)}, {999, UPB_SIZE(20, 184), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
{999, UPB_SIZE(24, 192), 0, 1, 11, (int)kUpb_FieldMode_Array | ((int)UPB_SIZE(kUpb_FieldRep_4Byte, kUpb_FieldRep_8Byte) << kUpb_FieldRep_Shift)},
}; };
const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = { const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
&google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions_submsgs[0],
&google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0], &google_protobuf_FileOptions__fields[0],
UPB_SIZE(112, 200), 22, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0, UPB_SIZE(104, 192), 21, kUpb_ExtMode_Extendable, 1, UPB_FASTTABLE_MASK(248), 0,
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x001800000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x001000000100000a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0028000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x0020000002000042, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt}, {0x0008000004000050, &upb_psb1_1bt},
{0x003800000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt}, {0x003000000500005a, &upb_pss_1bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
@ -504,15 +503,15 @@ const upb_MiniTable google__protobuf__FileOptions_msg_init = {
{0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000b000008000190, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000c0000090001a0, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x005800000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x005000000e0002aa, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000d00000a0001b8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00780000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00700000100002c2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00880000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00800000110002ca, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00100000120002d0, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000e00000b0001d8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
{0x00980000130002e2, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00900000120002e2, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x00a80000140002ea, &upb_pss_2bt}, {0x00a00000130002ea, &upb_pss_2bt},
{0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric}, {0x0000000000000000, &_upb_FastDecoder_DecodeGeneric},
{0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt}, {0x000f00000c0001f8, &upb_psb1_2bt},
}) })
