@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization |
ICodedInputStream codedInput = CreateInputStream(options, contentType, input); |
return (TBuilder)builder.WeakMergeFrom(codedInput, options.ExtensionRegistry); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Writes the message instance to the stream using the content type provided |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="message">An instance of a message</param> |
/// <param name="options">Options specific to writing this message and/or content type</param> |
/// <param name="contentType">The mime type of the content to be written</param> |
/// <param name="output">The stream to write the message to</param> |
public static void WriteTo(this IMessageLite message, MessageFormatOptions options, string contentType, Stream output) |
/// <remarks> If you do not dispose of ICodedOutputStream some formats may yield incomplete output </remarks> |
public static ICodedOutputStream CreateOutputStream(MessageFormatOptions options, string contentType, Stream output) |
{ |
FormatType outputType = ContentTypeToFormat(contentType, options.DefaultContentType); |
@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization |
else |
{ |
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings() |
{ |
CheckCharacters = false, |
NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, |
OmitXmlDeclaration = true, |
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, |
Indent = true, |
IndentChars = " ", |
NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine, |
}; |
{ |
CheckCharacters = false, |
NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, |
OmitXmlDeclaration = true, |
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, |
Indent = true, |
IndentChars = " ", |
NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine, |
}; |
writer = XmlFormatWriter.CreateInstance(XmlWriter.Create(output, settings)); |
} |
writer.RootElementName = options.XmlWriterRootElementName; |
@ -114,12 +114,29 @@ namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization |
else |
throw new NotSupportedException(); |
message.WriteTo(codedOutput); |
return codedOutput; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Writes the message instance to the stream using the content type provided |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="message">An instance of a message</param> |
/// <param name="options">Options specific to writing this message and/or content type</param> |
/// <param name="contentType">The mime type of the content to be written</param> |
/// <param name="output">The stream to write the message to</param> |
public static void WriteTo(this IMessageLite message, MessageFormatOptions options, string contentType, Stream output) |
{ |
using (ICodedOutputStream codedOutput = CreateOutputStream(options, contentType, output)) |
{ |
message.WriteTo(codedOutput); |
if (codedOutput is AbstractWriter) |
((AbstractWriter) codedOutput).EndMessage(); |
// This is effectivly done by Dispose(); however, if you need to finalize a message |
// without disposing the underlying stream, this is the only way to do it. |
if (codedOutput is AbstractWriter) |
((AbstractWriter)codedOutput).EndMessage(); |
codedOutput.Flush(); |
codedOutput.Flush(); |
} |
} |