@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ |
#include <string> |
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h" |
#include <gmock/gmock.h> |
#include <gtest/gtest.h> |
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/unittest.pb.h" |
#include "google/protobuf/unittest_no_field_presence.pb.h" |
@ -17,6 +20,8 @@ namespace google { |
namespace protobuf { |
namespace { |
using ::testing::StrEq; |
// Helper: checks that all fields have default (zero/empty) values.
void CheckDefaultValues( |
const proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::TestAllTypes& m) { |
@ -457,6 +462,74 @@ TEST(NoFieldPresenceTest, MergeFromIfNonzeroTest) { |
EXPECT_EQ("test2", dest.optional_string()); |
} |
TEST(NoFieldPresenceTest, ExtraZeroesInWireParseTest) { |
// check extra serialized zeroes on the wire are parsed into the object.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::ForeignMessage dest; |
dest.set_c(42); |
ASSERT_EQ(42, dest.c()); |
// ExplicitForeignMessage has the same fields as ForeignMessage, but with
// explicit presence instead of implicit presence.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::ExplicitForeignMessage source; |
source.set_c(0); |
std::string wire = source.SerializeAsString(); |
ASSERT_THAT(wire, StrEq(absl::string_view{"\x08\x00", 2})); |
// The "parse" operation clears all fields before merging from wire.
ASSERT_TRUE(dest.ParseFromString(wire)); |
EXPECT_EQ(0, dest.c()); |
std::string dest_data; |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest.SerializeToString(&dest_data)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest_data.empty()); |
} |
TEST(NoFieldPresenceTest, ExtraZeroesInWireMergeTest) { |
// check explicit zeros on the wire are merged into an implicit one.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::ForeignMessage dest; |
dest.set_c(42); |
ASSERT_EQ(42, dest.c()); |
// ExplicitForeignMessage has the same fields as ForeignMessage, but with
// explicit presence instead of implicit presence.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::ExplicitForeignMessage source; |
source.set_c(0); |
std::string wire = source.SerializeAsString(); |
ASSERT_THAT(wire, StrEq(absl::string_view{"\x08\x00", 2})); |
// TODO: b/356132170 -- Add conformance tests to ensure this behaviour is
// well-defined.
// As implemented, the C++ "merge" operation does not distinguish between
// implicit and explicit fields when reading from the wire.
ASSERT_TRUE(dest.MergeFromString(wire)); |
// If zero is present on the wire, the original value is overwritten, even
// though this is specified as an "implicit presence" field.
EXPECT_EQ(0, dest.c()); |
std::string dest_data; |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest.SerializeToString(&dest_data)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest_data.empty()); |
} |
TEST(NoFieldPresenceTest, ExtraZeroesInWireLastWins) { |
// check that, when the same field is present multiple times on the wire, we
// always take the last one -- even if it is a zero.
absl::string_view wire{"\x08\x01\x08\x00", /*len=*/4}; // note the null-byte.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::ForeignMessage dest; |
// TODO: b/356132170 -- Add conformance tests to ensure this behaviour is
// well-defined.
// As implemented, the C++ "merge" operation does not distinguish between
// implicit and explicit fields when reading from the wire.
ASSERT_TRUE(dest.MergeFromString(wire)); |
// If the same field is present multiple times on the wire, "last one wins".
// i.e. -- the last seen field content will always overwrite, even if it's
// zero and the field is implicit presence.
EXPECT_EQ(0, dest.c()); |
std::string dest_data; |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest.SerializeToString(&dest_data)); |
EXPECT_TRUE(dest_data.empty()); |
} |
TEST(NoFieldPresenceTest, IsInitializedTest) { |
// Check that IsInitialized works properly.
proto2_nofieldpresence_unittest::TestProto2Required message; |