@ -173,13 +173,12 @@ class _NestedDescriptorBase(DescriptorBase):
Args :
options : Protocol message options or None
to use default message options .
options_class_name : ( str ) The class name of the above options .
name : ( str ) Name of this protocol message type .
full_name : ( str ) Fully - qualified name of this protocol message type ,
options_class_name ( str ) : The class name of the above options .
name ( str ) : Name of this protocol message type .
full_name ( str ) : Fully - qualified name of this protocol message type ,
which will include protocol " package " name and the name of any
enclosing types .
file : ( FileDescriptor ) Reference to file info .
file ( FileDescriptor ) : Reference to file info .
containing_type : if provided , this is a nested descriptor , with this
descriptor as parent , otherwise None .
serialized_start : The start index ( inclusive ) in block in the
@ -223,56 +222,45 @@ class Descriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for a protocol message type.
A Descriptor instance has the following attributes :
name : ( str ) Name of this protocol message type .
full_name : ( str ) Fully - qualified name of this protocol message type ,
which will include protocol " package " name and the name of any
enclosing types .
containing_type : ( Descriptor ) Reference to the descriptor of the
type containing us , or None if this is top - level .
fields : ( list of FieldDescriptors ) Field descriptors for all
fields in this type .
fields_by_number : ( dict int - > FieldDescriptor ) Same FieldDescriptor
objects as in | fields | , but indexed by " number " attribute in each
FieldDescriptor .
fields_by_name : ( dict str - > FieldDescriptor ) Same FieldDescriptor
objects as in | fields | , but indexed by " name " attribute in each
FieldDescriptor .
fields_by_camelcase_name : ( dict str - > FieldDescriptor ) Same
FieldDescriptor objects as in | fields | , but indexed by
" camelcase_name " attribute in each FieldDescriptor .
nested_types : ( list of Descriptors ) Descriptor references
for all protocol message types nested within this one .
nested_types_by_name : ( dict str - > Descriptor ) Same Descriptor
objects as in | nested_types | , but indexed by " name " attribute
in each Descriptor .
enum_types : ( list of EnumDescriptors ) EnumDescriptor references
for all enums contained within this type .
enum_types_by_name : ( dict str - > EnumDescriptor ) Same EnumDescriptor
objects as in | enum_types | , but indexed by " name " attribute
in each EnumDescriptor .
enum_values_by_name : ( dict str - > EnumValueDescriptor ) Dict mapping
from enum value name to EnumValueDescriptor for that value .
extensions : ( list of FieldDescriptor ) All extensions defined directly
within this message type ( NOT within a nested type ) .
extensions_by_name : ( dict , string - > FieldDescriptor ) Same FieldDescriptor
objects as | extensions | , but indexed by " name " attribute of each
FieldDescriptor .
is_extendable : Does this type define any extension ranges ?
oneofs : ( list of OneofDescriptor ) The list of descriptors for oneof fields
in this message .
oneofs_by_name : ( dict str - > OneofDescriptor ) Same objects as in | oneofs | ,
but indexed by " name " attribute .
file : ( FileDescriptor ) Reference to file descriptor .
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of this protocol message type .
full_name ( str ) : Fully - qualified name of this protocol message type ,
which will include protocol " package " name and the name of any
enclosing types .
containing_type ( Descriptor ) : Reference to the descriptor of the type
containing us , or None if this is top - level .
fields ( list [ FieldDescriptor ] ) : Field descriptors for all fields in
this type .
fields_by_number ( dict ( int , FieldDescriptor ) ) : Same
: class : ` FieldDescriptor ` objects as in : attr : ` fields ` , but indexed
by " number " attribute in each FieldDescriptor .
fields_by_name ( dict ( str , FieldDescriptor ) ) : Same
: class : ` FieldDescriptor ` objects as in : attr : ` fields ` , but indexed by
" name " attribute in each : class : ` FieldDescriptor ` .
nested_types ( list [ Descriptor ] ) : Descriptor references
for all protocol message types nested within this one .
nested_types_by_name ( dict ( str , Descriptor ) ) : Same Descriptor
objects as in : attr : ` nested_types ` , but indexed by " name " attribute
in each Descriptor .
enum_types ( list [ EnumDescriptor ] ) : : class : ` EnumDescriptor ` references
for all enums contained within this type .
enum_types_by_name ( dict ( str , EnumDescriptor ) ) : Same
: class : ` EnumDescriptor ` objects as in : attr : ` enum_types ` , but
indexed by " name " attribute in each EnumDescriptor .
enum_values_by_name ( dict ( str , EnumValueDescriptor ) ) : Dict mapping
from enum value name to : class : ` EnumValueDescriptor ` for that value .
extensions ( list [ FieldDescriptor ] ) : All extensions defined directly
within this message type ( NOT within a nested type ) .
extensions_by_name ( dict ( str , FieldDescriptor ) ) : Same FieldDescriptor
objects as : attr : ` extensions ` , but indexed by " name " attribute of each
FieldDescriptor .
is_extendable ( bool ) : Does this type define any extension ranges ?
oneofs ( list [ OneofDescriptor ] ) : The list of descriptors for oneof fields
in this message .
oneofs_by_name ( dict ( str , OneofDescriptor ) ) : Same objects as in
: attr : ` oneofs ` , but indexed by " name " attribute .
file ( FileDescriptor ) : Reference to file descriptor .
@ -345,6 +333,9 @@ class Descriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
def fields_by_camelcase_name ( self ) :
""" Same FieldDescriptor objects as in :attr:`fields`, but indexed by
: attr : ` FieldDescriptor . camelcase_name ` .
if self . _fields_by_camelcase_name is None :
self . _fields_by_camelcase_name = dict (
( f . camelcase_name , f ) for f in self . fields )
@ -393,53 +384,51 @@ class FieldDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for a single field in a .proto file.
A FieldDescriptor instance has the following attributes :
name : ( str ) Name of this field , exactly as it appears in . proto .
full_name : ( str ) Name of this field , including containing scope . This is
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of this field , exactly as it appears in . proto .
full_name ( str ) : Name of this field , including containing scope . This is
particularly relevant for extensions .
camelcase_name : ( str ) Camelcase name of this field .
index : ( int ) Dense , 0 - indexed index giving the order that this
index ( int ) : Dense , 0 - indexed index giving the order that this
field textually appears within its message in the . proto file .
number : ( int ) Tag number declared for this field in the . proto file .
number ( int ) : Tag number declared for this field in the . proto file .
type : ( One of the TYPE_ * constants below ) Declared type .
cpp_type : ( One of the CPPTYPE_ * constants below ) C + + type used to
type ( int ) : ( One of the TYPE_ * constants below ) Declared type .
cpp_type ( int ) : ( One of the CPPTYPE_ * constants below ) C + + type used to
represent this field .
label : ( One of the LABEL_ * constants below ) Tells whether this
label ( int ) : ( One of the LABEL_ * constants below ) Tells whether this
field is optional , required , or repeated .
has_default_value : ( bool ) True if this field has a default value defined ,
has_default_value ( bool ) : True if this field has a default value defined ,
otherwise false .
default_value : ( Varies ) Default value of this field . Only
default_value ( Varies ) : Default value of this field . Only
meaningful for non - repeated scalar fields . Repeated fields
should always set this to [ ] , and non - repeated composite
fields should always set this to None .
containing_type : ( Descriptor ) Descriptor of the protocol message
containing_type ( Descriptor ) : Descriptor of the protocol message
type that contains this field . Set by the Descriptor constructor
if we ' re passed into one.
Somewhat confusingly , for extension fields , this is the
descriptor of the EXTENDED message , not the descriptor
of the message containing this field . ( See is_extension and
extension_scope below ) .
message_type : ( Descriptor ) If a composite field , a descriptor
message_type ( Descriptor ) : If a composite field , a descriptor
of the message type contained in this field . Otherwise , this is None .
enum_type : ( EnumDescriptor ) If this field contains an enum , a
enum_type ( EnumDescriptor ) : If this field contains an enum , a
descriptor of that enum . Otherwise , this is None .
is_extension : True iff this describes an extension field .
extension_scope : ( Descriptor ) Only meaningful if is_extension is True .
extension_scope ( Descriptor ) : Only meaningful if is_extension is True .
Gives the message that immediately contains this extension field .
Will be None iff we ' re a top-level (file-level) extension field.
options : ( descriptor_pb2 . FieldOptions ) Protocol message field options or
options ( descriptor_pb2 . FieldOptions ) : Protocol message field options or
None to use default field options .
containing_oneof : ( OneofDescriptor ) If the field is a member of a oneof
containing_oneof ( OneofDescriptor ) : If the field is a member of a oneof
union , contains its descriptor . Otherwise , None .
file : ( FileDescriptor ) Reference to file descriptor .
file ( FileDescriptor ) : Reference to file descriptor .
# Must be consistent with C++ FieldDescriptor::Type enum in
@ -579,6 +568,11 @@ class FieldDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
def camelcase_name ( self ) :
""" Camelcase name of this field.
Returns :
str : the name in CamelCase .
if self . _camelcase_name is None :
self . _camelcase_name = _ToCamelCase ( self . name )
return self . _camelcase_name
@ -594,7 +588,7 @@ class FieldDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
Args :
proto_type : the Python proto type ( descriptor . FieldDescriptor . TYPE_ * )
Returns :
descriptor . FieldDescriptor . CPPTYPE_ * , the C + + type .
int : descriptor . FieldDescriptor . CPPTYPE_ * , the C + + type .
Raises :
TypeTransformationError : when the Python proto type isn ' t known.
@ -608,24 +602,23 @@ class EnumDescriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for an enum defined in a .proto file.
An EnumDescriptor instance has the following attributes :
name : ( str ) Name of the enum type .
full_name : ( str ) Full name of the type , including package name
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of the enum type .
full_name ( str ) : Full name of the type , including package name
and any enclosing type ( s ) .
values : ( list of EnumValueDescriptors ) List of the values
values ( list [ EnumValueDescriptors ] ) : List of the values
in this enum .
values_by_name : ( dict str - > EnumValueDescriptor ) Same as | values | ,
values_by_name ( dict ( str , EnumValueDescriptor ) ) : Same as : attr : ` values ` ,
but indexed by the " name " field of each EnumValueDescriptor .
values_by_number : ( dict int - > EnumValueDescriptor ) Same as | values | ,
values_by_number ( dict ( int , EnumValueDescriptor ) ) : Same as : attr : ` values ` ,
but indexed by the " number " field of each EnumValueDescriptor .
containing_type : ( Descriptor ) Descriptor of the immediate containing
containing_type ( Descriptor ) : Descriptor of the immediate containing
type of this enum , or None if this is an enum defined at the
top level in a . proto file . Set by Descriptor ' s constructor
if we ' re passed into one.
file : ( FileDescriptor ) Reference to file descriptor .
options : ( descriptor_pb2 . EnumOptions ) Enum options message or
file ( FileDescriptor ) : Reference to file descriptor .
options ( descriptor_pb2 . EnumOptions ) : Enum options message or
None to use default enum options .
@ -664,7 +657,7 @@ class EnumDescriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
""" Copies this to a descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto.
Args :
proto : An empty descriptor_pb2 . EnumDescriptorP roto.
proto ( descriptor_pb2 . EnumDescriptorProto ) : An empty descriptor p roto .
# This function is overridden to give a better doc comment.
super ( EnumDescriptor , self ) . CopyToProto ( proto )
@ -674,14 +667,15 @@ class EnumValueDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for a single value within an enum.
name : ( str ) Name of this value .
index : ( int ) Dense , 0 - indexed index giving the order that this
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of this value .
index ( int ) : Dense , 0 - indexed index giving the order that this
value appears textually within its enum in the . proto file .
number : ( int ) Actual number assigned to this enum value .
type : ( EnumDescriptor ) EnumDescriptor to which this value
belongs . Set by EnumDescriptor ' s constructor if we ' re
number ( int ) : Actual number assigned to this enum value .
type ( EnumDescriptor ) : : class : ` EnumDescriptor ` to which this value
belongs . Set by : class : ` EnumDescriptor ` ' s constructor if we ' re
passed into one .
options : ( descriptor_pb2 . EnumValueOptions ) Enum value options message or
options ( descriptor_pb2 . EnumValueOptions ) : Enum value options message or
None to use default enum value options options .
@ -713,14 +707,15 @@ class EnumValueDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
class OneofDescriptor ( DescriptorBase ) :
""" Descriptor for a oneof field.
name : ( str ) Name of the oneof field .
full_name : ( str ) Full name of the oneof field , including package name .
index : ( int ) 0 - based index giving the order of the oneof field inside
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of the oneof field .
full_name ( str ) : Full name of the oneof field , including package name .
index ( int ) : 0 - based index giving the order of the oneof field inside
its containing type .
containing_type : ( Descriptor ) Descriptor of the protocol message
type that contains this field . Set by the Descriptor constructor
containing_type ( Descriptor ) : : class : ` Descriptor ` of the protocol message
type that contains this field . Set by the : class : ` Descriptor ` constructor
if we ' re passed into one.
fields : ( list of FieldDescriptor ) The list of field descriptors this
fields ( list [ FieldDescriptor ] ) : The list of field descriptors this
oneof can contain .
@ -750,18 +745,19 @@ class ServiceDescriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for a service.
name : ( str ) Name of the service .
full_name : ( str ) Full name of the service , including package name .
index : ( int ) 0 - indexed index giving the order that this services
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of the service .
full_name ( str ) : Full name of the service , including package name .
index ( int ) : 0 - indexed index giving the order that this services
definition appears within the . proto file .
methods : ( list of MethodDescriptor ) List of methods provided by this
methods ( list [ MethodDescriptor ] ) : List of methods provided by this
service .
methods_by_name : ( dict str - > MethodDescriptor ) Same MethodDescriptor
objects as in | methods_by_name | , but indexed by " name " attribute in each
MethodDescriptor .
options : ( descriptor_pb2 . ServiceOptions ) Service options message or
methods_by_name ( dict ( str , MethodDescriptor ) ) : Same
: class : ` MethodDescriptor ` objects as in : attr : ` methods_by_name ` , but
indexed by " name " attribute in each : class : ` MethodDescriptor ` .
options ( descriptor_pb2 . ServiceOptions ) : Service options message or
None to use default service options .
file : ( FileDescriptor ) Reference to file info .
file ( FileDescriptor ) : Reference to file info .
@ -788,14 +784,21 @@ class ServiceDescriptor(_NestedDescriptorBase):
method . containing_service = self
def FindMethodByName ( self , name ) :
""" Searches for the specified method, and returns its descriptor. """
""" Searches for the specified method, and returns its descriptor.
Args :
name ( str ) : Name of the method .
Returns :
MethodDescriptor or None : the desctiptor for the requested method , if
found .
return self . methods_by_name . get ( name , None )
def CopyToProto ( self , proto ) :
""" Copies this to a descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto.
Args :
proto : An empty descriptor_pb2 . ServiceDescriptorProto .
proto ( descriptor_pb2 . ServiceDescriptorProto ) : An empty descriptor p roto .
# This function is overridden to give a better doc comment.
super ( ServiceDescriptor , self ) . CopyToProto ( proto )
@ -805,15 +808,18 @@ class MethodDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
""" Descriptor for a method in a service.
name : ( str ) Name of the method within the service .
full_name : ( str ) Full name of method .
index : ( int ) 0 - indexed index of the method inside the service .
containing_service : ( ServiceDescriptor ) The service that contains this
method .
input_type : The descriptor of the message that this method accepts .
output_type : The descriptor of the message that this method returns .
options : ( descriptor_pb2 . MethodOptions ) Method options message or
None to use default method options .
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of the method within the service .
full_name ( str ) : Full name of method .
index ( int ) : 0 - indexed index of the method inside the service .
containing_service ( ServiceDescriptor ) : The service that contains this
method .
input_type ( Descriptor ) : The descriptor of the message that this method
accepts .
output_type ( Descriptor ) : The descriptor of the message that this method
returns .
options ( descriptor_pb2 . MethodOptions or None ) : Method options message , or
None to use default method options .
@ -844,24 +850,32 @@ class MethodDescriptor(DescriptorBase):
class FileDescriptor ( DescriptorBase ) :
""" Descriptor for a file. Mimics the descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto.
Note that enum_types_by_name , extensions_by_name , and dependencies
fields are only set by the message_factory module , and not by the
generated proto code .
name : name of file , relative to root of source tree .
package : name of the package
syntax : string indicating syntax of the file ( can be " proto2 " or " proto3 " )
serialized_pb : ( str ) Byte string of serialized
descriptor_pb2 . FileDescriptorProto .
dependencies : List of other FileDescriptors this FileDescriptor depends on .
public_dependencies : A list of FileDescriptors , subset of the dependencies
above , which were declared as " public " .
message_types_by_name : Dict of message names and their descriptors .
enum_types_by_name : Dict of enum names and their descriptors .
extensions_by_name : Dict of extension names and their descriptors .
services_by_name : Dict of services names and their descriptors .
pool : the DescriptorPool this descriptor belongs to . When not passed to the
constructor , the global default pool is used .
Note that : attr : ` enum_types_by_name ` , : attr : ` extensions_by_name ` , and
: attr : ` dependencies ` fields are only set by the
: py : mod : ` google . protobuf . message_factory ` module , and not by the generated
proto code .
Attributes :
name ( str ) : Name of file , relative to root of source tree .
package ( str ) : Name of the package
syntax ( str ) : string indicating syntax of the file ( can be " proto2 " or
" proto3 " )
serialized_pb ( bytes ) : Byte string of serialized
: class : ` descriptor_pb2 . FileDescriptorProto ` .
dependencies ( list [ FileDescriptor ] ) : List of other : class : ` FileDescriptor `
objects this : class : ` FileDescriptor ` depends on .
public_dependencies ( list [ FileDescriptor ] ) : A subset of
: attr : ` dependencies ` , which were declared as " public " .
message_types_by_name ( dict ( str , Descriptor ) ) : Mapping from message names
to their : class : ` Desctiptor ` .
enum_types_by_name ( dict ( str , EnumDescriptor ) ) : Mapping from enum names to
their : class : ` EnumDescriptor ` .
extensions_by_name ( dict ( str , FieldDescriptor ) ) : Mapping from extension
names declared at file scope to their : class : ` FieldDescriptor ` .
services_by_name ( dict ( str , ServiceDescriptor ) ) : Mapping from services '
names to their : class : ` ServiceDescriptor ` .
pool ( DescriptorPool ) : The pool this descriptor belongs to . When not
passed to the constructor , the global default pool is used .