34 changed files with 1202 additions and 1686 deletions
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ |
* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. |
* |
* Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. |
* Author: Josh Haberman <> |
*/ |
#include "upb_string.h" |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#ifdef __GLIBC__ |
#include <malloc.h> |
#elif defined(__APPLE__) |
#include <malloc/malloc.h> |
#endif |
static uint32_t upb_round_up_pow2(uint32_t v) { |
v--; |
v |= v >> 1; |
v |= v >> 2; |
v |= v >> 4; |
v |= v >> 8; |
v |= v >> 16; |
v++; |
return v; |
} |
upb_string *upb_string_new() { |
upb_string *str = malloc(sizeof(*str)); |
str->ptr = NULL; |
str->cached_mem = NULL; |
str->len = 0; |
#ifndef UPB_HAVE_MSIZE |
str->size = 0; |
#endif |
str->src = NULL; |
upb_atomic_init(&str->refcount, 1); |
return str; |
} |
uint32_t upb_string_size(upb_string *str) { |
#ifdef __GLIBC__ |
return malloc_usable_size(str->cached_mem); |
#elif defined(__APPLE__) |
return malloc_size(str->cached_mem); |
#else |
return str->size; |
#endif |
} |
void _upb_string_free(upb_string *str) { |
free(str->cached_mem); |
_upb_string_release(str); |
free(str); |
} |
char *upb_string_getrwbuf(upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t len) { |
// assert(str->ptr == NULL);
upb_strlen_t size = upb_string_size(str); |
if (size < len) { |
size = upb_round_up_pow2(len); |
str->cached_mem = realloc(str->cached_mem, size); |
#ifndef UPB_HAVE_MSIZE |
str->size = size; |
#endif |
} |
str->len = len; |
str->ptr = str->cached_mem; |
return str->cached_mem; |
} |
void upb_string_substr(upb_string *str, upb_string *target_str, |
upb_strlen_t start, upb_strlen_t len) { |
assert(str->ptr == NULL); |
assert(start + len <= upb_string_len(target_str)); |
if (target_str->src) { |
start += (target_str->ptr - target_str->src->ptr); |
target_str = target_str->src; |
} |
str->src = upb_string_getref(target_str); |
str->ptr = upb_string_getrobuf(target_str) + start; |
str->len = len; |
} |
size_t upb_string_vprintf_at(upb_string *str, size_t offset, const char *format, |
va_list args) { |
// Try once without reallocating. We have to va_copy because we might have
// to call vsnprintf again.
uint32_t size = UPB_MAX(upb_string_size(str) - offset, 16); |
char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(str, offset + size) + offset; |
va_list args_copy; |
va_copy(args_copy, args); |
uint32_t true_size = vsnprintf(buf, size, format, args_copy); |
va_end(args_copy); |
// Resize to be the correct size.
if (true_size >= size) { |
// Need to print again, because some characters were truncated. vsnprintf
// has weird behavior (and contrary IMO to what the standard says): it will
// not write the entire string unless you give it space to store the NULL
// terminator also. So we can't give it space for the string itself and
// let NULL get truncated (after all, we don't care about it): we *must*
// give it space for NULL.
buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(str, offset + true_size + 1) + offset; |
vsnprintf(buf, true_size + 1, format, args); |
} |
str->len = offset + true_size; |
return true_size; |
} |
upb_string *upb_string_asprintf(const char *format, ...) { |
upb_string *str = upb_string_new(); |
va_list args; |
va_start(args, format); |
upb_string_vprintf(str, format, args); |
va_end(args); |
return str; |
} |
upb_string *upb_strdup(upb_string *s) { |
upb_string *str = upb_string_new(); |
upb_strcpy(str, s); |
return str; |
} |
void upb_strcat(upb_string *s, upb_string *append) { |
uint32_t old_size = upb_string_len(s); |
uint32_t append_size = upb_string_len(append); |
uint32_t new_size = old_size + append_size; |
char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(s, new_size); |
memcpy(buf + old_size, upb_string_getrobuf(append), append_size); |
} |
upb_string *upb_strreadfile(const char *filename) { |
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); |
if(!f) return NULL; |
if(fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) goto error; |
long size = ftell(f); |
if(size < 0) goto error; |
if(fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto error; |
upb_string *s = upb_string_new(); |
char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(s, size); |
if(fread(buf, size, 1, f) != 1) goto error; |
fclose(f); |
return s; |
error: |
fclose(f); |
return NULL; |
} |
upb_string *upb_emptystring() { |
static upb_string empty = UPB_STATIC_STRING(""); |
return ∅ |
} |
char *upb_string_newcstr(upb_string *str) { |
upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(str); |
char *ret = malloc(len+1); |
memcpy(ret, upb_string_getrobuf(str), len); |
ret[len] = '\0'; |
return ret; |
} |
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@ |
* upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. |
* |
* Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. |
* Author: Josh Haberman <> |
* |
* This file defines a simple string type which is length-delimited instead |
* of NULL-terminated, and which has useful sharing semantics. |
* |
* The overriding goal of upb_string is to avoid memcpy(), malloc(), and free() |
* wheverever possible, while keeping both CPU and memory overhead low. |
* Throughout upb there are situations where one wants to reference all or part |
* of another string without copying. upb_string provides APIs for doing this, |
* and allows the referenced string to be kept alive for as long as anyone is |
* referencing it. |
* |
* Characteristics of upb_string: |
* - strings are reference-counted. |
* - strings are immutable (can be mutated only when first created or recycled). |
* - if a string has no other referents, it can be "recycled" into a new string |
* without having to reallocate the upb_string. |
* - strings can be substrings of other strings (owning a ref on the source |
* string). |
* |
* Reference-counted strings have recently fallen out of favor because of the |
* performance impacts of doing thread-safe reference counting with atomic |
* operations. We side-step this issue by not performing atomic operations |
* unless the string has been marked thread-safe. Time will tell whether this |
* scheme is easy and convenient enough to be practical. |
* |
* Strings are expected to be 8-bit-clean, but "char*" is such an entrenched |
* idiom that we go with it instead of making our pointers uint8_t*. |
* |
* you are logically passing a reference to a upb_string to another thread |
* (which implies that the other thread must eventually call unref of recycle), |
* you have two options: |
* |
* - create a copy of the string that will be used in the other thread only. |
* - call upb_string_get_synchronized_ref(), which will make getref, unref, and |
* recycle thread-safe for this upb_string. |
*/ |
#ifndef UPB_STRING_H |
#define UPB_STRING_H |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdarg.h> |
#include "upb_atomic.h" |
#include "upb.h" |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
// All members of this struct are private, and may only be read/written through
// the associated functions.
struct _upb_string { |
// The string's refcount.
upb_atomic_t refcount; |
// The pointer to our currently active data. This may be memory we own
// or a pointer into memory we don't own.
const char *ptr; |
// If non-NULL, this is a block of memory we own. We keep this cached even
// if "ptr" is currently aliasing memory we don't own.
char *cached_mem; |
// The effective length of the string (the bytes at ptr).
int32_t len; |
#ifndef UPB_HAVE_MSIZE |
// How many bytes are allocated in cached_mem.
// Many platforms have a function that can tell you the size of a block
// that was previously malloc'd. In this case we can avoid storing the
// size explicitly.
uint32_t size; |
#endif |
// Used if this is a slice of another string, NULL otherwise. We own a ref
// on src.
struct _upb_string *src; |
}; |
// Internal-only initializer for upb_string instances.
#define _UPB_STRING_INIT(str, len, refcount) {{refcount}, (char*)str, NULL, len, NULL} |
#else |
#define _UPB_STRING_INIT(str, len, refcount) {{refcount}, (char*)str, NULL, len, 0, NULL} |
#endif |
// Special pseudo-refcounts for static/stack-allocated strings, respectively.
// Returns a newly-created, empty, non-finalized string. When the string is no
// longer needed, it should be unref'd, never freed directly.
upb_string *upb_string_new(); |
// Internal-only; clients should call upb_string_unref().
void _upb_string_free(upb_string *str); |
// Releases a ref on the given string, which may free the memory. "str"
// can be NULL, in which case this is a no-op. WARNING: NOT THREAD_SAFE
INLINE void upb_string_unref(upb_string *str) { |
if (str) { |
} |
if (str && upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount) > 0 && |
upb_atomic_unref(&str->refcount)) { |
_upb_string_free(str); |
} |
} |
static void _upb_string_release(upb_string *str) { |
if(str->src) { |
upb_string_unref(str->src); |
str->src = NULL; |
} |
} |
upb_string *upb_strdup(upb_string *s); // Forward-declare.
// Returns a string with the same contents as "str". The caller owns a ref on
// the returned string, which may or may not be the same object as "str.
INLINE upb_string *upb_string_getref(upb_string *str) { |
int refcount = upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount); |
if (refcount == _UPB_STRING_REFCOUNT_STACK) return upb_strdup(str); |
// We don't ref the special <0 refcount for static strings.
if (refcount > 0) { |
upb_atomic_ref(&str->refcount); |
} |
return str; |
} |
// Returns the length of the string.
INLINE upb_strlen_t upb_string_len(upb_string *str) { return str->len; } |
INLINE bool upb_string_isempty(upb_string *str) { |
return !str || upb_string_len(str) == 0; |
} |
// Use to read the bytes of the string. The caller *must* call
// upb_string_endread() after the data has been read. The window between
// upb_string_getrobuf() and upb_string_endread() should be kept as short as
// possible, because any pending upb_string_detach() may be blocked until
// upb_string_endread is called(). No other functions may be called on the
// string during this window except upb_string_len().
INLINE const char *upb_string_getrobuf(upb_string *str) { return str->ptr; } |
INLINE void upb_string_endread(upb_string *str) { (void)str; } |
// Convenience method for getting the end of the string. Calls
// upb_string_getrobuf() so inherits the caveats of calling that function.
INLINE const char *upb_string_getbufend(upb_string *str) { |
return upb_string_getrobuf(str) + upb_string_len(str); |
} |
// Attempts to recycle the string "str" so it may be reused and have different
// data written to it. The caller MUST own a reference on the given string
// prior to making this call (ie. the caller must have either created the
// string or obtained a reference with upb_string_getref()).
// After the function returns, "str" points to a writable string, which is
// either the original string if it had no other references or a newly created
// string if it did have other references.
// As a special case, passing a pointer to NULL will allocate a new string.
// This is convenient for the pattern:
// upb_string *str = NULL;
// while (x) {
// if (y) {
// upb_string_recycle(&str);
// upb_src_getstr(str);
// }
// }
INLINE void upb_string_recycle(upb_string **_str) { |
upb_string *str = *_str; |
int r; |
if(str && ((r = upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount)) == 1 || |
str->ptr = NULL; |
str->len = 0; |
_upb_string_release(str); |
} else { |
//if (!str) {
// printf("!str\n");
//else if (upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount) != 1) { printf("refcount: %d\n", upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount)); }
//else { printf("Some other reason.\n"); }
upb_string_unref(str); |
*_str = upb_string_new(); |
} |
} |
// The options for setting the contents of a string. These may only be called
// when a string is first created or recycled; once other functions have been
// called on the string, these functions are not allowed until the string is
// recycled.
// Gets a pointer suitable for writing to the string, which is guaranteed to
// have at least "len" bytes of data available. The size of the string will
// become "len".
char *upb_string_getrwbuf(upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t len); |
// Replaces the contents of str with the contents of the given printf.
size_t upb_string_vprintf_at(upb_string *str, size_t offset, const char *format, |
va_list args); |
INLINE size_t upb_string_vprintf(upb_string *str, const char *format, |
va_list args) { |
return upb_string_vprintf_at(str, 0, format, args); |
} |
INLINE size_t upb_string_printf(upb_string *str, const char *format, ...) { |
va_list args; |
va_start(args, format); |
size_t written = upb_string_vprintf(str, format, args); |
va_end(args); |
return written; |
} |
// Sets the contents of "str" to be the given substring of "target_str", to
// which the caller must own a ref.
void upb_string_substr(upb_string *str, upb_string *target_str, |
upb_strlen_t start, upb_strlen_t len); |
// Sketch of an API for allowing upb_strings to reference external, unowned
// data. Waiting for a clear use case before actually implementing it.
// Makes the string "str" a reference to the given string data. The caller
// guarantees that the given string data will not change or be deleted until a
// matching call to upb_string_detach(), which may block until any concurrent
// readers have finished reading. upb_string_detach() preserves the contents
// of the string by copying the referenced data if there are any other
// referents.
// void upb_string_attach(upb_string *str, char *ptr, upb_strlen_t len);
// void upb_string_detach(upb_string *str);
// Allows using upb_strings in printf, ie:
// upb_strptr str = UPB_STRLIT("Hello, World!\n");
// printf("String is: " UPB_STRFMT, UPB_STRARG(str)); */
#define UPB_STRARG(str) upb_string_len(str), upb_string_getrobuf(str) |
#define UPB_STRFMT "%.*s" |
// Macros for constructing upb_string objects statically or on the stack. These
// can be used like:
// upb_string static_str = UPB_STATIC_STRING("Foo");
// int main() {
// upb_string stack_str = UPB_STACK_STRING("Foo");
// // Now:
// // upb_streql(&static_str, &stack_str) == true
// // upb_streql(&static_str, UPB_STRLIT("Foo")) == true
// }
// You can also use UPB_STACK_STRING or UPB_STATIC_STRING with character arrays,
// but you must not change the underlying data once you've passed the string on:
// void foo() {
// char data[] = "ABC123";
// upb_string stack_str = UPB_STACK_STR(data);
// bar(&stack_str);
// data[0] = "B"; // NOT ALLOWED!!
// }
// TODO: should the stack business just be like attach/detach? The latter seems
// more flexible, though it does require a stack allocation. Maybe put this off
// until there is a clear use case.
#define UPB_STATIC_STRING(str) \ |
#define UPB_STATIC_STRING_ARRAY(str) \ |
#define UPB_STATIC_STRING_LEN(str, len) \ |
#define UPB_STACK_STRING(str) \ |
#define UPB_STACK_STRING_LEN(str, len) \ |
// A convenient way of specifying upb_strings as literals, like:
// upb_streql(UPB_STRLIT("expected"), other_str);
// However, this requires either C99 compound initializers or C++.
// Must ONLY be called with a string literal as its argument!
//#ifdef __cplusplus
//namespace upb {
//class String : public upb_string {
// // This constructor must ONLY be called with a string literal.
// String(const char *str) : upb_string(UPB_STATIC_STRING(str)) {}
//#define UPB_STRLIT(str) upb::String(str)
#define UPB_STRLIT(str) &(upb_string)UPB_STATIC_STRING(str) |
// Returns a singleton empty string.
upb_string *upb_emptystring(); |
/* upb_string library functions ***********************************************/ |
// Named like their <string.h> counterparts, these are all safe against buffer
// overflow. For the most part these only use the public upb_string interface.
// More efficient than upb_strcmp if all you need is to test equality.
INLINE bool upb_streql(upb_string *s1, upb_string *s2) { |
upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(s1); |
if(len != upb_string_len(s2)) { |
return false; |
} else { |
bool ret = |
memcmp(upb_string_getrobuf(s1), upb_string_getrobuf(s2), len) == 0; |
upb_string_endread(s1); |
upb_string_endread(s2); |
return ret; |
} |
} |
// Like strcmp().
int upb_strcmp(upb_string *s1, upb_string *s2); |
// Compare a upb_string with memory or a NULL-terminated C string.
INLINE bool upb_streqllen(upb_string *str, const void *buf, upb_strlen_t len) { |
return len == upb_string_len(str) && |
memcmp(upb_string_getrobuf(str), buf, len) == 0; |
} |
INLINE bool upb_streqlc(upb_string *str, const void *buf) { |
// Could be made one-pass.
return upb_streqllen(str, buf, strlen((const char*)buf)); |
} |
// Like upb_strcpy, but copies from a buffer and length.
INLINE void upb_strcpylen(upb_string *dest, const void *src, upb_strlen_t len) { |
memcpy(upb_string_getrwbuf(dest, len), src, len); |
} |
// Replaces the contents of "dest" with the contents of "src".
INLINE void upb_strcpy(upb_string *dest, upb_string *src) { |
upb_strcpylen(dest, upb_string_getrobuf(src), upb_string_len(src)); |
upb_string_endread(src); |
} |
// Like upb_strcpy, but copies from a NULL-terminated string.
INLINE void upb_strcpyc(upb_string *dest, const void *src) { |
// This does two passes over src, but that is necessary unless we want to
// repeatedly re-allocate dst, which seems worse.
upb_strcpylen(dest, src, strlen((const char*)src)); |
} |
// Returns a new string whose contents are a copy of s.
upb_string *upb_strdup(upb_string *s); |
// Like upb_strdup(), but duplicates a given buffer and length.
INLINE upb_string *upb_strduplen(const void *src, upb_strlen_t len) { |
upb_string *s = upb_string_new(); |
upb_strcpylen(s, src, len); |
return s; |
} |
// Like upb_strdup(), but duplicates a C NULL-terminated string.
INLINE upb_string *upb_strdupc(const char *src) { |
return upb_strduplen(src, strlen(src)); |
} |
// Returns a newly-allocated NULL-terminated copy of str.
char *upb_string_newcstr(upb_string *str); |
// Appends 'append' to 's' in-place, resizing s if necessary.
void upb_strcat(upb_string *s, upb_string *append); |
// Returns a new string that is a substring of the given string.
INLINE upb_string *upb_strslice(upb_string *s, int offset, int len) { |
upb_string *str = upb_string_new(); |
upb_string_substr(str, s, offset, len); |
return str; |
} |
// Reads an entire file into a newly-allocated string.
upb_string *upb_strreadfile(const char *filename); |
// Returns a new string with the contents of the given printf.
upb_string *upb_string_asprintf(const char *format, ...); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} /* extern "C" */ |
#endif |
#endif |
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ |
#undef NDEBUG /* ensure tests always assert. */ |
#include "upb_string.h" |
char static_str[] = "Static string."; |
upb_string static_upbstr = UPB_STATIC_STRING(static_str); |
static void test_static() { |
// Static string is initialized appropriately.
assert(upb_streql(&static_upbstr, UPB_STRLIT("Static string."))); |
// Taking a ref on a static string returns the same string, and repeated
// refs don't get the string in a confused state.
assert(upb_string_getref(&static_upbstr) == &static_upbstr); |
assert(upb_string_getref(&static_upbstr) == &static_upbstr); |
assert(upb_string_getref(&static_upbstr) == &static_upbstr); |
// Unreffing a static string does nothing (is not harmful).
upb_string_unref(&static_upbstr); |
upb_string_unref(&static_upbstr); |
upb_string_unref(&static_upbstr); |
upb_string_unref(&static_upbstr); |
upb_string_unref(&static_upbstr); |
// Recycling a static string returns a new string (that can be modified).
upb_string *str = &static_upbstr; |
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
assert(str != &static_upbstr); |
upb_string_unref(str); |
} |
static void test_dynamic() { |
upb_string *str = upb_string_new(); |
assert(str != NULL); |
upb_string_unref(str); |
// Can also create a string by recycle(NULL).
str = NULL; |
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
assert(str != NULL); |
// Take a ref and recycle; should create a new string and release a ref
// on the old one.
upb_string *strcp = upb_string_getref(str); |
assert(strcp == str); |
assert(upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount) == 2); |
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
assert(strcp != str); |
assert(upb_atomic_read(&str->refcount) == 1); |
assert(upb_atomic_read(&strcp->refcount) == 1); |
upb_string_unref(strcp); |
upb_strcpyc(str, static_str); |
assert(upb_string_len(str) == (sizeof(static_str) - 1)); |
const char *robuf = upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
assert(robuf != NULL); |
assert(upb_streqlc(str, static_str)); |
upb_string_endread(str); |
upb_string *str2 = str; |
upb_string_recycle(&str2); |
// No other referents, so should return the same string.
assert(str2 == str); |
// Write a shorter string, the same memory should be reused.
upb_strcpyc(str, "XX"); |
const char *robuf2 = upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
assert(robuf2 == robuf); |
assert(upb_streqlc(str, "XX")); |
assert(upb_streql(str, UPB_STRLIT("XX"))); |
// Make string alias part of another string.
str2 = upb_strdupc("WXYZ"); |
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
upb_string_substr(str, str2, 1, 2); |
assert(upb_string_len(str) == 2); |
assert(upb_string_len(str2) == 4); |
// The two string should be aliasing the same data.
const char *robuf3 = upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
const char *robuf4 = upb_string_getrobuf(str2); |
assert(robuf3 == robuf4 + 1); |
// The aliased string should have an extra ref.
assert(upb_atomic_read(&str2->refcount) == 2); |
// Recycling str should eliminate the extra ref.
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
assert(upb_atomic_read(&str2->refcount) == 1); |
// Resetting str should reuse its old data.
upb_strcpyc(str, "XX"); |
const char *robuf5 = upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
assert(robuf5 == robuf); |
// Resetting str to something very long should require new data to be
// allocated.
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
upb_strcpyc(str, longstring); |
const char *robuf6 = upb_string_getrobuf(str); |
assert(robuf6 != robuf); |
assert(upb_streqlc(str, longstring)); |
// Test printf.
upb_string_recycle(&str); |
upb_string_printf(str, "Number: %d, String: %s", 5, "YO!"); |
assert(upb_streqlc(str, "Number: 5, String: YO!")); |
// Test asprintf
upb_string *str3 = upb_string_asprintf("Yo %s: " UPB_STRFMT "\n", |
"Josh", UPB_STRARG(str)); |
const char expected[] = "Yo Josh: Number: 5, String: YO!\n"; |
assert(upb_streqlc(str3, expected)); |
upb_string_unref(str); |
upb_string_unref(str2); |
upb_string_unref(str3); |
// Unref of NULL is harmless.
upb_string_unref(NULL); |
} |
int main() { |
test_static(); |
test_dynamic(); |
} |
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