@ -64,6 +64,17 @@ mod _opaque_pointees {
_data : [ u8 ; 0 ] ,
_marker : std ::marker ::PhantomData < ( * mut u8 , ::std ::marker ::PhantomPinned ) > ,
/// Opaque pointee for [`CppStdString`]
/// This type is not meant to be dereferenced in Rust code.
/// It is only meant to provide type safety for raw pointers
/// which are manipulated behind FFI.
#[ repr(C) ]
pub ( super ) struct CppStdStringData {
_data : [ u8 ; 0 ] ,
_marker : std ::marker ::PhantomData < ( * mut u8 , ::std ::marker ::PhantomPinned ) > ,
/// A raw pointer to the underlying message for this runtime.
@ -75,25 +86,45 @@ pub type RawRepeatedField = NonNull<_opaque_pointees::RawRepeatedFieldData>;
/// A raw pointer to the underlying arena for this runtime.
pub type RawMap = NonNull < _opaque_pointees ::RawMapData > ;
/// A raw pointer to a std::string.
type CppStdString = NonNull < _opaque_pointees ::CppStdStringData > ;
/// Kernel-specific owned `string` and `bytes` field type.
// TODO - b/334788521: Allocate this on the C++ side (maybe as a std::string), and move the
// std::string instead of copying the string_view (which we currently do).
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct InnerProtoString ( Box < [ u8 ] > ) ;
pub struct InnerProtoString {
owned_ptr : CppStdString ,
impl Drop for InnerProtoString {
fn drop ( & mut self ) {
// SAFETY: `self.owned_ptr` points to a valid std::string object.
unsafe {
proto2_rust_cpp_delete_string ( self . owned_ptr ) ;
impl InnerProtoString {
pub ( crate ) fn as_bytes ( & self ) -> & [ u8 ] {
self . 0. as_ref ( )
// SAFETY: `self.owned_ptr` points to a valid std::string object.
unsafe { proto2_rust_cpp_string_to_view ( self . owned_ptr ) . as_ref ( ) }
impl From < & [ u8 ] > for InnerProtoString {
fn from ( val : & [ u8 ] ) -> Self {
let owned_copy : Box < [ u8 ] > = val . into ( ) ;
InnerProtoString ( owned_copy )
// SAFETY: `val` is valid byte slice.
let owned_ptr : CppStdString = unsafe { proto2_rust_cpp_new_string ( val . into ( ) ) } ;
InnerProtoString { owned_ptr }
extern "C" {
fn proto2_rust_cpp_new_string ( src : PtrAndLen ) -> CppStdString ;
fn proto2_rust_cpp_delete_string ( src : CppStdString ) ;
fn proto2_rust_cpp_string_to_view ( src : CppStdString ) -> PtrAndLen ;
/// Represents an ABI-stable version of `NonNull<[u8]>`/`string_view` (a
/// borrowed slice of bytes) for FFI use only.