@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
/** Unit tests for Any message. */
@RunWith ( JUnit4 . class )
public class AnyTest {
public void testAnyGeneratedApi ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
@ -78,6 +77,40 @@ public class AnyTest {
public void testAnyGeneratedExemplarApi ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
TestUtil . setAllFields ( builder ) ;
TestAllTypes message = builder . build ( ) ;
TestAny container = TestAny . newBuilder ( ) . setValue ( Any . pack ( message ) ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
TestAllTypes result = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
// Unpacking to a wrong exemplar will throw an exception.
try {
container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "Exception is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
// expected.
// Test that unpacking throws an exception if parsing fails.
TestAny . Builder containerBuilder = container . toBuilder ( ) ;
containerBuilder . getValueBuilder ( ) . setValue ( ByteString . copyFrom ( new byte [ ] { 0x11 } ) ) ;
container = containerBuilder . build ( ) ;
try {
container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "Exception is expected." ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) {
// expected.
public void testCustomTypeUrls ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
@ -90,7 +123,9 @@ public class AnyTest {
. isEqualTo ( "xxx.com/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAllTypes . class ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAny . class ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
TestAllTypes result = container . getValue ( ) . unpack ( TestAllTypes . class ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
@ -101,7 +136,9 @@ public class AnyTest {
. isEqualTo ( "yyy.com/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAllTypes . class ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAny . class ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
result = container . getValue ( ) . unpack ( TestAllTypes . class ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
@ -112,12 +149,54 @@ public class AnyTest {
. isEqualTo ( "/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAllTypes . class ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . is ( TestAny . class ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
result = container . getValue ( ) . unpack ( TestAllTypes . class ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
public void testCustomTypeUrlsWithExemplars ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
TestUtil . setAllFields ( builder ) ;
TestAllTypes message = builder . build ( ) ;
TestAny container = TestAny . newBuilder ( ) . setValue ( Any . pack ( message , "xxx.com" ) ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . getTypeUrl ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( "xxx.com/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
TestAllTypes result = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
container = TestAny . newBuilder ( ) . setValue ( Any . pack ( message , "yyy.com/" ) ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . getTypeUrl ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( "yyy.com/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
result = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
container = TestAny . newBuilder ( ) . setValue ( Any . pack ( message , "" ) ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . getTypeUrl ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( "/" + TestAllTypes . getDescriptor ( ) . getFullName ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAny . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isFalse ( ) ;
result = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
TestUtil . assertAllFieldsSet ( result ) ;
public void testCachedUnpackResult ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
@ -132,4 +211,19 @@ public class AnyTest {
TestAllTypes result2 = container . getValue ( ) . unpack ( TestAllTypes . class ) ;
assertThat ( Objects . equals ( result1 , result2 ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
public void testCachedUnpackExemplarResult ( ) throws Exception {
TestAllTypes . Builder builder = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) ;
TestUtil . setAllFields ( builder ) ;
TestAllTypes message = builder . build ( ) ;
TestAny container = TestAny . newBuilder ( ) . setValue ( Any . pack ( message ) ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( container . getValue ( ) . isSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
TestAllTypes result1 = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
TestAllTypes result2 = container . getValue ( ) . unpackSameTypeAs ( TestAllTypes . getDefaultInstance ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( Objects . equals ( result1 , result2 ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;