Refactor the way output is handled in CommandLineInterface -- now it will be stored in-memory until all code generators have completed, then dumped to disk all at once. While this means that protoc uses more memory, the code is much simpler, and handles insertions much faster. Also, this made it easier to implement a useful feature: insertions will be indented to match the insertion point line. Therefore, when inserting into Python code, you don't have to figure out how much to indent your inserted code. The refactoring should also make it easier to implement output-to-jar at some point.

pull/3335/head 15 years ago
parent 46ed74e8d4
commit 5f12164f54
  1. 574
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 8
  5. 7

@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/substitute.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/map-util.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/stl_util-inl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/hash.h>
namespace google {
@ -132,6 +134,45 @@ void SetFdToBinaryMode(int fd) {
// (Text and binary are the same on non-Windows platforms.)
void AddTrailingSlash(string* path) {
if (!path->empty() && path->at(path->size() - 1) != '/') {
bool VerifyDirectoryExists(const string& path) {
if (path.empty()) return true;
if (access(path.c_str(), W_OK) == -1) {
cerr << path << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Try to create the parent directory of the given file, creating the parent's
// parent if necessary, and so on. The full file name is actually
// (prefix + filename), but we assume |prefix| already exists and only create
// directories listed in |filename|.
void TryCreateParentDirectory(const string& prefix, const string& filename) {
// Recursively create parent directories to the output file.
vector<string> parts;
SplitStringUsing(filename, "/", &parts);
string path_so_far = prefix;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size() - 1; i++) {
path_so_far += parts[i];
if (mkdir(path_so_far.c_str(), 0777) != 0) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
cerr << filename << ": while trying to create directory "
<< path_so_far << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
path_so_far += '/';
} // namespace
// A MultiFileErrorCollector that prints errors to stderr.
@ -176,15 +217,12 @@ class CommandLineInterface::ErrorPrinter : public MultiFileErrorCollector,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// An OutputDirectory implementation that writes to disk.
class CommandLineInterface::DiskOutputDirectory : public OutputDirectory {
class CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputDirectory : public OutputDirectory {
DiskOutputDirectory(const string& root);
bool VerifyExistence();
inline bool had_error() { return had_error_; }
inline void set_had_error(bool value) { had_error_ = value; }
bool WriteAllToDisk();
// implements OutputDirectory --------------------------------------
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* Open(const string& filename);
@ -192,362 +230,264 @@ class CommandLineInterface::DiskOutputDirectory : public OutputDirectory {
const string& filename, const string& insertion_point);
string root_;
friend class MemoryOutputStream;
hash_map<string, string*> files_;
bool had_error_;
// A FileOutputStream that checks for errors in the destructor and reports
// them. We extend FileOutputStream via wrapping rather than inheritance
// for two reasons:
// 1) Implementation inheritance is evil.
// 2) We need to close the file descriptor *after* the FileOutputStream's
// destructor is run to make sure it flushes the file contents.
class CommandLineInterface::ErrorReportingFileOutput
: public io::ZeroCopyOutputStream {
// OutputDirectory that just adds some prefix to every file name.
class CommandLineInterface::SubOutputDirectory : public OutputDirectory {
ErrorReportingFileOutput(int file_descriptor,
const string& filename,
DiskOutputDirectory* directory);
SubOutputDirectory(OutputDirectory* parent, const string& prefix)
: parent_(parent), prefix_(prefix) {}
~SubOutputDirectory() {}
// implements ZeroCopyOutputStream ---------------------------------
bool Next(void** data, int* size) { return file_stream_->Next(data, size); }
void BackUp(int count) { file_stream_->BackUp(count); }
int64 ByteCount() const { return file_stream_->ByteCount(); }
// implements OutputDirectory --------------------------------------
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* Open(const string& filename) {
// TODO(kenton): This is not the cleanest place to deal with creation of
// parent directories, but it does the right thing given the way this
// class is used, and this class is private to this file anyway, so it's
// probably not worth fixing for now.
TryCreateParentDirectory(prefix_, filename);
return parent_->Open(prefix_ + filename);
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* OpenForInsert(
const string& filename, const string& insertion_point) {
return parent_->OpenForInsert(prefix_ + filename, insertion_point);
scoped_ptr<io::FileOutputStream> file_stream_;
string filename_;
DiskOutputDirectory* directory_;
OutputDirectory* parent_;
string prefix_;
// Kind of like ErrorReportingFileOutput, but used when inserting
// (OutputDirectory::OpenForInsert()). In this case, we are writing to a
// temporary file, since we must copy data from the original. We copy the
// data up to the insertion point in the constructor, and the remainder in the
// destructor. We then replace the original file with the temporary, also in
// the destructor.
class CommandLineInterface::InsertionOutputStream
class CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputStream
: public io::ZeroCopyOutputStream {
const string& filename,
const string& temp_filename,
const string& insertion_point,
int original_file_descriptor, // Takes ownership.
int temp_file_descriptor, // Takes ownership.
DiskOutputDirectory* directory); // Does not take ownership.
MemoryOutputStream(MemoryOutputDirectory* directory, const string& filename);
MemoryOutputStream(MemoryOutputDirectory* directory, const string& filename,
const string& insertion_point);
virtual ~MemoryOutputStream();
// implements ZeroCopyOutputStream ---------------------------------
bool Next(void** data, int* size) { return temp_file_->Next(data, size); }
void BackUp(int count) { temp_file_->BackUp(count); }
int64 ByteCount() const { return temp_file_->ByteCount(); }
virtual bool Next(void** data, int* size) { return inner_->Next(data, size); }
virtual void BackUp(int count) { inner_->BackUp(count); }
virtual int64 ByteCount() const { return inner_->ByteCount(); }
scoped_ptr<io::FileInputStream> original_file_;
scoped_ptr<io::FileOutputStream> temp_file_;
// Where to insert the string when it's done.
MemoryOutputDirectory* directory_;
string filename_;
string temp_filename_;
DiskOutputDirectory* directory_;
string insertion_point_;
// The contents of the line containing the insertion point.
string magic_line_;
// The string we're building.
string data_;
// StringOutputStream writing to data_.
scoped_ptr<io::StringOutputStream> inner_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const string& root)
: root_(root), had_error_(false) {
// Add a '/' to the end if it doesn't already have one. But don't add a
// '/' to an empty string since this probably means the current directory.
if (!root_.empty() && root[root_.size() - 1] != '/') {
root_ += '/';
: had_error_(false) {}
CommandLineInterface::DiskOutputDirectory::~DiskOutputDirectory() {
CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputDirectory::~MemoryOutputDirectory() {
bool CommandLineInterface::DiskOutputDirectory::VerifyExistence() {
if (!root_.empty()) {
// Make sure the directory exists. If it isn't a directory, this will fail
// because we added a '/' to the end of the name in the constructor.
if (access(root_.c_str(), W_OK) == -1) {
cerr << root_ << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
return false;
bool CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputDirectory::WriteAllToDisk() {
if (had_error_) {
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
for (hash_map<string, string*>::const_iterator iter = files_.begin();
iter != files_.end(); ++iter) {
const string& filename = iter->first;
const char* data = iter->second->data();
int size = iter->second->size();
// Create the output file.
int file_descriptor;
do {
file_descriptor =
open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0666);
} while (file_descriptor < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (file_descriptor < 0) {
int error = errno;
cerr << filename << ": " << strerror(error);
return false;
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* CommandLineInterface::DiskOutputDirectory::Open(
const string& filename) {
// Recursively create parent directories to the output file.
vector<string> parts;
SplitStringUsing(filename, "/", &parts);
string path_so_far = root_;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size() - 1; i++) {
path_so_far += parts[i];
if (mkdir(path_so_far.c_str(), 0777) != 0) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
cerr << filename << ": while trying to create directory "
<< path_so_far << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
had_error_ = true;
// Return a dummy stream.
return new io::ArrayOutputStream(NULL, 0);
// Write the file.
while (size > 0) {
int write_result;
do {
write_result = write(file_descriptor, data, size);
} while (write_result < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (write_result <= 0) {
// Write error.
// FIXME(kenton): According to the man page, if write() returns zero,
// there was no error; write() simply did not write anything. It's
// unclear under what circumstances this might happen, but presumably
// errno won't be set in this case. I am confused as to how such an
// event should be handled. For now I'm treating it as an error,
// since retrying seems like it could lead to an infinite loop. I
// suspect this never actually happens anyway.
if (write_result < 0) {
int error = errno;
cerr << filename << ": write: " << strerror(error);
} else {
cerr << filename << ": write() returned zero?" << endl;
return false;
data += write_result;
size -= write_result;
path_so_far += '/';
// Create the output file.
int file_descriptor;
do {
file_descriptor =
open((root_ + filename).c_str(),
} while (file_descriptor < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (file_descriptor < 0) {
// Failed to open.
cerr << filename << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
had_error_ = true;
// Return a dummy stream.
return new io::ArrayOutputStream(NULL, 0);
if (close(file_descriptor) != 0) {
int error = errno;
cerr << filename << ": close: " << strerror(error);
return false;
return new ErrorReportingFileOutput(file_descriptor, filename, this);
return true;
int file_descriptor,
const string& filename,
DiskOutputDirectory* directory)
: file_stream_(new io::FileOutputStream(file_descriptor)),
directory_(directory) {}
CommandLineInterface::ErrorReportingFileOutput::~ErrorReportingFileOutput() {
// Check if we had any errors while writing.
if (file_stream_->GetErrno() != 0) {
cerr << filename_ << ": " << strerror(file_stream_->GetErrno()) << endl;
// Close the file stream.
if (!file_stream_->Close()) {
cerr << filename_ << ": " << strerror(file_stream_->GetErrno()) << endl;
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputDirectory::Open(
const string& filename) {
return new MemoryOutputStream(this, filename);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const string& filename, const string& insertion_point) {
string path = root_ + filename;
// Put the temp file in the same directory so that we can simply rename() it
// into place later.
string temp_path = path + ".protoc_temp";
// Open the original file.
int original_file;
do {
original_file = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
} while (original_file < 0 && errno == EINTR);
return new MemoryOutputStream(this, filename, insertion_point);
if (original_file < 0) {
// Failed to open.
cerr << path << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
had_error_ = true;
// Return a dummy stream.
return new io::ArrayOutputStream(NULL, 0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the temp file.
int temp_file;
do {
temp_file =
} while (temp_file < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (temp_file < 0) {
// Failed to open.
cerr << temp_path << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl;
had_error_ = true;
// Return a dummy stream.
return new io::ArrayOutputStream(NULL, 0);
MemoryOutputDirectory* directory, const string& filename)
: directory_(directory),
inner_(new io::StringOutputStream(&data_)) {
return new InsertionOutputStream(
path, temp_path, insertion_point, original_file, temp_file, this);
MemoryOutputDirectory* directory, const string& filename,
const string& insertion_point)
: directory_(directory),
inner_(new io::StringOutputStream(&data_)) {
namespace {
CommandLineInterface::MemoryOutputStream::~MemoryOutputStream() {
// Make sure all data has been written.
// Helper for reading lines from a ZeroCopyInputStream.
// TODO(kenton): Put somewhere reusable?
class LineReader {
LineReader(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input)
: input_(input), buffer_(NULL), size_(0) {}
// Insert into the directory.
string** map_slot = &directory_->files_[filename_];
~LineReader() {
if (size_ > 0) {
if (insertion_point_.empty()) {
// This was just a regular Open().
if (*map_slot != NULL) {
cerr << filename_ << ": Tried to write the same file twice." << endl;
directory_->had_error_ = true;
bool ReadLine(string* line) {
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
if (buffer_[i] == '\n') {
line->append(buffer_, i + 1);
buffer_ += i + 1;
size_ -= i + 1;
return true;
line->append(buffer_, size_);
const void* void_buffer;
if (!input_->Next(&void_buffer, &size_)) {
buffer_ = NULL;
size_ = 0;
return false;
*map_slot = new string;
} else {
// This was an OpenForInsert().
buffer_ = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(void_buffer);
// If the data doens't end with a clean line break, add one.
if (!data_.empty() && data_[data_.size() - 1] != '\n') {
io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input_;
const char* buffer_;
int size_;
} // namespace
const string& filename,
const string& temp_filename,
const string& insertion_point,
int original_file_descriptor,
int temp_file_descriptor,
DiskOutputDirectory* directory)
: original_file_(new io::FileInputStream(original_file_descriptor)),
temp_file_(new io::FileOutputStream(temp_file_descriptor)),
directory_(directory) {
string magic_string = strings::Substitute(
"@@protoc_insertion_point($0)", insertion_point);
LineReader reader(original_file_.get());
io::Printer writer(temp_file_.get(), '$');
string line;
while (true) {
if (!reader.ReadLine(&line)) {
int error = temp_file_->GetErrno();
if (error == 0) {
cerr << filename << ": Insertion point not found: "
<< insertion_point << endl;
} else {
cerr << filename << ": " << strerror(error) << endl;
// Will finish handling error in the destructor.
// Find the file we are going to insert into.
if (*map_slot == NULL) {
cerr << filename_ << ": Tried to insert into file that doesn't exist."
<< endl;
directory_->had_error_ = true;
if (line.find(magic_string) != string::npos) {
// Found the magic line. Since we want to insert before it, save it for
// later.
magic_line_ = line;
string* target = *map_slot;
// Find the insertion point.
string magic_string = strings::Substitute(
"@@protoc_insertion_point($0)", insertion_point_);
string::size_type pos = target->find(magic_string);
if (pos == string::npos) {
cerr << filename_ << ": insertion point \"" << insertion_point_
<< "\" not found." << endl;
directory_->had_error_ = true;
CommandLineInterface::InsertionOutputStream::~InsertionOutputStream() {
// C-style error handling is teh best.
bool had_error = false;
if (original_file_ == NULL) {
// We had an error in the constructor.
had_error = true;
} else {
// Use CodedOutputStream for convenience, so we don't have to deal with
// copying buffers ourselves.
io::CodedOutputStream out(temp_file_.get());
out.WriteRaw(, magic_line_.size());
// Write the rest of the original file.
const void* buffer;
int size;
while (original_file_->Next(&buffer, &size)) {
out.WriteRaw(buffer, size);
// Seek backwards to the beginning of the line, which is where we will
// insert the data. Note that this has the effect of pushing the insertion
// point down, so the data is inserted before it. This is intentional
// because it means that multiple insertions at the same point will end
// up in the expected order in the final output.
pos = target->find_last_of('\n', pos);
if (pos == string::npos) {
// Insertion point is on the first line.
pos = 0;
} else {
// Advance to character after '\n'.
// Close the original file.
if (!original_file_->Close()) {
cerr << filename_ << ": " << strerror(original_file_->GetErrno()) << endl;
had_error = true;
// Extract indent.
string indent_(*target, pos, target->find_first_not_of(" \t", pos) - pos);
// Check if we had any errors while writing.
if (temp_file_->GetErrno() != 0) {
cerr << filename_ << ": " << strerror(temp_file_->GetErrno()) << endl;
had_error = true;
if (indent_.empty()) {
// No indent. This makes things easier.
target->insert(pos, data_);
} else {
// Calculate how much space we need.
int indent_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data_.size(); i++) {
if (data_[i] == '\n') indent_size += indent_.size();
// Close the temp file.
if (!temp_file_->Close()) {
cerr << filename_ << ": " << strerror(temp_file_->GetErrno()) << endl;
had_error = true;
// Make a hole for it.
target->insert(pos, data_.size() + indent_size, '\0');
// Now copy in the data.
string::size_type data_pos = 0;
char* target_ptr = string_as_array(target) + pos;
while (data_pos < data_.size()) {
// Copy indent.
memcpy(target_ptr,, indent_.size());
target_ptr += indent_.size();
// Copy line from data_.
// We already guaranteed that data_ ends with a newline (above), so this
// search can't fail.
string::size_type line_length =
data_.find_first_of('\n', data_pos) + 1 - data_pos;
memcpy(target_ptr, + data_pos, line_length);
target_ptr += line_length;
data_pos += line_length;
// If everything was successful, overwrite the original file with the temp
// file.
if (!had_error) {
#ifdef _WIN32
// rename() on Windows fails if the file exists.
if (!MoveFileEx(temp_filename_.c_str(), filename_.c_str(),
cerr << filename_ << ": MoveFileEx: "
<< Subprocess::Win32ErrorMessage(GetLastError()) << endl;
#else // _WIN32
if (rename(temp_filename_.c_str(), filename_.c_str()) < 0) {
cerr << filename_ << ": rename: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
had_error = true;
string_as_array(target) + pos + data_.size() + indent_size);
#endif // !_WIN32
if (had_error) {
// We had some sort of error so let's try to delete the temp file.
@ -613,14 +553,20 @@ int CommandLineInterface::Run(int argc, const char* const argv[]) {
// Generate output.
MemoryOutputDirectory output_directory;
if (mode_ == MODE_COMPILE) {
for (int i = 0; i < output_directives_.size(); i++) {
if (!GenerateOutput(parsed_files, output_directives_[i])) {
if (!GenerateOutput(parsed_files, output_directives_[i],
&output_directory)) {
return 1;
if (!output_directory.WriteAllToDisk()) {
return 1;
if (!descriptor_set_name_.empty()) {
if (!WriteDescriptorSet(parsed_files)) {
return 1;
@ -1062,14 +1008,15 @@ void CommandLineInterface::PrintHelpText() {
bool CommandLineInterface::GenerateOutput(
const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& parsed_files,
const OutputDirective& output_directive) {
// Create the output directory.
DiskOutputDirectory output_directory(output_directive.output_location);
if (!output_directory.VerifyExistence()) {
const OutputDirective& output_directive,
OutputDirectory* parent_output_directory) {
// Set up the OutputDirectory.
string path = output_directive.output_location;
if (!VerifyDirectoryExists(path)) {
return false;
// Opened successfully. Write it.
SubOutputDirectory output_directory(parent_output_directory, path);
// Call the generator.
string error;
@ -1103,11 +1050,6 @@ bool CommandLineInterface::GenerateOutput(
// Check for write errors.
if (output_directory.had_error()) {
return false;
return true;

@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ class LIBPROTOC_EXPORT CommandLineInterface {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
class ErrorPrinter;
class DiskOutputDirectory;
class ErrorReportingFileOutput;
class InsertionOutputStream;
class MemoryOutputDirectory;
class SubOutputDirectory;
class MemoryOutputStream;
// Clear state from previous Run().
void Clear();
@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ class LIBPROTOC_EXPORT CommandLineInterface {
// Generate the given output file from the given input.
struct OutputDirective; // see below
bool GenerateOutput(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& parsed_files,
const OutputDirective& output_directive);
const OutputDirective& output_directive,
OutputDirectory* parent_output_directory);
bool GeneratePluginOutput(const vector<const FileDescriptor*>& parsed_files,
const string& plugin_name,
const string& parameter,

@ -933,7 +933,10 @@ TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, OutputWriteError) {
Run("protocol_compiler --test_out=$tmpdir "
"--proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto");
ExpectErrorSubstring("MockCodeGenerator detected write error.");
// MockCodeGenerator no longer detects an error because we actually write to
// an in-memory location first, then dump to disk at the end. This is no
// big deal.
// ExpectErrorSubstring("MockCodeGenerator detected write error.");
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
// Windows with MSVCRT.dll produces EPERM instead of EISDIR.

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static const char* kSecondInsertionPointName = "second_mock_insertion_point";
static const char* kFirstInsertionPoint =
"# @@protoc_insertion_point(first_mock_insertion_point) is here\n";
static const char* kSecondInsertionPoint =
"# @@protoc_insertion_point(second_mock_insertion_point) is here\n";
" # @@protoc_insertion_point(second_mock_insertion_point) is here\n";
MockCodeGenerator::MockCodeGenerator(const string& name)
: name_(name) {}
@ -94,8 +94,10 @@ void MockCodeGenerator::ExpectGenerated(
EXPECT_EQ(GetOutputFileContent(insertion_list[i], "first_insert",
file, first_message_name),
lines[1 + i]);
EXPECT_EQ(GetOutputFileContent(insertion_list[i], "second_insert",
file, first_message_name),
// Second insertion point is indented, so the inserted text should
// automatically be indented too.
EXPECT_EQ(" " + GetOutputFileContent(insertion_list[i], "second_insert",
file, first_message_name),
lines[2 + insertion_list.size() + i]);

@ -123,6 +123,13 @@ message CodeGeneratorResponse {
// insertion_point "package_level_decls" to generate additional classes or
// other declarations that should be placed in this scope.
// Note that if the line containing the insertion point begins with
// whitespace, the same whitespace will be added to every line of the
// inserted text. This is useful for languages like Python, where
// indentation matters. In these languages, the insertion point comment
// should be indented the same amount as any inserted code will need to be
// in order to work correctly in that context.
// If |insertion_point| is present, |name| must also be present.
optional string insertion_point = 2;
