diff --git a/java/README.txt b/java/README.txt
index 1656e594ac..3ed06a1e21 100644
--- a/java/README.txt
+++ b/java/README.txt
@@ -82,184 +82,11 @@ running unit tests.
$ protoc --java_out=src/main/java -I../src \
3) Compile the code in src/main/java using whatever means you prefer.
4) Install the classes wherever you prefer.
-Micro version
-The runtime and generated code for MICRO_RUNTIME is smaller
-because it does not include support for the descriptor,
-reflection or extensions. Also, not currently supported
-are packed repeated elements nor testing of java_multiple_files.
-To create a jar file for the runtime and run tests invoke
-"mvn package -P micro" from the
- PerfTimer pt = new PerfTimer();
- pt.calibrate();
- pt.timeEachAutomatically(new Runnable() = {
- public void run() {
- // Add code to time
- }
- });
- System.out.printf("time per loop=" + pt);
- * The calibrate method determines the overhead of timing the run() method and
- * the number of times to call the run() method to have approximately 1% precision
- * for timing. The method pt.stats() method will return a string containing some
- * statistics tpl, il, ol, min, max, mean, median, stddev and total.
- *
- * tpl ::= Timer per loop
- * min ::= minimum time one call to run() took
- * stddev ::= Standard deviation of the collected times
- * mean ::= the average time to call run()
- * median ::= 1/2 the times were > than this time and 1/2 were less.
- * total ::= Sum of the times collected.
- * il ::= innerLoops; the number of times run() between each call to start/stop
- * ol ::= outerLoops, the number of times start/stop was called
- *
- * You can also use start/stop/restart to do simple timing:
- *
- * pt.start();
- * a += 1;
- * pt.stop();
- * pt.log("time=" + pt);
- * pt.restart();
- * doSomething();
- * pt.stop();
- * System.out.printf("time=" + pt);
- *
- *
- * @author wink@google.com (Wink Saville)
- */
-public class PerfTimer {
- /** No debug */
- public static final int DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE = 0;
- /** Some debug */
- public static final int DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME = 1;
- /** All debug */
- public static final int DEBUG_LEVEL_ALL = 2;
- /** Timer ticks per microsecond */
- private static final double TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND = 1000.0;
- /** Random number generator */
- java.util.Random rng = new java.util.Random();
- /** get ticks */
- private static long getTicks() {
- return System.nanoTime();
- }
- /** Debug logging */
- private static void log(String s) {
- System.out.printf(String.format("[PerfTimer] %s\n", s));
- }
- /** Outer loops for timeEachAutomatically */
- private static final int OUTER_LOOPS = 100;
- /** Thrown if an error occurs while timing */
- public static class PerfTimerException extends RuntimeException {
- }
- /**
- * Calibration record
- */
- public static class CalibrationRec {
- /** Runnable overhead */
- public double mRunnableOverheadInMicros = 0.0;
- /** Minimum Threshold value for timeEachAutomaticaly */
- public double mMinThresholdInMicros = 3000.0;
- /** Maximum Threshold value for timeEachAutomaticaly */
- public double mMaxThresholdInMicros = 6000.0;
- /** Desired precision in decimal digits */
- public double mPrecisionInDecimalDigits = 2.0;
- /**
- * Default number of retries if the standard deviation ratio is too
- * large
- */
- public final int mStdDevRetrys = 5;
- /** Default maximum standard deviation radio */
- public final double mMaxStdDevRatio = 0.15;
- /** Number of votes looking for smallest time per loop */
- public final int mVotes = 3;
- /** Convert to string */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String
- .format(
- "oh=%.6fus minT=%.6fus maxT=%.6fus prc=%,.3f stdDevRetrys=%d maxStdDevRatio=%.2f votes=%d",
- mRunnableOverheadInMicros, mMinThresholdInMicros,
- mMaxThresholdInMicros, mPrecisionInDecimalDigits, mStdDevRetrys,
- mMaxStdDevRatio, mVotes);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Calibration record
- */
- private CalibrationRec mCr;
- /**
- * Statistics calculated on the timing data.
- */
- public static class Stats {
- /** Number of outer loops */
- private int mOuterLoops;
- /** Number of inner loops */
- private int mInnerLoops;
- /** Minimum time in times array */
- private long mMin;
- /** Maximum time in times array */
- private long mMax;
- /** Median value in times array */
- private double mMedian;
- /** The mean (average) of the values in times array */
- private double mMean;
- /** The standard deviation of the values in times array */
- private double mStdDev;
- private int mStdDevTooLargeCount;
- /** Sum of the times in the times array */
- private double mTotal;
- /** Initialize */
- public void init() {
- mInnerLoops = 1;
- mOuterLoops = 1;
- mMin = 0;
- mMax = 0;
- mMedian = 0;
- mMean = 0;
- mStdDev = 0;
- mStdDevTooLargeCount = 0;
- mTotal = 0;
- }
- /** Constructor */
- public Stats() {
- init();
- }
- /** Set number of inner loops */
- public void setInnerLoops(int loops) {
- mInnerLoops = loops;
- }
- /** Get number of inner loops */
- public int getInnerLoops() {
- return mInnerLoops;
- }
- /** Set number of inner loops */
- public void setOuterLoops(int loops) {
- mOuterLoops = loops;
- }
- /** Get number of inner loops */
- public int getOuterLoops() {
- return mOuterLoops;
- }
- /**
- * Minimum value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze.
- */
- public double getMinInMicros() {
- }
- /**
- * Maximum value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze.
- */
- public double getMaxInMicros() {
- }
- /**
- * Sum of the values of collected data in microseconds, valid after
- * analyze.
- */
- public double getTotalInMicros() {
- return mTotal / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND;
- }
- /** Sum of the values of collected data in seconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getTotalInSecs() {
- return mTotal / (TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND * 1000000.0);
- }
- /** Sum of the values of collected data in seconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMeanInMicros() {
- }
- /** Median value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMedianInMicros() {
- return mMedian / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND;
- }
- /**
- * Standard deviation of collected data in microseconds, valid after
- * analyze.
- */
- public double getStdDevInMicros() {
- }
- public double getStdDevRatio() {
- return mStdDev / mMin;
- }
- /** Return true if (mStdDev / mMin) <= maxStdDevRation */
- public boolean stdDevOk(double maxStdDevRatio) {
- return getStdDevRatio() <= maxStdDevRatio;
- }
- /** Increment StdDevTooLargeCount */
- public void incStdDevTooLargeCount() {
- mStdDevTooLargeCount += 1;
- }
- /** Return number of times stdDev was not ok */
- public int getStdDevTooLargeCount() {
- return mStdDevTooLargeCount;
- }
- /** Return time per loop */
- public double getTimePerLoop() {
- return mMin / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND / mInnerLoops;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the stats for the data. Note the data in the range will be
- * sorted.
- *
- * @param data
- * @param count
- */
- public Stats calculate(long data[], int count) {
- if (count == 1) {
- mMin = mMax = data[0];
- mTotal = mMedian = mMean = data[0];
- mStdDev = 0;
- } else if (count > 1) {
- Arrays.sort(data, 0, count);
- mMin = data[0];
- mMax = data[count - 1];
- if ((count & 1) == 1) {
- mMedian = data[((count + 1) / 2) - 1];
- } else {
- mMedian = (data[count / 2] + data[(count / 2) - 1]) / 2;
- }
- mTotal = 0;
- double sumSquares = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- long t = data[i];
- mTotal += t;
- sumSquares += t * t;
- }
- mMean = mTotal / count;
- double variance = (sumSquares / count) - (mMean * mMean);
- mStdDev = Math.pow(variance, 0.5);
- } else {
- init();
- }
- return this;
- }
- /** Convert to string */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- double timePerLoop = getTimePerLoop();
- double stdDevPerLoop = mStdDev / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND / mInnerLoops;
- return String.format(
- "tpl=%,.6fus stdDev=%,.6fus tpl/stdDev=%.2fpercent min=%,.6fus median=%,.6fus mean=%,.6fus max=%,.6fus total=%,.6fs il=%d, ol=%d tlc=%d",
- timePerLoop, stdDevPerLoop, (stdDevPerLoop / timePerLoop) * 100, mMin
- / (TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND * 1000000.0), mInnerLoops, mOuterLoops, mStdDevTooLargeCount);
- }
- }
- /** Statistics */
- private Stats mStats = new Stats();
- /** Statistics of the clock precision */
- private Stats mClockStats;
- /** Number of items in times array */
- private int mCount;
- /** Array of stop - start times */
- private long mTimes[];
- /** Time of last started */
- private long mStart;
- /** Sleep a little so we don't look like a hog */
- private void sleep() {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(0);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // Ignore exception
- }
- }
- /** Empty Runnable used for determining overhead */
- private Runnable mEmptyRunnable = new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- }
- };
- /** Initialize */
- private void init(int maxCount, CalibrationRec cr) {
- mTimes = new long[maxCount];
- mCr = cr;
- reset();
- }
- /** Construct the stop watch */
- public PerfTimer() {
- init(10, new CalibrationRec());
- }
- /** Construct setting size of times array */
- public PerfTimer(int maxCount) {
- init(maxCount, new CalibrationRec());
- }
- /** Construct the stop watch */
- public PerfTimer(CalibrationRec cr) {
- init(10, cr);
- }
- /** Construct the stop watch */
- public PerfTimer(int maxCount, CalibrationRec cr) {
- init(maxCount, cr);
- }
- /** Reset the contents of the times array */
- public PerfTimer reset() {
- mCount = 0;
- mStats.init();
- return this;
- }
- /** Reset and then start the timer */
- public PerfTimer restart() {
- reset();
- mStart = getTicks();
- return this;
- }
- /** Start timing */
- public PerfTimer start() {
- mStart = getTicks();
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Record the difference between start and now in the times array
- * incrementing count. The time will be stored in the times array if the
- * array is not full.
- */
- public PerfTimer stop() {
- long stop = getTicks();
- if (mCount < mTimes.length) {
- mTimes[mCount++] = stop - mStart;
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Time how long it takes to execute runnable.run() innerLoop number of
- * times outerLoops number of times.
- *
- * @param outerLoops
- * @param innerLoops
- * @param runnable
- * @return PerfTimer
- */
- public PerfTimer timeEach(Stats stats, int outerLoops, int innerLoops, Runnable runnable) {
- reset();
- resize(outerLoops);
- stats.setOuterLoops(outerLoops);
- stats.setInnerLoops(innerLoops);
- for (int i = 0; i < outerLoops; i++) {
- start();
- for (int j = 0; j < innerLoops; j++) {
- runnable.run();
- }
- stop();
- sleep();
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Time how long it takes to execute runnable.run(). Runs runnable votes
- * times and returns the Stats of the fastest run. The actual number times
- * that runnable.run() is executes is enough times so that it runs at least
- * minThreadholeInMicros but not greater than maxThreadholdInMicro. This
- * minimizes the chance that long context switches influence the result.
- *
- * @param votes is the number of runnable will be executed to determine
- * fastest run
- * @param outerLoops is the number of of times the inner loop is run
- * @param initialInnerLoops is the initial inner loop
- * @param maxStdDevRetrys if the maxStdDevRatio is exceeded this number of
- * time the PerfTimerException is thrown.
- * @param maxStdDevRatio the ratio of the standard deviation of the run and
- * the time to run.
- * @param runnable is the code to test.
- * @return Stats of the fastest run.
- */
- public Stats timeEachAutomatically(int votes, int outerLoops, int initialInnerLoops,
- double minThresholdInMicros, double maxThresholdInMicros, int maxStdDevRetrys,
- double maxStdDevRatio, int debugLevel, Runnable runnable) throws PerfTimerException {
- Stats minStats = null;
- for (int v = 0; v < votes; v++) {
- boolean successful = false;
- Stats stats = new Stats();
- int innerLoops = initialInnerLoops;
- /* Warm up cache */
- timeEach(stats, outerLoops, initialInnerLoops, runnable);
- for (int stdDevRetrys = 0; stdDevRetrys < maxStdDevRetrys; stdDevRetrys++) {
- /**
- * First time may be long enough
- */
- timeEach(stats, outerLoops, innerLoops, runnable);
- analyze(stats, mTimes, outerLoops, debugLevel);
- double innerLoopTime = stats.getMinInMicros();
- if ((innerLoopTime >= minThresholdInMicros
- - ((maxThresholdInMicros - minThresholdInMicros) / 2))) {
- if (stats.stdDevOk(maxStdDevRatio)) {
- successful = true;
- break;
- } else {
- stats.incStdDevTooLargeCount();
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME) {
- log(String.format(
- "tea: tlc=%d StdDevRatio=%.2f > maxStdDevRatio=%.2f",
- stats.getStdDevTooLargeCount(), stats.getStdDevRatio(),
- maxStdDevRatio));
- }
- }
- } else {
- /**
- * The initial number of loops is too short find the number
- * of loops that exceeds maxThresholdInMicros. Then use a
- * binary search to find the approriate innerLoop value that
- * is between min/maxThreshold.
- */
- innerLoops *= 10;
- int maxInnerLoops = innerLoops;
- int minInnerLoops = 1;
- boolean binarySearch = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- timeEach(stats, outerLoops, innerLoops, runnable);
- analyze(stats, mTimes, outerLoops, debugLevel);
- innerLoopTime = stats.getMedianInMicros();
- if ((innerLoopTime >= minThresholdInMicros)
- && (innerLoopTime <= maxThresholdInMicros)) {
- if (stats.stdDevOk(maxStdDevRatio)) {
- successful = true;
- break;
- } else {
- stats.incStdDevTooLargeCount();
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME) {
- log(String.format(
- "tea: tlc=%d StdDevRatio=%.2f > maxStdDevRatio=%.2f",
- stats.getStdDevTooLargeCount(), stats.getStdDevRatio(),
- maxStdDevRatio));
- }
- }
- } else if (binarySearch) {
- if ((innerLoopTime < minThresholdInMicros)) {
- minInnerLoops = innerLoops;
- } else {
- maxInnerLoops = innerLoops;
- }
- innerLoops = (maxInnerLoops + minInnerLoops) / 2;
- } else if (innerLoopTime >= maxThresholdInMicros) {
- /* Found a too large value, change to binary search */
- binarySearch = true;
- maxInnerLoops = innerLoops;
- innerLoops = (maxInnerLoops + minInnerLoops) / 2;
- } else {
- innerLoops *= 10;
- }
- }
- if (successful) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!successful) {
- /* Couldn't find the number of loops to execute */
- throw new PerfTimerException();
- }
- /** Looking for minimum */
- if ((minStats == null) || (minStats.getTimePerLoop() > stats.getTimePerLoop())) {
- minStats = stats;
- }
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME) {
- log(String.format("minStats.getTimePerLoop=%f minStats: %s", minStats.getTimePerLoop(), minStats));
- }
- }
- return minStats;
- }
- /**
- * Time how long it takes to execute runnable.run() with a threshold of 1 to
- * 10ms.
- *
- * @param runnable
- * @throws PerfTimerException
- */
- public Stats timeEachAutomatically(int debugLevel, Runnable runnable)
- throws PerfTimerException {
- mStats = timeEachAutomatically(mCr.mVotes, OUTER_LOOPS, 1, mCr.mMinThresholdInMicros,
- mCr.mMaxThresholdInMicros, mCr.mStdDevRetrys, mCr.mMaxStdDevRatio, debugLevel,
- runnable);
- return mStats;
- }
- /**
- * Time how long it takes to execute runnable.run() with a threshold of 1 to
- * 10ms.
- *
- * @param runnable
- * @throws PerfTimerException
- */
- public Stats timeEachAutomatically(Runnable runnable) throws PerfTimerException {
- mStats = timeEachAutomatically(mCr.mVotes, OUTER_LOOPS, 1, mCr.mMinThresholdInMicros,
- mCr.mMaxThresholdInMicros, mCr.mStdDevRetrys, mCr.mMaxStdDevRatio,
- DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, runnable);
- return mStats;
- }
- /** Resize the times array */
- public void resize(int maxCount) {
- if (maxCount > mTimes.length) {
- mTimes = new long[maxCount];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Analyze the data calculating the min, max, total, median, mean and
- * stdDev. The standard deviation is calculated as sqrt(((sum of the squares
- * of each time) / count) - mean^2)
- * {@link "http://www.sciencebuddies.org/mentoring/project_data_analysis_variance_std_deviation.shtml"}
- *
- * @return StopWatch
- */
- public Stats analyze(Stats stats, long data[], int count, int debugLevel) {
- if (count > 0) {
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_ALL) {
- for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
- log(String.format("data[%d]=%,dns", j, data[j]));
- }
- }
- stats.calculate(data, count);
- } else {
- stats.init();
- }
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME) {
- log("stats: " + stats);
- }
- return stats;
- }
- /**
- * Calibrate the system and set it for this PerfTimer instance
- *
- * @param precisionInDecimalDigits the precision in number of decimal digits
- */
- public CalibrationRec calibrate(int debugLevel, double precisionInDecimalDigits)
- throws PerfTimerException {
- int nonZeroCount = 0;
- Stats stats = new Stats();
- CalibrationRec cr = new CalibrationRec();
- /* initialize the precision */
- cr.mPrecisionInDecimalDigits = precisionInDecimalDigits;
- /* Warm up the cache */
- timeEach(stats, OUTER_LOOPS, 10, mEmptyRunnable);
- /*
- * Determine the clock stats with at least 20% non-zero unique values.
- */
- for (int clockStatsTries = 1; clockStatsTries < 100; clockStatsTries++) {
- int j;
- int i;
- long cur;
- long prev;
- long min;
- int innerLoops = clockStatsTries * 10;
- timeEach(stats, OUTER_LOOPS, innerLoops, mEmptyRunnable);
- long nonZeroValues[] = new long[mCount];
- prev = 0;
- for (nonZeroCount = 0, i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
- cur = mTimes[i];
- if (cur > 0) {
- nonZeroValues[nonZeroCount++] = cur;
- }
- }
- if (nonZeroCount > (mCount * 0.20)) {
- // Calculate thresholds
- analyze(stats, nonZeroValues, nonZeroCount, debugLevel);
- stats.calculate(nonZeroValues, nonZeroCount);
- cr.mMinThresholdInMicros = stats.getMeanInMicros()
- * Math.pow(10, cr.mPrecisionInDecimalDigits);
- cr.mMaxThresholdInMicros = cr.mMinThresholdInMicros * 2;
- // Set overhead to 0 and time the empty loop then set overhead.
- cr.mRunnableOverheadInMicros = 0;
- mClockStats = timeEachAutomatically(mCr.mVotes, OUTER_LOOPS, innerLoops,
- cr.mMinThresholdInMicros, cr.mMaxThresholdInMicros, mCr.mStdDevRetrys,
- mCr.mMaxStdDevRatio, debugLevel, mEmptyRunnable);
- cr.mRunnableOverheadInMicros = mClockStats.getMinInMicros()
- / mClockStats.getInnerLoops();
- break;
- }
- nonZeroCount = 0;
- }
- if (nonZeroCount == 0) {
- throw new PerfTimerException();
- }
- if (debugLevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_SOME) {
- log(String.format("calibrate X oh=%.6fus minT=%,.6fus maxT=%,.6fus stats: %s",
- cr.mRunnableOverheadInMicros, cr.mMinThresholdInMicros,
- cr.mMaxThresholdInMicros, stats));
- }
- mCr = cr;
- return mCr;
- }
- /** Calibrate the system and set it for this PerfTimer instance */
- public CalibrationRec calibrate(double precisionInDecimalDigits) throws PerfTimerException {
- return calibrate(DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, precisionInDecimalDigits);
- }
- /** Calibrate the system and set it for this PerfTimer instance */
- public CalibrationRec calibrate() throws PerfTimerException {
- return calibrate(DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, mCr.mPrecisionInDecimalDigits);
- }
- /*
- * Accessors for the private data
- */
- /** Set calibration record */
- public void setCalibrationRec(CalibrationRec cr) {
- mCr = cr;
- }
- /** Get calibration record */
- public CalibrationRec getCalibrationRec() {
- return mCr;
- }
- /** Number of samples in times array. */
- public int getCount() {
- return mCount;
- }
- /** Minimum value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMinInMicros() {
- return mStats.getMinInMicros();
- }
- /** Maximum value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMaxInMicros() {
- return mStats.getMaxInMicros();
- }
- /**
- * Sum of the values of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze.
- */
- public double getTotalInMicros() {
- return mStats.getTotalInMicros();
- }
- /** Sum of the values of collected data in seconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getTotalInSecs() {
- return mStats.getTotalInSecs();
- }
- /** Sum of the values of collected data in seconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMeanInMicros() {
- return mStats.getMeanInMicros();
- }
- /** Median value of collected data in microseconds, valid after analyze. */
- public double getMedianInMicros() {
- return mStats.getMedianInMicros();
- }
- /**
- * Standard deviation of collected data in microseconds, valid after
- * analyze.
- */
- public double getStdDevInMicros() {
- return mStats.getStdDevInMicros();
- }
- /** The mTimes[index] value */
- public long getTime(int index) {
- return mTimes[index];
- }
- /** The mTimes */
- public long[] getTimes() {
- return mTimes;
- }
- /** @return the clock stats as measured in calibrate */
- public Stats getClockStats() {
- return mClockStats;
- }
- /** @return the stats */
- public Stats getStats() {
- return mStats;
- }
- /**
- * Convert stats to string
- *
- */
- public String stats(int debugLevel) {
- int innerLoops = mStats.getInnerLoops();
- if (mCount == 0) {
- return String.format("%,.3fus", (getTicks() - mStart) / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND);
- } else {
- if (mCount == 1) {
- return String.format("%,.3fus", getTime());
- } else {
- analyze(mStats, mTimes, mCount, debugLevel);
- return mStats.toString();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Convert string
- */
- public String stats() {
- return stats(0);
- }
- /**
- * Get time
- */
- public double getTime() {
- int innerLoops = mStats.getInnerLoops();
- if (mCount == 0) {
- return (getTicks() - mStart) / TICKS_PER_MICROSECOND;
- } else {
- if (mCount == 1) {
- return mStats.getTotalInMicros();
- } else {
- analyze(mStats, mTimes, mCount, DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE);
- return (mStats.getMinInMicros() / innerLoops) - mCr.mRunnableOverheadInMicros;
- }
- }
- }
- /** Convert to string */
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String.format("%,.3fus", getTime());
- }