@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
package com.google.protobuf.util ;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions ;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet ;
import com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding ;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue ;
import com.google.gson.Gson ;
@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor ;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor ;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor ;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor ;
import com.google.protobuf.DoubleValue ;
import com.google.protobuf.Duration ;
import com.google.protobuf.DynamicMessage ;
@ -86,30 +86,30 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry . getEmptyTypeRegistry ( ) ,
TypeRegistry . getEmptyTypeRegistry ( ) ,
/* alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields */ false ,
/* includingDefaultValueFields */ Collections . < FieldDescriptor > emptySet ( ) ,
ShouldPrintDefaults . ONLY_IF_PRESENT ,
/* includingDefaultValueFields */ ImmutableSet . of ( ) ,
/* preservingProtoFieldNames */ false ,
/* omittingInsignificantWhitespace */ false ,
/* printingEnumsAsInts */ false ,
/* sortingMapKeys */ false ) ;
/ * *
* A Printer converts a protobuf message to the proto3 JSON format .
* /
private enum ShouldPrintDefaults {
ONLY_IF_PRESENT , // The "normal" behavior; the others add more compared to this baseline.
/** A Printer converts a protobuf message to the proto3 JSON format. */
public static class Printer {
private final com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry registry ;
private final TypeRegistry oldRegistry ;
// NOTE: There are 3 states for these *defaultValueFields variables:
// 1) Default - alwaysOutput is false & including is empty set. Fields only output if they are
// set to non-default values.
// 2) No-args includingDefaultValueFields() called - alwaysOutput is true & including is
// irrelevant (but set to empty set). All fields are output regardless of their values.
// 3) includingDefaultValueFields(Set<FieldDescriptor>) called - alwaysOutput is false &
// including is set to the specified set. Fields in that set are always output & fields not
// in that set are only output if set to non-default values.
private boolean alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields ;
private Set < FieldDescriptor > includingDefaultValueFields ;
private final ShouldPrintDefaults shouldPrintDefaults ;
// Empty unless shouldPrintDefaults is set to ALWAYS_PRINT_SPECIFIED_FIELDS.
private final Set < FieldDescriptor > includingDefaultValueFields ;
private final boolean preservingProtoFieldNames ;
private final boolean omittingInsignificantWhitespace ;
private final boolean printingEnumsAsInts ;
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
private Printer (
com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry registry ,
TypeRegistry oldRegistry ,
boolean alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
ShouldPrintDefaults shouldOutputDefault s,
Set < FieldDescriptor > includingDefaultValueFields ,
boolean preservingProtoFieldNames ,
boolean omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
boolean sortingMapKeys ) {
this . registry = registry ;
this . oldRegistry = oldRegistry ;
this . alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s = alway sOutputDefaultValueField s;
this . shouldPrintDefault s = should OutputDefaults ;
this . includingDefaultValueFields = includingDefaultValueFields ;
this . preservingProtoFieldNames = preservingProtoFieldNames ;
this . omittingInsignificantWhitespace = omittingInsignificantWhitespace ;
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry . getEmptyTypeRegistry ( ) ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
@ -179,18 +179,27 @@ public class JsonFormat {
/ * *
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that will also print fields set to their
* defaults . Empty repeated fields and map fields will be printed as well .
* The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current
* { @link Printer } .
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that will always print fields unless they are a message type or
* in a oneof .
* < p > Note that this does print Proto2 Optional but does not print Proto3 Optional fields , as
* the latter is represented using a synthetic oneof .
* < p > The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current { @link Printer } .
* @deprecated Prefer { @link # includingDefaultValueWithoutPresenceFields }
* /
public Printer includingDefaultValueFields ( ) {
checkUnsetIncludingDefaultValueFields ( ) ;
if ( shouldPrintDefaults ! = ShouldPrintDefaults . ONLY_IF_PRESENT ) {
throw new IllegalStateException (
"JsonFormat includingDefaultValueFields has already been set." ) ;
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
true ,
Collections . < FieldDescriptor > emptySet ( ) ,
ImmutableSet . of ( ) ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
printingEnumsAsInts ,
@ -198,56 +207,73 @@ public class JsonFormat {
/ * *
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that prints enum field values as integers instead of as
* string . The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current { @link Printer } .
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that will also print default - valued fields if their
* FieldDescriptors are found in the supplied set . Empty repeated fields and map fields will be
* printed as well , if they match . The new Printer clones all other configurations from the
* current { @link Printer } . Call includingDefaultValueFields ( ) with no args to unconditionally
* output all fields .
* /
public Printer printingEnumsAsInts ( ) {
checkUnsetPrintingEnumsAsInts ( ) ;
public Printer includingDefaultValueFields ( Set < FieldDescriptor > fieldsToAlwaysOutput ) {
Preconditions . checkArgument (
null ! = fieldsToAlwaysOutput & & ! fieldsToAlwaysOutput . isEmpty ( ) ,
"Non-empty Set must be supplied for includingDefaultValueFields." ) ;
if ( shouldPrintDefaults ! = ShouldPrintDefaults . ONLY_IF_PRESENT ) {
throw new IllegalStateException (
"JsonFormat includingDefaultValueFields has already been set." ) ;
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields ,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
ImmutableSet . copyOf ( fieldsToAlwaysOutput ) ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
true ,
printingEnumsAsInts ,
sortingMapKeys ) ;
private void checkUnsetPrintingEnumsAsInts ( ) {
if ( printingEnumsAsInts ) {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "JsonFormat printingEnumsAsInts has already been set." ) ;
/ * *
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that will print any field that does not support presence even
* if it would not otherwise be printed ( empty repeated fields , empty map fields , and implicit
* presence scalars set to their default value ) . The new Printer clones all other configurations
* from the current { @link Printer } .
* /
public Printer includingDefaultValueWithoutPresenceFields ( ) {
if ( shouldPrintDefaults ! = ShouldPrintDefaults . ONLY_IF_PRESENT ) {
throw new IllegalStateException (
"JsonFormat includingDefaultValueFields has already been set." ) ;
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
ImmutableSet . of ( ) ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
printingEnumsAsInts ,
sortingMapKeys ) ;
/ * *
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that will also print default - valued fields if their
* FieldDescriptors are found in the supplied set . Empty repeated fields and map fields will be
* printed as well , if they match . The new Printer clones all other configurations from the
* current { @link Printer } . Call includingDefaultValueFields ( ) with no args to unconditionally
* output all fields .
* Creates a new { @link Printer } that prints enum field values as integers instead of as string .
* The new Printer clones all other configurations from the current { @link Printer } .
* /
public Printer includingDefaultValueFields ( Set < FieldDescriptor > fieldsToAlwaysOutput ) {
Preconditions . checkArgument (
null ! = fieldsToAlwaysOutput & & ! fieldsToAlwaysOutput . isEmpty ( ) ,
"Non-empty Set must be supplied for includingDefaultValueFields." ) ;
checkUnsetIncludingDefaultValueFields ( ) ;
public Printer printingEnumsAsInts ( ) {
checkUnsetPrintingEnumsAsInts ( ) ;
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
false ,
Collections . unmodifiableSet ( new HashSet < > ( fieldsToAlwaysOutput ) ) ,
shouldPrintDefaults ,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
printingEnumsAsInts ,
true ,
sortingMapKeys ) ;
private void checkUnsetIncludingDefaultValueFields ( ) {
if ( alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields | | ! includingDefaultValueFields . isEmpty ( ) ) {
throw new IllegalStateException (
"JsonFormat includingDefaultValueFields has already been set." ) ;
private void checkUnsetPrintingEnumsAsInts ( ) {
if ( printingEnumsAsInts ) {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "JsonFormat printingEnumsAsInts has already been set." ) ;
@ -261,7 +287,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
true ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
@ -290,7 +316,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
true ,
@ -313,7 +339,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
return new Printer (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
omittingInsignificantWhitespace ,
@ -334,7 +360,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
new PrinterImpl (
registry ,
oldRegistry ,
alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
shouldPrintDefault s,
includingDefaultValueFields ,
preservingProtoFieldNames ,
output ,
@ -685,7 +711,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
private static final class PrinterImpl {
private final com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry registry ;
private final TypeRegistry oldRegistry ;
private final boolean alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s;
private final ShouldPrintDefaults shouldPrintDefault s;
private final Set < FieldDescriptor > includingDefaultValueFields ;
private final boolean preservingProtoFieldNames ;
private final boolean printingEnumsAsInts ;
@ -703,7 +729,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
PrinterImpl (
com . google . protobuf . TypeRegistry registry ,
TypeRegistry oldRegistry ,
boolean alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s,
ShouldPrintDefaults shouldPrintDefault s,
Set < FieldDescriptor > includingDefaultValueFields ,
boolean preservingProtoFieldNames ,
Appendable jsonOutput ,
@ -712,7 +738,7 @@ public class JsonFormat {
boolean sortingMapKeys ) {
this . registry = registry ;
this . oldRegistry = oldRegistry ;
this . alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields = alwaysOutputDefaultValueField s;
this . shouldPrintDefaults = shouldPrintDefault s;
this . includingDefaultValueFields = includingDefaultValueFields ;
this . preservingProtoFieldNames = preservingProtoFieldNames ;
this . printingEnumsAsInts = printingEnumsAsInts ;
@ -965,6 +991,24 @@ public class JsonFormat {
printRepeatedFieldValue ( field , message . getField ( field ) ) ;
// Whether a set option means the corresponding field should be printed even if it normally
// wouldn't be.
private boolean shouldSpeciallyPrint ( FieldDescriptor field ) {
switch ( shouldPrintDefaults ) {
return false ;
return ! field . hasPresence ( )
| | ( field . getJavaType ( ) ! = FieldDescriptor . JavaType . MESSAGE
& & field . getContainingOneof ( ) = = null ) ;
return ! field . hasPresence ( ) ;
return includingDefaultValueFields . contains ( field ) ;
throw new AssertionError ( "Unknown shouldPrintDefaults: " + shouldPrintDefaults ) ;
/** Prints a regular message with an optional type URL. */
private void print ( MessageOrBuilder message , @Nullable String typeUrl ) throws IOException {
generator . print ( "{" + blankOrNewLine ) ;
@ -975,31 +1019,23 @@ public class JsonFormat {
generator . print ( "\"@type\":" + blankOrSpace + gson . toJson ( typeUrl ) ) ;
printedField = true ;
Map < FieldDescriptor , Object > fieldsToPrint = null ;
if ( alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields | | ! includingDefaultValueFields . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// message.getAllFields() will already contain all of the fields that would be
// printed normally (non-empty repeated fields, with-presence fields that are set, implicit
// presence fields that have a nonzero value). Loop over all of the fields to add any more
// fields that should be printed based on the shouldPrintDefaults setting.
Map < FieldDescriptor , Object > fieldsToPrint ;
if ( shouldPrintDefaults = = ShouldPrintDefaults . ONLY_IF_PRESENT ) {
fieldsToPrint = message . getAllFields ( ) ;
} else {
fieldsToPrint = new TreeMap < FieldDescriptor , Object > ( message . getAllFields ( ) ) ;
for ( FieldDescriptor field : message . getDescriptorForType ( ) . getFields ( ) ) {
if ( field . isOptional ( ) ) {
if ( field . getJavaType ( ) = = FieldDescriptor . JavaType . MESSAGE
& & ! message . hasField ( field ) ) {
// Always skip empty optional message fields. If not we will recurse indefinitely if
// a message has itself as a sub-field.
continue ;
OneofDescriptor oneof = field . getContainingOneof ( ) ;
if ( oneof ! = null & & ! message . hasField ( field ) ) {
// Skip all oneof fields except the one that is actually set
continue ;
if ( ! fieldsToPrint . containsKey ( field )
& & ( alwaysOutputDefaultValueFields | | includingDefaultValueFields . contains ( field ) ) ) {
if ( shouldSpeciallyPrint ( field ) ) {
fieldsToPrint . put ( field , message . getField ( field ) ) ;
} else {
fieldsToPrint = message . getAllFields ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < FieldDescriptor , Object > field : fieldsToPrint . entrySet ( ) ) {
if ( printedField ) {
// Add line-endings for the previous field.