x86 JIT: now works without -NDNDEBUG (also small perf increase).

Joshua Haberman 14 years ago
parent 64e199d18b
commit 56f7a345d7
  1. 3
  2. 64

@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ ifeq (, $(findstring -O, $(USER_CFLAGS)))
ifneq (, $(findstring DUPB_USE_JIT_X64, $(USER_CFLAGS)))
ifeq (, $(findstring DNDEBUG, $(USER_CFLAGS)))
$(error "JIT only works with -DNDEBUG enabled!")

@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
|.globals UPB_JIT_GLOBAL_
|.globalnames upb_jit_globalnames
|// Calling conventions.
|// Calling conventions. Note -- this will need to be changed for
|// Windows, which uses a different calling convention!
|.define ARG1_64, rdi
|.define ARG2_8, sil
|.define ARG2_32, esi
@ -116,6 +117,8 @@ void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
|.define ARG3_8, dl
|.define ARG3_32, edx
|.define ARG3_64, rdx
|.define ARG4_64, rcx
|.define ARG5_32, r8d
|// Register allocation / type map.
|// ALL of the code in this file uses these register allocations.
@ -208,15 +211,13 @@ void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
|// Push a stack frame (not the CPU stack, the upb_decoder stack).
|.macro pushframe, f, closure_, end_offset_, is_sequence_
|.macro pushframe, f, end_offset_, is_sequence_
| lea rax, [FRAME + sizeof(upb_dispatcher_frame)] // rax for shorter addressing.
| cmp rax, qword DECODER->dispatcher.limit
| jae ->exit_jit // Frame stack overflow.
| mov qword FRAME:rax->f, f
| mov qword FRAME:rax->closure, closure_
| mov dword FRAME:rax->end_ofs, end_offset_
| mov byte FRAME:rax->is_sequence, is_sequence_
| mov CLOSURE, rdx
| mov DECODER->dispatcher.top, rax
| mov FRAME, rax
@ -275,6 +276,11 @@ void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
|// TODO: optimize for 0 (xor) and 32-bits.
|.macro loadfval, f
||#ifndef NDEBUG
||// Since upb_value carries type information in debug mode
||// only, we need to pass the arguments slightly differently.
| mov ARG3_32, f->fval.type
|| if (f->fval.val.uint64 == 0) {
| xor ARG2_32, ARG2_32
|| } else if (f->fval.val.uint64 < 0xffffffff) {
@ -424,31 +430,27 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_doappend(upb_decoder *d, uint8_t size,
static void upb_decoder_jit_callcb(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
const upb_fielddef *fd = upb_value_getfielddef(f->fval);
// Call callbacks.
if (upb_issubmsgtype(f->type)) {
// Load closure and fval into arg registers.
| mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
| loadfval f
// Call startsubmsg handler (if any).
if (f->startsubmsg) {
// upb_sflow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval)
| mov r12d, ARG3_32
| callp f->startsubmsg
} else {
| mov rdx, CLOSURE
| mov r12d, ARG3_32
if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
| mov rsi, PTR
| sub rsi, DECODER->buf
| add esi, r12d // = (d->ptr - d->buf) + delim_len
| add esi, ARG3_32 // = (d->ptr - d->buf) + delim_len
} else {
assert(f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
| pushframe f, rdx, esi, false
| pushframe f, esi, false
// Call startsubmsg handler (if any).
if (f->startsubmsg) {
// upb_sflow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval)
| mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
| loadfval f
| callp f->startsubmsg
| mov CLOSURE, rdx
| mov qword FRAME->closure, CLOSURE
const upb_mhandlers *sub_m = upb_fhandlers_getsubmsg(f);
if (sub_m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel != UPB_MULTIPLE) {
@ -458,7 +460,6 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_callcb(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
| popframe upb_fhandlers_getmsg(f)
// Call endsubmsg handler (if any).
if (f->endsubmsg) {
@ -467,6 +468,8 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_callcb(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
| loadfval f
| callp f->endsubmsg
| popframe upb_fhandlers_getmsg(f)
} else {
| mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
// Test for callbacks we can specialize.
@ -475,12 +478,15 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_callcb(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setuint64 ||
f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setptr ||
f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setdouble) {
const upb_fielddef *fd = upb_value_getfielddef(f->fval);
| mov [ARG1_64 + fd->offset], ARG3_64
} else if (f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setint32 ||
f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setuint32 ||
f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setfloat) {
const upb_fielddef *fd = upb_value_getfielddef(f->fval);
| mov [ARG1_64 + fd->offset], ARG3_32
} else if (f->value == &upb_stdmsg_setbool) {
const upb_fielddef *fd = upb_value_getfielddef(f->fval);
| mov [ARG1_64 + fd->offset], ARG3_8
#if 0
// These appear not to speed things up, but keeping around for
@ -499,6 +505,12 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_callcb(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
} else {
// Load closure and fval into arg registers.
||#ifndef NDEBUG
||// Since upb_value carries type information in debug mode
||// only, we need to pass the arguments slightly differently.
| mov ARG4_64, ARG3_64
| mov ARG5_32, upb_types[f->type].inmemory_type
| loadfval f
| callp f->value
@ -519,15 +531,15 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_field(upb_decoder *d, uint32_t tag, uint32_t next_ta
| jne ->exit_jit // In the future: could be an unknown field or packed.
if (f->repeated) {
| mov esi, FRAME->end_ofs
| pushframe f, esi, true
if (f->startseq) {
| mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
| loadfval f
| callp f->startseq
} else {
| mov rdx, CLOSURE
| mov CLOSURE, rdx
| mov esi, FRAME->end_ofs
| pushframe f, rdx, esi, true
| mov qword FRAME->closure, CLOSURE
|1: // Label for repeating this field.
@ -541,12 +553,12 @@ static void upb_decoder_jit_field(upb_decoder *d, uint32_t tag, uint32_t next_ta
if (f->repeated) {
| checktag tag
| je <1
| popframe m
if (f->endseq) {
| mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
| loadfval f
| callp f->endseq
| popframe m
if (next_tag != 0) {
| checktag next_tag
