@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ package com.google.protobuf;
import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat ;
import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertWithMessage ;
import static com.google.common.truth.TruthJUnit.assume ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows ;
import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.OutOfSpaceException ;
import protobuf_unittest.UnittestProto.SparseEnumMessage ;
@ -18,19 +20,30 @@ import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.List ;
import org.junit.Test ;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith ;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 ;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized ;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters ;
/** Unit test for {@link CodedOutputStream}. */
@RunWith ( JUnit4 . class )
@RunWith ( Parameterized . class )
public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
@Parameters ( name = "OutputType={0}" )
public static List < OutputType > data ( ) {
return Arrays . asList ( OutputType . values ( ) ) ;
private final OutputType outputType ;
public CodedOutputStreamTest ( OutputType outputType ) {
this . outputType = outputType ;
private interface Coder {
CodedOutputStream stream ( ) ;
byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) ;
OutputType getOutputType ( ) ;
private static final class OutputStreamCoder implements Coder {
@ -51,11 +64,6 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) {
return output . toByteArray ( ) ;
public OutputType getOutputType ( ) {
return OutputType . STREAM ;
private static final class ArrayCoder implements Coder {
@ -76,11 +84,6 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public byte [ ] toByteArray ( ) {
return Arrays . copyOf ( bytes , stream . getTotalBytesWritten ( ) ) ;
public OutputType getOutputType ( ) {
return OutputType . ARRAY ;
private static final class NioHeapCoder implements Coder {
@ -114,25 +117,18 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
dup . get ( bytes ) ;
return bytes ;
public OutputType getOutputType ( ) {
return OutputType . NIO_HEAP ;
private static final class NioDirectCoder implements Coder {
private final int initialPosition ;
private final CodedOutputStream stream ;
private final ByteBuffer buffer ;
private final boolean unsafe ;
NioDirectCoder ( int size , boolean unsafe ) {
this ( size , 0 , unsafe ) ;
NioDirectCoder ( int size , int initialPosition , boolean unsafe ) {
this . unsafe = unsafe ;
this . initialPosition = initialPosition ;
buffer = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( size ) ;
buffer . position ( initialPosition ) ;
@ -157,11 +153,6 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
dup . get ( bytes ) ;
return bytes ;
public OutputType getOutputType ( ) {
return unsafe ? OutputType . NIO_DIRECT_SAFE : OutputType . NIO_DIRECT_UNSAFE ;
private enum OutputType {
@ -177,16 +168,37 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
return new NioHeapCoder ( size ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
int offset = 2 ;
return new NioHeapCoder ( size + offset , /* initialPosition= */ offset ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
return new NioDirectCoder ( size , false ) ;
return new NioDirectCoder ( size , /* unsafe= */ false ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
int offset = 2 ;
return new NioDirectCoder ( size + offset , offset , /* unsafe= */ false ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
return new NioDirectCoder ( size , true ) ;
return new NioDirectCoder ( size , /* unsafe= */ true ) ;
} ,
Coder newCoder ( int size ) {
int offset = 2 ;
return new NioDirectCoder ( size + offset , offset , /* unsafe= */ true ) ;
} ,
STREAM ( ) {
@ -202,15 +214,13 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
/** Checks that invariants are maintained for varint round trip input and output. */
public void testVarintRoundTrips ( ) throws Exception {
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
assertVarintRoundTrip ( outputType , 0L ) ;
for ( int bits = 0 ; bits < 64 ; bits + + ) {
long value = 1L < < bits ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( outputType , value ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( outputType , value + 1 ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( outputType , value - 1 ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( outputType , - value ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( 0L ) ;
for ( int bits = 0 ; bits < 64 ; bits + + ) {
long value = 1L < < bits ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( value ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( value + 1 ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( value - 1 ) ;
assertVarintRoundTrip ( - value ) ;
@ -273,6 +283,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
/** Test encodeZigZag32() and encodeZigZag64(). */
public void testEncodeZigZag ( ) throws Exception {
// We only need to run this test once, they don't depend on outputType.
// Arbitrarily run them just for ARRAY.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . ARRAY ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . encodeZigZag32 ( 0 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 0 ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . encodeZigZag32 ( - 1 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 1 ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . encodeZigZag32 ( 1 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 2 ) ;
@ -326,6 +340,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void computeIntSize ( ) {
// We only need to run this test once, they don't depend on outputType.
// Arbitrarily run them just for ARRAY.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . ARRAY ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( 0 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 1 ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( 0 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 1 ) ;
int i ;
@ -378,6 +396,10 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void computeTagSize ( ) {
// We only need to run this test once, they don't depend on outputType.
// Arbitrarily run them just for ARRAY.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . ARRAY ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeTagSize ( 0 ) ) . isEqualTo ( 1 ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
@ -408,20 +430,20 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
SparseEnumMessage message =
SparseEnumMessage . newBuilder ( ) . setSparseEnum ( TestSparseEnum . SPARSE_E ) . build ( ) ;
assertThat ( message . getSparseEnum ( ) . getNumber ( ) ) . isLessThan ( 0 ) ;
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( message . getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
message . writeTo ( coder . stream ( ) ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
byte [ ] rawBytes = coder . toByteArray ( ) ;
SparseEnumMessage message2 = SparseEnumMessage . parseFrom ( rawBytes ) ;
assertThat ( message2 . getSparseEnum ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( TestSparseEnum . SPARSE_E ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( message . getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
message . writeTo ( coder . stream ( ) ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
byte [ ] rawBytes = coder . toByteArray ( ) ;
SparseEnumMessage message2 = SparseEnumMessage . parseFrom ( rawBytes ) ;
assertThat ( message2 . getSparseEnum ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( TestSparseEnum . SPARSE_E ) ;
/** Test getTotalBytesWritten() */
public void testGetTotalBytesWritten ( ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = OutputType . STREAM . newCoder ( 4 * 1024 ) ;
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 4 * 1024 ) ;
// Write some some bytes (more than the buffer can hold) and verify that totalWritten
// is correct.
@ -463,15 +485,15 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
. isEqualTo ( 2 ) ;
assertThat ( bufferSize ) . isEqualTo ( string . length ( ) * Utf8 . MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR ) ;
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( bufferSize + 2 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( string ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( bufferSize + 2 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( string ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
public void testWriteToByteBuffer ( ) throws Exception {
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . NIO_HEAP ) ;
final int bufferSize = 16 * 1024 ;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer . allocate ( bufferSize ) ;
CodedOutputStream codedStream = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( buffer ) ;
@ -507,8 +529,8 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void testWriteByteBuffer ( ) throws Exception {
byte [ ] value = "abcde" . getBytes ( Internal . UTF_8 ) ;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
CodedOutputStream codedStream = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( outputStream ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 100 ) ;
CodedOutputStream codedStream = coder . stream ( ) ;
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer . wrap ( value , 0 , 1 ) ;
// This will actually write 5 bytes into the CodedOutputStream as the
// ByteBuffer's capacity() is 5.
@ -521,7 +543,7 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
codedStream . writeRawBytes ( ByteBuffer . wrap ( value , 2 , 1 ) . slice ( ) ) ;
codedStream . flush ( ) ;
byte [ ] result = outputStream . toByteArray ( ) ;
byte [ ] result = coder . toByteArray ( ) ;
assertThat ( result ) . hasLength ( 6 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + ) {
assertThat ( value [ i ] ) . isEqualTo ( result [ i ] ) ;
@ -531,13 +553,13 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
public void testWriteByteArrayWithOffsets ( ) throws Exception {
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isEqualTo ( OutputType . ARRAY ) ;
byte [ ] fullArray = bytes ( 0x11 , 0x22 , 0x33 , 0x44 , 0x55 , 0x66 , 0x77 , 0x88 ) ;
for ( OutputType type : new OutputType [ ] { OutputType . ARRAY } ) {
Coder coder = type . newCoder ( 4 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeByteArrayNoTag ( fullArray , 2 , 2 ) ;
assertWithMessage ( type . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( bytes ( 0x02 , 0x33 , 0x44 ) ) ;
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . getTotalBytesWritten ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( 3 ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 4 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeByteArrayNoTag ( fullArray , 2 , 2 ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( bytes ( 0x02 , 0x33 , 0x44 ) ) ;
assertThat ( coder . stream ( ) . getTotalBytesWritten ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( 3 ) ;
@ -553,16 +575,14 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
final byte [ ] expectedBytes = expectedBytesStream . toByteArray ( ) ;
// For each output type, write the source string 2 bytes at a time and verify the output.
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( expectedBytes . length ) ;
for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < source . length ( ) ; pos + = 2 ) {
String substr = source . substring ( pos , pos + 2 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( substr ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( expectedBytes ) ;
// Write the source string 2 bytes at a time and verify the output.
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( expectedBytes . length ) ;
for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < source . length ( ) ; pos + = 2 ) {
String substr = source . substring ( pos , pos + 2 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( substr ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( expectedBytes ) ;
@ -576,16 +596,11 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
newString ( Character . MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE , Character . MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE )
} ;
CodedOutputStream outputWithStream = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ) ;
CodedOutputStream outputWithArray = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( new byte [ 10000 ] ) ;
CodedOutputStream outputWithByteBuffer =
CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( ByteBuffer . allocate ( 10000 ) ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10000 ) ;
for ( String s : invalidStrings ) {
// TODO: These should all fail; instead they are corrupting data.
CodedOutputStream . computeStringSizeNoTag ( s ) ;
outputWithStream . writeStringNoTag ( s ) ;
outputWithArray . writeStringNoTag ( s ) ;
outputWithByteBuffer . writeStringNoTag ( s ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( s ) ;
@ -593,20 +608,16 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
// encoding invalid UTF-8 strings.
public void testSerializeInvalidUtf8FollowedByOutOfSpace ( ) throws Exception {
// Streaming's buffering masks out of space errors.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
final int notEnoughBytes = 4 ;
CodedOutputStream outputWithArray = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( new byte [ notEnoughBytes ] ) ;
CodedOutputStream outputWithByteBuffer =
CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( ByteBuffer . allocate ( notEnoughBytes ) ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( notEnoughBytes ) ;
String invalidString = newString ( Character . MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE , 'f' , 'o' , 'o' , 'b' , 'a' , 'r' ) ;
try {
outputWithArray . writeStringNoTag ( invalidString ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "Expected OutOfSpaceException" ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( OutOfSpaceException e ) {
assertThat ( e ) . hasCauseThat ( ) . isInstanceOf ( IndexOutOfBoundsException . class ) ;
try {
outputWithByteBuffer . writeStringNoTag ( invalidString ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( invalidString ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "Expected OutOfSpaceException" ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( OutOfSpaceException e ) {
assertThat ( e ) . hasCauseThat ( ) . isInstanceOf ( IndexOutOfBoundsException . class ) ;
@ -620,23 +631,16 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( testCase . length ( ) ) )
. isEqualTo ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( testCase . length ( ) * 3 ) ) ;
assertThat ( CodedOutputStream . computeStringSize ( 1 , testCase ) ) . isEqualTo ( 11 ) ;
// Tag is one byte, varint describing string length is 1 byte, string length is 9 bytes.
// An array of size 1 will cause a failure when trying to write the varint.
for ( OutputType outputType :
new OutputType [ ] {
OutputType . ARRAY ,
OutputType . NIO_HEAP ,
OutputType . NIO_DIRECT_SAFE ,
} ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
try {
coder . stream ( ) . writeString ( 1 , testCase ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "Should have thrown an out of space exception" ) . fail ( ) ;
} catch ( CodedOutputStream . OutOfSpaceException expected ) {
// Stream's buffering means we don't throw.
assume ( ) . that ( outputType ) . isNotEqualTo ( OutputType . STREAM ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i + + ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( i ) ;
assertThrows ( OutOfSpaceException . class , ( ) - > coder . stream ( ) . writeString ( 1 , testCase ) ) ;
@ -657,49 +661,41 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
( 1 < < 17 ) - 1 ,
// 3 bytes for ASCII and Unicode
} ;
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
for ( int i : lengths ) {
testEncodingOfString ( outputType , 'q' , i ) ; // 1 byte per char
testEncodingOfString ( outputType , '\u07FF' , i ) ; // 2 bytes per char
testEncodingOfString ( outputType , '\u0981' , i ) ; // 3 bytes per char
for ( int i : lengths ) {
testEncodingOfString ( 'q' , i ) ; // 1 byte per char
testEncodingOfString ( '\u07FF' , i ) ; // 2 bytes per char
testEncodingOfString ( '\u0981' , i ) ; // 3 bytes per char
public void testNioEncodersWithInitialOffsets ( ) throws Exception {
String value = "abc" ;
for ( Coder coder :
new Coder [ ] {
new NioHeapCoder ( 10 , 2 ) , new NioDirectCoder ( 10 , 2 , false ) , new NioDirectCoder ( 10 , 2 , true )
} ) {
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( coder . getOutputType ( ) . name ( ) )
. that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( new byte [ ] { 3 , 'a' , 'b' , 'c' } ) ;
public void testWriteSmallString ( ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeStringNoTag ( "abc" ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( new byte [ ] { 3 , 'a' , 'b' , 'c' } ) ;
/ * *
* Parses the given bytes using writeRawLittleEndian32 ( ) and checks that the result matches the
* given value .
* /
private static void assertWriteLittleEndian32 ( byte [ ] data , int value ) throws Exception {
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
private void assertWriteLittleEndian32 ( byte [ ] data , int value ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( output Type . name ( ) ) . t hat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// Try different block sizes.
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
OutputType outputType = OutputType . STREAM ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed32NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
@ -707,21 +703,22 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
* Parses the given bytes using writeRawLittleEndian64 ( ) and checks that the result matches the
* given value .
* /
private static void assertWriteLittleEndian64 ( byte [ ] data , long value ) throws Exception {
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
private void assertWriteLittleEndian64 ( byte [ ] data , long value ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( data . length ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( output Type . name ( ) ) . t hat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// Try different block sizes.
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
OutputType outputType = OutputType . STREAM ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeFixed64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
@ -729,15 +726,13 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
return new String ( chars ) ;
private static void testEncodingOfString ( OutputType outputType , char c , int length )
throws Exception {
private void testEncodingOfString ( char c , int length ) throws Exception {
String fullString = fullString ( c , length ) ;
TestAllTypes testAllTypes = TestAllTypes . newBuilder ( ) . setOptionalString ( fullString ) . build ( ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( testAllTypes . getSerializedSize ( ) ) ;
testAllTypes . writeTo ( coder . stream ( ) ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( "OutputType: " + outputType )
. that ( fullString )
assertThat ( fullString )
. isEqualTo ( TestAllTypes . parseFrom ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . getOptionalString ( ) ) ;
@ -764,68 +759,64 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
* result matches the given bytes .
* /
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnnecessaryLongToIntConversion" ) // Intentionally tests 32-bit int values.
private static void assertWriteVarint ( byte [ ] data , long value ) throws Exception {
for ( OutputType outputType : OutputType . values ( ) ) {
// Only test 32-bit write if the value fits into an int.
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// Also try computing size.
assertThat ( data ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( ( int ) value ) ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
private void assertWriteVarint ( byte [ ] data , long value ) throws Exception {
// Only test 32-bit write if the value fits into an int.
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// Also try computing size.
assertThat ( data ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( value ) ) ;
// Also try computing size.
assertThat ( data ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( ( int ) value ) ) ;
// Try different block sizes.
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
// Only test 32-bit write if the value fits into an int.
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
OutputType outputType = OutputType . STREAM ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
ByteArrayOutputStream rawOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
CodedOutputStream output = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( rawOutput , blockSize ) ;
output . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
output . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( rawOutput . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
// Also try computing size.
assertThat ( data ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( value ) ) ;
// If streaming, try different block sizes.
if ( outputType = = OutputType . STREAM ) {
for ( int blockSize = 1 ; blockSize < = 16 ; blockSize * = 2 ) {
// Only test 32-bit write if the value fits into an int.
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
ByteArrayOutputStream rawOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
CodedOutputStream output = CodedOutputStream . newInstance ( rawOutput , blockSize ) ;
output . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
output . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( rawOutput . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
OutputType outputType = OutputType . STREAM ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) ) . that ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( blockSize ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( valu e ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
assertThat ( coder . toByteArray ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( data ) ;
private static void assertVarintRoundTrip ( OutputType outputType , long value ) throws Exception {
private void assertVarintRoundTrip ( long value ) throws Exception {
Coder coder = outputType . newCoder ( 10 ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt64NoTag ( value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = coder . toByteArray ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) )
. that ( bytes )
. hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( value ) ) ;
assertThat ( bytes ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt64SizeNoTag ( value ) ) ;
CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( bytes ) ) ;
assertWithMessage ( output Type . name ( ) ) . t hat ( input . readRawVarint64 ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( value ) ;
assertThat ( input . readRawVarint64 ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( value ) ;
if ( value = = ( int ) value ) {
@ -833,11 +824,9 @@ public class CodedOutputStreamTest {
coder . stream ( ) . writeUInt32NoTag ( ( int ) value ) ;
coder . stream ( ) . flush ( ) ;
byte [ ] bytes = coder . toByteArray ( ) ;
assertWithMessage ( outputType . name ( ) )
. that ( bytes )
. hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( ( int ) value ) ) ;
assertThat ( bytes ) . hasLength ( CodedOutputStream . computeUInt32SizeNoTag ( ( int ) value ) ) ;
CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream . newInstance ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( bytes ) ) ;
assertWithMessage ( output Type . name ( ) ) . t hat ( input . readRawVarint32 ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( value ) ;
assertThat ( input . readRawVarint32 ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( value ) ;